/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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> source?? 
One of her Instagram perhaps? There's a post, I'd link that for you but nah, it's not hard to find it.
I'm just saying, you all are thinking she's an angel when she's not and there was evidence of it in this same thread.
I'm high as a kite right now but I hope everything turns out fine anons
oh my god lol yeah trust the guy that said he was gonna come to my school and rape me, joined all my friends roblox games to harras them, faked discord screen shots (badly) spamms coconuts undermy posts joins my discord and says "marrissa im going to rape you" use critical thinking skills please.. he sent friend requestst to everyone in my server and spammed them gay porn as well, its just a 15 yearold jsn faggot who got mad that i banned his little girlfriend because she sent CP into my discrd server

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