/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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A thread for the smartest, cutest, prettiest, most entertaining and least groomed goblin girl of Bonezone!

She really likes aliens and really really hates pedros. Please don't ask her why she's commonly found in grown men's DMs asking to date them - she'll get mad and say you're a pedro for noticing.

She has fetal alcohol syndrome, please be very kind to her, she can't really help how she looks.

You can usually find her getting insulted in Bonezone or Kiwiland for picking on egirls who are prettier than her. She can't really help it, they're all stupid whores for posting themselves for attention!

discord: justsluglool

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fuck this retarded bitch with a chainsaw for shitting on people and making up false accusations when she selfposts nudes and poorly covers them up pic very fucking related

say hi to Alexandria!
36 Lydun Drive, Beachwood Apartments, Albion NY 14411-9755

Alcohol trouble will do that to your kids...
I'm about to ruin slug for the whole thread :3
Did you know her parents trafficked her as a kid for booze and drug money and it went on for like 10 years until they got arrested?

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