/WhiteHatred/ - NatziHunter

Identify White Threats

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The Aryan Brotherhood when you call the cops you call us. They have judges on the payroll to avoid prococution.
They are using hand signs to indicate afiliations. Hands in pocket indicates royalty. Covering face indicates code of scilence. Pointing indicates follwing royalty. Toutching ears indicates knowledge of the system. Hands on hips indicates that they are maried to royalty.
Brainwashing and molesting children.
There is a guy working for google who is the one fucking with your internet.
I guess they decided to be evil.
Anthony Law group is hevily connected to them. A guy named Kenneth C Anthony Jr is in charge.
There is a group of "Royals" who cannot be arested operating out of green lake in seattle.
They are doing this for only the benefit of the super rich and must be stoped.

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