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AT&T’s ‘Internet Bill of Rights’ idea is just a power play against Google and Facebook

AT&T has placed a few full-page ads explaining that it is pro-net neutrality, it has always been pro-net neutrality and that Congress once and for all should enshrine net neutrality principles in law.

No, it’s not opposite day. This is a clever play by AT&T aimed not at protecting users, but kneecapping edge providers like Facebook and Google. It’s like the fox calling for a henhouse bill of rights.
Q, corsi, and team all advocate for the fake Q "internet bill of rights", being pushed by AT&T which does not protect user rights but only is a power play game among top internet providers.

Once again, Q retards have been fooled by the bullshitting Q-anon.  How stupid can you be?
They can fuck right off. We will go directly P2P and operating on the "dark web" (ie other decentralized alternatives) if that bullshit ever goes down. No one would put up with it. I am not taking any of my shit down and will share media and info one way or another whether they like it or not.

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