A place to post dank vaporwave songs and memes. Porn is allowed as long as you put greek busts over the people contained within.

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I thought this board was dead but there has been some activity and that is good. Yay. I made this dank VAPORWAVE porn for you guys (basically I GIMPed a roman bust onto some existing porn of an obese Quetzocoatl). If any of you guys wanna post some VAPORWAVE porn or improve upon my edit, feel free. Also, a quick question. Do any of you guys know of any game that evoke a hypnagogic feeling similar to that of vaporwave? Thanks.

thumbnail of 01 - Against Dangerous Things.flac
thumbnail of 01 - Against Dangerous Things.flac
01 -... flac
(20.67 MB, 0x0)
thumbnail of 02 - Thousands Of Snakes.flac
thumbnail of 02 - Thousands Of Snakes.flac
02 -... flac
(36.84 MB, 0x0)
thumbnail of 03 - Endless Summer.flac
thumbnail of 03 - Endless Summer.flac
03 -... flac
(49.14 MB, 0x0)
thumbnail of 04 - Jim Morrison Is Going To Touch You.flac
thumbnail of 04 - Jim Morrison Is Going To Touch You.flac
04 - Jim... flac
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thumbnail of 05 - Hey.flac
thumbnail of 05 - Hey.flac
05 - Hey flac
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This looks like a nice new home for this. The last place deleted it, may we never speak of there again. 

This isn't strictly vaporwave, really more of a post-vaporwave derivative.. 

Blueswave? Animationwave? Everythingwave?

Vaporshit, that's what it is.

Vaporwave opened the door for this.

Productions by Masterchum
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This is rather dank. Thank you for this contribution. Post-vaporwave sounds very interesting. I'll be keeping an eye out. Great cover, too. This seems very experimental and I like it. It manages to convey the dream-like retro feel of vaporwave while being its own thing. I've been away from this board a while and I thought it was dead but seeing this really makes me happy as people like you are making great contributions like these to the board.

thumbnail of death's dynamic shroud.wmv - 신세기 EVANGELIS - 06 UR Slave.mp3
thumbnail of death's dynamic shroud.wmv - 신세기 EVANGELIS - 06 UR Slave.mp3
death's... mp3
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thumbnail of drawfagsOriginalContent.png
thumbnail of drawfagsOriginalContent.png
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Does anybody know how to make f u l l w i d t h  t e x t in CSS? I do not. If you help me I shall reward you with some tasty lewds with roman busts over the heads of the characters within.
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Why is there so much T R U MP W A V E? I'm not complaining, obviously. Anyway, pretty dank track. It really evokes the feeling of an old animu OP or some shit.

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