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so the person continuously insisting that every negative post about the ageplaying bpd basketcase in a polycule with a soon convicted incestuous child rapist is definitely bee herself right? lmao shes a bigger lolcow than any other woman ever posted here and she thinks it could only be one person to not like her?
and IF kelly is reading this while smiling, i hate you too, pedro-befriending bulldog skank

I’m moots with bee on instagram and honestly she’s really grown on me I think she’s really sweet ^_^ and that’s coming from a nonna that moralfags on here in the rare occasions that I participate. Bee has a good soul just a damaged human

a pedro fetishist who enables a groomer. oh shes sweet? cool but that changes nothing about her being a pedro fetishist who enables a groomer. only someone with the brain of a dog would think someone being "nice" (completely superficial trait btw) means they have a good soul

bee i dont how to explain this to you but this is a very public board and not everyone who doesnt like you is kelly or this rene bitch. you are a public disaster that has gone out of her way to document all her failures so i dont know why you still think youd only get fanmail

You don’t have literacy skills or something I didn’t even say I moralfag for bee I said I moralfag on agatha sometimes you retard. Bee is just a really sad case of someone that’s been taken advantage of their entire life and misled. It’s sad and she could be redeemed if she tried. I just feel pity, I never took any moral grandstanding for her. 
Another day another nickel dealing with stupid people that can’t think outside of 1 perspective

Abused people sometimes become abusers themselves, or enablers of abuse. Yes, it's tragic, but they're doing it willingly and do not deserve pity for how they actually end up. Bee is an adult. I do not feel sorry for her in her current state. She wanted this life with a pedrophile rapist and she got it, and now she "brags" about it.

Does Bee really ever reply on Medoi's thread? Or that bitch is just delusional and act like Bee hates her for no reason?
I mean, everysingle comment calling her ugly she act like Bee did it.

Does Medoi really ever reply on Bee's thread? Or that bitch is just delusional and act like Medoi hates her for no reason?
I mean, everysingle comment calling her ugly she act like Medoi did it.

Yes, one quick look at her own thread will show you that
Board admin even called her out for hating on Ken and Bee, locking her thread for a few months kek
Also posting gore of Bianca in an r9k memorial thread and justifying it with "she was a bad person" 
Old ass woman posting gore of a 17 year old oof

don't be weird bee. that never happened and you literally are cumslut for the mexican mutant pedrophile in the op pic. he got arrested for raping his little sister in a bathroom and you are so proud to be one of his whores. I await your response defending this directly 😏 😂

She "blew up" back when she was like 17 but now that she has aged nobody really cares about her anymore, she probably feels threatened by younger girls/women even if they're not popular, pretty sure this is common in BPD and NPD

They know Sosa is guilty of a litany of crimes, but they are harder to prove in a court of law and many young girls likely won't cooperate like Bee. So they're going to hit Sosa as hard as they can with the easiest to prove charge and lock him up for 25 years. 

Sosa is tied to the train tracks, and his lawyer can use whatever tools they have, and they will not be able to free him. And the full weight of the US Government is barrelling down upon Sosa.

yeah, well Pedro in Chief of Discord is going away for a long long time. if this was a SA committed once in a park, he could always say "it wasn't me" and force the state to prove it. This is against his sister for years, meaning he's beyond boned. Texas does not look kindly to incestuous pedros. 

Good fucking riddance. Diddy, Sosa, all the same shit.

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Man, I come into this thread for Bee lore, drama, and the means to laugh at another persons shitty and retarded actions and I see this and I just feel bad for her...

It's ok Bee, you may be just another worthless and easily disposed of cog in THE soulless and dehumanizing machine of ruthless capitalism but at least you've got a good personali... You're prett... You've got good tee... There are probably at least a few men who have fapped to your nudes. 
Yeah, that's got to count for something... you're going to be ok buddy.
oh, happy Halloween btw.

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I'm not a dentist nor a miracle worker. Fixing her is beyond my capacity.
I am funny in my own way, it's not my fault if your sense of humor is at the same lvl as a family guy joke.
Maybe if I just told Cewl to kill herself over and over again like a butthurt 8th grader instead of psychologically scarring her in the most overtop way possible you'd find me funny. I'll try that next time, because as you know I care immensely about the approval of internet randos such as yourself <3
> you fucked up pretty much every thread
Idk what you're talking about. 
Cewl getting tricked into exposing herself repeatedly and destroying any credibility or recognition she had until she left from all the bullyng and her simps missing her and speculating on her current status is improvement from some vapid narcissist seeking validation and calling men she dislikes pedros ad infinitum, but what do I know? maybe her nudes really meant that much to you. you want one of her masturbation videos or something? I think I still have th eone where she squirts lmao(it's actually pretty weak)

I've talked to Vamp like two or three times. Once was just some kind and practical advice on 4chan and I don't think either of us realized who the other was until ppl starting pointing it out, and once on here reiterating my point, and than once more to point out that the Doom/cyanide who was saying creepy and legally questionable shit to her wasn't me. I can't help that ppl like to steal my likeness and do/say stupid shit. That's half the fun of namefagging and why I don't tripfag tbh.

Iris isn't even worth talking about, what other threads have I "ruined"?

genuinely so fucking void of any personality, AND ugly, AND totally retarded. 0 value. if you dated her all she would do is whine and get angry because shes bored and didnt enough (you)s that night. people would actually like her if she was at LEAST interesting.

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I enjoyed the attention and it felt pleasant and justified to bully Cewl, I was good at it.
I've dealt with enough delusional and meanspirited drug addicts like her to have a general sense of where things were going and how to fuck with her in ways that would cut her deeply.
This isn't the first time I've done something like this, and probably won't be the last. This was just the most public spectacle since she fancied herself some kind of internet celebrity and blogged about me in a way that allowed me to treat her own platform as my stage.
I was never special to Cewl, like hurdur... I do think that as someone who has money, a life outside of the internet, and an actual personality that my life has more value than yours tho :3
I never said "everything was planned from the beginning" but yes, I always do have little contingency plans incase someone randomly turns on me, it's common enough these days that everyone should have a plan B just in case. I've said many times Im still kind of shocked how easily she walked into everything.

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That spray bottle should be placed on the other side of the screen or the hand should be inverted... But Judging from that face, dem teefs and her intelligence level it's quite possible she is the result of several generations of incest and thus is some type of hideously deformed beast that would have backwards hands or gnarled and twisted limbs in a way that would allow that position to happen naturally.

Yeah, ok, you win this one BeeBee, I'll fuck off just for you <3

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> you really think he doesn't know that?
Yeah, he keep taking the baits we throw then after some time he says it was a troll. He also claims to have both ASPD and BPD diagnosis but it's clear he is a delusional NPD with mother issues. The lack of empathy can complicate the ability to manipulate others effectively, and that doesn't make sense with ASPD, plus the BPD combo is bullshit or his only diagnosis because he clearly has narcissistic and bitchy histrionic traits.

This is an alt-chan and this is all fun and games.
If you actually think any of what you've said counts as bullying, just... Seek help. I hear PsychoTheRapist is taking new clients.
I think Bee found out about Cewls pro-pedrophilic behavior, also I heard she took issue with her having her friend logging innocent ppls ips and attmpting to doxx anyone who said anything remotely mean about Cewl.
I'm pretty sure Bee hated me when she was still friends with Cewl, female solidarity and all that, idk if she still does or not and Idc enough to reach out to her in private and ask her opinion of me with a 50/50 chance of getting accused of "stalking" her so I just assume nothing has changed.

> I heard she took issue with her having her friend logging innocent ppls ips and attmpting to doxx anyone who said anything remotely mean about Cewl
nigga you better speak up about that part
what, how and when, fill the gaps man
are we safe tho? youre bringing this shit here now

> I think Bee found out about Cewls pro-pedrophilic behavior
That doesn't make any sense since Bee likes ageplay or something like that, her BF is open about it too 🤔
You can't fool us. A lot of anons orbit and document Bee for longer than you've been around. Shit ain't new.
As for Cewl, that one made some damage inside your thinker, eh?

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Yeah, Della was logging pls ips, when challenged he admitted it in one of her threads and proved it as a flex.
Cewl said he went rouge, idk who's telling the truth there.
ur probably fine
That's just what I heard, I didn't say "This is 100% fact, source: Dude, trust me". isn't this board supposed to be largely based on gossip? Damn, even when I play by the rules I'm still da bad guy
> As for Cewl
I really don't even want to discuss Cewl anymore, I'm not the one bringing her up and I haven't been for a while now. I think the last time I brought her up myself was when I was drunk and posted that one drunken ramble in her last thread that was over the bump limit which in fairness, we were usually both kinda buzzing when we vced so yeah, my mind went to her when i drank too much that night.

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It seems that Doom the lolcow had another mental breakdown spamming and sammefagging. 
He kills the threads this way, he is so annoyingly retarded that anons prefer to ignore him and let the thread die.
> No guys I'm not a loser here are 5 paragraphs of why I planned from the beginning to be a loser so I'm not mkay!
Peak kek

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lmao, you really think I'm samefagging?
> writing out more than one or two sentences equates to 5 paragraphs
Look, I'm sorry. I really I am. I didn't grow up with fancy things like tiktok and and a constant barrage of homosexually charged brain rot so it's hard for me to feel content with ADHD like behavior, and I don't get easily sidetracked and have an attention span that doesn't make reading a few lines of text feel like my own personal holocaust.

I know, that's pretty sus of me, and no cap is not bussin, like ong frfr
I assume it's just cewls orbitors seething and coping by using me as their Cewl-style substitute punching bag. Its cool, I fucks with it. Not going to post my nudes publicly or share my squirting vid with the boys I like/see a chance to fuck with tho

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Hey, I've moved on but other ppl keep bringing her up, I'm over here trying to broaden my horizons and my adoring fans are all just begging me to relive the magic of the Cewl crusades.

Hey Bee, let's e-date and have things spiral into a massive shitstorm so I don't just become a one hit wonder.  Seriously, if trolling Cewl was my only legacy(other the other thing) I think I'd Curt Cobain myself.  <3

why can't the doom schizo just DM cewl on twitter or discord and gtfo out of endchan? he is fun to make fun of or talk when you are very bored but he should be cewl thread exclusive only and stop shitting other e-girl threads, fucking 30 yo bald neet divorced attwhore faggot...

I've got a lot to prove and I've got nothing to lose and now I made you believe I'm your only friend well I'm the living end to the cattle I deceive
The raping of the innocent, you know the ruiner ruins everything he sees

I'm a collector I'm an infector serving my shit to my flies
Maybe there will come a day when those she keeps blind will suddenly realize
maybe it's a part of me she took to a place I hoped it would never go
and maybe that fucked me up more than you'll ever know

she thinks if she copies them, including fucking the pedrophiles they fucked, then she can force herself as a real egirl. I think she is beyond bpd and actually has some sort of learning disability. she just seems way too stupid and childish, like an 11 year old copying everything she sees on her screen with no deeper understanding

medoi dunked on bee about sosa and some other stuff so she became weirdly obsessed with medoi. in earlier bee threads and the first medoi thread you can see all the seethe posts from bee crying about "kelly", including how she's mean to other egirls (her). bee is just low iq, a pedro lover and funny to poke

imposter syndrome 
dead end 
stockholm syndrome 
self disgust 
optimistic nonchalant facade 
no help 
repulsed by reflection 
disgusted by comfort 
disgusted by self
suicide before age 30

bee you don't have to post these pretending to be someone else it's fine to actually self-post here a lot of people do it. you always give backhand compliments to yourself when you do it which is why i can tell it's you.

Bug eyes =/= big eyes, fishmouth =/= big lips. Bee's eyes are tiny and beady like a British rat, filters don't make her eyes any cuter by enlarging them, they just give a Mr. Bean effect. And there have been enough candids posted to let everyone know her lips are paper thin IRL but she puffs them out and uses filters to make them look bigger. It looks uncanny and gross.

he's the kind of tard who would get goaded into confessing he committed a major crime he didn't but he's also the type of selfish delusional tard to not realize that raping senile women is actually not a good and the fact that it's his mom doesn't make it a whole lot better.

Supposedly his girlfriend is mucho pregante' tho

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