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Are there any cute girls you guys follow on the internet but won't share them because you don't want people to ruin her?

I mean, high value girls. Not basic bitch whores like that Empathchan.

There's a girl who's a mix of Kennedi (but without her arrogance and try-hardness) and Lily I follow on some social media. Her followers are pretty decent and she doesn't have that many followers.

I follow a few girls like that. One of them whom is very obviously ripping off Ken's entire aesthetic, personality and music taste. It's kinda pathetic to watch but she's really cute so I won't complain. I bet she lurks here.

The girl I'm talking about browses 4chan. And I'm sure. But I guess she browses only the art boards. I hope so. I've done my research and there's no trace of her name, face or social media being shared there. The only thing I've found is a post on /lit/ about a specific fiction book she likes and her writting style.

no one can replace kennedi. if you mistake her passion and autism for arrogant "tryhardness" then i just feel bad for you. reminder the only girls here who actually have autism are ken and agatha, and ken made the mistake of getting into philosophy and being abused. it makes sense why she is so defensive and protective and hates us. i need to stop coming here altogther

You’re talking about c4vechan on Instagram. She’s already been exposed for photoshopping and faking her whole personality to become an ‘R9K girl’. Her real personality is an attention whore, which is why she has 10k followers on instagram and posts ridiculously photoshopped pictures of herself with captions to make herself seem educated. Oh, and she also lurks here to make rumours about them and bully them.

To make rumours about other girls on the board and bully them*
Also, she is the most like Empathchan on this board. Highly photoshopped, style like any other normie woman on the internet trying too hard to be an individual meanwhile being simple and nasty deep down. She also has a track record of dating men online and offline, cheated on me, which is why I made this post. I met her on R9K and she would also make me make posts about her on the board, shilling her.

im the man who thoight up empathchan's name for her...the person who convinced her to send her first nudes...the man who convinced her to make an OF.....convinced her to adopt an edgy persona or being a racist, gay hating, gore loving controversey creating bitch. That was all me btw. I am an egirl maker.

There's definitely some girls I somewhat follow that are cute and have some good content and I think are better than most of the girls posted here. I've thought about posting them and decided against it so far not even just because they might be "ruined" but just because of how this board is at this point. The board is slow, filled with humorless faggots, useless leaches, and those who will insist that literally any girl posted here is ugly and/or boring. It makes it not fun. There's just no incentive to post any new girls here when they won't attract any interest/discussion/content sharing or funposting in general.

She is gorgeous, half asian and half white I believe to be, but not the ugly kind. She is like Kennedi but sweeter, she will converse with me. I am on her Close Friends list which gives me access to her cutest selfies. I've lurked her Goodreads, Letterboxd, Rateyourmusic, and Instagram incessantly. She is simply fantastic.

Wrong choice of wording. She simply reminds me of Ken because of their interest in the arts, their tastes and habits however, vastly different. She is not desperate, simply, kind. I haven't offered anything material like money or gifts, and she hasn't asked for them either.

> Gatekeeping thread

A guy like you can't be friends with hure. She doesn't want to associate with people from /pol/ because she's afraid of losing normie followers on Instagram. She's not as deep as you think. LARP as a white 6'5" software developer at FANG and she will obsess over you.

Hi Vincent. You forgot to blank out your profile picture. As mentioned previously in the thread this girl is a notorious photoshopping attention whore who wants to become a 'R9K girl', copies Kennedi and comes across no different to a typical instagram normie under the pseudo intellectualism. She also lurks here and has been involved in bullying and making rumours about girls on this board out of jealousy.

Nice avatar, faggot. You look like an ugly girl. 
Anyway, always a funny red flag when a girls Instagram is entirely pics of herself all in a row. Even though ken def loves attention, I'll give her credit. She does at least care about things other than her face and body.  
But I don't get how the girl in OP pic is copying ken. Unless she spews about tiqqun and victorian poetry and gay music and perfumery in her stories.

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You fucking nerds actually think I read all of OP's post?

Well lol I didn't I just saw a cool Lain picture and I remembered that the girl I posted had that as a pfp once and since I deleted discord I was itching for a chance to talk about something again

And yeah LOL that's me in the corner lmfao, but who cares lol, I'm a fucking dude and I like to see pretty women, nothing to be embarrassed about.

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> lol hure don't worry we agree with you on everything hehe
> Yeah we're not like those incels we swear
> oh I totally agree hure you're so hot and beautiful omigosh pls like totally sit on my face
> y-yeah a-aren't th-those dirty incels so stinky heh right hure? pls notice meeeeee my queen

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Holy fuck these people are so annoying. They always twist bad things into good ones.
> omg im soooooo hot all these icky incels hate me so much im suuuuuch a victim, anyone who disagrees with me is just mega totes jealous, and also a  basement dwelling troll who doesnt shower, eww gives me the nasty
> People are giving me shit? Well OBVIOUSLY it's only because im soooooo good and they're sooooo bad
Legit single digit IQ behavior.

This reminds me of that thing middle schoolers would say in the 2000s
> you called me a bitch?
> bitch is just a female dog
> and dogs bark
> and bark is trees
> and trees are a part of nature
> and nature is beautiful
> so you just called me beautiful, thank you :) <3 <3 <3

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It appears so, I'm sorry anon, we may be losers here, but at least most of us are losers with taste.
Which means white girls, and white passing girls only. If I'm going to waste hours of my life learning about some dumb girl she better at least be cute, youthful, weigh less than 110 lbs, be pale as fuck, and have a lithe nymph like body because we're all creeps who like girls who look young.

Basically anime defined our fetish

Im not the guy you're replying to, but she is average at best. She is 100% hiding stuff with filters and makeup, so she theoretically could be below average. And that's just regarding the face, you can tell she has B cups at best.
Furthermore, she is the type of attention whore that should NOT be encouraged or praised

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I like sinisterdarling

I even found out what schoool she went to and some private useless facts about her.

She is kinda known tho, wonder why no one makes a thread about her,she has all the points that make people simp for e-girls.

King post. This is something I'd type.
I personally really dislike all those fake/manipulative/dishonest facial expressions they put on, it just seems so fake, like they're only doing it to get bonus attention points.
And showing any tits is pure attention whore behavior.

why are you even in this site man?

Any girl that posts pictures of herself online is an attention whore,so yeah like 90% of women.

Like really do you think any of these bitches are innocent? only the ones that are lowkey mentally retarded get a pass

Man this shit is highly depressing.
I dont wanna be rude, but is this the natural state for women or some shit? It seems like there are no more modest non-whore women around these days, both online or offline.
Agatha's character was good, but irl she's a tumblrette.
Kennedi is a majorly pretentious poser.
Ciara wasnt too bad, but she's gone.
All the mid-tier egirls are at least a somewhat whores
All the low-tier egirls basically rely on being a whore.
Is there any hope left? Real talk, I'm not even joking.

Any woman posting her face online is likely to be a turbo slut. You’re projecting the turbo sluts onto the entire population of women. The women you are looking for don’t post their faces publicly online. Before you ask, yes all the women on this board are turbo sluts even the ones that pretend not to be.

You already know the answer you’re too lazy/afraid to actually do it. Find them doing their hobbies online or in person. Don’t be a creepy weirdo which is a lot to ask considering the board we’re on. It’s hard, women who aren’t sluts don’t advertise themselves to men 24/7.

> too lazy/afraid to actually do it
No, I just dont know where they are. I'd be the most assertive man on the planet if I just found a woman worth pursuing.
> Find them doing their hobbies online or in person.
Yeah but where exactly? I need specific examples.

Have you even spoke to her? Yeah she has taste but its much more normie than Ken and regardless she has completely different taste in the first place. I have her RYM and letterbox, I swear you niggas say any girl with even a mild taste in the arts is trying to copy Kennedi.

i'm the guy from: >>/11912/
I don't think she has any,otherwise someone would post them in one of the occasianl /pol/ or 4chan threads that she is mentioned in.

That said....she probably has nudes somewhere,in some kid's phone inside some locker in her highschool, if any of you mentally ill spergs wants to try to find it feel free to do it.

> how do i find gf?
> dude, all you need to do is be yourself and put yourself out there
> do you have any specific examples?
low iq normie moment

does anyone know a girl who recently had some bad things happen to her? there is an egirl I used to orbit who was sorta popular but never talked about on here. she was sorta into the internal egirl scene. I haven't talked to her in a long time but I recently saw that some bad things happened to her. I was hoping that she would get out of this world before things got dark. I don't want to spread rumors but i'm really worried about her. she added a lot of guys on r9k.

> Ciara wasnt too bad
If you seriously think the washed up and actually filthy drug addict that supposedly did some really fucked up shit to other people "wasn't too bad", then you are the most fucked up of them all.
Look up madonna-whore complex you fucking mong, because you suffer from it immensly like most incels.

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Lucyspectre/Simulacoisie is an uggo caked in makeup trying to make herself look whiter. She larps hard as a tradcath on discord and has a massive narcissistic superiority complex. Tried to be just like Kennedi for a while and failed. Self-posts on /lit/. Became a catholic just to feel above people and turn her lack of social life into a virtue. Posts selfies in sheep village/marc's e-harem daily while calling the server a pedro den, clearly pandering to them with the uwu christian larp. Loses every argument she starts. Good friends with Mantras of all people.

Yes. But it's pissing me off how her instagram only had 80~ followers at the start of the year and now has nearly 2k. Her telegram was only 23 members but it's now 100+. All because one of her vids on tiktok got famous. She's Russian/Georgian and posts mainly cool photos of random scenery and buildings with the occasional cute face pics. She's into older tech like early playstation games, shitty nokia phones, and old digicams. Her music taste is the same as mine. I'm so mad that people are discovering her and it's worse because those discovering her are ttfags

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