hello. i never post on this board for several reasons. if you’d ever like to chat, or ask me any questions, or discuss basically anything at all, you can always message me at any time. i mostly use discord. although i am sometimes busy, i will always get around to answering my messages. my discord tag is indeed internetnichemicrocelebrity. this will be my first, and (hopefully) my last post on this platform. please do not believe everything you read on the internet.
to those of you who lurk here, i encourage you to seek new outlets and distractions from whatever has lead you to this place, and i wish you all solace. i know being depressed and or lonely can lead you to do or say things you wouldn’t normally involve yourself in. i’d hate to be the type of person to tell you all to find a new hobby, as i struggle with doing so myself, but i do hope you all can find more fulfilling and healthy ways to spend your time and express yourselves.
take care endchan <3 you know where to find me.