Honestly most of these people are trolling and are race realists. Blacks didn't contribute to civilization, they have no claim or heir to any empite. Blacks, Africans, have committed countless atrocities against each other, including participating in their own demise, selling their own people off (of other tribes) to the jewish slave ships.
Iris needs to stop being such a fucking crybaby about race.
> indians will outbreed
Nobody cares about outbreeding except the people with inferiority complexes. Nobody envies a swarm of ~80IQ people who have done nothing to maintain their own nation but gladly come to ours to work for gas stations and take tech jobs they are absolutely not skilled enough for, or worse CEOs (old CEO remains on the board of shareholders collecting a check while an indian is placed "in charge"). Have you ever heard the term quality over quantity? I'm looking forward to the upcoming race war, I'm going to give people like you a very early appointment with God