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How is Pukara not an age regressing literal whore? She sold herself to men and her whole personality is contrived. She's in high school trying to convince people it's normal to act the way she does at her age and if you disagree "lol it's cuz u love blown out hågs." She is way more manipulative and fake than most (living) girls posted here.
> How is Pukara not an age regressing literal whore? 
Because she knows what age she is and acts it and does not sell herself you fucked up retard. You're fucked in the head if you think that she's a whore or an age regressor. 
> She sold herself to men and her whole personality is contrived. 
Her personality is herself. It's not contrived. Maybe you're projecting.
> She's in high school trying to convince people it's normal to act the way she does at her age and if you disagree "lol it's cuz u love blown out hågs." She is way more manipulative and fake than most (living) girls posted here.
She is a child and she acts like a child. And not in the age regressive way. She's 15 going on 16. Her behavior is normal, her stimming is caused by her genuine autism. She is coherent. When she gets stressed out she acts stressed out.  When she's comfortable she acts comfortably. She's a genuine person. I don't know what your beef is with her
She's never shown any proof of diagnosis. She doesn't act autistic either, unlike Kennedi or Agatha. Pukara is just genuinely stupid. She appears to have a learning disability, which is still a disability, just not as trendy as autism.

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