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She was a fuckup starting from day 1 there is no way she would have successfully finished college she most likely would have dropped out due to her impulses and bpd if she hadn’t been murdered she would have most likely commited suicide or overdosed

im still confused on how the FUCK that trannoid got access to her sextape and murder vid just by asking for it you would think police wouldn’t just let some random person watch it you would think that would be illegal?

i honestly don't believe that's true and i've only ever seen that rumor posted on kiwifarms, but she probably would spend her hoe cash on weed
she probably lied to her mom and said it was money from selling art, which would be believable since she had a commissions sheet up on one instagram

Its’s probably not true considering she didn’t really go out a lot and didn’t really have friends outside of the internet at that age i saw somewhere on a desuarchive thread from like 2016 it was posted by someone that knew her and he said she was always extremely quiet and seemed to lack social skills

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i find it funny that news outlets say she was this “instagram star” when in reality she was more of one of the lesser known egirls when she was alive she’s only one of the most popular egirls now because she got murdered

do you guys also remember when “she” showed a picture of a young girl posing suggestively and said that was bianca when the girl in the picture CLEARLY looked nothing like her im also confused on where the hell she got that picture from and thought it was bianca

agreed. obviously bianca was mentally ill with fetishes, but everything antimone theorized was genuinely retarded.
i remember antimonte saying bianca having multiple social media accounts, going by different aliases, and changing her username is proof bianca was suffering from DID. 

yes lmao, wasnt the young girl a literal natural ginger with ginger eyebrows and everything? you dont even have to know bianca at all, you just need one quick glance and 1% of brain skill to know they have zero resemblance.

Not trying to justify brandon murdering bianca but she was probably happy when he started killing her because she had depression, he basically helped bianca commit suicide. She probably also knew he would post it on discord and take gore pics of her and she was a big fan of that.

she was just edgy and in a sadgirl phase because she was about to become an adult, i think she would've become more adjusted over time with the help of medicine and therapy (had she lived of course)
Lots of girls with BPD/bipolar go nuts when they're close to 18 because adulthood means responsibility for their poor behavior

hi star im just curious if julias posted anything new of bianca im only asking because i have access to a couple private bianca accounts and they don’t post anymore because they’re pissed that people are posting her pics onto this site lmfao and i know sometimes pictures don’t show up on pinterest

Wonder how kim feels about having seen her daughter's cutting photos and nudes and videos of her smoking weed and drinking with brandon, she is so delusional even after seeing those she still says bianca wasn't a thot

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ok maybe i am schizophrenic but what if this is bianca's last post on 4chan
> same file name format as her other posts
> similar clown doll picture as ones from her tumblr
> posted one day before her death
am i crazy?

this is from a thread about ICP
the screenshots from the clown fetish thread were bianca but she wasnt the fetish poster she just took over the thread and says so herself
(if you're lazy: someone asked if it was bianca and told her to overdose, she replied "nope but its my thread now!" and posted a bunch of clowns)

I honestly don’t think there’s a whole lot of bianca rares left i’ve been doing tons of deep dives on desuarchive for rares and was only able to find one but it had already been posted, the only rares left are most likely being gatekeeped and from that swamproaches acc which i highly doubt anybody will ever post anything from that acc

i’ve seen a ton of people say she would be some big model if she was still alive while yeah she would probably still be modeling if she still alive, but i can’t see her being famous for modeling she was a pretty average looking model that’s just my opinion tho

I remember when i first saw her death picture i kept having nightmares nonstop about it and it was all i could think about for weeks and i would even have hallucinations of that image, i’ve seen lots of gore on the internet but her death picture stood out to me the most i’m not totally sure why maybe it’s because it looked nothing like her and how such a beautiful girl could look unrecognizable in the matter of seconds. Im only writing this just to see if any other anon has had a similar experience to this

when i first ever saw the pic it shocked me & i had to take a break from browsing, but after seeing it spammed over and over again it no longer has an effect on me or feels as real as it should. im not a gore viewer, so i dont get desensitized easy, but seeing biancas death photo is a regular day on here at this point

Wasn’t there another case of some boyfriend killing his girlfriend and he posted a picture of her corpse on 4chan? it was way before biancas and it wasn’t as gruesome he apparently strangled her or something it just never really got that much attention

does anybody have that one picture of bianca she was crying in it and holding up a peace sign and the caption was something like “i love being edgy on the internet” its kinda rare and i remember seeing it on one of the old bianca threads

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I've never seen one like that and im a veteran biancafag, if i find it i will post but i dont recall ever seeing it
right now im looking for a picture of her where she was on omegle staring straight ahead with pink curly hair and she looked like a clown for some reason i lost that picture and now i cant find it

I assume it was rather mundane, full of smoking pot and planning for college. She talked about wanted to fuck Aleks right before she was murdered so if she wasn't killed they would have gotten together and cucked Brandon even further. I wish he killed himself, fuck that bald retard.

i wonder what biancas religion was or how she felt about god because unless im just schizo or it was a different person i think i saw on one of her twitter accounts she had liked something about god maybe im just crazy

as much as people call her a druggie i don’t think she was actually that big on drugs besides smoking weed compared to ciara we know for a fact she actually did heroin its only a rumor that bianca did i think a lot of it was just her being edgy

not even saying this to be mean but maybe where she lived , in shitsville NY somewhere, she was considered super attractive , but if you placed her in so cal or orange county walking around at a mall or something, no one would even give her a second glace, shes super average . she looks like 8 out of 10 other girls there, nothing striking or unique about her

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Ciara is kinda ugly and looks like a basement dweller while bianca always looks silky, shiny, well dressed in her pics and she would fit in with the normies. Like Ciara wasn't ugly she was pretty but not pretty enough to get praised by normies like bianca was

> posting awkward teenage pics
Ciara was ugly for most of her life except maybe a year period where she was pretty. Before that, she was bloated and misshapen with a huge chin covered in cystic acne. After that, she became a junkie ghoul. Bianca was model tier towards the end of her life and would've gotten even prettier if she hadn't died.

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ciara was only cute in some pics majority of her pictures she looked like a greasy drug addict and had fucked up teeth and horrible skin if you were to show someone a picture of ciara and bianca side by side they would no doubt agree that bianca mogs

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Skynd's music video has 1,1 million views now.

I've got the feeling that Bianca would either be horrified or piss her pants while laughing at the video if she somehow came back from the dead and watch it.

I wonder how kim feels after taking over that swamproaches account, And getting to see her daughters cutting pictures and nudes. I wonder if it opened her eyes to how bianca wasn’t this sweet innocent little angel that dindu nuffin

i always wonder how bianca would look if she was still alive today i wonder if she would have grown out of the whole e-girl aesthetic by now and just be a model and look normal instead

Does anybody have that one video of bia she was holding maddie in it and she was blonde and she said something like “she thinks the dog filters coming on”, I remember first seeing it like a year ago and haven’t been able to find it since

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Its crazy that this picture is probably gonna be the only picture we’ll ever get from that swamproaches account its a shame that nobody will ever post anything from that account most likely there would definitely be a lot of interesting stuff on there

not trying to be mean, but what a pathetic existence you have. lurking, waiting, spending countless hours on some imageboard , just hoping and praying someone posts a rare picture of some dead teen girl that you didnt even know. then what? what if someone does post a rare in the near future of, say, bianca standing next to a garbage can. would you jump out of your seat and be euphoric for days on end? write in your journal "today a bianca rare was posted" ? will your life suddenly have more meaning?

It was posted in the last thread
You need a vpn to watch it if you're outside of the UK

Yeah I watched the full thing. Honestly, Brandon's behavior in it was appalling. What more can you expect from a murderer though. 

I went on a long road trip back in 2018 when she was still alive and drove past Utica. It's kind of bizarre to think I was so close to her and would only come to find out about her existence after her death.

>  I went on a long road trip back in 2018 when she was still alive and drove past Utica.

im the same the age as her but only started browsing sites like 4chan in 2021. kinda wish I started earlier and maybe stumble across one of her threads or something.

she genuinely seemed like a cool person imo, besides all her flaws

biancas case has always kinda reminded me of travis alexanders case, they both lead on batshit crazy people by being manipulative and cheating that resulted in them being being murdered it doesn’t mean they deserved it but they weren’t innocent either

> post Bianca's nudes, images she voluntarily took and that harm nobody
> post Bianca's corpse, a picture that can shock and traumatize people
> it's legal so it's fine :)
Hypocritical normalfags

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Looks like she was missing one tooth here? Or maybe I'm retarded and it was just crooked and hiding.
Her mom mentioned in an interview on youtube that she had to remind bianca to shower sometimes, i cant imagine how poor her dental hygiene was with those yellow teeth.

Im pretty sure its just hidden and yeah she had a lot of mental issues and severe depression so its really no suprise that it would probably effect her dental health, i wonder if it was maybe also because of her drug use too

> legality =/= morality
Indeed. Her nudes are illegal, but they were taken voluntarily and spreading them would bring nothing but joy to the general public.
The picture of her corpse is legal to post, but it can traumatize people.

im sorry but i genuinely couldn’t help but laugh when antimone layne kept making dumbass theories about bianca like saying that she was definitely molested and had DID and i remember she also said that the knife brandon used to kill bianca was actually hers lol, and her “proof” was just her posting edgy teenage things on tumblr

It's literally less revealing than a bikini, which no one complains about anyone wearing. So what gives? I guarantee you that Chinese-made slop has a 100% polyester shell anyway, so basically identical to a cheap swimsuit anyway.

fucking nasty looking. yikes. she clearly loved kids though, which makes it a little sad that she never got to have any of her own. im positive that she wouldve just perpetuated the whore cycle though, just like kim taught bianca and her sisters. biancas daughter wouldve been a gross little whore too. kims mom and granda were probably whores as well. it just keeps getting passed down and wont stop until the family line ends.

are there any links or even archives of that livestream that kim did trying to “get in touch” with biancas ghost i heard people trolled the fuck outta it and i just wanna laugh

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Apparently livs a single mother now just like how kim was so you’re probably right dakota has a tiktok too and they both genuinely seem like they miss their sister, even if you hate bianca you can’t deny that its fucked up that people send her death photos to her little siblings

does anybody else find it kinda weird that kim is mutuals with bianca accounts on insta? i mean if it was someone that actually knew her then sure but idk if i was a mom and my daughter was murdered idk how i would feel about a bunch of random people that didn’t even know her making a whole acc dedicated to her, but maybe i could just be looking too much into it.

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I wonder if this photo was actually taken at brandons house because i don’t really think she had a lot of female irl friends and this was posted around the time she started hanging out with brandon a lot

i was in jail before and beating on women is looked down upon so murdering must be even worse
when i was there i heard one inmate yell to another one cause he knew he was there for fighting with a female
he said "you want me to put a mop on my head while i fight you?"

Because she was using him for drugs, alcohol, and a free ride. Also she had him convinced at one point they were exclusive while she was actually still dating Marc. This kiss with Aleks was the nail in the coffin.
Are you new?

I genuinely think there’s not really a lot of rares left there hasn’t been anything new posted in this thread, star hasn’t posted and i still have access to a few bianca accounts on instagram and they haven’t really posted anything new unless their just gatekeeping

no I just have a life other than being online

aaa I got a bit more to post but none of it is really too rare. I don’t have access to my Pinterest right now, so I’m just gonna end up reposting everything on my tumblr and just being active there for now

Merry Christmas anons

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