Look at it. Its... mp4
(13.9 MB, 640x360 h264)
Previously: >>/18815/
Yes, I hate women, I just do, and I'm tired of pretending that I don't.
All the pain, all the suffering I have ever experienced can be ultimately traced back to the female race.
Elliot was right, I was in touch with humanity before women and sex came into the picture, before I hit puberty.
It hit me yesterday like a train that the happiest period of my life was when women existed somewhere there on the periphery of my mind. Like unsettling premonition, a bitter taste of things to come.
"So simple" - I thought, - "How could I not notice this before?"
And an answer straight away - "That's what trauma does to you, your mind tries to sweep it under the rug of consciousness"
Yes, now I finally, finally get it - I was brutally violated. No more running away, no more hiding.
You NEED to end this.