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Vamp. She wasn't that bad but some 15 year old ugly brown autist has decided to harras her and then leaked her info to some Albanian terrorists who were starting to doxx, stalk and threatened to throw acid into her face.

Its true they just delete the evidence that this board was made for stalking and exploiting kids. Half the girls on here have been doxxed and have these sites used against them with threats to extort them. Literal CP fednigger board.

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Thank you alot Anon, I am currently safe and I hope to stay safe for eternity! I am glad someone cares and it brings a smile into my face, sincerely tysm!:D  
I hope the albanians chuds aren't planning anything malicious in their little discord cave but I dont think they're invested in me. If they were they would've contacted me on instagram, right? I am still curious on the whole event but i havent stressed much about it, I dont wanna waste my time, energy and potential on being paranoid and anxious. I just wanna live in the present without thinking about a future I have no control on. I've got good news. I got an A+ in my maths exams, finally!! 
Ngl I miss you all, I was so happy to get my winter breaks and I was looking forward into a Q&A video. Besides that the only thing that motivated me to make youtube content was agatha2 since this is my only audience. You have no idea how linked i am with this place and the worst thing is I have no idea why. I just wanna immerse myself with the internet and live here for entirety to fulfill my silly egirl life. 
Btw,I really like the new christmas design, I dont get those who shit on it but I guess everyone has their own preferences. The marky drawing is so cool and awesome. Wish the best to the anon who draw'd it, cuz it lowkeys inspires me to start drawing more 
Anyways, I wish you, other anons and the staff a merry Christmas and a happy new year. I hope that the next year brings peace to all of us and we all finally make our dreams come to life! 
Sending much love 

---vampyfren <3

pukara looks like a fucking tijuana street corner hooker looking for a green card or a mexican squatter who moved in during that 45 minute absence where you went for a grocery run and is now stinking up your house with her smelly burritos and unwashed beaner anus

you guys are so foolish wasting your time simping for these girls, not only are they totally insipid, uninteresting and dumb but they're not even cute, all it takes is one candid shot to completely dispel the illusion they carefully curate

we miss you too, vampy, sucks that there are icky brown people harassing you ;_;
good job on your math exam! we're so proud of you
i'll still watch any youtube videos you post, if you do post any
have a merry christmas <3 (probably you don't have christmas in albania, have a happy winter break or whatever holiday you celebrate there idk)

Iam so upset at this place and you guys don't understand how much it breaks my heart, I am not even joking and this is too embarrassing to even admit in general. I feel damages and fucked in the head because no one normal would spend all the time thinking about agatha2 and spend all day worrying about what people here think of me. Im just really tired, i did everything I could to please you but in the end all what I got is betrayal and insults. I just wanted to be cozy and make people happy, I really tried my best. Ive spent 2 years in this community and it  just feels like family but I guess people really seem to hate me and view me as trash. I dont know what I did wrong, please tell me cuz Im going insane. I am sorry if jve been mean to any of you for no reason without realising, really. 
Its just im frustrated because Ive done so much and yet im the most ignored/hated. I repressed my sexuality for almost two years, would barely feel horny just to appear "pure" but still people seemed to have a problem with me. Then I broke out got leaked (which you all benefited from), sent lewds and whored myself for yall and it backfired me badly. I just wanna be liked and loved, it hurts im breaking nsjsjdb sj ;(( please just give me an explaination help me herebi just wanna understsnd cuz I dont understand anything.. why dont you like me? What can I do to fix it all? Is it because im ugly and hideous, because I didnt choose this. I really wish I was a cute egirl, Im tired of being bullied my whole life because of my looks idk jusyy dont know i hate tjis smIm shaking

you need to move on LOL
just get a boyfriend or something at this point, I don’t know why you’re from romanticizing this whole egirl thing when all of them have had shitty faiths. your short sightedness is gonna lead to your downfall vamp, just move on while nobody cares and save yourself

> I dont know what I did wrong, please tell me cuz Im going insane
you cucked us with the pajeet and then expected us to orbit you and give you attention for free? at least give us something...

> sent lewds and whored myself for yall and it backfired
no even i removed the sage and started bumping your threads but then you stopped posting pics so

You are underaged, this was never a place you should have visited.
You thought you could find normal interactions here, but you were wrong.
The damage is done, meaning you have been mentally damaged by being here. That's the hard truth and why you are reacting this way. Going cold turkey FOREVER is the only way to get out of this loop. Some egirls have managed to do that, for some it took years and several attempts. Maybe at some point you can come back and look at it as just a wasted time, but that will be YEARS down the line.

If it can help you move on, just realize how little traffic this website has. When there are no vpn abusers the ip counter logs ~30 ips/1day. Half of them are girls checking their own threads. You are doing the monkey dance and humiliation ritual for literally 10 people. Ask yourself. Is it worth it? Mmh I don't think so.
You shouldn't be bothered at all by what these people think and just live your life normally.

I won't do anything to you, we are cool and I keep my word since my last message on WhatsApp. We have an agreement and you are following it, I'm following it and things are chill.
Live your life with no fear, I can text you if you want confirmation it's me even though no one here is a bit tech-savvy to get vanity tripcodes and all.
There was more into the mix but I won't go deep, this drama is over; Jurgen knew I had pressure building up and I snapped. I know it's not an excuse but if I don't say I had a jealousy problem left untreated and provoked, people here will think it was just me. 
Let's forgive and forget... Happy new year.

It seems like you are one of the few boring and bored 'simps' from her past, the ones that always stick around to get more attention.
Seek help and let me help you with that: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/suicide-resource-compilation.3/

And if you have questions, go ask her. I don't care. Every girl is seeing my side as I prove myself not that guilty. I do recognise I fucked up but I had my reasons, some of which does not excuse my last behaviour of doxxing but I let others decide with proof and chats.
Anons will have nothing.

Cewl " it was scary and i forgave him out of fear, i will not talk about this more as he has threathened to still share more stuff if i talk about him."

"Go kill ur self WE dont have to explain anything to you"

Bitch did I ask you a single question?

Like what a moronic dellusional piece of shit you are. She says your preventing her from talking about you, she tries to answer and says "I cant, destelle is extorting me". At least shut the fuck up and stop with these garbage excuses that only the most brain dead underaged bitch you're grooming will understand.

Is it wrong to want vamp..?
I know it's still a month off until she is a legal adult, but I seriously just want to save her and bring her to a nice country where she can live a confy life and start studying what she enjoys....

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