A place to post dank vaporwave songs and memes. Porn is allowed as long as you put greek busts over the people contained within.

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  Loli is this where
I thought this board was dead but there has been some activity and that is good. Yay. I made this dank VAPORWAVE porn for you guys (basically I GIMPed a roman bust onto some existing porn of an obese Quetzocoatl). If any of you guys wanna post some VAPORWAVE porn or improve upon my edit, feel free. Also, a quick question. Do any of you guys know of any game that evoke a hypnagogic feeling similar to that of vaporwave? Thanks.
This looks like a nice new home for this. The last place deleted it, may we never speak of there again. 

This isn't strictly vaporwave, really more of a post-vaporwave derivative.. 

Blueswave? Animationwave? Everythingwave?

Vaporshit, that's what it is.

Vaporwave opened the door for this.

Productions by Masterchum
Can I post mp3s?
I'll start with the obvious one.

Lewd thread. As per the rules, Heads must be covered by Roman/Greek busts to make it VAPORWAVE lewd. If it is not VAPORWAVE lewd, you shall be banned.
Does anybody know how to make f u l l w i d t h  t e x t in CSS? I do not. If you help me I shall reward you with some tasty lewds with roman busts over the heads of the characters within.
Why does vaporwave appeal to you?
What do you guys think of EmotionalTokyo's TOKYO mix?

I challenge you all to find a better S I M P S O N W A V E video.
Meme like never before:

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