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/Miscellany/ - Miscellany

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  1. Array ( [_id] => 5f94b167a4b1658b7d74ee98 [user] => ecco [type] => deletion [time] => 2020-10-24T22:57:43.634Z [boardUri] => Miscellany [description] => User ecco deleted the following threads: 7 from board /Miscellany/. [global] => 1 [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion *Global*


    Board: Miscellany

    Time: 10/24/2020 (Sat) 22:57:43

    User ecco deleted the following threads: 7 from board /Miscellany/.

  2. Array ( [_id] => 5f94b16da4b1658b7d74ee99 [user] => ecco [global] => 1 [description] => User ecco closed a global report for thread 7 on board /Miscellany/ with the reason "extra thread" [time] => 2020-10-24T22:57:43.534Z [boardUri] => Miscellany [type] => reportClosure [cache] =>

    Type: Report closures *Global*


    Board: Miscellany

    Time: 10/24/2020 (Sat) 22:57:43

    User ecco closed a global report for thread 7 on board /Miscellany/ with the reason "extra thread"


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