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You're not pretty, so you need to look unique and interesting. There are many ways to achieve that, lots of different fashion styles that will make a certain % of men get hard for you even though you're fully clothed
pic rel does it for me but other men like goths, other men like menheras etc
Also if you want the sort of deep fulfillment and headpats, get some real relationships. Headpatting is something couples do, too lewd for anons!
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> cewl is kind of a mask i have, noone here would bother with the real me
Of course we would, we're all fucked up losers with mental healh issues, why would normal people come here?
You have it good, men with problems arent attractive, meanwhile you can traumadump and men will think
> omg she's literally pic rel i can fix her!!!
God dammit you're the same age as my first girlfriend whom I ran into yesterday, you are almost as hot, but you're throwing your life away with school bullshit and drug bullshit. How do I find one of you that isn't in stupid fucking college yet and save her from that shit?
This nigga gets it.
Cewl, show us the masturbating videos. I don't want the responsibility of being the only one to have ever seen them.
Yeah you did chubbo.'Before you know it you're going to be a fat blading divorced 30 year old pedro.
It' s ok... I know Cewl is terrible, but one day we will all recover from her horrible retardation.
Well I mean... I like your not naked body, but you're kind of a terrible person so like, you ruined it :P

Hey Cewl, you know that song by Phil Collins "in the air of the night" about that guy who coulda saved that other guy from drownin?
That's kinda how this is you coulda rescued me from drowning.
now it's too late, you got fat and I'm no longer attracted. And all I wanted was a lousy friendship or a vc
I hope you know I ripped all your pictures off my wall
I loved you Cewl we coulda been together think about it but you ruined it now
I hope you can't sleep when you dream about it.
And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you scream about it
I hope your conscience eats at you and you can't breath without me
See Cewl -screaming-
Shutup bitch I'm trying to talk!
Hey Cewl, that's Dellestelle screaming in the trunk
But I didn't tell her I loved her, see I ain't like you, cause if she's friendzoned she'll suffer more and than she'll be butthurt too
Well gotta go, I'm almost at the bridge now.
Oh shit I forgot, how am I supposed to send this shit out?
-tire screech-
-Delle screaming-
> i kept giving myself to all of you but you call me a whore and take me for granted when i just did what people asked me to.
I took some really good nudes and you said you enjoyed anons cumming to you and telling you how hot you are. I'm sure there are some other who never called you a whore. It's kind of annoying it comes with being present on this board (or r9k) though. Unfortunately the hatefappers will stay.

I will say however, you don't need to be nude to be hot for me, but I would have found it much more attractive if you kept growing your nails and not have chipped nail polish most of the time.
What you wear is secondary to mem
I remember when Cewl didn’t post too many nudes and just talked with anons. Then, almost out of the blue, she started doing it and got all the attention she wanted—and probably still does. It’s sad. She’s like a $20 black fat prostitute, only doing it to get her next fix of whatever drug she’s on. In Cewl’s case, that drug is attention, and she’s not even charging people for it (at least publicly).
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Coolio was a one hit wonder. His other stuff was good enough, but not great.

Also, Rap is just monkey noises and troglodyte banging on drums and singing about how da racist ass /pol/ice hate them cuz they's black and addicted to drugs n sheit and bein all black n stuff.

Except DMX, because that nigga was real as fuck and I was actually bummed out when he died.
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why? its one of my area specific extra credit classes. i chose it bc stem cell got shut down 
i dont take it seriously, i focus on the good even though it may not seem like it. im very grateful for the friends i made.
also i dont hate history just the prof and the nonsense reason i have to take it in turkish all of a sudden. and the prof speaks like an automatic rifle without skipping a beat or breath. i couldnt ask to open the windows.
its almost been a year hoe, whats up? >>/113386/
i just wear casual clothes... i wouldnt dress formal everyday because people will look at me weird same for goth, and im not goth because i only listen to bauhaus and popular stuff when it comes to goth so id be no more than a tiktoker poser goth and would probably kill myself if i ever did that just for the aesthetic. i think ive worn some cute outfits just for pics because i want to seem cute for you guys. 
i still want headpats, so check out my various fits in picrel!
im glad uou guys would but i think it would be even worse. because the real me doesnt bother with anything and has no care really. at least cewl has herself to look after, and you guys make her happy and in turn i become happy too. theres nothing irl that makes me happy that much. so im glad you guys like me/her. i am not saying im completely different from cewl because it helps me be more honest with the layer of somewhat anonymousity, and she is confident and brave unlike me.
> stupid fucking college
ehehehe just want to give you guys something to keep engaged. soon you will worship my every inch!
no more nudes until this doom faggot fucks off and only us non-braindead people can have some fun. he shitted everywhere
i dont mind hatefappers, i mind retards that roleplay on a public thread and derive attention from an egirl as if he is another egirl thats even more desperate for attention because no actual loved egirl will derail anothers thread, its like an unspoken rule.
> remember when Cewl didn’t post too many nudes and just talked with anons
> remember
thats... thats right now anon. the cycle continues. i never was an egirl without nudes. i took the name cewl after posting many threads of nudes for people on r9k. before i was ketchan, before i was nameless.
good puppy. now i will tie your leash and stay naked just an inch from where the leash gets you furthest and tease you. if you cum without touching yourself, you win! you can fuck me all you want!
i do
 >>/113456/ >>/113458/
hehe~ i know its actually horrendous to actually think but i want someone to try to not wake me but want to fuck me so bad. trying to touch me without waking me up, and i only wake up in shock once you thrust in... its non consensual as the kids say but i think CNC is kinda fun... like it feels so formal to agree on having sex before doing it no? or is that a common thing among sexhavers?

today i had a chinese exam! it was great! i struggled a bit with tones in the listening part but i did good i believe. maybe not a 100 but 90+ for sure. then, i had coffee with a girl i met in chinese and she talked about her parental issues and depression for a long time. i learned so many things about her! sadly i could only emphasize and decided not to talk about my parents cause they are together which is sadly rare... but im glad she opened up to me so much! i was so happy! we hugged at the end of our common walking path and she said i hope i didnt vent too much and i said i was very happy to learn so much about her and she could vent anytime. previously we just had coffee and talked about whatever/classes/ and her 1 week lesbian relationship which was her first kiss and it was at a halloween party i didnt go to.
anyways, enough of me, how have you guys been?
You would also not push me away when I tell you I'm about to cum inside you, right? You'd let every last drop get pushed into you. You'd also refuse to take any form of birth control, letting the 9 month consequence of me flushing my seed in you play out.
eeww no, i refuse to get pregnant. i cant bear a child nor look after it. to that point i would have myself, a womanchild to look after AND my (probably) manchild husband. (worst cade scenario. typically i would want a husband that will take care of me and let me neet) if a child is concieved the world is going to need to kill baby hitler 2 and unban abortions because of it

make a new thread and use a better pic!! thats not my best pic, just pick a cute one like the "lain ahh" image!!!
> bruised pussy.
is there such thing? doesnt pussy expand? i feel it get hollower when i masturbate and close down when i finish.

also do you guys know kegel? its when you "breathe in and out" with your vagina/pelvic floor like you can do with your asshole but its harder to do after a while.
You look prettier without the glasses, cewl.
> nigga wants to impreg MY cewl?!

Aw hell nah! Calling the cops

> eeww no, i refuse to get pregnant.

Too bad so sad don't care lol
(You do hit the mark about 3 children family lol)
a gypsy is a romanian.
i think i look better with glasses. it hides my huge nose somewhat.
> You do hit the mark about 3 children family lol
what did he mean by this?
i know us slavic women have very wide child bearing hips but i refuse having children! im not going to ruin my body by getting pregnant and having to look after a hellspawn pet sperm. yuck i cant even look after myself!
>  i refuse having children!

See guys this is what rape was invented for
When the wide hipped lady refuses to do her duty to humanity :3
>  yuck i cant even look after myself!

That's what men were invented for

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