Tinker Thread #5: Dark Hair Edition Anonymous 9/29/2024 20:36:00 No. 102241 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report last 50 posts Translate Thread... Hide Thread Translate... Hide Post Discord: imsodeathmachine Instagram: deathfatnecrosadist TikTok: mousegirl808 Previous: >>/82935/
Anonymous 9/29/2024 20:38:00 No. 102243 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post oh no i meant to do this mods delete
Anonymous 9/29/2024 20:39:00 No. 102245 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post nice, fucking dumbass
Anonymous 9/29/2024 20:42:00 No. 102248 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ You should wait a while before making another thread. The cewltards hate Tinker for some reason
Anonymous 9/29/2024 20:44:00 No. 102251 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102248/ The state of cewlposting is that she is so shit and unlikable, combined with a massive amount of spam and hateposting on her threads, that they aggressively brigade on other threads
Anonymous 9/29/2024 20:44:00 No. 102252 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102248/ not all of us are cewl's simps, retard
Anonymous 9/29/2024 20:46:00 No. 102256 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102248/ they will attack op or any other anon that posts tinker and cause shitstorms as usual
Anonymous 9/29/2024 20:47:00 No. 102257 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1727199653645 jpg (604.59 KB, 2736x3648) >>/102248/ It's just the tranny, cewl's last simp.
Anonymous 9/29/2024 20:48:00 No. 102258 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ Hello kindly, your eye is beauty brown like color of great ganges river
Anonymous 9/29/2024 20:48:00 No. 102260 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post sex with my princess cewl and brutal sex with my queen tinkerine
Anonymous 9/29/2024 20:50:00 No. 102264 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102260/ kill both but torture tinker first for being nonvirgin
Anonymous 9/29/2024 20:52:00 No. 102269 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102264/ Send both to the gulag and impregnate Bee 12 times
blue boy 9/29/2024 21:38:00 No. 102312 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102257/ love her <3
Anonymous 10/1/2024 04:08:00 No. 103212 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Tinker had a pure soul. I've never a girl as nice as her.
Anonymous 10/1/2024 04:09:00 No. 103213 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103212/ > has Fixd.
Anonymous 10/1/2024 04:13:00 No. 103219 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post DSC03879 jpg (865.55 KB, 2500x3750) This is a Amber Stark thread now, fuck off
Anonymous 10/1/2024 04:17:00 No. 103222 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103213/ you could have fixed more than that, ffs
Anonymous 10/1/2024 04:34:00 No. 103240 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103222/ He's delastalle, the esl retard
Anonymous 10/1/2024 04:36:00 No. 103245 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103240/ Great, fucked up Bee thread interactions, now he's in the Tinker thread again. Croatia was a mistake
Anonymous 10/1/2024 05:15:00 No. 103305 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103245/ nisam hrvat, vec srbin, sto je skoro isto, ali srbi su bolji
Anonymous 10/1/2024 07:48:00 No. 103357 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103305/ gross
Anonymous 10/1/2024 18:33:00 No. 103439 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103305/ ubi ubi ubi srbinaaaa srbinaaaaaa
Anonymous 10/1/2024 21:34:00 No. 103514 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Stinker must have a mushy flappy big labia pussy with ingrown hairs. Otherwise she could be getting a lot of money by doing Onlyfans and getting those beta bucks instead of being homeless.
Anonymous 10/1/2024 21:38:00 No. 103518 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 3 jpg (266.73 KB, 1200x800) >>/103514/ Why would I pay to see Stinker naked when pic rel exists?
Anonymous 10/1/2024 21:39:00 No. 103520 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103518/ hm, wow, she's really just airing that thing out
Anonymous 10/1/2024 22:23:00 No. 103530 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103514/ she lies about being homeless. tinker is a scam artist >>/77959/
Anonymous 10/1/2024 22:46:00 No. 103540 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post stinker the last real egirl left
Anonymous 10/1/2024 23:03:00 No. 103543 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103540/ she's gone, anon. she left /r9k/, /agatha2/, and e-harem. she's getting pumped and dumped by chads as we speak
Anonymous 10/1/2024 23:03:00 No. 103544 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103543/ she’s still in eharem lol
Anonymous 10/1/2024 23:23:00 No. 103552 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103544/ does she have an alt?
Anonymous 10/1/2024 23:28:00 No. 103557 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103544/ she can't resist pedro servers
Anonymous 10/2/2024 02:03:00 No. 103592 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103557/ well she is an egirl they love their pedros
Anonymous 10/2/2024 05:28:00 No. 103670 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post keep bees name out of your mouth crusty homeless bitch and tell your loser boyfriend the same. 1st and last warning.
Anonymous 10/2/2024 15:06:00 No. 103928 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Screenshot_20240627_0... jpg (262.32 KB, 840x636) how can 1 little 🐭 be so darn cute?
Anonymous 10/2/2024 15:40:00 No. 103937 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 395834566_75106263039... jpg (22.77 KB, 421x294) 396321962_26336979003... jpg (21.12 KB, 362x252) yee haw
Anonymous 10/2/2024 15:42:00 No. 103938 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103937/ original huak tuay girl
Anonymous 10/2/2024 17:09:00 No. 103973 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post IMG_1163 png (342.01 KB, 737x520) IMG_1164 png (247.25 KB, 583x520) IMG_1504 jpeg (382.38 KB, 828x462) IMG_5137 png (811.44 KB, 1179x663) IMG_7308 jpeg (463.96 KB, 994x828) >>/103928/ and slutty
Anonymous 10/2/2024 17:11:00 No. 103974 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103973/ PUTA
Anonymous 10/2/2024 17:12:00 No. 103975 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post IMG_8345 jpg (144.6 KB, 452x559) IMG_8347 jpg (181.2 KB, 662x551) frame275 png (1.07 MB, 576x1024) frame277 png (1.08 MB, 576x1024)
Anonymous 10/2/2024 17:53:00 No. 103976 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103973/ SEXO
Anonymous 10/2/2024 19:45:00 No. 104006 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103973/ > slutty > feet wtf are you on about
Anonymous 10/3/2024 02:00:00 No. 104072 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post IMG_4350 jpeg (273.31 KB, 828x499) tinkerbell2 png (542.76 KB, 561x752) unprotected sex with tinker for procreative purposes
Anonymous 10/3/2024 02:01:00 No. 104074 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104072/ This man knows what's up, bleach the jew right out of her line
Anonymous 10/3/2024 02:03:00 No. 104075 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104074/ I will risk homeless aids for tinker I don't even care
Anonymous 10/3/2024 02:04:00 No. 104076 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104075/ I think the homeless thing is a larp, she sleeps in a house at night. And she's going to be sleeping in my house soon enough
Anonymous 10/3/2024 02:09:00 No. 104077 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104076/ stinker is mine and I'm going to make an honest respectable woman out of her
Anonymous 10/3/2024 02:11:00 No. 104078 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104076/ bee will be up for grabs soon maybe you can still get in on that
Anonymous 10/3/2024 02:14:00 No. 104080 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104077/ >>/104078/ Neither of these chicks are safe from the bwc, best get to them before I do, once I've had them pump out 3 white babies the rest of you are sol. the white brothers must start outbreeding the spics and niggers
Anonymous 10/3/2024 02:28:00 No. 104082 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103975/ tinkerbell is the tomboy sexbomb other egirls wish they were
Anonymous 10/3/2024 02:35:00 No. 104083 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104082/ Are you talking about stinker? sexbomb is a bit of stretch, white-passing jewish cocksleeve maybe
Anonymous 10/4/2024 01:14:00 No. 104152 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1714885045032 jpg (9.61 KB, 259x326) 1686442561396 (1) jpg (20.59 KB, 615x593) 1686442813712 (1) jpg (423.59 KB, 1274x828) IMG_0889-1 jpg (438.88 KB, 1792x1008) IMG_0886-1 jpg (483.07 KB, 1792x1008) jokerine
Anonymous 10/4/2024 01:18:00 No. 104153 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Rae_Gray jpg (214.14 KB, 1080x1440) tinker reminds me of rae gray
Anonymous 10/4/2024 19:20:00 No. 104269 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104152/ > banging joker tink while she laughs like a lunatic and attacks you
Anonymous 10/5/2024 14:58:00 No. 104377 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1707513222599 jpg (10.74 KB, 640x303) 1707512172... jpg (512.23 KB, 607x1111) 1707512172... jpg (512.23 KB, 607x1111) 1707510773... jpg (376.14 KB, 828x1344) 1707509025... jpg (825.09 KB, 828x1337) I like these two pics
Anonymous 10/5/2024 15:00:00 No. 104378 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104377/ those are 4
Anonymous 10/5/2024 15:03:00 No. 104379 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post IMG_0879 jpg (128.27 KB, 1008x1792) IMG_0882 jpg (96.81 KB, 1008x1792) I mean these two
Anonymous 10/5/2024 20:52:00 No. 104432 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post she still owes me about $75, her dad is a registered sex offender so you can easily search for her family’s info online just saying
Anonymous 10/5/2024 23:13:00 No. 104457 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104432/ does he look like tinker? post his pic
Anonymous 10/6/2024 07:07:00 No. 104520 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104432/ > she still owes me about $75 You deserve it, you pathetic simp
Anonymous 10/6/2024 07:08:00 No. 104521 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104520/ why tf did that faggot give her 75 bucks
Anonymous 10/6/2024 22:20:00 No. 104579 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1678479816407614 jpg (306.1 KB, 1280x720) > The rape, Tinker. It was beautiful.
Anonymous 10/10/2024 15:46:00 No. 105044 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104432/ Must be why she finds child rape jokes funny
Anonymous 10/10/2024 21:06:00 No. 105079 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/104432/ that is the redditor from the last thread. why do you keep spamming her threads? you obviously have nothing otherwise you would post it
Anonymous 10/11/2024 01:00:00 No. 105091 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post redditniggers will never curb our love of stinker with their lies
Anonymous 10/11/2024 17:19:00 No. 105122 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ tinker stinker tinker stinker tinker stinker tinker STINKER YOU STINK!
Anonymous 10/11/2024 17:28:00 No. 105126 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 101122725 jpg (71.25 KB, 720x687) > tfw tinker is so poor that she can't pay the $200 to have all her threads removed
Anonymous 10/11/2024 18:08:00 No. 105136 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/105126/ worthless slut. her pussy still reeks of homeless man's dick. not like she can clean her insides, she's tainted forever
Anonymous 10/11/2024 19:54:00 No. 105148 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/105136/ > t.homosexual redditor
Anonymous 10/11/2024 22:28:00 No. 105166 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post IMG_4564 jpeg (439.8 KB, 1236x2377)
Anonymous 10/12/2024 00:18:00 No. 105171 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 128395783135060983340 jpg (252.05 KB, 1080x1080) could you retarded faggots be nicer to tinkerine? lately she no longer lets me see her e-harem girlblog and i literally did nothing wrong
Anonymous 10/12/2024 00:22:00 No. 105172 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/105171/ another simp btfod by stinker. kill yourself, cuck. you get what you deserve
Anonymous 10/12/2024 00:25:00 No. 105173 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post runaway PNG (23.34 KB, 932x263)
Anonymous 10/12/2024 00:27:00 No. 105174 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/105173/ is this Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile?
Anonymous 10/12/2024 00:29:00 No. 105175 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/105174/ no retard
Anonymous 10/12/2024 00:38:00 No. 105177 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Screenshot_20241011-1... jpg (113.04 KB, 949x720) > RUNAWAY TINKER NEVER GOING BACK
Anonymous 10/12/2024 02:39:00 No. 105197 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post IMG_8569 jpeg (273.26 KB, 1179x799) IMG_8570 jpeg (258.39 KB, 1179x745) IMG_8571 jpeg (279.57 KB, 1179x728) IMG_8572 jpeg (306.97 KB, 1179x846)
Anonymous 10/12/2024 21:47:00 No. 105295 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post stinker png (67.02 KB, 671x433) Tinker, what did you do?
Anonymous 10/12/2024 22:45:00 No. 105310 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/105295/ pissed off a few incels by the looks of it
Anonymous 10/13/2024 12:03:00 No. 105383 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Screenshot_2024-03-25... png (976.78 KB, 1092x658) >>/105295/ did my little tinkerine ever confirm the race of her rapist?
Anonymous 10/13/2024 13:03:00 No. 105388 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post is tinker still living with ono and nuke?
Anonymous 10/17/2024 01:45:00 No. 105705 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Tinker likes it when men masturbate to her baby photos, she encourages it just google her last name in the sex offender registry and you can see why!
Anonymous 10/17/2024 02:20:00 No. 105707 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1722340798... webm (2.18 MB, 184x330 vp9) tinkerine I think you look very pretty dressed as a cowgirl, please forgive me. let me see your girlblog please
Anonymous 10/17/2024 02:22:00 No. 105708 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/105707/ Kys simp
Anonymous 10/17/2024 02:26:00 No. 105709 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Screenshot_2024-03-31... webp (314.39 KB, 852x593) >>/105708/ tinkerine I'm not a simp I just think you're very cute pls pls
Anonymous 10/17/2024 03:11:00 No. 105713 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/105705/ true she used to spam her baby pictures in eharem and giggle when pedros called them cute
Anonymous 10/17/2024 04:28:00 No. 105723 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/105705/ what's her last name?
Anonymous 10/19/2024 21:08:00 No. 106119 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/105723/ its not hard to find
Anonymous 10/20/2024 02:58:00 No. 106162 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/106119/ > i dont have it
Anonymous 10/21/2024 02:18:00 No. 106319 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/106162/ starts with a b
Anonymous 10/21/2024 11:21:00 No. 106376 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/106319/ there's no one on the sex offender registry with that last name
Anonymous 10/22/2024 07:00:00 No. 106506 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post IMG_4495 jpeg (20.18 KB, 185x274) What does her cunt taste like?
Anonymous 10/22/2024 19:57:00 No. 106739 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post wait so tinker's dad molested her? its starting to make sense
Anonymous 10/22/2024 21:50:00 No. 106770 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 7428401535... mp4 (1.73 MB, 576x1024 h264) 7428411481... mp4 (1.92 MB, 576x1024 h264) new tinker
Anonymous 10/22/2024 21:52:00 No. 106773 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/106770/ ewwww that toucan nose and pile of makeup nasty !
Anonymous 10/22/2024 21:54:00 No. 106778 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/106770/ cute!
Anonymous 10/24/2024 18:24:00 No. 107202 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/106506/ blistex
Anonymous 10/25/2024 06:53:00 No. 107321 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post her parents don’t love her because she let herself get raped by a black guy. she will never escape from this humility.
Anonymous 10/25/2024 06:55:00 No. 107323 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/106770/ cicadagirl616 on tik tok
Anonymous 10/25/2024 12:27:00 No. 107338 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post where is nuke? he used to post pics and vids of tinker all the time. we need new tinker lore
Anonymous 10/25/2024 12:30:00 No. 107342 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/107338/ it would be nice if only tinker stuff, but he used to post pictures of his ugly face next to tinker
Anonymous 10/25/2024 12:32:00 No. 107343 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/107338/ Died of cock-rot from Stinker's homeless anus
Anonymous 10/25/2024 12:54:00 No. 107344 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/107343/ what a way to go
Anonymous 10/25/2024 23:08:00 No. 107488 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/107344/ wouldn't have it any other way
Anonymous 10/26/2024 17:09:00 No. 107607 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/105707/ I never noticed how far apart her eyes are until I saw this What's up with girls on this board and having alien facial proportions
Anonymous 10/27/2024 14:58:00 No. 107943 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post IMG_5492 jpeg (99.07 KB, 640x340) IMG_5493 jpeg (88.97 KB, 640x451) >>/107338/ Here’s old tinker lore
Anonymous 10/27/2024 15:04:00 No. 107946 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/107943/ what a disgusting whore. she needs to get biancad. soon
Anonymous 10/27/2024 15:11:00 No. 107949 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/107943/ Wow, that's gross Coke? Really? I'm disappointed in you Katherine And making out with a spic too...shame on you
Anonymous 10/27/2024 15:17:00 No. 107951 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 463129839_39916... jpg (175.23 KB, 1080x1346) 463210732_39225... jpg (195.64 KB, 1080x1346) 463408967_98389... jpg (304.59 KB, 1080x1350) 463207307_42436... jpg (261.09 KB, 1080x1346) 463330227_38792... jpg (220.16 KB, 1080x1351) tinkerine is currently living in a penthouse. look at you, now you are the poorfag
Anonymous 10/27/2024 15:24:00 No. 107952 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/107951/ God DAMN she's gotten fat!
Anonymous 10/27/2024 16:47:00 No. 107988 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Tit jpg (63.93 KB, 331x412) Weird ass titties
Anonymous 10/27/2024 17:39:00 No. 108026 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post IMG_6971 jpg (203.05 KB, 1792x1008) IMG_4553 jpg (8.14 MB, 3024x4032) IMG_4550 jpg (4.94 MB, 3024x4032) IMG_8987 jpeg (267.11 KB, 1179x1901) IMG_8985 jpeg (556.7 KB, 1179x2058) whenever there's a meetup, photos of tinker 'dating' guys always come up. imagine being that much of a whore. she has no shame
Anonymous 10/27/2024 17:44:00 No. 108029 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108026/ Her ex from college dodged a massive bullet
Anonymous 10/27/2024 19:42:00 No. 108078 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/107951/ her hands are so fat. lmao. what happened to her?
Anonymous 10/27/2024 19:54:00 No. 108080 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108078/ Food and alcohol binges
Anonymous 10/27/2024 19:59:00 No. 108081 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108080/ trashy whore
Anonymous 10/28/2024 17:27:00 No. 108263 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Alarming weight gain for such a short amount of time this bitch gotta be pregnant
Anonymous 10/28/2024 17:34:00 No. 108264 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post xke3ztod3iv71 jpg (43.2 KB, 640x643) tinker's kid
Anonymous 10/28/2024 17:40:00 No. 108267 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108264/ Looks just like mommy
Anonymous 10/28/2024 18:44:00 No. 108284 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108264/ >>/108267/ Fuck off bee
Anonymous 10/28/2024 18:48:00 No. 108286 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 60318fff9ec0c5... jpg (62.71 KB, 736x950) >>/108284/
Anonymous 10/28/2024 19:41:00 No. 108305 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/107988/ wtf is this fugly ass top why does nuke make her dress like a 50's street hooker
Anonymous 10/28/2024 20:24:00 No. 108334 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108305/ Probably trying to look sophisticated or sexy even though the top looks like something bought at Forever 21, it doesn't suit her body type and makes her tits look saggy She should wear button-up tops and sweaters they look nicer on her
Anonymous 10/29/2024 06:58:00 No. 108510 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Screenshot_20241029_0... jpg (221.6 KB, 1001x915) > I have no frens Wonder why
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:18:00 No. 108737 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108026/ used up slut
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:21:00 No. 108741 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108026/ She's so gross
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:22:00 No. 108743 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108737/ >>/108741/ fuck off bee she's cute
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:28:00 No. 108745 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108743/ bee is the prettiest e-girl, so she can call whoever she wants ugly, kelly
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:31:00 No. 108747 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108737/ >>/108741/ Nathan? Oscar? Armand? is that you?
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:38:00 No. 108756 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108745/ you're an ugly forced selfposter and fucking a pedrophile that fucked an egirl doesn't make you an egirl. Sorry bee, doesn't work like that. I understand why you're jealous of stinker and other real egirls and attack their threads.
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:45:00 No. 108760 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108756/ She skinwalks Ciara and marky the most so she's probably going for that sam hyde infamy marky got. except sam hyde has a good sized following for his comedy/memes and he isn't known just for being a prolific groomer like Mikey Sosa. You take what you can get I guess.
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:48:00 No. 108762 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1707506431... jpg (174.16 KB, 1008x1792) >>/108756/ you're the only one attacking the threads and then accusing bee of doing it, kelly
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:50:00 No. 108765 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108762/ tinker with blonde hair >>>> only egirl who looks good blonde, fight me on that
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:50:00 No. 108766 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108765/ bee*
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:51:00 No. 108767 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108026/ imagine being her boyfriend and seeing this
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:56:00 No. 108776 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108767/ He was at the same meetup as far as i know so he already knows
Anonymous 10/29/2024 19:58:00 No. 108779 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108776/ her future boyfriend***
Anonymous 10/29/2024 20:09:00 No. 108786 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post WHORE
Anonymous 10/29/2024 20:37:00 No. 108818 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108026/ wait is the first pic the guy she made out with? what a minx
Anonymous 10/29/2024 21:02:00 No. 108843 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1 png (715.74 KB, 798x762) 2 png (927.13 KB, 913x1009) would you guys suck on katherine's nipples?
Anonymous 10/30/2024 00:06:00 No. 108913 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108843/ they look brown wtf
Anonymous 10/30/2024 02:47:00 No. 108983 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post If tinker got pregnant what are the chances she aborts it with a hardcore drug and alcohol cocktail
Anonymous 10/30/2024 04:03:00 No. 109012 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108983/ high since she can't afford a real abortion
Anonymous 10/30/2024 17:09:00 No. 109184 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109012/ They give them out for free in mexico for white girls, you even get a cool shirt as a prize
Anonymous 10/30/2024 17:46:00 No. 109190 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post how many abortions has tinker had?
Anonymous 10/30/2024 17:58:00 No. 109194 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/108913/ > they look brown wtf 👨🦯
Anonymous 10/30/2024 18:03:00 No. 109197 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109194/ you can't deny those are brown
Anonymous 10/30/2024 18:04:00 No. 109198 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109194/ based emoji poster
Anonymous 10/30/2024 18:24:00 No. 109206 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Tinker sent nudes and had sex with nuke lol
Anonymous 10/30/2024 18:31:00 No. 109209 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109206/ Like human intercourse? Penis and vagina? The reproductive act? That is crazy, I was not expecting this from a woman and a man.
Anonymous 10/30/2024 18:35:00 No. 109213 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109190/ More than Ciara, she's going for the world record
Anonymous 10/30/2024 18:41:00 No. 109216 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109213/ then i hope she ends up like ciara
Anonymous 10/30/2024 18:50:00 No. 109228 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109206/ lucky guy
Anonymous 10/30/2024 19:56:00 No. 109269 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109216/ She was already begging discord fags for cocaine and shit its only a matter of time until she either accidentally gets some laced shit or willingly seeks out heroin
Anonymous 10/31/2024 14:19:00 No. 109384 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109269/ She’s too fat rn to be doing drugs
Anonymous 10/31/2024 15:16:00 No. 109386 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109206/ she lives with him for free so it's safe to assume it's a fair trade, idk if they are in a relationship or not tho
Anonymous 11/1/2024 00:52:00 No. 109489 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Img jpg (255.63 KB, 757x819) Damn she really is fat
Anonymous 11/1/2024 19:43:00 No. 109723 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109489/ she's had to have gained about twenty or thirty pounds within the last three months what the fuck i'm slightly concerned now
Anonymous 11/3/2024 01:57:00 No. 110061 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Turns out spiral raped tinker and got her pregnant
Anonymous 11/3/2024 02:03:00 No. 110062 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109489/ Even better! Fat white girls like her are made for BBC.
Anonymous 11/3/2024 02:09:00 No. 110067 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/110061/ tinker raped spiral*
Anonymous 11/15/2024 23:24:00 No. 113457 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Nuke has a fat fetish so her weight gain is mot surprising honestly
Anonymous 11/15/2024 23:53:00 No. 113461 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ Her fat friend's thread got removed, seems like she's leaving the internet
Anonymous 11/16/2024 01:07:00 No. 113463 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/103973/ >>/104072/ >>/107951/ I WANT TO FU >>/109489/ Oh...
Anonymous 11/25/2024 06:38:00 No. 115267 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ > TikTok: mousegirl808 the account 404'd, what's her new one?
Anonymous 11/25/2024 06:57:00 No. 115272 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/115267/ the people that make these threads are retards lol. they cant even post any general information about the girl
Anonymous 11/25/2024 07:41:00 No. 115277 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/115272/ yeah lol. what are the /agatha2/ core discord servers btw
Anonymous 11/25/2024 08:56:00 No. 115291 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/115277/ idk im just fake volcel wishing i could know more about here im new to endchan
Anonymous 11/27/2024 15:42:00 No. 116104 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/115267/ cicadagirl616 she rebranded
Anonymous 11/30/2024 21:22:00 No. 116764 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1658493175067062 jpg (87.68 KB, 691x653) >>/109489/ ...
Anonymous 12/1/2024 06:41:00 No. 116823 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ i hope you know your a horrible person
Anonymous 12/1/2024 06:43:00 No. 116826 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/116823/ i really just thought you were someone i could talk to mb i guess LLLLLLOOOLLLLL XDDDDDD
Anonymous 12/1/2024 06:46:00 No. 116830 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109489/ Tinker looks good, she's not fat
Anonymous 12/1/2024 06:51:00 No. 116832 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ I REALLY THOUGHT WE HAD THINGS IN COMMON XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ENJOY BEING ALONE lol
Anonymous 12/1/2024 06:53:00 No. 116833 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ makes me feel so happy i thought maybe we you were different oh well
Anonymous 12/1/2024 07:28:00 No. 116835 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ i hope you know ow or the video i sent you made me feel better about myself than talking to you
Anonymous 12/1/2024 07:40:00 No. 116836 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ fuck you im gonna kms at this point idk anymore talking you felt so ggod sry
Anonymous 12/1/2024 08:55:00 No. 116845 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ like i dont get it is my dox not what you want just add me back so i can give it you
Anonymous 12/1/2024 08:59:00 No. 116846 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/116845/ Nobody cares about you.
Anonymous 12/1/2024 09:02:00 No. 116847 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/116846/ ok than keeping bringing yourself into something that doesn't involve you
Anonymous 12/1/2024 09:02:00 No. 116848 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/116836/ girl whatever
Anonymous 12/1/2024 09:02:00 No. 116849 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/116847/ public thread btw
Anonymous 12/1/2024 09:03:00 No. 116850 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/116849/ yea but my post arent meant for you
Anonymous 12/1/2024 09:04:00 No. 116851 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/116850/ what happened? why are you melting down in a public thread? are you not embarrassed?
Anonymous 12/1/2024 09:04:00 No. 116852 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/116847/ Apparently you do the same with your retarded spam. lol
Anonymous 12/1/2024 09:04:00 No. 116853 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/116849/ dont care added her had a nice conversation if i had somewhere better to go i would just go there
Anonymous 12/1/2024 09:05:00 No. 116854 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/116852/ just ignore it and the thread will die lol?
Anonymous 12/1/2024 09:13:00 No. 116855 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/116854/ No, I chose to make fun of your schitzoism insteas.
Anonymous 12/1/2024 09:19:00 No. 116856 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/116855/ ok i mean i dont care enjoy bumping the thread and giving it more attention that it deserves lol. im new this bitch probably has all her personal info doxxed probably but would rather tell me nothing when i can just look it up
Anonymous 12/1/2024 09:38:00 No. 116865 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109489/ wait shes fat now lol
Anonymous 12/1/2024 18:37:00 No. 116951 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1658493175067064 jpg (34.49 KB, 535x577) >>/116853/ Why did you leave us...
Anonymous 12/4/2024 03:31:00 No. 117616 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Archive of the first thread https://web.archive.org/web/20231218092028/https://endchan.net/agatha2/res/25020.html
Anonymous 12/4/2024 16:18:00 No. 117758 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ >>/117616/ thanks idk where it went i thought i was going crazy
Anonymous 12/4/2024 17:07:00 No. 117797 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 4f8241cea0... mp4 (771.72 KB, 576x1024 h264) >>/117758/ Old threads get bumped off the site after a certain amount of time to make space for new ones, luckily there are archives. Here's an old video from her tiktok, feel like I should contribute something to the thread.
Anonymous 12/4/2024 21:08:00 No. 117870 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/109489/ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Anonymous 12/4/2024 21:15:00 No. 117879 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 2a3935c0289ba226ce80d... png (14.25 KB, 812x526)
Anonymous 12/4/2024 21:16:00 No. 117881 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/117879/ Forget about this. She is obese now.
Anonymous 12/4/2024 21:24:00 No. 117887 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/117881/ Proof or just don't post
Anonymous 12/4/2024 21:25:00 No. 117891 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/117887/ >>/109489/ It's over...
Anonymous 12/4/2024 21:29:00 No. 117896 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post VideoCaptu... jpg (180.06 KB, 576x1024) >>/117887/ This image speaks volumes to how big she's gotten, its sad.
Anonymous 12/4/2024 21:30:00 No. 117897 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1658493175067062 jpg (87.68 KB, 691x653) >>/117896/ She drank it all in one gulp shortly after...
Anonymous 12/4/2024 21:33:00 No. 117901 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/117896/ Is that a tattoo?
Anonymous 12/4/2024 21:38:00 No. 117905 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/117901/ It's her stocking that blew up because of her mass
Anonymous 12/4/2024 21:39:00 No. 117906 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/117896/ Worthless fat pig.
Anonymous 12/4/2024 21:40:00 No. 117908 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post f75185e6e5... mp4 (4.71 MB, 576x1024 h264) >>/117901/ Patterned tights she wore them in this video too
Anonymous 12/4/2024 22:20:00 No. 117917 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/117908/ She ate that mollusk
Anonymous 12/5/2024 01:26:00 No. 117955 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Stinker jpg (318.31 KB, 801x1158) A new Tinker rare has been release from the dungeon
Anonymous 12/5/2024 02:26:00 No. 117966 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 83d5d8cbcbb5ba4ce95a0... png (54.45 KB, 1920x1076)
Anonymous 12/7/2024 12:10:00 No. 118345 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post Screenshot_... jpg (376.63 KB, 1080x1633) What the fuck Kat
Anonymous 12/9/2024 20:06:00 No. 119185 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post VideoCaptu... jpg (131.02 KB, 576x1024) The void
Anonymous 12/11/2024 18:57:00 No. 120187 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post how do ugly girls like this convince themselves that anyone online wants to see their face, let alone go to meet ups
Anonymous 12/11/2024 19:05:00 No. 120189 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/120187/ Narcissistic personality disorder and low iq Tinker has both
Anonymous 12/11/2024 20:23:00 No. 120197 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/118345/ So true. Apple Bloom is such a little slut!
Anonymous 12/11/2024 20:24:00 No. 120198 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/120197/ Fat Kat is back on endchan hows it going tubby
Anonymous 12/12/2024 02:55:00 No. 120284 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1658493175067064 jpg (34.49 KB, 535x577) >>/109489/ She got this fucking fat from eating my impenetrable soul
Anonymous 12/12/2024 14:58:00 No. 120686 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/120187/ to be fair she has meet up with many guys from 4chan im suprised she was never harmed
Anonymous 12/12/2024 18:14:00 No. 120735 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/120686/ We need to rise up
Anonymous 12/14/2024 16:12:00 No. 121305 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1658493175067062 jpg (87.68 KB, 691x653) >>/109489/ She got fat to spite us.
Anonymous 12/15/2024 02:07:00 No. 121457 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1593958538333 png (288.89 KB, 700x700) I'm fucking APPALLED by what I'm seeing
Anonymous 12/15/2024 03:34:00 No. 121469 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post YOU CUNT YOU CUNT YOU CUNT
Anonymous 12/15/2024 04:44:00 No. 121478 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1593958538333 png (288.89 KB, 700x700) Fuck you Tinker
Anonymous 12/15/2024 15:24:00 No. 121512 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post FUCK GOD DAMN IT
Anonymous 12/20/2024 02:59:00 No. 122766 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1734657400299 jpg (128.08 KB, 1076x1076) What is Tinkerchan's opinion on her best friend calling a 13 year old "mommy"? And sending nudes to said 13 year old?
Anonymous 12/20/2024 14:43:00 No. 122799 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post IMG_5726 jpeg (18.28 KB, 200x200) >>/122766/ > Spiral is a freaking pedro guys!!! > LOOK LOOK! LET'S TAKE EVERY THING OUTTA CONTEXT!
Anonymous 12/21/2024 19:48:00 No. 123006 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1593958538333 png (288.89 KB, 700x700) >>/117966/ YOU BITCH
Anonymous 12/22/2024 00:54:00 No. 123063 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1658493175067064 jpg (34.49 KB, 535x577) Fuck... Fuck... Fuck...
Anonymous 12/24/2024 18:46:00 No. 123594 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post cf0227e3f9c7516ff228b... jpg (38.19 KB, 736x711) merry christmas tinkfags
Anonymous 12/25/2024 16:14:00 No. 123688 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post 1658493175067064 jpg (34.49 KB, 535x577) >>/123594/ She ruined it... Ruined christmas...
Anonymous 12/26/2024 08:04:00 No. 123751 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/123594/ how do i get in this discord server
Anonymous 12/26/2024 15:23:00 No. 123759 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/123751/ .gg/TveM9GVCNP
Anonymous 12/26/2024 19:26:00 No. 123771 [Preview] [Reply] Actions report Delete Translate... Hide Post >>/102241/ Why did I just find out Tinker got cyberstalked by a ton of redditors