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> 蛙蛙
中文正確該怎麼表達 二次原圖片角色扮演?
> 卯卯
不過這個連結看起來就有夠可疑 不知道能不能找到人www
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> 中文正確該怎麼表達 二次元圖片角色扮演?
> 掛圖的英文
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> 蛙蛙
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> 掛圖這個行為應該不是只有台灣會出現吧?
"anime roleplay"
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These example remind us that all the words are tyrannical,  and what so called "synonyms" or exact equivalents are difficult.
BTW,you appear to be a native speaker.Then, what do you call this form of interaction in your language?
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It kind of depends on the format, and what people are doing with it.  But usually this kind of thing is revered to on image boards as "avatar-fag" or "circle-jerk".
You're all avatar fags.
Don't try to translate those, it won't be pretty.  The terms used are almost always derogatory.  The practice is sometimes looked down upon.

But avatar, because that's what you're using the image for, right?  To be your avatar, to convey a feeling, or message.

But, I like seeing you guys here, it's cool.  It's definitely not something unique to your Taiwan image board, it's something I see everywhere.

I really like what Google translate translates some of this to.
For instance:  「掛圖」I believe is supposed to be image board?
But Google translates it to wall chart.  Suppose that's not too far off.

I'm sorry if I'm overwhelming you with too much, I've been observing you all for the past week or so, with much amusement.
May I ask you a few things?
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Thank you so much for your replies, I learnt a great deal from it.
It's absolutely fine. This amount of information would not exceed the upper limit of my cognitive load.

That's exactly it. All we've done is just like the use of emojis but here using ACG images to convey others with our emotion or what we think. (But not everyone follows the rule.)
Google translate sometimes can't operate things too specific or because the vocabularies stem from urban dictionary.

As far as I can see, "fag" means "someone might be boring but still trying to do" , which is partly the synonym as 「廚」 originated from Japan. Not coincidence, we are usually called as 「掛圖廚」 in our former anonymous image board. LOL.

Sure. I'd try my best to answer it. Here we gooooooooo!
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Google translate can't translate idioms, expressions, or slang very well.  Especially if that slang is internal to a small community, like this.

> As far as I can see, "fag" means "someone might be boring but still trying to do" 
No, it's a shortening of "faggot".  Just a derogatory term that people on the English speaking internet use a lot.
Confusing to explain.  A lot of nuance is involved.

How did you guys find EndChan?
What happened on Komica that made you come here?
And why three boards now?  All three are somewhat active, I assume each one is for something different.
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> How did you guys find EndChan?
Probably had to ask HappyNeet#8851 about it via Discord.

> What happened on Komica that made you come here?
Child porn advertisers attacked, causing the current server operator not to continue leasing to the existing domain

> All three are somewhat active, I assume each one is for something different.

Are you saying that Komica only has three boards? Not quite sure what you mean

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> How did you guys find EndChan?
Sorry! This question is what I'm also wondering. You might need to ask the board administrator in 「別墅」.

> What happened on Komica that made you come here?
> And why three boards now? All three are somewhat active, I assume each one is for something different.
At first, as you've already known, here were two such image boards for avatar fags. But now it turned out to be adding one more as totally three such boards. 

The creation of the former two is more for private group usage. The later is due to the closure of our original board. We have no chice.

According the founder of komica said, it is suspected that someone posted child pornography on the boards in komica, and then instantly reported it to the host business owner. In the end,「掛圖」was shut down. That's why we're here now.
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> ask HappyNeet via Discord
Next time he's online then.

> current server operator not to continue leasing the domain
A classic fate of image boards.

> Are you saying that Komica only has three boards?
No, I'm saying that I saw there are three boards on EndChan that you all use, that all lead back to whatever community you had on Komica.  I am curious as to why you all are spread over three different boards here.
Something that was just answered, it seems.

> 「別墅」
What does this word mean?  "Villa"?  As in a house?

So Xiomicha and Amyamy are just the same as here, but for different groups?
The pattern seems to be that they're named after whomever owns them, yes?

I see!  Very interesting.  Not very different from how I myself, and my group came here.
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> 「別墅」
I don't quite understand where this place is either

> So Xiomicha and Amyamy are just the same as here, but for different groups?

Maybe we should ask other people who have been here longer
I'm not quite sure why
But I just found out that /amyamy/ and /xiaomicha/ exist too.

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Well I'm glad I'm not the only one as lost.
I've known about /amyamy/ since about the time I started using endchan.
But only recently did I notice /xiaomicha/.

What interesting things come to this tiny corner of the internet!
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> What does this word mean? "Villa"? As in a house?
"a house, usually in the countryside or near the sea, especially in southern Europe, and often one that people can rent for a holiday."(From Cambridge Dictionary)
I'd remind you that the「別墅」is what you called amyamy.

> So Xiomicha and Amyamy are just the same as here, but for different groups?
Even though it seems like they're different groups but in fact they're overlap each other to some extent.

> The pattern seems to be that they're named after whomever owns them, yes?
Yes! Correct!

Have a nice trip. 
Wanderer and  Observer.
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> I'd remind you that the「別墅」is what you called amyamy.
So then amyamy is referred to as a villa.  A countryside getaway while the other place is on fire.

> they overlap each other
I noticed!

> have a nice trip
Thank you!  It has been quite the pleasure.
Hope to see you again!
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Just looked at it
It's a refuge for different periods of time
It's a temporary gathering place for people in different periods when the "Hanging Map" is inaccessible by accident.

But the people who use it are mostly overlapping population
/amyamy/ seems to have existed since 2014
/xiaomicha/ It appeared only after an accident in 2020.

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As a matter of fact, there's one more image board where users all came from komica. (Not three but sum up to four.)
Prepare to search for it, traveler.

「掛圖」 renovation completed.
It's time to say goodbye. Adios~

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