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The problem is they need to actually have some substance. This thread has literally one picture of the chick. No info, no entertaining content she makes, not even any decent pics, just one below average looking chick. What is there to even like or discuss?

I have such a raging hard on for wren but I cant let it be known, its shameful to find such a young girl so desirable and captivating. I belong in jail just for thinking it. sigh.


I'm not into ana-chan tier girls, because that's for retarded manlets, but fuck i can already tell this bitch is a landwhale. Doesn't she want to get groomed by marc but is too old and fat for it? I bet this bitch made this thread for herself, one pic where she thinks she looks good and then a bunch of selfmade rumours

its sad whats happened to wren. she actually used to be a non superficial person who wasnt obsessed with her looks and caking  herself with makeup. She was mre unaware then I suppose. She was funny and could talk about books and philosophy. now shes just like every other shallow and superficial e slut who just cares about putting her body on display and attracting chads. Maybe stop sexualizing YOURSELF and others will stop doing it too. please bring the old wren back.

> angle-maxxed pictures/video, literally same angle in each one of them
> facial-concealing haircut
> big glasses to further conceal face
> makeup
> filters

Your bone structure won't change no matter how much weight you lose. You are just getting better at frauding

retarded e whore being groomed by a balding macedonian manlet pedophile known as "ivan" or "loverofblondes"

a guy who has her dox and is extorting her with it 

to add to the topic about the marcs eharem , its a comboards server which is currently being investigated by the federal police alongside the series of comboards servers specifically for grooming and making egirls (mainly underage) do stupid shit alongside distribution of 'p and underage material , not only will the admins of the said server go down no matter where they are in the world as this is an international investigation being covered by the mainstream media , all people assocciated including these ewhores will also go down so keep that in mind next time someone shills that dogshit server on boards like this

what the fuck she used to be so bubbly , autistic and innocent and now even her face looks different and she looks like a tiktok alt bpd mean-bitch instead of the original wren ... I mean I never orbited her at all but it seems like the original wren died because the new wren looks like a whole new person. Wren orbitors must feel bad with these news

shes the only girl ive ever seen with this unique body type that is very skinny but still looks flabby, if that makes sense. its a strange phenomenon and shes the only girl with this body type ive ever seen. maybe its an illness or a disease.

Tbh I dont understand the Wren hate, she was always so kind to me. Sure shes an egirl but theres not really anything special that makes her stand out from all the rest in terms of severity of actions

Wren got groomed and extorted for cutsigns and nudes by a balding Macedonian pedro still in his teens that has been exposed more than once for grooming girls young as 11 years old. He dated an 11 year old and wren excuses this kind of behavior but besides the point this girl is just another comwhore shilling herself for attention. Shes really like any other comwhore bitch and excuses actual pedrophilia and laughs at other girls who got the same comwhore extortion treatment package. And shes fat.

does anyone remember when wren made a thread here like two years back comparing her own pictures to ciara's and saying ciara is an old busted h4g...lol.
she's still fat and miserable, sad.

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