/Gems/ - gemmy cobsons and shieeet

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thumbnail of jak.png
thumbnail of jak.png
jak png
(274.14 KB, 628x583)
> scar is no longer a janny, fuck the shemmy and fuck the nusoicacapedo site, i liked scar but what i dident realize is that scar dident care about soyjakking, he wants to make a /b/ like board from his nusoicacapedo site splinter, constant NAS and piss babies has lead me away from the shemmy and nusoicacapedo site. this board is now more meant for old school jakkers who just want to jak, no tranime nor NAS. keyed soyjaks, keyed soyjaks in every thread.

thumbnail of pepe.jpg
thumbnail of pepe.jpg
pepe jpg
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thumbnail of fact.png
thumbnail of fact.png
fact png
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thumbnail of crying mega retarded jack.png
thumbnail of crying mega retarded jack.png
crying mega... png
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thumbnail of 111B3AEE-DADC-4BC8-B9CC-423DB295401C.png
111B3AEE-DAD... png
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1708122465148367 png
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thumbnail of endchan dump redpills.jpg
thumbnail of endchan dump redpills.jpg
endchan dump redpills jpg
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thumbnail of Cobgang Won racerneem lost tnd won.mp4
thumbnail of Cobgang Won racerneem lost tnd won.mp4
Cobgang Won racerneem... mp4
(5.02 MB, 640x360 h264)

thumbnail of cobson465.png
thumbnail of cobson465.png
cobson465 png
(294.47 KB, 1074x950)

thumbnail of 57547 - SoyBooru.png
thumbnail of 57547 - SoyBooru.png
57547 -... png
(296.92 KB, 680x1124)

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