/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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> self-hating edgy Indian wants to be a 4chan egirl
> proceeds to make a thread about herself without knowing how image boards work
> makes fake rape threats towards herself and starts fake drama
Do you not realize you're putting an email address in every single reply, and that you're NOT supposed to do that? Pretending to be different people with fake email addresses doesn't make it any less obvious when literally no one on image boards ever uses email addresses. Won't even bother tagging the rest of your samefagging selfposts since they account for 99% of the posts in this thread.
Do not even try to interact with this bitch.

I gave her one compliment as a starter 
 DM, get called weird and proceed to get called insults a 40 year old would think of after I point out that if she wants to be popular, she shouldn't act that way to people who would simp for her.

Fuck this dumb cunt
Hindu girl you won't win us over with drawings. We need noodz especially of the *type. Just edit the brown away. Consult Sidney if you need help editing. You're on your way to becoming our first brown AF (not black) egirl so give it all you got ;)
It's funny how when leftists try to argue about how shitskins and niggers aren't subhumans they always bring up how some corrupt shitskin slave-owner owned 30% of the world's riches or some shit but then it all got ruined by those damn evil white pypo and their colonization which enslaved us unfairly and not because they were playing by the same rules as the shitskins and just simply outsmarted them.
Cope more brownoid filth.
i met her the other day in a random server my friend owns. she seems pretty nice! i hope mods will take down the threads requested but its very unlikey. from what i know they “never delete threads” unless there is some kind of legal reason for it. i hate this entire board tbf. it really should not exist.

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