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Returned to say that i remember this. Her being forced into recovery and then exploited by that cat-fucking pedro Shane Dawson was the worst thing to happen to her. It sealed her fate as a doomed skelly. Forced recovery almost never works.

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i think her mom is very questionable too i saw in that documentary how her mom had locks on every single one of the doors which i thought was really weird, and every time shes asked about eugenias weight she just sweeps it under the rug and calls her “skinny minnie” almost seems like she enabling her daughter to be like this gives me very much gypsy rose blanchard vibes

oh for certain her mother enables her, her family dynamics are weird as fuck
her mother should have stepped in years ago, however she's one of those "my baby is perfect" smothering moms (like Bianca's mom)
her mother definitely enabled her disorder by allowing her to be a child model and have unrestricted internet access
now that eugenia is 30 she is beyond help, its her mother's fault

i don’t necessarily support eugenia but i don’t think her eating discorder is her fault at all shes been enabled by her mom practically her whole life and even in her older videos when she was still underage she was still alarmingly thin her mom not doing anything about it is like borderline child neglect, shes  most likely never gonna get help and the day she dies her mom needs to be investigated

i once heard a theory that eugenia may be doing drugs to keep herself energized i thought people were looking into it too much at first but then i started thinking there’s no way someone that malnourished and underweight can just livestream for hours and hours on end. She also hangs out with people like jeffree star whos done drugs on a livestream before and probably other people who may not have the best influence on her ofc these are just theories but it would explain alot

kek i remember when she had another “accidental” flash and people started saying it looked like she was wearing a diaper and she got extremely defensive about it with how severe her anorexia is it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if she actually does wear diapers

I used to feel bad for eugenia but i’ve stopped having sympathy for her after shes been called out so many times for flaunting her illness and purposefully flashing herself obviously catering to fetishes. Literally so many people have tried to help her but she obviously doesn’t want help and its damn near impossible to help someone that doesn’t wanna be helped

Cooney and whatever else your name is, fuck your emotions. You're the dumbfuck sticking your finger down your throat. You're the dumbfuck making yourself look like Smeagol then patches it up with makeup. You want sympathy? Fuck your circus act. Tie a rope around your neck and make yourself throw up until you see Satan. He'll comfort you. Make sure you broadcast it through all your social meeedia. Fucken freak.

every "alt" skelly girl has a thing for Nightmare Before Christmas (and Tim Burton in general)
Eugenia Cooney, Ashley Isaacs, Tara Terrorful are all obsessed with Jack Skellington
If its not Jack its usually Corpse Bride instead

yes, there is some sort of correlation between anorexic girls and fat moms
its almost like the daughters are afraid of looking like their mothers while the mother is in denial about the concerning weightloss
Bianca and Eugenia's mothers both insist "my daughter is (/was) fine!"

yeah i also wonder if it has to do with maybe their moms are also jealous of their daughters too bianca and eugenia were both models and pretty thin so it would make sense if they were jealous of their looks in some way

i remember eugenia saying that she hates how she looks in this picture it really shows how much anorexia has damaged her self image i can’t help but feel bad for her she’s probably been extremely insecure her whole life

she does know about this board i’ve heard that someone told kim that people were making creepy comments about one of biancas younger siblings, and yet she still continues to post her kids in swimwear WHILE having her account on public she obviously doesn’t gaf

is it safe to say that jeffree star is her best friend? i dont think she hangs out irl with anyone else. he seems really shady and superficial, i hope he doesnt just get sick of eugenia and use her then toss her away :( fuck your shitty palletes jeffree

theres definitely some shady things about their relationship hes been seen eating when  hes live with her kinda in like a taunting way, 
and him and eugenia were both live with this other person and she was making jokes about eugenia and jeffree was laughing at them

has anybody else seen that video of eugenia quote “twerking” on a huge rock and people kept telling her to get down i personally love eugenia but i kinda died a little inside when i saw that.

what year do you guys predict that she’ll die as sad and morbid as it is i honestly believe that this will be her last decade alive im gonna be very shocked if she lives to 2030

this video was extremely hard to watch eugenia doesn’t seem to know how to do basic common sense tasks while being dressed like a child, how the hell does her mom just sit and watch her 30 year old daughter act like this?

Her mom allows eugenia to act infantilized like this because she is a narcissist. Her daughter is dying but she likes the attention and concern trolls eugenia recieves, I would even go far by accusing her mother of having munchausen by proxy syndrome.

i think another reason that her mom enables her illness is because if she does recover and the newness of her recovery wears off she won’t get as much attention and views, her mother wants her to stay sick so that she can keep getting views and bring in more money its so fucked up and heartbreaking

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I wish someone married eugenia so she could get away from her abusive mother but I think eugenia is actually asexual/aromantic now due to ED. Her friends could have had stepped in and make eugenia live with them instead of their shitty mom but I guess they didn't have the balls to do that.

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She did have a friend group like 10 years ago and apparently they did try to get her help by forcing her into some kind of mental ward any time shes asked about it now she just starts crying. It’s undeniable she needs help but forced recovery isn’t the way to go especially when the person obviously doesn’t want help and is old enough to make their own decisions i know those friends were probably just desperate for her to get help

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i think this is also one of her most beautiful pictures she looks like she’s genuinely happy in this im not just blaming shane dawson for her relapse but i think it could have strongly contributed to it

This picture is gorgeous, and yes I think the Shane Dawson documentary heavily contributed to her relapse
She was psychically recovered but not quite there mentally so seeing comments that said "you look healthy" or "congratulations on the weight gain" would have made her feel fat and gross 
She should have stayed away from the internet longer and went to a real therapist

The day eugenia unfortunately dies, wtf is her family (mostly her mom) even gonna say what her cause of death is i know we would know why but is she just gonna be like “yeah i watched my daughter slowly die and didn’t do shit about it”

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Her death will cause even more outrage than Nico Avocado becoming skinny again in 2024, it will go viral and her mother will probably enjoy the fame and money. Munchausen syndrome by proxy scumbags enjoy the attention people give them because of their ill victims. Jeffree star will also try to place himself in the middle of drama if that happens...

Got a feeling when she dies people will just make memes of her death, people hate her for no reason and blame it on her "promoting" anorexia when all she does is make tiktoks in cheap clothes
Never seen her endorse eating disorders in fact I remember her telling people they SHOULDN'T want to look like her

This will probably be an unpopular opinion but idc. Theres something admirable and courageous about someone saying to the world "Im going to slowly kill myself and make you all watch" . I feel like shes subconsciously made the choice that if she cant be anorexic, then shed rather not live. shes not interested in changing or getting better. this is who she is and she will die this way. theres something treasurable about that. I admire anyone who sees it through to the end, and is willing to die on their little hill. it shows great conviction.

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oh my god have you guys seen this video of her mom saying that she eats and is perfectly fine when any sane person can tell just by one quick glance at her that she is obviously not fine. Her mom gives me HEAVY dee dee blanchard vibes i think both eugenia and her mom need serious mental evaluation

sometimes I have a daydream where eugenia dies and then after her death, all her private medical records are released and come to find out, she was anemic and had some rare blood disorder all along, and in actuality she never was anorexic at all! and the world bullied a innocent girl to the grave who really was just medically sick. wouldnt that be a good movie?

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