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> trys to out joker cyanide
> gets toyed with for days
> cyanide baits him into admitting he's scraping ips and trying to doxx haters to to get to him
> finds out cyanide knows how to hide his ip
> everyone laughs at him
> cewl turns on him
> not to be undone he starts spamming cewls thread
At least do an autistic monolog or give us some tragic origin story you cheap knockoff.

Delastelle wasn’t born into power, but he was born into chaos. Raised in a digital wasteland where the only rule was survival, he learned early on that the system didn’t care about people like him. The rich thrived, and the rest of them—he and his people—were left in the dust, buried under corporate greed and government surveillance.

By 16, Delastelle was a ghost in the system, a true 1337 hacker. He moved through cyberspace like smoke, breaching firewalls, dodging sysadmins, and cracking encrypted networks. He saw the world for what it really was: a rigged game designed to crush the weak and uplift the rich. And he wasn’t going to stand for it.

He formed a collective, The Grey Syndicate—a band of black hats with one mission: dismantle the corrupted system. They leaked documents, took down websites, and exposed the truths hidden behind layers of lies. They were anonymous, faceless warriors fighting for freedom.

But Delastelle’s real war began when he went after ZephyrCorp, a multinational tech giant with ties to the highest levels of government. ZephyrCorp was the key player in selling out the privacy of millions, handing over their data to authorities and trapping them in a digital prison. Delastelle knew they had to be stopped, but the deeper he went, the more dangerous it became.

One night, he dropped the zero-day exploit that crippled ZephyrCorp’s entire network. It was his masterpiece—until everything backfired. The hack didn’t just take down their servers; it also exposed their private email chains. The world saw the corruption for what it was. But instead of being hailed a hero, Delastelle became the villain.

The media spun it, calling him a cyber terrorist. Forums flooded with hate posts from anonymous users. They painted him as a rogue hacker who just wanted chaos. He was labeled a threat to society, and soon, his own community turned on him, seeing him as reckless.

The hate wasn’t just digital. It seeped into the dark corners of the web, where faceless profiles gathered, whispering threats, dropping his doxxed info in IRC channels, and doxxing him to the authorities. The same people he had fought for now saw him as an outcast, a pariah.

His once-loyal crew, The Grey Syndicate, fragmented. They feared the blowback. Delastelle was left alone, a target on his back, not just from the government but from the very people he thought he was saving. His name became a punchline, an easy target for script kiddies trying to make a name for themselves.

The system won, but Delastelle didn’t back down. Every hack, every exploit, every breach was a reminder of the broken world. He no longer fought for approval or recognition. Now, he fought because he was all that was left. A digital ghost hated by many, feared by few.

They thought they could break him, but Delastelle had become something more—an idea. He was no longer just a hacker. He was a virus, ready to corrupt the system from the inside out.

He learned the basics from copy-pasting Python scripts and rummaging through Github repos, clinging to the hope that he could live up to the myth of the root warriors he idolized. He spent his nights in IRC channels, surrounded by the OGs who spoke in code and jargon he barely understood, trying desperately to fit in. He memorized their slang, their way of talking, how they tossed around words like zero-day, buffer overflow, and SQLi like it was child’s play. Delastelle thought he was one of them—one of the old-school gods who could crack the planet if they wanted to.

His obsession turned to a singular target: Endchan, the notorious imageboard known for its complete anarchy, where anyone could post anything without consequence. It wasn’t just some random forum to him—it was the ultimate proving ground. If he could take control of Endchan, he could finally prove he wasn’t just another wannabe.

He spent weeks gathering exploits, stacking scripts he barely understood, trying to convince himself he was root material. His goal was simple: bring Endchan down, take over the admin’s account, and let everyone know that Delastelle was king. He’d heard rumors about the site’s weak security, and like any good script kiddie, he thought it’d be a walk in the park.

He bragged to his friends on the dark web, promising a spectacle like no other. “Watch me get root on this piece of garbage,” he’d say, masking his nerves with false confidence. They hyped him up, calling him a true 1337, a hacker ready to join the ranks of the legendary greybeards. But deep down, Delastelle knew he was just riding the coattails of the real hackers who’d paved the way before him.

When the night came, Delastelle loaded up his attack. He unleashed a DDoS that barely scratched the surface of Endchan’s servers, but it was enough to slow them down. He felt that rush—the adrenaline of thinking he was in control, as if he was root of the digital world, pulling all the strings. He opened up a brute-force tool, hoping to crack the admin’s password, convinced that in a few minutes, he’d be inside.

But reality hit hard. The password didn’t break. The server logs lit up, showing his IP. He wasn’t as anonymous as he thought. Panic set in. He had no idea how to cover his tracks, no clue how deep he was in. His so-called hacks were nothing more than canned scripts he pulled off Pastebin.

The hate started almost instantly. Endchan users—those faceless trolls he wanted to impress—found him out. They didn’t see him as some 1337 hacker fighting the system. To them, he was just a script kiddie, a kid with delusions of grandeur, trying to play with the big boys. The hate came in waves, anonymous users mocking him in posts, doxxing him, and making sure everyone knew that Delastelle was nothing but a fraud.

They called him a skid, laughed at his failed attempts, and turned his name into a meme on the very board he tried to conquer. He couldn’t even show his face in the underground forums anymore. His old IRC crew ghosted him, embarrassed they ever associated with someone who thought brute-forcing a password would make them root.

The myth he tried to live up to was shattered. He wasn’t a part of the 31337, not even close. He was just a kid with too much ambition and too little skill, trying to be something he never was. The real hackers watched him fail and didn’t bother to help. They let him burn because he wasn’t one of them—and he never would be.

But Delastelle didn’t quit. Humiliated and alone, he kept telling himself he’d rise again, that one day he’d be more than just a script kiddie. He stayed in the shadows, learning, waiting, hoping for a second chance to prove them all wrong. To one day be the root he always dreamed of.

If you want something done right y'gotta do it yourself... Can't rely on anyone these days.

Dela had a decent childhood, his family was impoverished but together, his dad would drink too much on occasion but it was ok because his dad was a funny drunk and rarely got angry. Unfortunately on one of his dads benders he ended up falling down the stairs and breaking his neck. His mother called an ambulance but he was gone before he hit the last step.

Things got really hard after that, Delas mother had to work two jobs just to get by. She'd often times bring strange men around at night and they'd go into her room and turn the music really loud. Dela wanted to pretend like he didn't know what was happening but he knew... That's why they could afford "luxuries" like heat in the winter and the internet.

Dela eventually escaped the terrible yet mundane horrors of his daily life through that internet his mother did unspeakable things just to maintain. he learned about the joys of escapism through video games and anonymous image boards. Sure, he fell for the whole trans meme but it's ok, it was still a good time.

Well, eventually he met someone who really made him feel special. This someone was named Cewl... Oh she was great. In his eyes she was perfection. Thin, easy to talk to, frequented the same forums as him, heck, she even played vidya, I mean how cool is that? She was a keeper.

Well, as He and Cewls friendship slowly grew into someone deep and meaningful his mom started dating this new guy. total Douchebag... Called himself "Doom". Tried to be a good "stepdad" but Dela was having none of it. Every time Doom would plow his mom they'd always be very loud. He was incredibly rough with her and knew it must have hurt. He hated Doom for abusing his mother like that just so he could enjoy the sex more....
Well one day he was being particularly  chummy with Dela... Trying to show interest in what he was into. Dela just wanted him to fuck off so he could talk to Cewl undistracted by such nonsense. "Gosh Doom you're not my real dad go away!" He shouted with impotent but meaningful rage. Doom apologized and could hear Cewl ask through the headset "Hey. Who are you talking to? he sounds really nice." And before Dela could even respond this Doom guy had grabbed the headset and started talking to his online wife, so bold, so calloused. Dela couldn't help but be stunned by the actions he had witnessed.

"Oh I'm people know me as Doom, but I've been thinking about changing my alias to Cyanidicidal just to mix things up." Dela could hear his internet wife, the woman he had talked to every for several month, the woman he married on WOW and FF14 giggle and tell this wretch that she really liked that name. He was still frozen and speechless as he heard her tell him she streams on twitch and he should check it out some time. The fury, the pain, the agony.... The sense of betrayal... It was all building inside of him. he knew he needed to get his revenge on both of them...

As the malice was over taking him all he could think in that moment of how he would have his vengeance on both of them in time. "Ok, I think your little internet boyfriend is gettin jealous. I 'd better give you back to him!" Doom said with a clearly malevolent smirk on his ugly old face... "Oh, he's not my boyfriend silly" and that was it... That was the moment. That is when Dela went completely numb. His heart went cold and all he felt was a bitter emptiness. As Doom, now Cyanidical walked out of the room and Cewl, the women he had loved, the woman who he knew EVERYTHING about, his rock, his island, his everything... Told him hey "i gtg. ttyl baby" made a kissing noise and hung up.

He wept for hours after that. He wept well his sad songs played, he wept when Doom was plowing him mother in the other room, he wept well the cockroaches skittered across his floor...  And when he had no more tears to shed, all that was left was a violent and hatefilled rage for that fucking Doom bastard and that Cewl whore....

Not my best work but hey, I'm tired and I don't really care at this point G'night fags and faggots.

I'm waiting for an apology. she had her tranny lackey leak my IP aka digitally rape me and now I'm getting hacked left and right. All I ever did was compliment her but what I get for it just because I looked at her thread like I always do

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'Cause I've been completely devastated since Ciara disappeared or probably died and I've been trying to find a replacement for her. 
No one is worthy of replacing her, Ciara was pretty and all these bitches are too fucking ugly. 
Fuck you all, they are absolutely disgusting. I'm not a discordtranny by the way

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literally everything went to shit when Cewl created her discord server. 
even Cewl herself became more disgusting in personality and appearance. I mean what the fuck is this shit? She looks like a deformed pig lel
idk anything about the discordgay drama but the Cewl threads are cancer and spam now.

She looks cute here. But I agree that she should stay away from discord because it's only shitting everything up. More importantly she needs to quit the benzos, holy fuck. They make everyone a different person. They turn every single person who touches them into an actual retard.

Donut, you are a thousand times worse than Audrey. 
There's literally no telling if Audrey's ass licking story is true and she may be only did it once, while you're a fat, fucking ugly filthy whore who does free porn, and a lot of filthy things I won't mention.

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okay guys umm today i feel like shit. omgg it seems that now everyone hates me lol. ihope all of you forgive me for everythin but you all must understand that I can't do anything to remedyyyyyy it. so we can't forget the matter and continue as everything was before?
i-i even promise that i will BAN dELASTELLE if you guys promise me that you will be nicer to me. are you all willing to forgive me????

we know you would just keep the tranny in there on an alt. fuck off. you betrayed all your orbiters. don't give us this bullshit about not being able to do anything about what your tranny did either you were a part of all of it.

And they were trying to frame me but through my masterful tacticsd I've exposed it all.
I wonder if cewl has figured out I ain't even mad. I'm just doing this all for teh lulz at this point.

Cewl, you should engage with me more :3
I had unrestricted access to her private stuff and I can safely say that the other anon is right. It's kind of yuck.
Cewls nudes are like potato chips. They're shitty, and she's really bad for you, but like you you get a taste and your brain is just like "moar" for some weird reason.

chips taste good despite high in calories and low on nutrition. she's like 3 day old grocery store sushi sitting out unrefrigerated on a shelf and every time you walk by you feel a little more nauseous thinking about it and can almost imagine its putrid stench. you have no desire to eat it and know if you did it would surely make you ill

You know what I mean...
For you maybe. For me the potato chip analogy feels kind of right. Like idk if you've ever had some generic chips and you're like "fuck these are actually gross" but for whatever reason the mix of overly salty cardboard greasiness that is so thick the chip feels wet and your own self hatred reminding you that you're garbage who doesn't deserve nice things like thinness or happiness you just want to sit there and eat the whole bag.

Than again I'm the kind of guy who drinks cheap whisky because I love the bite it has and has a history of dating girls like cewl irl... Whole nother level of masochism.

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I think it should become a rule on this site to post each girl's diagnosis in the op so we know what we're dealing with
since lets be honest every single one of them is mentally ill in some way
Dont worry most people cant be bothered to read all that personal crap
I think you should do more stuff with your voice since its very nice and its less degenerate than showing off your body
Also, what is your psychiatric diagnosis and meds?

> i need to read it
She showed me videos of her masturbating. She showed me pics of her bent over on her knees where I could see her butthole and cunt. She showed me shaved pics, she showed me hairy pics, she offered to make content specifically tailored my interests. We'd usually just casually shoot the shit in vc and after rubbing one out together we'd just sit there and essentially virtually cuddle and whisper sweet nothings to each other for an hour or so, go back to just talking and get horny again not much later.
I'm not going to leak anything and you can think I'm lying, but that's half the fun at this point.
>  then im done forever
You'll be back. We all come back. Cewl is more addicting than the drugs she puts into her body :3

> She showed me videos of her masturbating. She showed me pics of her bent over on her knees where I could see her butthole and cunt. She showed me shaved pics, she showed me hairy pics
you think youre the only one she sent those to? KEK

I mean what happened in your life that made you so desperate for positive attention? Why are you conflict avoidant, yet you put yourself in bad situations. Don't you know it'll always end like this? Nobody here has anything good for you in the long term.

your right your right i never thought of it like that my priorities were all screwed up i just needed someone to tell me! thank you so much maybe u can be my bf and help guide me thru life so i dont mess up nemore. i realize now its not healthy for me to be here exposing myself so im leaving now forever goodbye every1 thank you 👋 😢

> you think youre the only one she sent those to?
Hahahaha! No...
Except for maybe the ones she said that she took just for me and deleted afterwards.
> stop fighting
If this is actually Cewl you know that most of us, myself included at this point, are here for the drama the chaos and the bullshit.
It's not even that good. Like her idea of "squirting" is my idea of a girl being "pretty wet". Seriously, having been squirted on I can say it's actually super gross but weirdly satisfying. Like you've got your cock in a girl and she pretty much just starts pissing on you and it just goes everywhere and you have to pull out so it stops splashing in your face but you want to get back in there but you have to wait.
The amount of "squirt" in that video is the equivalent of the wet spot me and a girl produce after an apathetic "neither of us were really feeling it" sex.
BBC memes aside Cewl needs some good dick in her so she can learn the difference between a pussy juice puddle and the niagra falls on joy she could be producing.

Why does this ugly whore treat her shitty threads like a discord chat
No wonder she's got 20 something threads and absolutely nothing memorable out of any of them, she should fuck off and the board would be significantly better

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many anons hate cewl because 
> coalburner
> mean to other e-girls and order her orbitors to attack her
> baby complex at 23
> made a tranny ddos and dox people 
> promiscuous but won't admit she has sex
> hypocrite who is a pedro but threw her friend elliot under a bus (hypocrite)
> liar
> annoying voice 
> her lore is just discord drama
> roast pussy
> ugly 3/10 but thinks she is a 10/10 stacy
> drug addiction
> her twitch streams are boring
I think cewl is evil and the tranny drama was the nail in the coffin

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admins dont even care for us anymore
i think they like this drama and whatever this girl and her creature is doing 
tinker's thread got nuked and they only deleted posts not banning the person responsible
scroll down and see for yourselves: https://magrathea.endchan.net/agatha2/logs.html


I was going to say.... There is no way that was the real Cewl in this thread.
I haven't been called fat balding divorced degenerate at all and the girl that became my fp for a month or two that I was really upset about things ending in a shitty way... Sorry, I meant to say "that I groomed" hasn't had her name dragged up or thrown in my face yet at 200+ replies
Looks like I won this little game of who is the biggest internet autist ^.^
> admins dont even care for us anymore
Probably never did
i think they like this drama and whatever this girl and her creature is doing
It is entertaining and it 100% is her on fault. This amount of backlash was inevitable for her with how she treats people.

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I'm guessing that was one of my posts that he reported.
> My people
The ones in his head?
> This case
There is no case. I dun goofed, sure. But I didn't dun goof so bad that consequences will never be the same.
Unless he means I'm going to get murdered which just... Lol.

Protip from a.. Let's just say someone who knew a lot of gangbangers back in the day, if you're going to call out a hit or more realistically put out an SOS on someone, you're not going to make threats, you're just going to do it.

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I'm just going to say it. Women are whores. They all only ever for these douchy fps jocks like the doom marine and Duke Nukem who treat them like shit and don't don't really love them. They only like the because they have big muscles and are so cool well there a lot of nice platformer guys out there who would treat them like a princess.
I'm a nice guy and it's not fair super mario bros

No one lost, no one won. This is my last reply on this place and anyone you think it's me, well, just throw your insults at them. And by the way, I am not trans, I have a huge dick and sent Cewl a video of me cumming for her, she saw my real face, she knows my real name and so on.

Give this a listen, also, not only this but the whole opera, I think it fits well with everything if you understand what the opera is about:

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I mean... I got mildly to moderately miffed at a few points and that was pretty terrible.

Cewl can deny it but she learned that she has an insatiable hunger for BBC and BsTLiT so that pretty much ruins her for simps. Everyone lost except the black community and creepy dog owners.

Dela... Dela had a melty and just completely self destructed but I'm going to call that a win for everyone else involved.

My old fp that probably doesn't want to think about me got dragged into something that had nothing to do with her and if she actually read this nightmare of a saga she... Well She probably laughed at points but I would imagine it was pretty annoying.

The only winning move to play in troll war is not play... But it's ok, we're all losers here.

> you made it up
More or less lol. She accused me of trying to "brainwash" her into liking it over a couple off color comments I made in one of our vcs.

If Cewl actually fucked off from this site than it looks like my work here is done.
If you fags want to larp with me some more I'll be around.
Otherwise It's been fun.
Good riddance Cewl, seriously, go get your shit tohether or fucking kill yourself. I don't care which do pick one and fucking do it. Nobody should have to tolerate what you do.

Cewl and her tranny friend delastelle got exposed for running a discord grooming ring blackmailing and sextorting minors and forcing them to take HRT, the tranny attacked the board in an attempt to suppress this info, failed miserably and humiliated xerself, cewl and the tranny got run off, and now everyone hates cewl.

yo everyone it's Paladin, some of you already know me from twitch but I'm a good friend cewl's

cewl is laying low for a while because dela freaked out and started threatening her after she said she didn't agree with the ip leaking blackmail taking place on her server. now she's paranoid (understandably so after the ip grabber fiasco) and believes this person could be spying on her devices due to files she's recieved from them in the past. she'll be back in some capacity after she swaps her phone out but depending on how things are looking with the harassment and threats it might need to be a longer hiatus.

In the meantime I think we can keep her thread alive with supportful comments and pics to show her we want her back asap as soon as it's safe. Try not to provoke this dela person too much we are not sure of what she's capable but she is obsessive and dangerous. it's better safe than sorry. we all saw what one unhinged person did to bianca. things have gotten serious rather quickly.

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I have no idea who the fuck delastle, tal, elliot, paladin, or whoever the absolute fuck these irrelevant discord trannies even are. I just think cewl is an annoying whore who's ugly as fuck. You namefaggots as well as her should just kill yourselves and I promise you no one would bat an eye and the board will get substantially better.

Did I say a circlejerk? what's wrong with genuine and honest support? She's currently in danger fearing the worst because she stuck up for the people on her discord and the posters of this board. I just think a little good will might be due right now, just a little time out on the shit posting and trolling until this gets resolved isn't too much to ask. I have as good a sense of humor as the next man but this has stopped being funny when real threats started being made.

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We meet again, tranny.
She's awake but often people pretend to be asleep or otherwise occupied when they don't want to speak with someone. Please don't let that knowledge send you into an even deeper spiral than you're currently in. That would be...unfortunate.

Dudе. It's fuckіng 9АM оn а Sаturdаy. Dо yоu wаnt tо rоlерlаy? I gаvе my trірcоdе tо аnоthеr реrsоn (thе trірcоdе іs еаsy tо crаck btw), I'm rеаdіng аll thе mеss yоu guys hеlреd hіm cаusе іn еvеry thrеаd I wаntеd dеrаіlеd.
I'd knоw іf shе wаs аwаkе bеcаusе I rеcеіvе а nіcе "mоrnіnggggg" еvеry dаy.

Thіs іs nоt mе:  >>/101291/
Аnd yоu, оr yоur frіеnds rеаlly trіеd trоllіng but fаіlеd mіsеrаbly bеcаusе I dоn't hаvе аny nаrcіssіstіc trаіt еvеn thоugh I'm аlsо dіаgnоsеd wіth АSPD but nоt thе "оh my gоd hеlр mе I аm а vіctіm I nееd tо lооk gооd, gіrls bаd!!", I dоn't cаrе fоr thаt shіt lіkе yоu. Cаll mе а реdо, cаll mе а trаnny - I еvеn mаdе thаt bаіt vеry wеll аnd Mаkо munchеd іt lіkе thеrе wаs nо tоmоrrоw... Bе frее аnd іf yоu gеt my trірcоdе hаvе fun usіng іt.

If you guys want to bypass the filters on Endchan, I'm also working on new CSS and custom userscripts to make this place usable since no one is leaving Endchan as it seems:

// UserScript
// @name         Bypass word filters
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      2024-09-26
// @description  try to take over the world! but fails miserably
// @author       You, yes, you
// @match        https://endchan.gg/*
// @match        https://endchan.org/*
// @match        https://endchan.net/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=endchan.org
// @grant        none
// /UserScript

    'A': 'А',
    'E': 'Е',
    'O': 'О',
    'a': 'а',
    'e': 'е',
    'i': 'і',
    'o': 'о',
    'y': 'у',
    'P': 'Р',
    'p': 'р',

const field_message = document.querySelector('#fieldMessage');

function replaceText(text) {
    return text.replace(/[AEOaeiop]/g, (char) => REPLACEMENTS[char] || char);

function replaceTextareaOnInput(textarea) {
    textarea.addEventListener('input', () => {
        const start = textarea.selectionStart;
        const end = textarea.selectionEnd;
        const originalLength = textarea.value.length;

        textarea.value = replaceText(textarea.value);

        const newLength = textarea.value.length;
        const lengthDifference = newLength - originalLength;

        textarea.setSelectionRange(start + lengthDifference, end + lengthDifference);

if (field_message) {

Hey it's paladin again. Just passing along a good morning from cewl to all of her actual supporters here. she wants everyone to know she's OK and feeling a bit better about the whole situation after some rest 👍 someone is giving her a new computer to use since we don't know how bad her old PC was compromised. things are already looking up. It's nice to see people come together for a good girl

um once again who cares. I'll make a new thread just like I made this one when you had your little spam tantrum. you can round up all of your "friends" to make as many posts as you want. you must be really new if you think you are actually derailing threads on a board filled with schizo shitposters.


Not my photo, I wouldn't be retarded enough to send Makorav (the guy who "leaked") this photo. I also sent another picture of the same person but with caption. I have no idea who that is because I hate my exes.

People can try whatever they want, it won't get to me. Who said I am the real Delastelle and not someone stealing his identity? I have at least 10 previous aliases not even Cewl knows about.
If we are being honest, the board is already dead and there are less than 20 people.

I'm taking a shit soon. If you girls want a pic I'm down. I last had a meatball sub with C4 and lemonade and prozac so it'll come out nice. Just trying to keep up with trends here.

You can't claim to be smart and then be like 
> but I wanna be a guy and have a penis!
not a choice. stop deluding yourself and move on. you're causing yourself lots of mental anguish with that tranny cult nonsense

Wild that this thread went from Cewl grooming scandal and subsequent damage control, to autistic retard spamming and trying to get the thread taken down, to bpdemon FtM having a breakdown and exposing herself, all the while Cewl faggot friend keeps dropping in to  drum up support for the doxxed cumslut

Its all second hand information, no one ever provides proof. All this shit is supposedly discord nonsense. Cewl isn't bright though, she's clicked on obvious ip grabbers before, and I'm sure some retard did a confidence trick and got her info. To clarify, I didn't see any dox here on agatha2

looking forward to the redemption arc where we break her tranny programming and bully her into being a submissive proper female. green girl threads will replace cewl threads and be the first thread to hit #100

If the thing about replacing her pc is true: 1)she destroyed it to get rid of her cp 2)she really got hacked and cp files stolen 3) pc was a refurbished piece of shit that couldn't handle all her cp 4) it's all lies and is currently organizing her cp

she should not have destroyed cewl threads, if dela posts hot pics with time stamp someone should make a thread for her, cewl threads should go back to normal and dela needs some cock to calm down cuz wtf was this hysteria tier meltdown, plain and simple female jealousy coated as "im trying to save cewl".

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> I was tinkerfag and even Doomfag at some point
You were never me. I would know.... You're a fucking retard who was obsessed as I was over Cewl...
The only difference is you weren't doing it ironically.
You got the buttmadz'd when you got bamboozilated and are doing this all now as some kind of cope.

I literally did all of this because Cewl is a shit person and I knew what she was from the start, once she dragged You know who into our drama just to hurt me the gloves came off and I shifted into maximum overtroll.

You did this because your weird attempts at keeping her safe backfired and now you're just coping and claiming it was all part of the plan *licks lips* but truth is you're just seething well the rest of us are genuinely having the time of our lives at some evil e-whores expense.

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