/Hisrol/ - Hispa rol

Donde lo que importa, es que te diviertas roleando

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thumbnail of End-clapboard.jpg
thumbnail of End-clapboard.jpg
End-clapboard jpg
(39.69 KB, 450x450)
thumbnail of Drive.jpg
thumbnail of Drive.jpg
Drive jpg
(61.08 KB, 400x600)
Hola, Rollers!
I want to invite you guys for our monthly movie "night" on our cytube channel.
We are going to watch Drive.
When? April 3rd, 9:00 and 20:00 UTC. (I think you guys are spread to many time zones, so I'm not sure which one to give, so I only write UTC)
Where? Here: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner

Also here's the full movie thread:  >>/operate/10923/

Come join us, watch the movie, and participate in the banter.

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New Reply on thread #9692
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