/abdl/ - Adult baby-Diaper Lover

Adult baby-Diaper Lover

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I take it that you tried posting this exact same thing on 8chan.moe /abdl/ and got the post/thread deleted? There's more anons there who might be interested in joining.

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thumbnail of 1641431302468685825_3.jpg
1641431302468685825_3 jpg
(1.45 MB, 3408x2556)
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_1708483718781 png
(2.25 MB, 1920x1440)
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thumbnail of GGYM01Na8AAGRCp.jpeg
GGYM01Na8AAGRCp jpeg
(468.26 KB, 2048x2048)
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(4.78 MB, 1920x1920)
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_1708482993721 png
(2.72 MB, 1920x1280)
> Find AI watermark remover site
> Does a decent job at removing obnoxious watermarks.

Doesn't do the best job at the real nasty watermarks combined with other shit but it does a great job at repeating watermarks that plaster most of the fucking images that almost all of the asian abdls have been doing recently.

thumbnail of sketch-1703052716026.png
thumbnail of sketch-1703052716026.png
sketch-1703... png
(1.19 MB, 1080x1620)
Hello there.

So long story short, back in somewhere before I had the idea to return to making hololive ABDL related artwork, I had the idea to release an anthology series, with a total of 5 stories, all of them being short.

I'm currently working on Volume 2 at the moment, but give it a read if you're intrested.

Link to series: https://www.pixiv.net/novel/series/11351381

thumbnail of before_おむつ_search.png
thumbnail of before_おむつ_search.png
before_お... png
(1.07 MB, 672x1372)
thumbnail of after_おむつ_search.png
thumbnail of after_おむつ_search.png
after_おむ�... png
(1.33 MB, 994x1306)
If you're annoyed by the deviantart tier shit that has been popping up lately on pixiv you can use ublock origin and custom filters to block it when browsing. Under "My filters" copy and paste the following:

!Block pixiv artist from web searches.
!www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/artist_ID_here"])
!Copy and Paste artist pixiv ID into artist_ID_here
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/98599217"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/58320557"])
!Wee Wizzy Lizzy
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/6942882"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/36286080"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/41699768"])
!Jay's Stash
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/44392089"])
!Lulu Diaper Art
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/2335227"])
!Li'l Kovu
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/27769347"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/78375834"])
!Sketch Man
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/12815863"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/46925474"])
!Cargo Weasel
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/11370301"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/28190131"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/28468460"])
!Eri Miyashita
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/87196391"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/82492419"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/61320269"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/94260153"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/29959947"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/87062574"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/13387532"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/50449346"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/2212848"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/94581138"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/42022234"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/41722153"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/43706790"])
www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/8233957"])
!www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/"])
!www.pixiv.net###root li:has([href="/en/users/"])
!End of pixiv filter list


Before and after pics just to show how much of a difference it makes when browsing. Obviously more artist can be added to the list. Credit to the anon on /dpr/ that discovered this.
Patreon has started mass removing abdl content. If you are concerned with kemono party going down one day and losing everything like we did with yiff.party, you can use gallery-dl to easily scrape content from kemono.party (now kemono.su). An example would be the following:

 gallery-dl https://kemono.su/patreon/user/55985122 

Which will scrape everything unless the artist used methods such as links to prevent their art from being imported to kemono.su. You can download it here https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl For anyone that is trouble doing this. I'm willing to scrape the content myself and post links since I need to start archiving Patreon stuff anyways.

Is it possible to use stable diffusion inpainting to be able to place nappies on drawings?

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