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you have a hateboner for medoi and post about her nonstop probably because she rejected you sometime in the past. you're just like that fag that turned marky and ken against each other. But guess what, they saw thru that and became friends.

I love bee and medoi, but I'd love them even more together. you're just a pathetic hater trying to keep them fighting for your own sick pleasure.

I love how protective medoi gets over bee I swear she would fight to the death for that girlie. if it came down to it I know bee would do what needed to protect med as well because she can't imagine a life without her

Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile cried as the wooden broomstick left his ass, not just because of the pain he felt now, but also the realization that once the bleeding stopped he would be picking splinters out of his colon for weeks

Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile checked his diaper, still bloody he thought, and begin to weep. that burly anon that had so carelessly violated his virgin hole and then tossed him aside could come back at any moment, ready to inflict yet more torment on him. the rain beating against his window quickened in pace, a face beginning to take shape through the glassy portal

your personal problem with medoi isn't my problem. you're already talking about your bf Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile in the cewl thread and the ken thread. are you the faggot that wanted the marc thread? no homo shit bitch

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personal problem? that fat cow is sharing half the spotlight with Bee, its bullshit. cewl thread is gone, and gil bert dropped into the ken thread. I don't give a fuck about marc and your faggot pedro projecting is getting real old. This is a BEE thread


that's nice but Bee doesn't fuck with pedros like Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile or Sosa anymore get your homo fix somewhere else

 Bee is terrified , fearing for her life , she tried reasoning with medoi , saying it cant even fit , it couldnt possible even feel good , but such proclamations fall in deaf ears as Medoi violently slams all that shes got inside her

medoi going to a friend's wedding and she brings bee as her +1. it's an open bar and the DJ is great. they spend most of the night getting drunk and dancing together with their friends. during the first slow dance there were more eyes on the two lovebirds than even the married couple.

I was just thinking after living together they would probably have their menstrual cycles synced up. I think they're horny and freaky enough to have a full on gorefest in the bedroom and since they would both be on the rag neither would have to feel self conscious about it. I think bee would tolerate it but medoi would actually get more turned on than normal

it's funner to rag on low IQ bee who will appear immediately and make dozens of samefag seetheposts and then get easily baited into posting proof it's her doing it. Kek what a retard

Medoi was joining Cewl’s server on her alts where Bee was. So realistically many of the hate posts towards Bee are hers. The rest are probably the few sorry guys she’s cucked that read this site and Sosa haters.

yes I'll be jerking off to hot bee medoi fanfics while sosa and bee (you) keep trying to be narrative controlling fags here and on discord and LOSING

picturing bee and medoi scissoring with their thighs caked in drying period blood makes me hard as a fucking rock

hmmm ok maybe that's workable... imagine medoi's dsl's sucking on those little nips working in nibbles here and there. it's actually a nice contrast because medoi is the more feminine of the two but the boyish one has bigger boobs. It's a very interesting dynamic

> be bee
> see horrific candids of self being posted again
> look for embarrassing pictures of medoi
> 0 results
> uhhh well here's this edit I made to make her ugly!
lol love to see it. tbh it was a pretty funny one though

bee is a performative racist that fucks niggers and based on her pedrophile connections she shouldn't be allowed within 2 miles of any school or any other place children congregate

tinker is cool and doesn't impose herself. she does based shit like exploiting mentally ill sex pests causing redditors to seethe and witch hunt her
bee just selfposts, fucks brown people and is obsessed with medoi (also brown). there's really no comparison

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> thread becomes active for once because bee keeps bumping her own thread
> backlash ensues from regular posters
> hmm, must be cewl, or kelly, or trannies, and not the people who have posted here every day for fucking years
No one likes you. You're not special. Every other egirl gets the same kind of hate on a regular basi. You would know that more than anyone with how much time you spend here, so try to get over it if you want to be an egirl. If iris is reading this, the same goes for you.

they don't. cewl, bee and the tranny spammers are all from the same discord.

cewl did the same shit with the fake opps in her thread to create lots of posts. it's bee's turn now that cewl is taking her fake break for dramatic purposes

its pretty telling that every egirl gets way worse hate than what bee has ever gotten but no other thread has the degree of samefagging spergout defending that this one does. literally the same few things being repeated like "you sound fat" and "you must be this girl i have beef with." she should try to be more subtle.

look at all the samefag replies early in the thread before she finally admitted it was her posting and proved it with a post on her insta. she camps her own thread calling herself cute over and over, attacking naysayers and obsessing over medoi. complete basket case.

 I am the bane of my board
 Heroin is my body and cum is my blood
 I have created over a thousand threads
 Unknown to Cringe,
 Nor known to Baste.
 Have withstood withdrawals to eat many oxys
 But yet, those hands will never hold anything
 So as I pray, Unlimited Tranny Words.

ok fine fine whatever im sorry kelly just stop ruining my thread and let me post in peace now pls. i dont want this anymore i wont talk about you if you dont talk about me this is just fucking stupid now for both of us

> homely and easy to see as attainable
> always responds 
> covered in cuts
> pretended to be a child for years because shes an autopedrophile in an open relationship with an actual child molester and serial groomer proven to have possessed cp of sunny, ciara, and asteriaa
> faked a pregnancy for drama
> samefag selfposting addict
> publicly documented "running away from home" aka leaving sosa's mom's house to sit in the woods before getting sent to the psych ward for being bpd
> had candid pics expose her filtermaxxed catfishing
> befriended a confirmed pedrophile who groomed another girl she was jealous of and introduced him to kids by getting him to join discord servers
> hasnt been able to keep a single female friendship
> has schizo beef with girls she thinks are posting in her threads 
> goes back and forth on loving and hating threads about her based on how much backlash her selfposting gets when caught

egirls are, dare i say it, so back bros

> finally admitting to self-posting and samefagging defenses
Finally lol. But I don’t think it’s Kelly. Genuinely, why do you think it’s her behind all of the negative posts? It’s obviously many different anons. Some sound written by a girl but there are a lot of femanons here lately and most of them are obviously men. I’ve made plenty itt just because I think you’re way too obvious of a self-posting narc who needs a wake up call about what path you’re going down.

I don’t know if Bee even realizes she’s the sole reason Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile went back to rationalizing his grooming and started doing it again. Before Bee he was on this board writing public apologies for being creepy and now he embraces it and credits Bee for saving him from "self hatred." I cant imagine the bullshit he must have told her about Ken

No shit it isn't bee, note the liberal use of exclamation.
Yo, defending sosa again? How about you explicitly say you don't have a problem with grooming, abusive incest, or peedophila. Might as well get that out in the open

The Medoi and Tinker spam is weird. Bee still hates Medoi after Medoi took attention away from her by befriending Gilbert Raborg the pedrophile. And Bee still hates Tinker after Tinker reported another one of Bee's token pedros to the FBI. Right after that, Bee posted Tinker's full doxx here. 

Bee is literally obsessed with pedrophile attention. She lives for it.

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remember when bee was bragging about michael grooming her dead idol bianca? the only reason bee got into r9k is because of being obsessed with true crime and started skinwalking bianca. she has a huge archive of bianca content and rares from michael himself. wouldnt be surprised if he shows her cp
> Yeah here's a deleted post of her talking ab Michael, since mikey reads these threads and searches for posts ab him I should probs shut up after this cuz he might take my phone or something
everyone tells her shes dating a pedrophile and she says "Idc" to all of them

when sosa is rotting away in poundmeintheass prison bee will be on the outside forever associated with pedrophile sosa and all her gloating about being with the guy who raped his sister when she was in elementary school will be archived and follow her around. gotta love it when bad things happen to bad people

Yes. The only reason this thread exists is because Bee was obsessed with true crime which led her to discovering Biancas death pic and wanting to be like her. Wanting to be like Bianca is what led her to post herself on imageboards, join eharem, and date Sosa just like Bianca. She used to copy exact poses and hairstyles and outfits of hers before this level.

Also the killer thread was proven to be her because Bee made her profile pic on letterboxd a drawing by the murderer. This also proved she was posting the OPs about herself here since nobody knew of her letterboxd and it had 0 followers and followed. Obviously I’m not a mod but I suspect she hops IPs. Sosa used to train Ciara and every other egirl under his wing how to do this so they could ban evade and defend him on r9k.

That’s her fetish. She already lied about being a child and getting molested as a kid as part of it. Plus the whole intentionally dating Sosa thing. Hes said himself she aggressively pursued him. Shed be way too happy to get raped.

No, it’s Spiral. He’s the only person who constantly brings up Bee’s supposed Bianca fixation in Discord. Him and Ono are the only ones in Harem to have mentioned it, but he brings it up more negatively.
Right now he’s heavily trying to imitate Sosa by running the current Marc’s E-Harem.

Sosa should be careful with his tone when talking to me on Discord. I may have a new name now, but I won't forget about backstabbers. It's better for me not to dig up the past since most of it's already out there, just not my side because I've never gotten "unwanted attention" like Ciara and the others. I hope "Bee" isn't being used to blackmail or scam people too.
I've moved on. I tried to help you, and you didn't even thank me. Be glad you're free at least.

I'd be impressed by that if she was still in middle school. all egirls (or wannabe egirl pedrophile lovers in bee's case) hit a wall and stagnate with their art because they're too lazy and dumb to challenge themselves or learn beyond the basics. I guess at least she did something that wasn't anime.

She's the worst "artist" of all these egirls. It looks like middle schooler deviantart shit. For some reason egirls have such inflated egos that they think its not obvious when they selfpost to say "hate her all you want but her art is good!"

No, Bee, its not. You have no depth perception, draw worse than a 10 year old weeb, and put no actual effort into training. Being praised by teachers for your doodles in elementary school doesnt make you a good artist. You failed to put in the effort.

Bee only exists because of Sosa. She will never be anything else other than Sosa's gf. There is nothing even remotely interesting or original about her personality. Besides, her miserable online persona is just a mix of a couple dead egirls identities. There's nothing to her but lack of character and beauty.

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