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thumbnail of The Q source (Q Anon) - Veridical (question). Or disinformative PsyOp (question). #1ab.jpg
thumbnail of The Q source (Q Anon) - Veridical (question). Or disinformative PsyOp (question). #1ab.jpg
The Q source (Q Anon)... jpg
(46.77 KB, 640x512)
Someone hacked the old Q trip-code and posted here using it:

Since the old Q trip-code has been hacked, we can see how easily it is to do and thus the new trip-code most likely has been hacked as well.

So much for the fake Q.

We have concrete evidence how easy it is to crack the Q trip-codes. No legit Q would be posting this long on the chans without being compromised again and again. And now the new Q claims to be MIL Intel. Do you really think MIL Intel would be posting state secrets or top secret info on a porn-filled chan board?

No way.
Think about it, anyone with MIL Intel status, posting such info on boards would be court-martialled.
In fact, nobody who has top-security clearance would be able to post such info on boards without getting in trouble. 

Only The Clowns In America could do this and get - away with it. No one else.

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