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Although frequently compared to each other they couldn't be more different. Angelic Kaya radiates a motherly warmth that passes through us all to fill us filled with joy. Ciara was more like a demon in human form, sapping energy and joy from all. The exact opposite.
My brain just casually assumes everyone in 2008 was an adult, or at least a young teen. My brain can't accept little baby Sunny in 2008. i'm probably odler than her dad. Where did my life go so wrong? I should have a family at this point?
I agree. I should have a nice house in a nice neighborhood with some children and more on the way. I'm 30 about to be 31 in a week. I fucked up badly.
Ciara seems like she wanted to corrupt Sunny with her degeneracy. Sunny did do degenerate shit but not as bad as Ciara, and it didn't end up killing her.

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