002 Videos and Documentaries Anonymous 8/19/2016 03:23:00 No. 8 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Translate Thread To Eng Translate Thread... Hide Thread Translate To Eng Translate... Hide Post Videos and documentaries
Anonymous 8/19/2016 04:13:00 No. 9 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate To Eng Translate... Hide Post Damn it endchan, let me post
Anonymous 8/19/2016 04:15:00 No. 10 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate To Eng Translate... Hide Post splash city jpg (68.46 KB, 575x774) Banshee_rule34 jpg (472.68 KB, 807x887) >>/9/ MP4s are almost impossible to post, it's why /xxx/ died because me and another anon couldn't post our stuff.
Anonymous 8/19/2016 04:17:00 No. 11 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate To Eng Translate... Hide Post I'm having the same problem with large webms. Setting this up seemed like a good idea at first but if I can't upload videos then it's kind of pointless.
Anonymous 8/19/2016 04:24:00 No. 12 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate To Eng Translate... Hide Post attack on aeiou mp4 (7.88 MB, 640x360 h264) >>/10/ Well I'll be my 100mb webm is not uploading AT ALL. So now large webms and large MP4s can't be posted.