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What does Audrey's breath smell like? You decide:


met this chick on twitter and used to talk to her regularly on discord until she started acting really standoffish towards me then said I reminded her of some guy she knew who started dating a highschooler then blocked me, never realized she was such a prolific e-girl until I stumbled across these threads, seems like I dodged a bullet by not getting more involved

We mostly just made small talk and stuff, chatted about what was going on with our lives but didn't get into that much detail or anything. At various points she had mentioned having a vindictive ex who talked shit about her on image boards, but I never thought it was as involved as this. I stumbled across the threads by searching her twitter handle, was looking through my old posts to try to find something else and saw an old reply to her and noticed her twitter handle was active again with the one post.

No clue what her discord handle is, I closed the DM after she blocked me, and over the course of knowing her on discord she switched accounts once or twice, so who knows if she even still uses the one I last talked to her on.

Well what was your opinion on her off the time and small talk you had with her? I guess what I'm curious to know is what your general ipression of her was like seeing that unlike many of us here you knew her from a very different "background" of sorts and only met her through her twitter era persona so to say

And whatever your impressions of her were back then when you met her, how have they changed based on what you've read and learned here in these threads?

When I first met her I thought she seemed pretty friendly and chill if a little weird. When she brought up the stuff about her ex spreading rumors about her on imageboards I was inclined to believe her that the rumors she told me about weren't true. I thought it was kind of weird that she stayed in contact for me as long as she did and how she then broke off contact so abruptly.  I'm not that good with recalling timeframes, but we had been talking on discord for like 2 years or so before she blocked me. At one point I removed her because I hadn't talked to her in a while and she added me back like instantly, which was also weird.
Seeing these threads has been disappointing but at the same time kind of revelatory and cathartic I guess. I did genuinely think that she was a overall pretty decent person with a few quirks and issues from when I knew her, and learning that she was actually like this is shitty, but it also kind of makes sense in retrospect and feels like I got the conclusion to a story that ended on a cliffhanger, if that makes any sense. I guess she decided I was spying on her for these threads or something, which would explain the sudden attitude shift and the block, ironic that I would only stumble across them now, months later and by fluke.

The way she treated you pales in comparison to the way she's treated others who were allegedly important to her. No offense to whatever relationship you had with her, actually what I'm trying to say here is that what you experienced is a common behavior from her and if she treated you like that who were a friendly acquaintance you can imagine how much worse she's treated people who were closer to her.

ay anon I've got many questions here so please bear with me. what was her excuse to block you exactly? did she just block and dump you out of the blue after 2 years of talking, no explanation or nuthin? when did you stop talking to her? 
did she ever send you photos like selfies and stuff? did it ever develop into something else more than friendship and if so what happened?
sorry for the million questions but having a new perspective from someone who didn't know her from way back then is interesting and refreshing

Ah, the classic cope of the ex spreading lies about her. Typical. You'll find that like every other egirl she will always have a bunch of scapegoats and excuses at the ready to save face even when the most damning "lies and slander" are proven to be true

> what was her excuse to block you exactly? did she just block and dump you out of the blue after 2 years of talking, no explanation or nuthin? when did you stop talking to her?
I don't really know what exactly set her off, she essentially just accused me of being an incel pedrophile then blocked me.  I had never said that I was an incel and I don't think I ever talked about relationship stuff with her.  This was like half a year ago I think.
> did she ever send you photos like selfies and stuff?
yes, nothing of note, didn't save anything
> did it ever develop into something else more than friendship and if so what happened?
no, I'm pretty boring

thanks for answering anon
> This was like half a year ago I think.
so this same year huh? interesting... cause that'd be right about the time she started going full schizo and doing some retarded out of character stuff like letting some dumbass younger guy she started fucking off telegram get a hold of her phone and socials and started isolating her from everything and everyone and she also began acting legit manic ever since then

In what ways was she weird? 
Also I assume you've caught up with what she really is like now after reading these threads. What would you say was the thing tangel changed your impression the most about her? Did you ever think she was anything like what she really is like after your introduction to audrey having been her false based tomboy persona she put on on twitter?

> In what ways was she weird?
tomboyish and 4chan-y, had family and ex issues going on that she would bring up but wouldn't go into any detail on, seemed really interested in me even though I'm pretty boring and we didn't have a ton of interests in common
> What would you say was the thing tangel changed your impression the most about her?
I assume you mean from these threads, idk, its all pretty bad, the being a whore, the "I'm going to fix incels" complex, the compulsive dishonesty, etc.
> Did you ever think she was anything like what she really is like after your introduction to audrey having been her false based tomboy persona she put on on twitter?
I always got the impression that the persona she had on twitter was her having fun and kind of playing up the based tomboy thing, when I talked to her in dms she seemed more genuine and down to earth.  I did have some suspicions about her, especially when the ex thing came up, because she was a chan person.  I'm a little surprised to find out that she was a bpd chan whore, but not that much.

Yeah that's Audrey alright. Have you even read her super duper galaxy brained evil ex's account on their relationship and herself as a person? 
She loves to blame him for making up lies to ruin her reputation but everything he said is true and ever since then she's freaked out for having been exposed and called out for shit she's done for years, even to this day.

I remember a thread in which he came back where he was suddenly bullied in many posts for stuffing veggies up his ass (TOTALLY not posted by Audrey or her cuck) and he even owned up to having faggy fetishes like being pegged but that at least he was upfront about it and not cowardly deflected it all as slander unlike Audrey. It was like watching Audrey lose her shit live at being outed publicly for stuff she couldn't keep getting away from
That only gave him a lot more credibility on top of revealing stuff only he could have known and that were later confirmed by other anons

She wanted his approval until she didn't precisely because he was a casual acquaintance that didn't actually know anything about her. Its only when someone knows enough to judge her that she'll bounce. Its called having a fearful avoidant attachment style, and it's common with survivors of childhood abuse.

How is Audrey any better when she actually fucks and sucks off borderline teenagers? The ex that exposed her for example had recently graduated high school when she was already in like her 3rd year of college 

Fucking hypocritical borderline pedro ass bitch

> it's common with survivors of childhood abuse.
What abuse? Can anyone FOR ONCE just lay out what sort of abuse Audrey endured in her childhood? Seen it mentioned a few times but never in detail and it always sounds like an excuse to justify the way she shit she does

I know how cucked it sounds but the heart wants what the heart wants. But I just can't fathom still wanting to be with a girl that did something like that with another man. She's done sick things that wouldn't wanna make you be with her as it is, but tonguing an ass is just so completely over the line is should override whatever affection still exists

> You need to down your game and accept her.
What level of cucked do you have to be to be okay with being with a girl that did that. Or from another standpoint, what kinda guy do you have to be to be okay with kissing the lips or holding the hands which fingers pleasured another man's asshole? Like who knowingly accepts that

Asking seriously

Funny how Audrey thinks she can do what she does and what she's done without facing any true repercussion. Playing the victim can only go so far until she ends up being an actual victim. But she won't even be a victim then since she'll only get what's coming to her.

Whatever helps you cope. You can namedrop whatever hapa, mexican, slav and all the other imaginary boogeymen Audrey likes to conjure everytime she gets called out to keep up her victim act, she'll get what's coming to her.

Being conventionally pretty was a factor of course, but what made that whole case stand out was how gruesome it was. It also didn't help how attention whoring the killer was with his attempted suicide performative faggotry on discord.

im not trying to sound like a roastie bianca wasn’t ugly but i’ve seen plenty of ethots that are just as pretty if not prettier than she was i think the main reason her case blew up is because he took pictures of her corpse and those pictures getting shared so much

Does Audrey deserve to get Bianca'd tho? I bet she must have hurt a bunch of people by being a whore but truth be told if you ask me I think shaming her publicly forever is punishment enough especially considering she actually did a bunch if not all of the humilating shit she's accused of doing

yeah but i feel like it was also her mothers fault too to some degree not monitoring her internet usage letting her go with random guys on the internet ect i always thought that maybe if kim had looked after her better she wouldn’t have been murdered

> but her actions are partly to blame for the schizo's exaggerated response.
So we can say the exact same thing should Audrey get Bianca'd. She can't go do the stuff she does and expect everyone she's affected and hurt to just take it and get over it as coldly as she uses and discards them without a second thought. Eventually she'll piss off the wrong person just enough to snap and take it out on her and you can't say she didn't have it coming.

that's standard ewhore behavior. they actually expect the people they screw over to fuck off and not peep a word to anyone. the more bridges they burn the harder it becomes to insulate themselves from the fallout of their actions and the truth they try to bury with their damage control.

> she did worse things than bianca
Bianca's killer snapped after she kissed another guy she was also leading on in a concert. Before that she generally lead simps on on instagram, but nothing more than what she did that night when she tried and successfully made his would be killer jealous. 

What has Audrey done that's worse than what got Bianca killed?

> I think she is smart enough to not meet up with any schizo in real life
Are you a stupid bitch or something? she's not only met up with actual schizos but gotten railed by them repeatedly in both florida and colorado

guy she was fucking up until recently she met off the ted k larp telegram group where she previously tried whoring out to another admin. nothing about the people she dates and fucks is nice and I am absolutely dead serious.

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Anyone who gets with Audrey is already a cuck/cucked by default. Imagine holding her hands which fingers were inside another dude's asshole. Or kissing her mouth which pleasured other dicks, allegedly an asshole, and which infamous no gag reflex swallowed the cum of guys she met off social media and 4chan. Think about it rationally.

HAHA it'd be FUNNY and LE EPIC to troll her by sending her professors and colleagues and classmates and potential employers photos of her tits and feet and ass and videos and audios of her saying how she hates niggers haha as a joke on Minecraft haha XD

Yeah agreed but I wouldn't exactly call an engineering undergrad with nothing to show for who fucks younger retards she meets off 4chan and social media in vans, trails, with strap ons and who has a rape and piss fetish brilliant either

> So really no one talks to her anymore??
I'm willing to bet there are some people here who do talk to her but never post and just lurk, or maybe just shitpost or whiteknight every once in a while. But there definitely are some people with loads of rares and deep personal info lurking, notice how no one ever gave any source to the OP pic or some of the rares posted to the threads. Even ITT someone posted a photo of her alleged domicile in Daytona and that got taken down fast.

> is she a changed woman
Doesn't mean much when she's degraded herself so much to the point being with her makes you a cuck. Her kisses must taste like the many incels' cum she's swallowed before. The finger you put a ring on very likely was inside of and pleasured another man's shithole. Booyah

I think that's Moss, the other admin of the larp survivalist penguin telegram group she also tried to fuck. 

The actual guy she was fucking is some literal cuck twink looking faggot and his photo was also posted to a thread back in like march or april or some shit, look it up

It's also expensive as fuck isn't it? I mean she gets benefits for being a Florida resident and whatnot but theirs is easily one of the most expensive programs in the state and probably the country. But then again, she's also rich as fuck thanks to daddy so it's no biggie I guess.

She doesn't care tho. Honor roll student in high school with good enough grades for the school to grant her a full scholarship and she hasn't done jackshit with it. She's an average at best student and has zero drive. Only reason she's even graduating is because her mom asked her to before passing.

Yeah, can confirm. Also and as an example to illustrate your point, and since the people who also know this have been too pussy to share it, the pic in OP and here  >>/107265/ is from her plane restoration club at her school. OP's photo is her being handed the presidency of the club actually. Then about 2 or 3 months after that she was asking to get creampied on /soc/ and we know the rest down to the detail.
Sums up Audrey's mindset during college and life in general.

> a woman
> in her 20s
> american
> on social media
No matter how retarded or autistic she claims to be she's still gonna have a fucking queue of idiots lined up sliding into her DMs, and that's not even counting the ones she hits up herself

What in the absolute fuck? It's wild how these literal whos pop up every so often knowing all kinds of shit about her because they were close or fucked or who knows and then things went sour.

Who even is this guy? How does she want him to be the villain? Villain of what?

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> They told me that your boyfriend used to shit talk you as well
This is true. Everyone of the admins and oldfags in antiroot incluiding the ones she did eventually fuck called her an attention whore and a slut. Which she frankly was. The group took a nosedive fast after that because those idiots couldn't stop simping at some point and it all went to shit.

Hairy Asshole Riffy Doris (HARD)'s dad killing innocent iraqi kids for the benefit of Israel while Riffy herself kills innocent animals and fucks around like a whore for kicks. She was always gonna be a cruel fucked up bitch

he talked to me about her and was crying about her not talking to him and something about please don't tell her I talked about her. sad to say I don't have screenshots. he mentioned trying to count how many guys she had dated or talked to tho

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> She's into loser guys
> And guys younger than her
> Weaklings too
> she's into guys she can hurt
> She'll lie and tell you it doesn't matter
> Self absorbed
> she's just like all of them

No clue who the guy is, but he's the millionth dude who's actually talked to her and said the exact same thing  others in his position have also said. It's honestly embarrassing that some people still whiteknight her when it's been made clear she's proven to be a real piece of shit

His very first tweet was a retweet of someone gloating that their ex got cheated on by her current man. Also he's should be around 26 if he is older than Audrey by 2 years like his other tweet about liking women who are a couple years younger than him. I think it's just a completely unselfaware man child who's getting his ego toyed with to say the least.

Knew that was coming so I should probably clarify that nobody who doesn't have it coming should be treated like shit. Maybe that dude was a real piece of shit and thus being treated like one was justified but what I do know for a fact is that Audrey is a cold and abusive liar who treats people like shit herself, so she's not one to complain when she gets some of her bullshit handed back to her.

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She threw her morals and beliefs out the window the moment she got a taste of "freedom" aka moving away for college. She literally sees nothing wrong with doing drugs or hooking up with dumb, bottom of the barrel, younger than her sister 4chan or tele guys because she's created this huge coping narrative in her head that it's actually been liberating and it's helped her "grow" lol

Nta but I think he meant to say that given their age difference the latest  guy she was known to be fucking was still pretty much a teenager by the time she was already in college, which is dubious at best given her spiel about power play and taking advantage of people in different stages in life and yadda yadda.

Bruh not only that, she had to look them up herself on social media and 4chinz because otherwise the only dudes who fucked her only pumped and dumped. She literally had to go to the cesspits of the internet to find vulnerable younger guys who would look past her whore self for a crumble of pussy. Can't make this shit up, she's a walking meme.

Relative Audrey newfag here, why are you niggers calling her Doris? Is she really called that? Known about Audrey for years now since I fisrt saw her on r9k and instagram but ever since a couple or so threads back I've seen people refer to her as Doris


Bruh he literally just said "No" and your logical conclusion is that he must be baiting. Which is even more retarded when there's been several other guys throughout the threads obviously incluiding her ex who have actually spilled the beans on her and to no one's surprise she actually is a cruel lying whore. No surprise she's cultivated a small army of guys who feel wronged and I really can't blame them.

> Do you think her family would even care if she an hero'd or got Bianca'd? 
They'd probably be relieved lmao

> She seems kind of a leech
Always been, always will be. She has no problem with niggas leeching off her tho probably by proxy due to daddy's immense wealth

OMG This so much this
Bullying her for pegging incels, hooking up, and letting herself get fucked by younger guys she met off telegram and playing with guy's asses is just STRIPPING AWAY all the EMOTIONAL CONTEXT and LEVEL OF INTIMACY she's had with her sexual partners... you just wouldn't understand her plight...

The only reason she even went back to Florida was because her dad had a stroke and the only reason she even went to college in the first place was because her mom made her promise her that she would graduate with a college degree before passing away

Winging it because she's always had her father's deep pockets as a safety net. She even has property to her name and inheritance claims so she's set for life without having had to actually work a day in her life. How else do you think she was able to move out for college to a whole ass house by herself and have the luxury to take in whoever she's fucking at any given time when all she's ever worked is shitty menial part time jobs?

It's also why she keeps up her frequent larps, like her retarded survivalist phase. She can afford to play pretend to be an off the grid hunter or some dumb shit because she knows she can always go back to her life of comforts. In fact one of the reasons she even clinged hard to that specific larp is because she feels ashamed she lives life on easy mode and thus makes up her own retarded persona and her own pseudo issues, like backpedaling and making up parental or sexual abuse or claiming that a friend's death gave her super crippling ptsd, all in order to the give some fake appearance of suffering.

From a previous thread:

I mean stuff like this is answered almost in every thread but in a nutshell:
> known as a nice, shy, sweet girl with cool interests
> kept that image for years
> outed as a major sexually degenerate and abusive by ex
> this includes pegging, having public sex in cars, ass fingering, alleged ass licking, rape fetishes, piss fetish
> drugs and booze abuse, casual sex with internet friends from florida and elsewhere
> she did that and more with other people before and after him
> more evidence piled up
> feigns friendliness and being approachable
> treats people like shit after a while
> chronic mental illnesses that include bpd, depression and narcissism
> still links up with random people off telegram and other social media
> collected paypigs and brown nosers for her own benefit
> goes through personalities and interests like a roulette
> posts stuff like this  >>/94468/  >>/94484/ in order to appear profound and spiritually grounded, but is still a horrible person underneath

there's a bunch more but too lazy to greentext but that's mainly the thick of it

A lot of incelcore, some lo-fi rap shit, chud military songs, some normie pop stuff here and there but mainly incel and incel adjacent shit
Some of her favorite aritsts that i know of are fidlar, the vaccines and depeche mode

Nigga she's eaten roadkill, flies and spiders, she's said before that eating something is the ultimate display of dominance or some fuckass retarded shit like that. Legitimately fucked in the head and incapable of empathy towards anyone or anything

Probably, most likely lmao
But real talk it's probably why she even agreed to pegging his ass in the first place, nobody forced her to do that shit as much as that nigga wanted his ass to be fucked. Like it takes a certain kind of sick whore to do it is what I mean

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