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you have a hateboner for medoi and post about her nonstop probably because she rejected you sometime in the past. you're just like that fag that turned marky and ken against each other. But guess what, they saw thru that and became friends.

I love bee and medoi, but I'd love them even more together. you're just a pathetic hater trying to keep them fighting for your own sick pleasure.

Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile checked his diaper, still bloody he thought, and begin to weep. that burly anon that had so carelessly violated his virgin hole and then tossed him aside could come back at any moment, ready to inflict yet more torment on him. the rain beating against his window quickened in pace, a face beginning to take shape through the glassy portal

medoi going to a friend's wedding and she brings bee as her +1. it's an open bar and the DJ is great. they spend most of the night getting drunk and dancing together with their friends. during the first slow dance there were more eyes on the two lovebirds than even the married couple.

I was just thinking after living together they would probably have their menstrual cycles synced up. I think they're horny and freaky enough to have a full on gorefest in the bedroom and since they would both be on the rag neither would have to feel self conscious about it. I think bee would tolerate it but medoi would actually get more turned on than normal

yes I'll be jerking off to hot bee medoi fanfics while sosa and bee (you) keep trying to be narrative controlling fags here and on discord and LOSING

picturing bee and medoi scissoring with their thighs caked in drying period blood makes me hard as a fucking rock

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> thread becomes active for once because bee keeps bumping her own thread
> backlash ensues from regular posters
> hmm, must be cewl, or kelly, or trannies, and not the people who have posted here every day for fucking years
No one likes you. You're not special. Every other egirl gets the same kind of hate on a regular basi. You would know that more than anyone with how much time you spend here, so try to get over it if you want to be an egirl. If iris is reading this, the same goes for you.