> Cewl exposed you
Cewl is an absolute tard and I exposed her as a BBC lover and a zoophile... Well, she exposed herself with my help.
Puka tried getting sexual with me and I friendzoned her. What she won't tell you is that when me and her were friends I had two(that she knew of) women I was in talks with and I was sexual with them. I just liked puka, her presence softened a darkness inside of me and my dumb ass was gullible enough to believe I was making a difference in her life. She's a lost cause, it's sad, what a waste of human life. I actually cried for her on more than one occasion, I'm all outta tears for some some idiot who's life was already pretty much over by the time her age hit double digits.
I could've had her if I wanted her. That's not a flex, it's just a fact.
Just stop Delle(or puka if it's her, this reads like something she's say, I'm just guessing, I have no idea who you is nigga), this is getting tiresome. I was friends with Puka a year ago. I adored the hell out of that girl but god damn do I regret trying to protect her from her own stupidity.
I've pretty much moved on from this place.
But since I know you have such a fascination with me I'll give you a little update about myself and my life.
I finally had that surgery for my deviated septum done, I breath so much better now and my voice is even deeper and as I've been told, sexier. Things didn't work out with the furry girl. Bummer, but such is life. 2 of my most recent additional roach colonies have matured and I now how have enough that I'm comfortable listing them for sale. One goes for 60$ per 8 and the other goes for 30-50$ per 10, that's not a hard price tag, that's just FMV. I've already made a few sales on them since I've listed them for sale.
I'm in talks with a new girl, college student, total sweet heart, and just being around this girl softens my dark places and... Well, I've had that blow up in my face more than once, it's just that I really do want to be a better person, and sometimes just having people you deem as positive figures can really help with them.
+0.05 wholesomeness/daily
other than that.... It's been more of the same. My life is pretty great, like actually
I hope you're doing well man.
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