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thumbnail of oregon-washington-by-counties-new.png
thumbnail of oregon-washington-by-counties-new.png
oregon-washington-b... png
(1.91 MB, 1500x1633)
STOP the burning NOW
NW anons, it's time to take back our cities, counties and states.

Our local gov'ts are supposed to focus on the rights of citizen at the state level and below.
--But the DS has been infiltrating local govt's to promote a globalist agenda for decades - --
pushing globalist governors, mayors, city councils, DA's and other local officials.

What's happening right now in cities like Seattle and Portland 
--reveals the next phase of the plan to implement globalist plans at a local level.--
It's a pincer op: combines top-down strategies (UN Agenda 21/2020) with bottom-up activities by (fake) grassroots orgs entirely controlled by higher-ups.

TIME to REVEAL the groups & individuals trying to destroy our liberty from the ground-up.

Information Warfare at its finest!!

--* BLM, Antifa, leaders/backers--
--* Seattle, Portland, Spokane political machines--
--* corrupt govs, mayors, DAs, city councils--
--* anti-law & order push (police, prisons, etc.)--
--* climate change agenda push--
--* killing freedom via repressive zoning--
--* subverting K-12 & higher education--
--* draconian edicts/policies (CV-19, etc.)--
--* 2020 election, mail-in voting fraud--
--* trafficking re ports, I-5 corridor--
--* Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation--
--* Int'l connections: UN Agenda 21/2030, C40 Cities, Soros' OSF--


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