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Autistic Angel Edition



i screenshotted this from her story in 2022 i thought it was rlly funny bc she acts like an 8 year old and still to this day despite turning 16 in a month she still acts like an 8 year old

first time here. so basically you all just simp for underage kids and save pictures of them and normalize age regression and pedrophilia? i dont think a place like this should be allowed and im reporting it to the feds bc ive seen cp posted in other girls threads or whole threads dedicated to it. and then theres all these young teenage girls creeps are saving pics of and obsessing over, why?

this is a man desperately attempting to claw his way out of the allegations, unable to escape
> I exposed him as a groomer(the reason Puka turned on me btw) and after people started fucking with him he assumed it was all just me.
Who? Who are you talking about? Because if you have no name and no other info than it IS all you and this story of another person is bullshit

> this is a man desperately attempting to claw his way out of the allegations, unable to escape
If he wanted the allegations to go away all he'd have to do is fuck off and everyone would move on. he's said it himself he enjoys of abuse. If you want him to fuck off than just stop giving him (you)s

Its true though
every egirl posted here anglemaxxes
every faggot on instagram anglemaxxes
normie whores anglemax
even celebrities do it (they are the biggest culprits)
why would anyone willingly take a selfie from a bad angle?

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Despite the fact that it's obvious you're just me and the person who responded to me is me as well, I'll point this little bit out.

The guy who was grooming Puka went by the namefag Nurse and on 4chans /s4s/ board, he was some French faggot who would always post his email was a total sexpest. Would tell Puka when he masturbated as "joke" and yeah, that kind of triggered an aggressive reponse from me you know the rest by now or just "don't care"
I'd give you his Doxx but that's bannable so I'll just say this screenshot is me responding to to him after i got his Doxx. they're on Doxxbin, good Hunting.
NTA buhhttt.... You are legitimately schizophrenic. You insist I've been talking to myself this entire time, you insist that all of your detractors are a single woman, presumably Vore, and you think that nobody could possibly take issue with a bunch of grown men circle jerking over a seriously mentally ill girl that is ruining her own mental state well encouraging pedrophiles and doing other heinous things.

You say you my cadence is recognizable, and that is by choice. your cadence is recognizable by your own cogitative limitation.

Nuh uh. I'm being for serial.
ironically Me and who everyone assumes is Vore are probably the two anons here who legitimately aren't and haven't tried to groom Puka.
I mean, my personality rubbed off on her and I smirked when she told me she thought she was starting to go emo/goth and I knew that was at least partially cause we'd been talking daily for a while at that point.
I have that effect on people, I guess I was grooming her into her goth phase.
"i just fuckin hate this world and the human worms feasting on its carcass, except MLP, that's cool... I guess. Ohh, check out this picture of a human skull being crushed by a dragons claw i drew, it symbolizes how i feel about you."
-puka perfected
< 3

Jokes asisde, I'm a real hateful piece of shit and prone to sociopathy(especially when provoked :3) but I know my limit and actually hurting children for my own sick satisfaction is well past it.

Does it upset you to know that such a terrible retard is somehow both more intelligent and wholesome than you? :3

and this  >>/120255/ is why i believe she's an adult with a fetish larping as a child. 

the room looks like it's in a small apartment, but somehow her "parents" have the money to afford all of her merch, devices, plushies, etc? no, it's probably a mid-20s woman on the brink of poverty spending all of her money on useless shit (just like people who become "car-poor").

not to mention, she does "subtle" sexual stuff like spinning around in her chair to show her body and eating/sucking on stuff with eye contact. she knows what she's doing

Yep definitely donutwhore, why do you come to this board specifically to insult other girls? Did your fent addict dad not give you enough attention so now you have to shove pastries in your gaping pussy and cyberbully a 15 year old to feel something?

Have you ever considered there are multiple people who dislike you because of how hideous and repulsive you are in both looks and attitude? You need to take a step back and get offline. Would be a shame if Twitter normies found out you are harassing a 15 year old grooming victim on a "deep web" imageboard.

her nose is legit bigger than my jew nose and she's Latina or whatever. she uses filters and her nose is bigger and eyes and lips are actually smaller because she wants to hide the fact that she's a grown ass woman😀

people hate pukara because anyone that actually knew her before this whole cutesy innocent larp shit knows she’s a genuinely really horrible and rude person. she would call any girl that was older than her (12 at the time) a whore and a angel and would spam pictures of girls and call them ugly whores. the only people she never treated horribly were all 30+ fat losers who groomed her because she has a pedro fetish. she would constantly raid servers and post naked pictures of herself at 12 and also brag about being on cp sites. i know she’s crashing out when she hits 16 and this whole facade becomes even more pathetic and obviously fake. no girl acts like this at 16. the weirdest shit is she doesnt even regret anything she’s done, she just now knows she doesnt have to post nudes to get attention and all she has to do is larp as an autistic 8 year old lmao

angelgard not angel… also would sperg out a lot against white and asian girls in particular out of some sort of jealousy or something? pretty much any girl she viewed as competition she treated very maliciously and she would also treat any dude that was under 25 like a piece of shit

Do you have any proof of this or are you just pulling this out of your ass I've literally never heard of any of this
I think you might be confusing her with her old friend Trick (Stacy-Chan) who would openly hate on older girls and raid servers/egirl threads on /r9k/ with cp

The only part of that i knew was her having a fetish for old fat pedros, i have genuinely never heard anyone claim she raided servers or bragged about being on cp sites 
either you are making this up or you are an ex groomer

no i’m well aware of who trick is and i’m definitely not confusing her. this girl literally posted childhood pictures of herself on this board which is known to be full of pedros, i dont know why it’d be shocking for her to brag about being on cp sites. i used to talk to her when i was 14 and she would call me an expired roastie because she thought i was a girl that was jealous of her since i was trying to get her out of this weird shitty hole lmao. i dont have any screenshots of her spamming those videos and pics because i obviously dont wanna save cp onto my laptop and i also dont have any screenshots of her saying horrible shit because i genuinely thought that this girl would come to her senses at some point and gtfo the internet (especially after she got doxxed) but very evidently no… i dont even hold any resentment towards her, i just think this whole pure innocent uwu egirl act is so funny because absolutely anyone who knows her when she went by chungy can confirm how much of a horrible person she is. there was a screenshot of her on lolcow years ago i could probably try to find but thats the most proof i’ll manage to muster lmao. but many of us unfortunately knew her back then

forgot to add but don't dodge and call me a ped0 for asking. you can blur whatever you want. the fact is that pukara wouldn't have childhood pics in modern quality, so her childhood photos would be an obvious tell.

i don't hate her because of this i hate her because she still hasn't learnt from what she's done whatsoever and still baits for pedros, especially going so far to even post pics of herself as a child like i said.. she doesn't even seem regretful of the stuff she did with eric at all, it's just super interesting to me because how can you go through something like that and continue doing the same stuff?

there's no concrete proof because she wouldn't leak that. Just look at the evidence:
> tiny room but expensive merch and trinkets everywhere (she lives in her own apartment)
> subtley caters to ped0s in a way kids couldn't think of (making eye contact while eating white frosting for literally 2 mins straight)
> major discrepancy in the way she types vs the way she talks (she speaks like an actual special ed student and types like shes thirsty for subtley thirsting for cock 24/7)
> all of her "family" pics are just of her alone and are taken at her height... who is taking these pics???
> probably more but if i think of anything ill add

Its a she not a he and fine i will stop replying, besides there are recent pictures of Pukara in her school classroom on her Instagram, if that is not proof i dont know what is
Let me guess, the roastie will say its a fake classroom for photo sets?

okay here's your proof. the stuffed animal she's holding is the love & peace bear from build-a-bear which was released before she was supposedly born.
this is a recent photo and proves nothing. post one of her as a kid with her mom's (don't scapegoat and call me a ped0)

> i used to talk to her when i was 14 and she would call me an expired roastie 
Pukie is going to be suicidal when she turns 18, just like  >>/114693/ and considering how much he hates other girls I'd say she deserves it fully. Youth is fleeting but she thinks she'll get bottom barrel pedro attention forever. It has permanently altered her perception of both females and males but especially herself kek. She'll never be in love, she has never even expressed any desire or interest in love lmfao,  ONLY degenerate sex shit. So much for that "innocence"

donut is just one person. i'm a nigga who thinks she's not only ugly but a straight up bad person. then you have the other anon who's obviously male from how fucking autistic his posts are (the one you keep calling vore for no reason). then you have doom kek

I think you have her all wrong. I actually talked to her quite a bit a long time ago when she was maybe 13 or 14 and she's an absolute angel. she's done nothing of the sort, barely has used discord, and when she does, it's all wholesome. you must be talking about somebody else, like the imposter that like to skinwalker for a few years that also sold her nudes and pretended to be her. unlike you, I can provide genuine proof of that if you want, it might shed some insight into whatever behavior you think pukara has been up to in her past. but I assure you. pukara is an innocent little angel who has done nothing of the sort, and she's been friendly every single interaction I've had with her. when we were talking, she made it sound like she absolutely hated pedros. I mean if she loved them so much then why was one turned over to the fbi? doesn't seem like you're talking about the same person

nigga there are nudes of her on the internet and videos of her sticking her tongue out in an obviously suggestive manner lmao there are screenshots of her flirting with eric (the man she sent to jail) she got pissed at him because he would constantly "cheat" on her and show attention to other girls. i remember he was talking to some japanese bint last time and she got really pissed off or something about it. eric also told me that he was never into children until he met chungy (pukara) and them two would constantly make jokes about how she's the biggest cp star

here's her twitter from 2022, her bio states "aam" which is adult attracted minor, this was popularish on nsfw twitter 2 years ago and it was for underage people seeking out adults.. this is further proof i've known her for 3+ years... and she still hasn't changed. deliberately seeking out pedros.. XD https://x.com/chungyhatesu?lang=no

oh fuck off you fucking faggot.
You're so full of shit that everything you say is less believable than the fake backstories I gave about my time with Puka and those were meant to be unbelievable and fantastical
Fuck you.

do you think that has any validity???? you're a joke and clearly have not used ai accuracy testers at all.

why does the top of the faucet bend like that? why does the shadow on the wall look like that? what exactly are those pink things in the bottom left corner? none of it makes sense which points to ai.

Jesus Christ, is it actually AI after all? The lighting in this pic makes no sense whatsoever. Maybe there are two lights facing different directions? But that still wouldn't explain the lighting being so fucked up overall, and still doesn't explain the fucked up wobbly distortion to the sink faucet. 

Why would jannies delete a fake pic of her as a kid that SHE made that we're analyzing but leave up real pics of her as a child though? I don't get it.

Here are archived links to her calling herself an "adult attracted minor" to lure in pedros, so no one can claim photoshop or "storytelling."

By the way, every account following her is an adult man posting or interacting with porn.

So now now every person that is calling Puka out is Donut tonight?
are we all going to be Bee or Cewl tomorrow? Just trying to keep track.
Also, Pukas cheeks are OBVIOUS photoshop. You people are fucking retarded.

pukara is actually 31 years old, her birthday pics are fake since she can just move the candles, she also goes to random high schools and asks the girls there to borrow their uniform so she can take pics with it, the pics with her family where she's little are from the 70s or she's using a baby filter, any new proof you give me is gonna be ai or photoshop

if it's not ai then what are the glowing pink things in the left bottom corner? why does her shadow on the back wall not match up with her silhouettes? why does the back hanger thing look extremely weird and is fading out of the pic? as well as the faucet top not being straight.

1. she can buy a uniform off amazon
2. she took the birthday pics. there are no decorations and no other ppl around her.
3. the only photos from her "mom's facebook" are of her alone and taken at her height.
4. the *only* actual "childhood photo" we've been given is extremely suspicious.

why is posting her allowed all of the sudden i would get banned for trying just a whilke ago 
You are banned from /agatha2/ until Tue Mar 13 2029 22:34:12 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time).
Reason: gay spam.

mods should be killed irl

Obviously. I know more about her than i let on.
I don't want to make her my next trolling victim on the off chance she's actually a minor, but she's a really bad person and LARPing as a kid to encourage pedrophiles is next level evil.
Like non of the women really have any redeming qualities but Puka is actually sick and tries to bait the mentally ill into suicide for fun.
Ironically the only time she actually talks like a 15 year old is when she's trying to be edgy.
At least this depraved monster knows what's up.

and if you also think it's her idk why you wouldn't be confident that she's lying about her age. someone who is this capable of lying and deceiving wouldn't act as retarded as she does irl (not even saying she's smart just that she's legit mentally handicapped in her vids/streams)

I've seen her more intelligent side. Call it a sixth sense, but I know it's not just her.
But for all intents and purposes, she's incredibly manipulative and things always just line up in a way that aren't organic. It's all too perfect, it's a game, a rather sick one. I guess I can't hate on the whole trolling actual pedrophiles thing, but it's not just that. Her actions are way fucking darker and more disturbing.

I rather not say more. Dismiss my rants as schizophrenic or a troll or ponder what I said, but there is something extremely dark behind the person we supposedly know as Pukara, or "Mary Venace". Just looking at those eyes, there is nothing behind them.
I've said all I care to. I've poked that bear, had my fun, played my part, I think I'll take my leave and see where things go from here.

it's not that deep she's just a woman in her 20s with a vulnerability fetish that she fuels via ped0baiting

i will say if im right, then the lengths she has gone to maintain the act (staging photos, doing long streams acting like a child, creating fake accounts, posting ai childhood pics, etc.) are pretty bad, but that could just be her being desperate and lonely

> she told age regressors to rope
I mean pukara is right but isn't she an age regressor unintentionally? she has the voice of a 6 year old girl at the age of 15/16, girls her age are typically more mature than pukara. Unless she was refering to the ddlg pornified thots.

I remember when anons first began to post pukara on 4chan and another e-girl from marc's e-harem named Trix used to b very mean to puka and try to compete for the "/r9k/ loli e-girl" role but pukara won and trix faded into obscurity because she was mean

She is absolutely an age regressor. Most 16 year olds act more or less like adults while Pukara is still trying to convince everyone she's a little kid with a contrived act. 
> inb4 you're a jealous roastoid wishing you were as pure as puke!!1!1
I am a MAN and you WILL huff my fucking sack, delusional retard.

She is constantly dressing like a child and posing with the same exact mlp bright pink slop every other ddlg age regressing thot does. Her personality isn't cute, it's obnoxiously dull lmao. And I'd argue playing overwatch for hours every single day and being addicted to showing hole to fat niggas may as well be drugs. I respect most heroin addicts more than someone who just fingers themselves in their room imagining they're being raped by an obese pedronigger.

this is so fucking funny and pathetic
> donut gets embarrassed after lashing out at pukara for being younger than her and getting more attention  >>/120394/
> doubles down and decides to embarrass herself even more
> calls everyone who isn’t a retard pukara
what’s even sadder, from what i’ve seen i don’t think puka has ever interacted with her or even knows she exists so this all one sided kek

Not what I said, nigger. She fetishizes her age and ""youth"" already to an insane degree, and that's not gonna stop anytime soon. It will get worse and worse the older she gets. She already has to overcompensate for how slutty and nasty she is by amping up the kawaii ageplayer aesthetic, imagine how hard she'll be clinging to it two years from now kek

How do you know? Because she said so? It takes a long rigorous process to get an actual autism diagnosis that most people never get unless they got it as children. Unless there's some kind of proof (like other egirls have provided before), there's no reason to believe she isn't just pandering to r9k.

>   >>/120829/

> It takes a long rigorous process to get an actual autism diagnosis that most people never get unless they got it as children.

Yeah, because it gets you fucking branded as though you were a God damn Jew and eventually given a fucking life sentence, AKA 25 years of unimaginable torture followed by being raped TO DEATH by the fucking police. No one in their right mind would ever try to fucking get diagnosed with ANYTHING, let alone autism.

Yep. I don't believe she's diagnosed for a lot of reasons. First, her parents are clueless Mexican conservatives that definitely haven't put her in the hands of a psychiatrist before and probably would fight her on it if she even suggested it. Second, she's never mentioned therapy or psychiatric evaluations of any kind. Third, women are almost never diagnosed with autism unless they're some kind of gifted child that's excelling so much that it makes everyone realize that they're too weird to be normal women, and Pukara just isn't very smart. 

I thought that Agatha and Kennedi were the only egirls diagnosed with autism, but recently I learned that not even Agatha is actually diagnosed with it. Kennedi is diagnosed, and I know she tried fighting the diagnosis (which ironically makes her even more autistic kek).

What makes Pukara "autistic"? Her liking overwatch and having dead eyes? Ffs why did autism have to become a meme word that just means quirky. Women ruin everything.

pukara isn't autistic just bc she types like a toddler and high pitches her voice lmao that's just her age regressing. why do so many egirls do that voice shit and how are they even taken seriously irl? there's no way it's real

If you're so insistent that something sexual happened between us than let just say it's been like a year and literally no evidence other than telling a few of her friends after i pissed her off and also I even went to the feds about her little bf, I'm guessing nothing happened to him other than the fact I haven't been able to find him or get ahold of him since.
Also, considering I sent our convo to the agent I talked to abut the situation with the other guy and he read it and told me I made a lot of concerning remarks and my actions were extremely misguided and irresponsible and stupid but it's not prosecutable says a lot.... like a lot.
> 13
If you only knew how bad things really are.

This is true but she got groomed by Weezeer or whatever his nickname was, so when she turns older she will cry because she wants to be underage forever in order to have the validation of pedrophiles like him. He traumatized her by grooming her when she was 12, I don't know if he was her first crush or not but this will most likely stick with her until she is 30 unless she goes to theraphy to move on from that event.

Sure man. Normally I don't give a fuck about what people do and mind my own business but at that point it very much was my business. I made the mistake of caring about that kid and telling her I just wanted to keep her safe and actually mean that. 
Lesson learned.
> you are the cancer of this place
At this point I think that makes me da good guy. Surely my boy Delle is significantly worse though.

Also, why do you still automatically assume everything I say about puka is true?
All of my lies manipulation and trolling of you fuckers should have to second guessing EVERYthing.
That's what we do here, bully and gaslight each other, at least that's how it's been for me.
You people are a disease, seriously you unironically deserve death if you see a vulnerable, hurting, and lonely, child with no real support and your first thought is "I should exploit that child".
I've been where I thought she was and you know what? I'd kill to have had a "Doom guy" in my life at her age, but in fairness, I probably would have been repulsed by my own toxic behavior.

Then again I like the "She is really an adult theory" it checks out and with some of the shit I know about her that i assume isn't public, I would that yeah, there is a pretty high chance.

I see. It doesn't seem like she has any self awareness or shame about it, so I can't see her wanting help until she actually gets old enough for everyone to turn on her and call her a hāg like she's done to so many other girls. Her fate of misery will be well deserved which is the saddest part. Its a shame her parents are just as retarded as she is, otherwise maybe she could have a chance at getting better. Instead she selfposts here and spends all her time shlicking to ugly niggers on discord and playing video games kek. 
> groomed by a guy who went by weezer 
Is that why she constantly talks about the shitty band of the same name? Is everything about her just shit to try to impress fat men? Lmao

> Also, why do you still automatically assume everything I say about puka is true?
> All of my lies manipulation and trolling of you fuckers should have to second guessing EVERYthing.
They have a smooth brain and they crave drama regardless of its nature.

NTA but if you weren't a newfag you'd know that the girls who pandered to pedros the most were always the ones who got the most hate by the time they turned 17-18. It won't be because of her "age," it'll be "she's no longer innocent" or "she's a normie whore now" or "she hit the wall" or something. Maybe you won't be like that, who knows, but most anons will. 

Again, if you weren't a newfag you'd know that this happens to every other egirl already. Ciara, Bianca, Agatha, Kennedi all get pictures of them from when they were 10 posted for everyone to nitpick.

They sorta freaked out after he went to jail. They were worried other people were going to be arrested.

Weezy's friends are lurking here and other places, especially after one of them necrobumped a thread on a dark web forum as if that would be disruptive to anything.

There's one particular faggot (probably you or someone you know) who just can't get over the fact that his pedrophile friend went to jail so he lurks here semi regularly

> necrobumped a thread on a dark web forum
What forum, what thread, and for what purpose? This is getting interesting. From what you've said it sounds like Pukara was actively surrounding herself with legit pedro rings.

if it's not ai then explain what the glowing pink things are in the corner and why the hanger toy is fade in and out of the pic? the whole photo points to ai and that just proves she's been lying about her age the whole time and staging those pics. it's funny how the only birthday photos are from 13 and 14, and both times she's alone and with no decorations or presents around her. it makes no sense. there has also not been a single photo leaked of her family even though apparently people know her facebook.

> loli twintails 
annoying how blatant she is with this shit. also cant stand that disgusting shit shes constantly doing with her mouth, legit makes me gag seeing it. always either pouting by force or doing retarded faces like this to seem like a child. shes genuinely evil

lmao no i thought i was wrong until i analyzed the photo further and realized it's ai. i was mnever jealous of her. if i was, i would still post pics of myself here and on 4chan. even other people in here saw that that "childhood photo" was extremely suspicious and i will post it again if needed.

Literally not even true. She was 13. Most 13 year olds are dressing in athleisure and going to Sephora and carrying Stanley cups around, not sticking their tongues out and saying they want to watch 30 year old men jerk off. It's funny Puke was here recently trying to make the argument that she's more "innocent" than "those normie whores" her age, but those other girls don't even know what Discord is and have never even watched porn. Meanwhile Pukara is a porn addicted 15 year old telling dudes she wants them to rape her and suffocate her with their obese bellies kek. So innocent.

> those other girls don't even know what Discord is and have never even watched porn
this person is either 50 years old or retarded. the average teenage girl hasn't just watched porn or sent nudes, they also fuck and do drugs. get with the times, moron

That's not AI retarded fuck.
she's not even the girl in the screenshots that you're posting of those texts. it has been said many times before that there are girls that like to skin walk her, the messages that you think you may be getting from her unless they are from her real account are not her. that being said, she is not participating in that dark web forum, it's literally just exploiting her. I had to warn her yesterday because it had been bumped. she is an innocent girl and you are ruining her life just because a pedrophile went to jail and ur mad

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> the hangers
That's just how they used to look its part of the gimmick, picrel 
> the faucet
It's supposed to be cartoony it's a store for kids + do you understand how lighting works
> the tray
It's clothes for the teddy bears folded in a pile
The image is low quality and looks to be a Polaroid that someone took a picture of with their phone, it's going to be blurry
This photo was taken around 2013, that's how the stores looked are you stupid it's a stylistic choice and meant to be comforting to children
Posting a child's photo on 4chan is creepy and AI detectors aren't always accurate, in fact AI detectors run on AI so what's the point
You are fucking braindead

pukara's original name was chungy, she rebranded after she got doxxed and she realized she didn't have to send nudes in order to get attention and she could simply just facepost on r9k XD her twiiter @chungyhatesu, and her tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@libslayer2009 all support this &40;there&#39;s people in the comment section talking about missing chungy and she replies on an alt 1 year later&41; ++++ you can simply name search "chungy" on desuarchive.org  and  :3 [Embed]

I love pukara so much. angelic personality, patient, she's never mean, she's always nice and kind. she never makes you feel bad about yourself and she's very supportive as a friend

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New IG post hype. Tongue out pukara is an instant classic. Big expressive eye peaking out from that nicely textured hair. She's so cute bros... Her face looks so clear and cute in these

Missed some discussion so I wanted to add
> What makes Pukara "autistic"?
Her diagnosis.
She looks so cute in these
> ok now i understand why you hate her so much
Yeah it would suck if more younger people were self aware and tapped on old people's shoulders and told them they were old. That wouldn't be cute at all. Only women would care about that kind of thing. A little girl saying she's younger than you would only bother a elderly fish market cunt owner
> I made the mistake of caring about that kid and telling her I just wanted to keep her safe and actually mean that.
When are you going to admit that you tried to get sexual with her. Everyone knows it. Cewl exposed you

> it would suck if more younger people were self aware and tapped on old people's shoulders and told them they were old
you do realize pukara is gonna be 'old' in 3 years no? she's 16 in 3 weeks and that girl was 19

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>  Cewl exposed you
Cewl is an absolute tard and I exposed her as a BBC lover and a zoophile... Well, she exposed herself with my help.

Puka tried getting sexual with me and I friendzoned her. What she won't tell you is that when me and her were friends I had two(that she knew of) women I was in talks with and I was sexual with them. I just liked puka, her presence softened a darkness inside of me and my dumb ass was gullible enough to believe I was making a difference in her life. She's a lost cause, it's sad, what a waste of human life. I actually cried for her on more than one occasion, I'm all outta tears for some some idiot who's life was already pretty much over by the time her age hit double digits.
I could've had her if I wanted her. That's not a flex, it's just a fact.

Just stop Delle(or puka if it's her, this reads like something she's say, I'm just guessing, I have no idea who you is nigga), this is getting tiresome. I was friends with Puka a year ago. I adored the hell out of that girl but god damn do I regret trying to protect her from her own stupidity.

I've pretty much moved on from this place.
But since I know you have such a fascination with me I'll give you a little update about myself and my life.
I finally had that surgery for my deviated septum done, I breath so much better now and my voice is even deeper and as I've been told, sexier. Things didn't work out with the furry girl. Bummer, but such is life. 2 of my most recent additional roach colonies have matured and I now how have enough that I'm comfortable listing them for sale. One goes for 60$ per 8 and the other goes for 30-50$ per 10, that's not a hard price tag, that's just FMV. I've already made a few sales on them since I've listed them for sale.
I'm in talks with a new girl, college student, total sweet heart, and just being around this girl softens my dark places and... Well, I've had that blow up in my face more than once, it's just that I really do want to be a better person, and sometimes just having people you deem as positive figures can really help with them.
+0.05 wholesomeness/daily
other than that.... It's been more of the same. My life is pretty great, like actually
I hope you're doing well man.
< 3

pukara is the loveliest girl in existance she was misguided and neglected when she was younger leave her alone </3 she has changed.. u people are calling a 12 year old a whore!

Pukara's simps are weird ddlg pedro cucks that like to feed her delusions that she is still a little girl at the age of 15 but she will be closer to 20 than closer to 10 in weeks. I think she is going to go nuts as she ages because her fanbase is even more pedroish than ciara's fanbase, for example ciara never larped as a little girl and always looked / acted older while pukara clings into the "loli" thing and specifically panders to pedrophiles.

> her fanbase is even more pedroish than ciara's fanbase
I don't think you have a good sense of who her fanbase is then. Pukara does not pander to pedrophiles, she's just herself. Everything else you said is delusion

well she has definitely changed in the sense that she can't take NSFW pictures of herself right now, which is a good thing, but will it continue in the future? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to when she's 18

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You read all of that and you loved it. You find me interesting, don't lie. You wish you could be in my head if only for a moment, walk a few feet in my shoes, experience the things I've seen.
The fact I share anything aobut myself with you is a blessing you are unworthy of and yet I offer you a part of myself anyway, because I care about my fellow man and between screaming into the void and lashing out at those I deem an enemy, I hope beyond hope that we all end up making it in the end.

I love you, and I hope you one day find your life in a position where you no longer just wish to let go. I mean that.
< 3

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Penises don't rape women (nuh uh) I rape women, with my penis.

I've groomed so many minors I don't even know how many minors I've groomed, but it's probably around 7 thousand

Oh yeah, lolis are actually good for four things:
and their sisters cunnies

Representing the north side, C to the anida bitch.

this is almost as bad as when tim heidecker made that "i am a cuck" song to "own" the haters but it just made him look extremely cringe and gay

"this is how i win i was just pretending to be retarded" Doom you groomed pukara and it doesn't matter what cewl was into she's right about you

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I'm not trying to "own the trolls" I really don't give two shits anymore.

You are an absolute spastic and you only know negativity. You'll never be happy, you'll never have a real lover, you're never going to be shit.
I am actually pretty content in life, I have shit going for me, I'm genuinely happy with my lot in life. 

you think I groomed Puka? Ok, good for you. Maybe I did. pedro Doom narrative is kind of like God, it can not be proven, it can not be disproven, so the lost fools with nothing to believe in follow it because they feel they have nothing else. It's ok my lost sons and daughters, I know you have nothing and seek faith, so behold, I shall be your shepherd and show you the way and stuff.

imagine being an unpaid janny refreshing the catalog every 5 seconds and checking every new post all day every day. could never be me. this board is so boring too ever since breathing became a bannable offense

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A fuck ton of PTSD, a propensity to feed into negativity and to respond to abuse with more intense abuse. That and a chronic sense of boredom that leads me to occasionally embrace my antisocial mindset and utilize what I can to upset people for my own sick amusement.
I really can't see anything I've actually done or said in regards to Puka leading to me having legal problems and I've chosen to run with the narrative for the last few months as it seems to bother my haters far more than it bothers me as well yes, her friendship helped distance myself from my deeply engrained nihilism I know it was all for nothing and she never never gave a fuck about me to begin with and I guess I just wanted enjoyed the chaos that this entire agatha2 shitshow even though it's gotten stale.

I guess in short, I'm a naughty troll.
What is wrong with you, Anon?

I know it's only been a day since she posted but it feels like forever. Pukara if you're out there I hope you're okay. You're the best no matter what anyone says. We love you pukara.

> /r9k/ is pretty dead too since iris was carrying it
That's sad, also, the e-girls aren't leaving they are just being coaxed to stay on Discord and other channels of communication. It's just more eboys gatekeeping like usually. I don't know why they think we can't tell, arbor and that other more secret schizo place are public/easy to get into.

Discord is trash, the people who use it are trash too. I'm glad Pukara is one of the girls that do not use it

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Her and that Satyrn guy used to be active in that server ran IHEII used to own it. Also this is her old discord account not sure if still active pukarachan also Cewl knows she had a discord too because she said pukara would rather talk to boys than be friends with her and these are old chats but still from this year.

yeah, the Cewl crusades were pretty kino. We all had our fun, Cewl may or may not have been slightly traumatized(her own fault lol) and we all learned our lesson(not really).
Fuck the haters, they're not gonna do shit other than ree, cope, seethe, and say "I don't know who you are. Fuck off you nobody" despite the fact that just seeing those 4 little letters that represent my presence causes their blood pressure to spike to unsafe levels.
Glad you're doing good man. You seem alright, I hope you have a very black Christmas <3
kek. I thought about just going full on confrontational about that bit of lore like a redneck on jerry Springer but decided against it lmao. I think the way I approached it achieved enough lulz. The fucked up thing is even after the accusations and all that bullshit i went through cause of her I still feel kind of ad for her.
What can i say? i'm a big softy lul.
> Lately
This place has always been terrible lol
I am the cyber police nigga. Now shut yo mouff fore i show you the meaning of police brutality >:-(
Yeah... me too on some level.
Hope that little shit gets her life together at some point.

That's good. She's a sweet kid and despite all of the bullshit i saw potential in her to do something with her life(not much, but something). Shitposts aside I really do wish her the best, no mater what.
No. I told her about my friendship with puka at the end of things being good between us. truth be told I think i wanted to push her away because she was getting on some serious mommy shit with me which just... No. I'll be fatherly, it's in my nature but I don't do that mommy shit. Cewl was cruisin for a bruisin and tbh, her throwing my old besty(yes pook was my besty for a bit) in my face was all the justification I needed to gaslight and abuse her as much as I did. Cewl learned that if you talk shit you will get hit. I am an equal opportunity offender.

I think on some level I wanted it thrown in my face. I won't lie, I regret my friendship with Puka. I really tried to be a good influence on her and I fucked that up pretty royally.
I tell myself i always tried to do the right thing but at the end of the day I was still just the destructive malicious asshole that I always am. I wanted to see her get away from her lifestyle but at the end of the day that was my own self righteousness and I think I knew I was unable to do a God damn thing.
part of me just wishes I could hit Puka up and we could just be buddies again... But I know better.

Shits fucked, there was a lesson learned, and both of our hearts were hardened that much more from the overall experience.

tiddysprinkles. Anywway, here's a screenshot of something I said that resonates ith me. It feels true. Know me better, or don't. It don't matter.

I love how adorable Pukara look and acts. Just to point out and reinforce, I can tell she's not acting when it comes to her voice and speech patterns. She's just cute and autistic for sure. If anyone has more vids with her voice please post them

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Rereading my drunken bullshit i only feel mildly alienated.
Incase any of you beautiful souls were worried. My hangover was fairly minor. Coconut water and caffeinated juice bay-bee!
From my perspective you're all kind of like this.

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