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my genuine wish for ki, and all the other dumb sluts like her, is that someday you will want a guy to like you for who you are and not just your physical appearance. maybe if you put as much effort into your non existant personality as you do your hair, make up and clothes, there could actually be something to like about you other than your holes
It's not Cewl, she's very very busy multitasking IRL stuff (studies) because she has a life, she only has time to answer me on WhatsApp and barely posted on her thread today. I can't speak for Donut though but given Donut's history of hating on girls for no good reason it makes sense.
Stop lying. One lie can turn into a weapon pointed at your own head, and that applies to everyone. We'll be taking care of Kiki on our server. She'll play Minecraft with us, share her taste in music, and just be another friend of ours.
> We'll be taking care of Kiki on our server.
yeah until the simps from cewl's server start orbiting kiki because she is way cuter and kinder than cewl and the bitch starts being mean towards ki. Elliot used to talk about ciara and cewl would hate it. I already know what kind of woman cewl is everyone does unless they are dumb.
Damn, your attempts at fearmongering are so low par.
Elliot is a pedrophile and was posting pics of Ciara when she was underage, he was forcing Cewl to make a channel just for Ciara and used to shit talk not only Cewl but other girls as well. Need I remind you he used to sell Ciara's underage pictures? That's one of the reasons he got banned, Ciara is dead though, and I wouldn't want her around Cewl because Ciara was just what you try to put Cewl as...

You're just jealous someone like me took the step of helping the girl instead of making her feel bad.
OK. I'm breaking my rule of not posting anymore to answer: I never posted CP, but if you want to believe this crap, that's on you and you entirely, and I don't datamine her server, I even admitted that was a lie to scare creeps like you.

I do datamine this place here (agatha2), not Discord because of their rate limit.
The evidence was that I use a VPN that shares large CIDR blocks across the service. I can choose a country and still have the same CIDR block as another country, but you're dumb and don't know any of these terms. Most of the IPs are globally banned for spamming even if I change the country the first part remains and it's that part that got banned, and it wasn't me.
Paulie was WOATed, worst piece of shit in the entire show. Screwed every single person over from start to finish, and in the end wouldn't even do Tony a solid. Should've been him to get whacked instead of fucking Ralphie.
lmao what a retarded tranny
> uh yeah not to brag but I'm like a groomer, I post cp, I'm a skiddie and I'm a pretty big deal on some eslut's discord server!
very cool 😎 👍 very impressive
The board volunteer made a big mistake of changing my ban message and the whole website will pay for it, I already told the admins about it. Expect a sudden restart or downtime.
People who are in college very specifically do NOT have a life and are throwing away any chanve they could have had at a life.

Eww, D**cord... Dude, servers are the biggest waste of time ever. I only use DMs. (and unfortuntlately most of the girls I DM just don't talk much because women are never assertive)

Honestly, fuck all modfags. Only a deranged asshole would moderate a forum FOR FREE™. (please do not ban me for disagreeing with your life choices)

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