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And since it is relevant and the reason for recent happenings.
Here's seymour talking about wanting ki:

He's probably going to try the same thing he's done to several other girls before. Getting them on drugs, blackmailing them for nudes, pressuring her with other discord groomers etc.

> people are just lying about me
Because you keep taking actions that paint a very clear picture, but pretend to be innocent.
You interact with several known groomers and pedrophiles now. You make edits for them and write their names on your hand.
You completely ignore the many facts about seymour and others that have been presented to you and you search out for these people.
There is no sane reason to interact with them.

She has been warned for days now by at least three distinct people.
Yea, my conscience is clean, I tried my best.

I don't think she will actually meet up with anybody, so it won't get that far, unless she REALLY chases it. She still at least has a brother and father in her daily life.
But anything else? Blackmailing, extortion? Entirely possible.

 >>/123363/ >>/agatha2/123368@123331
If there is anyone posting photos of her (Ki) on Discord is Hoenut and some trolls from arbor, there is one in particular going by "physician of high standard" or something like this, she's the one making trials on new girls and helping, everyone mentioned is not related to kiwi.
Kiwi isn't posting anything anywhere, and I can't prove something that didn't happen, but if your claims about kiwi are true then provide proof.

Ki the innocent retard act is wearing thin. You have been told over and over what is happening and who these people are. You are obviously just pretending to have no idea what is going on at this point and it's fucking stupid.

If you want to get groomed and blackmailed to fulfil some fetish at least own it.

how do you think it would be posted here if she didn't post it elsewhere? that doesn't even make any sense. you sent it to her. it was posted here. obviously she showed it to other people. dumb of her to even lie about lol.

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I found the sign you made for kiwi on arbor, but it wasn't her message, she has her server which is pretty chill considering how these "Discordians" can be, and people can simply get the image and post anywhere if they're on arbor or any place reposting the image you made for her. I think she found cute that you made the sign and posted somewhere, it's not that deep.
Now the "ntrl" sign is self-explanatory and maybe I'll have some fun digging his things up.

'everyone that i cant fully trust'
Are you developmentally challenged? If you met them from here there is no way in hell you can 'fully' trust them. You like them because they are trying really hard to make you like them. Nothing they have said to you is real or true, they will say anything to get what they want.

Even the ones who seem nice and friendly, odds are they're talking about you in a server you aren't in. Sharing notes on what you respond to, things you like.

None of the human connections you made here are real. Seymour least of all, what's an old ugly fat man doing posting fucking teenage girl thinspo to twitter? He wants you to feel bad about your body so he can swoop in and tell you how he likes it and why don't you show him your tummy so he can reassure you?

> that i cant fully trust
You're delusional or still going for this stupid annoying wannabe-innocent act.
You can't fully trust ANYBODY from here. Maybe vamp, iris or cewl in DMs, but not even their "friends" (especially not cewl's).

I know you will keep talking to seymour and others anyway, so your words are worthless.
Like if you make this strictly transactional, money for pics and be honest about it like cewl I could still respect you, but you lying to everybody and yourself is just disappointing.

And it's working, because she likes it.

in before she says "but he's my friend! uwu"

> im not going to talk to them.
Not good enough.
Delete your discord, don't make a new one and just stick to making YT videos.
Block the abusers like Seymour from your channel.
Do. Not. Try. To. Explain. It. To. Them. They will just get into your pants again.

> She doesn't care that much because it's not a critical thing
Disgusting liar.
This is typical gaslighting, pretending that Ki's concern ia unfounded and it's "not a big thing".
You see this, Ki? Tthis is how they downplay your thoughts so you keep going and interacting with them.

I just find that it’s not that serious. It’s just a picture of her with her hand up. But either way why isn’t ki saying anything about making a sign for a known extorter and groomer, trying to shift the attention away?

'she posted because she found cute.'
gaslighting, downplaying kiki's concerns and implying that being lied to and having your pictures leaked is a good thing because 'they only betrayed you because you looked so cute in that pic!'

no i don’t talk to him , i blocked him because he scares me but i messaged him the other day on twitter bc he keeps posting me on discord and i told him to pls stop and then he said random crazy stuff about fire and  >>/123348/ was a joke and then he asked what my fav pony is and then thats when i deleted twitter , i didnt send him anything even sfw

> But either way why isn’t ki saying anything about making a sign for a known extorter and groomer, trying to shift the attention away?
We have already established she enjoys this.
At this point it's really only about her actually understanding how two faced all these groomers and creeps are. You clearly don't mind her becoming an actual victim of them.

i know you all think im playing a stupid innocent act and im not saying im innocent at all im just genuinely fucking stupid and i trust people too much. its my fault for all of this but im not pretending anything. im not innocent im just naive in an ugly way thats hurting me a lot. i sometimes think im magical in a way and that people can just be friends with me because i show them my true feelings and its just stupid and im too old for that unrealistic way of thinking and this is horrible . im genuinely upset about kiwi lying and i dont understand why everyone is just messing with me as if im not even a person its gross and i should have seen it coming and i know you all are mad at me and hate me now but if you want to help at all just stop telling me to stop talkinv to people, stop bumping the thread, just leave it alone please.

> i know you all are mad at me and hate me now but if you want to help at all just stop telling me to stop talkinv to people, stop bumping the thread, just leave it alone please.
u need to hear it more cuz Ur fucking stupid

You are such a stupid fucking nigger. You age obsessed retards all need to be killed for your complete lack of critical thinking ability. You are all also sooo transparent with your jealousy towards Seymour. Dude has game and you don't, so you just SEETHE about it! I don't have game, I'm not willing to be manipulative AT ALL, and so Ki and other young women pay me NO FRIGGEN ATTENTION AT ALL. But I don't seethe about it. It is what it is. Nice and trustworthy are boring qualities.

Also, to give you retarded agefags some perspective, one of the groomingest motherfuckers I've ever met is a girl I helped mentor who I think doesn't bother with sexual anything anymore but was a MASSIVE lesbian groomer in high school a few years ago ("durr oh but it doesn't matter if they're the same age" kill yourself lesbianism is always insanely manipulative).

All you bitch-ass niggas need to leave your fucking room, get out there and fucking FIGHT SOMEONE IRL.

I bet if any of you tried to square up against Seymour he'd wipe the floor with you, too. Top kek. Seymour is literally a Chad and you fags can't stand it because you're pencil necked dweebs with three inch penises.

Do you see it now? The same people gaslighting and lying in this thread are the ones talking to you so sweetly on discord. You have no idea who is who and what they really think. Even a naive girl should be scared at this point.

> im not innocent im just naive in an ugly way thats hurting me a lot.
That ship has sailed.

> dont understand why everyone is just messing with me as if im not even a person
Because they, like seymour and marc, are terminally online creeps who have been doing this for years. And you've been told this for weeks now.
When two dozen people tell you somebody is a fucking freak, better believe it.

> but if you want to help at all just stop telling me to stop talkinv to people, stop bumping the thread, just leave it alone please.
No, you don't get to decide that.
It is you who needs to leave.
But until you have deleted your discord account, your words are still just meaningless.

Eh. Maybe I am jealous. But I'm doing meaningful things with my life and I don't need to let anyone else drag me down anyway. All the complete assholes get all the female attention and I am just not entering that rat race, so forget about it. I remain miserable yet content enough.

sorry ki, :( . i know how this ends . im sorry but i cant do this anymore . you telling me you cant stop talking to neutral and that you want to keep being his friend even tho he pressures you into doing fansigns and is always asking you to take your skirt off and stuff, I already KNOW how this ends Ki. ive seen it 50 times now. i know him and how he operates. you already said "neutral has a way of getting in my head!". hes an expert at that. he has broken down and worn down young girls a lot smarter than you and less naive than you. this week he is demandng fan signs, next week you will be in your bra and panties, then you will be sending him nudes, then you will be leaked and extorted ki. ive seen it too many times, and it makes me super sad but i cant watch it all unfold.i just cant . just know i will always care about you and i had fun talking anime and thinspo and clothes with you! but you continuing to talk to him and saying "dont worry i can resist him!" is just not true and you know it. you are very naive and impressionable and get guilted into doing things easily that you dont want to :( . the fact that you want to continue talking to him knowing that he is asking you to do bad things (even if you say no right now) tells me all i need to know. good luck with everything Ki.

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well me and seymour are ok now 
despite stupid rumours, im not going to be involved with any of that stupid stuff and as you can see, seymour literally only wants to protect people. i feel as if its really beyond my decision now but i get that youve all given up on me and you think im going to be stupid, which i can accept. bye guys, for real, its not my choice anymore.

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This guy 'neutral' is a complete joke. He doesn't even own a computer—just a phone—and that was told to me by someone who is keeping an eye on him for me. He cannot dox, nor can he do the things people claim, other than get little kids to go nude ( >>/110544/) or do something else disgusting, and sweet-talk some girls into popping a titty.
I told Kiki to stay with the YT videos and casual Twitter posts, there's nothing wrong with that, now Discord is a different beast...

Mods, don't bother banning... At this point it's pointless.

I'm sure this sounds arrogant, but I think I'm relatively normal compared to some others and I'm sure there are some others here who are just curious... but the chance of meeting somebody insane is just too fucking big, so it's best to just not add anybody in private.

And then you see obsessive retards like this, and I'm just happy I am not personally involved with any of it.

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> this is known
Not here on Endchan, not without proof. I got proof and I was there to see 'neutral' using veins333 as his account because that's the same Spotify name he uses: https://open.spotify.com/user/31fmvde25gjtawqlxnigws2ufb5a (veins3)
And if everything is a huge lie then why did 'neutral' lost an account after I reported him and closed his whole server after I posted these pictures here? Why is he paranoid?
Also, don't worry. I got an alt with perms logging chats as always, he can ban my main account if he wants but no one there is safe and this is a good thing, now everyone whining about me on agatha2 can chill because I got Ki out of his hands and so many other hands, she's free now. You're welcome.

The BV has a personal beef or is some low par troll to mark my posts because it's clear no one gives a fuck about the reasons, even the girls know it's a personal thing at this point. Maybe he's involved with these kinds... Who knows?
picrel of my "victim" being friendly because she was never my victim.

But I did something no one was willing to do. All you do is complain that a bad guy X is a threat to girl Y, but you never act even if you want to, it's funny how pathetic some of you can be just whining and rage posting here like there is no tomorrow, and all I had to do was talk and make the guy paranoid, it was simple.

You think warning girls here as "Anonymous" will do anything? You're delusional. You all make girls even more paranoid and they become scared of posting anything, then you complain that it was someone else's fault, not 100 anons fear mongering the girls.

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Matt is a Brazilian dude selling nudes he and neutral get from girls, "netcat" seems to be his number one client. 
Picrel is a little bit of what I got from hattemoney@outlook.com but there's more, some names, some parents I will need to contact. That's my xmas gift.

What was a "com server" again? I think I asked previously but didn't get a reply.

Yeah, this is really the rub. That shit's just poisoning the well for everyone.

Like someone said before, snitches get stitches. Do not. You'd cause panic and ruin lives, particularrly those of whatever "victims."

Girls whose parents lock their shit down are some of the most mentally unhealthy and loneliest people around. It is NOT helping anyone to contact anyone's parents.

This guy joins Arbor daily and bluffs about everything you can imagine. He's fat, brown, 30, no friends, no girlfriend, no money. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't even know the guy, he's a literal who who got his name written on a girl's hand and now can't prevent himself from posting it every few minutes.

guys its her life. just let her be. she can make her own decisions. plenty of ppl have told her the danger, that she is like a sweet little lamb wandering into the lions den. sometimes people need to learn life lessons themselves, through experience. thats ok. i think we all wish for her happiness. if it works out , thats awesome. if she gets extorted and leaked, then she will deal with those consequences and learn from it and life will go on. we should just try to be there as supportive friends.

I still wish she'd let me buy her some cute clothes in exchange for pics, she even sent me the throne she made.
But she backed out of it and said maybe after new year. We'll see if and for how long she stays away from everything.

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I think if she doesn't want to come clean about this 'ntrl' guy, there's no good reason to compliment her or orbit her, as if we are dogs watching someone eat meat that's not meant for us.
> we should just try to be there as supportive friends.
picrel of my device for this one.

Stop chasing ghosts, I'm not that anon. 
I think it's better if she does at least say something about it and move on with her YouTube content and normal social media interactions.
She's in France, enjoying her time with her family and I don't think we will see more from her for now.

> 30 yr old NEET
The age thing I can understand, but being into losers not. This goes for many egirls, really. And then you have ones like Miyoko who get pumped and dumped by some fat slob.
It really is a self-image issue with these kids.

noo! no!
she is being e x t o r t e d a-a-and she is totally not cool with this situation as you can clearly see. imagine if she blocks him and nothing happens because he is a pussy and she is a whore now??? she is totally not into him she is a willing victim of his predatory hands

Just another run-of-the-mill e-girl trying to relieve her past days of glory by putting forth a transparent pretense of innocence for dimwits to buy into and thereby generate enough buzz around her for some high-ranking groomer to take notice and grab hold. Clearly not her first time around the block. You've been used, thanks for playing and better luck next time.

no im not posting pictures or at all anymore because you guys are evil and liars, so im only talking and sending pics to people who are lovely , so bye , i just want you guys to stop but idk how to beg the mods to delete a thread :< but im not underaged so i dont think theyd even care to listen anyway so whatever. you guys are so mean. also a grooming fetish literally does not exist, the whole point of grooming is that you are unaware of it and usually super young. so stupid.  
stop being evil

So you lied and didn't actually delete your accounts. kek
I bet you are still talking to seymour too and he already got you into some pedro servers.
You just pretended to go clean.
Enjoy your time with these people, they will grow tired of your lies too and throw you away like they've done with all the egirls before you.

i did delete my accounts. im not in any servers. im not going to be in any servers. im truly scared of servers lol. the people i still talk to are the only people that dont assume im lying or faking everything because they actually know me and care about knowing me. please leave me alone and stop spreading gross lies and accusations. im done here and im done with posting for a long time, hopefully youll forget about me and leave me alone if i do post on social media in the future. i guess i dont really have control over you guys gossiping and stuff but i just wanted to ask you to stop anyway because theres nothing else i can do and i think its just beating a dead horse atp because nobody really cares

> i did delete my accounts
So you just made a new discord, same difference.

> the people i still talk to
...are known groomers, pedrophiles, leakers and blackmailers.
But you are ok with all of that, you just don't have the courage and honesty to admit it. That is what is so annoying.

i judge people off of my interactions with them and i trust people if they show me that i can trust them. ik the majority of people do not agree with my morals and thats fine. i have rumours floating around me as well and id be sad if someone didnt talk to me just because of meaningless gossip, so i always let people explain their side of everything. i dont really care what you think, if you dont want to talk to those people, then dont. if i avoided everyone that has some bad reputation there would literally be nobody to talk to because people love creating drama and taking things out of context , im done explaining myself naw , so like forget about me. im really not worth this energy lol.

lol again with these stories, i think it creates an annoying unstable persona which i hate but yea i guess i did do that before all this stuff because im an anxious person but im keeping things private now and you all h8 me so why are you even still trying to talk to me when you think im super unreasonable and dishonest ? why bother ?

While I don't find cewl ugly and busted a nut to her, Ki is just really fucking sexy.

> what a retarded fetish to have
True, no surprise she keeps pretending that she tooootally is not into it. It's incredibly slutty and she should own up to it already.
She could have easily become a queen here if she just openly accepted what turns her on. Might have even made a good amount of money. Her stupid ass surely needs it, because I am not seeing her being able to hold a job. lol

disgusting fucking whore lmao the same as all the rest, so funny her act lasted a single month before she admitted to loving ddlg and bdsm then immediately went to sending half naked whore vids to discord pedros who are gonna leak her trannytits soon

when kiki says shes only going to talk to her trusted friends now, shes talking about the people who leaked these vids.

She came here and posted herself with the intent of all of this happening. She has admitted she gets horny from men being mean. The people trying to warn her are clueless to how this game works. She feigns innocence as part of the fetish. She likes the idea of being corrupted. But she was corrupted long ago by her own rotten roastie soul, didn't need a man to do it, so now she wants to pretend someone else has corrupted her so she doesn't have to feel responsible. 

This is also why BPD bitches always have a rape fetish and even say they wanna be raped IRL. They want something to blame the self made misery on besides themselves.

Sluts make the world go round, they aren't worthless. It's idiotic to be angry about it.
It's just annoying she isn't open about it, even if this uwu-pretending is part of the fetish like the other anon said. I just want her to openly admit it so we can actually play with her. Hell, I don't even live too far from France and could easily fly over to show her how a man can handle her tiny body.

i guess my thought on al this is, shes an adult and if she wants to be a painslut and stuff and be degraded then ok, thats her choice , i wont degrade other ppls kinks. its be nice if she were more open about it. also, why not choose someone to do it with who actually wont ruin your life or leak you? like choose a guy who is trustworthy who you can be as naughty with as you want, but who you know wont leak you or ruin your life. or is that part of the thrill. ?

Are you sure you aren't Ki? Exact same writing style, even down to the mannerisms.

But anyway, we want somebody slutt like Ki. I want to get her stuff and then she'd put those things on for me, like a real doll. And of course dolls can be used very, very hard. She'd pretty and stupid for me.

So how long until we get to the actually good stuff, where she is slapping her bare ass, spreading her legs with nothing but panties on and making videos, telling how much she neeeds daddy to squeeze her tight waist?

Why do women do this? When a guy has taken the MASSIVE risk of trying to love you, why can't you women STAY. LOYAL? Holy shit dude, regular house not good enough? Need a mansion with palm trees and a moat?

> im not in any servers. im not going to be in any servers. im truly scared of servers lol. 
Servers are truly awful and I refuse to join any.

Do you know how fudging easy it is to fake a Pisscord screenshot? People have done that to me hundreds of times. You guys are such morons. It's like she says, literally everyone has dirt on them. You holier than thou assholes pretend you don't but you absolutely fucking do. YOU'RE the ones putting on an act! Hypocrites.

> She lives with him and seems to have a normal relationship.
> It must be a biological/chemical issue that lead to this.
LMAO only rich assholes with no souls are ever allowed to become parents. Put two and two together, son.

Nice guys finish last. I'm the world's biggest soft kinks freak, I'd treat a lady's body perfectly, and yet I'm a wizard KV. 😮‍💨 Women only want the bad boys, it is sadly ALWAYS true.

Also whatever is going on. I dont care to judge, and I can help. I feel really intimately farmiliar with what kind of person you are, Im not gonna be suprised. I can givr you more proof of who I am and what I told you if it helps you trust me.

I actually hate seeing her do that shit like beating herself up and being dangerously underweight, but I really do be needing to see lewds of her because she is SO sexy despite the underweight thing. Also, to those of you saying she's had sex? I don't think so, I think her bones would shatter.

> I actually hate seeing her do that shit like beating herself up and being dangerously underweight
It is very low IQ, but it fits her mental illness.
I'd would she just be sexy and lewd, instead of physically hurting herself. But this is what she's into.

not really interested in talking about the completely humiliating videos, but i made them for him bc i like him a lot, and call me retarded or whatever you want, but he didnt mean for them to get posted .   its just an extremely unfortunate situation . sooo yea you won im embarrassed and hurt, congratulations. i hope you feel fulfilled now.

> completely humiliating videos
At least you have this last remaining bit of self awareness, but you like it.

> but i made them for him bc i like him a lot
That sure is different from your previous "I am scared of him".

> he didnt mean for them to get posted
That is objectively impossible.
Either you or he is lying. Likely both.

> you won im embarrassed and hurt, congratulations. i hope you feel fulfilled now.
I didn't win shit. lol
I'm neither the leaker nor somebody who hates you, my reaction was how sad those videos are. Or would it have turned you on if I was more of an asshole and made you hurt yourself for me?
You have like a dozen dicks here lal wanting to jerk off to your tight and slutty little girl body, but you just can't admit to it.

You know, I am starting to wonder if Ki is an AI project.
It's all incredibly incoherent and there is so much retconning going on,.very little consistency.
It's like a teen fujo's fanfic in the making.

i know he has talked to prettier girls and a lot of girls like him but he picked me so i dont care and i trust him because he hasnt even done that in ages and he told me his side of what happened, and that wouldnt happen with us. stop.  done explaining myself to people who dont even care 2 understand so idk why im bothering 

> he picked me
Lmao maybe feminists whining about "pickmes" are right. He didn't pick you, it's just your turn. You know that though. You're so desperate for the right to cry trauma and rape as part of your kink you'll go to these lengths to get this retarded shit in your life, literally seeking it out on purpose. I hope you know that NO ONE is going to pity you or believe you when you inevitably come crawling back begging for whore sympathy because you realize we weren't lying about our warnings. Not even women will pity you.

> yeah my ugly e-daddy leaked multiple children's nudes but it was a year ago sooooo 
Congrats on getting to live out your ultimate fantasy of dating a pedrophile so you can feel as young as your stunted fucktard brain seems.

youre a disgusting person for even assuming that. the things that were posted already were my fault. if anything bad happens to me, i am aware that it is entirely my fault. im not that type of person at all, i would never do that, and i would NEVER expect sympathy from anyone for that. idk why everything is a ‘fetish’ to you people

Ki I'm as old as him, and I know this game really closely. What you're saying might be legit but you're also young and naive. Talk to me about it, it's Ar again. You already told me alot, and I told you alot. So you know that I won't leak anything. I can tell you alot about how he thinks because in truth I also have alot of predatory instincts that I've muted. 


Why are you willingly dating someone who has been evil to so many other women just because "he hasn't done it to me tho"? Do you understand how solipsistic and narcissistic that is? You mentioned morals earlier but you clearly don't actually have any. You just serve your own interests.  That's not a moral code.

why do you think im so evil? why would i be into someone just because of gross accusations???? are you really that shallow? he explained it all to me. i dont have bpd and i think ur just all perverted for assuming everything is a fetish.. bbyebyebyebye im going to talk to people that care about me and dont bully me  -_- im not posting anymore now, anyone pretending to be me from now on is just an imposter so dont believe them.

Hi baby girl hehe. Ntrl here. Everything's okay, I promise. I forgive you. It's okay, don't worry about it. Everything's gonna be okay. I love you. I love you so much. I love you more than there are grains of sand, on every beach, of every planet, of every galaxy of the universe. I-I need you in my life. I need you more than humans need water, and food to survive. You mean more to me than - home depot means to Mr Ladrado. You mean more to me than just anything. You mean more to me than gold and diamonds, mean to the greediest burglar. And you're just the most perfect, most beautiful girl in all of the world, and I love you so much. I hope you enjoy watching this, baby girl kiss, hehe. See you at school tomorrow baby girl. I love you raises eyebrows, hehe. I do, it's true. I love you more than anything else in the world hehehe. Bye baby girl. Stay perfect. Just for me.

Sup ki, sitting here fantasizing, about laying you on your stomach and tootin that big ol red ass up, and spreading and folding them big old ass cheeks and long dicking that pussy until it’s squirtin and fartin, squirtin and fartin, squirtin and fartin til dat dookiehole soaking wet soaking wet soaking wet soaking wet you throwin it back n it’s grippin nhuggin grippin n hugging grippin n hugging da dick makin dat pussy grip long dickin that pussy til it squirtin n fartin squirtin n fart
Love, neutral

sooo i think its about time now that you all collectively aplogize to seymour who earnestly tried to stop this from happening. he was the good guy and you all lumped him in with neutral

another sad thing is that shes 18. so if or when the bad stuff gets leaked, theres going to be no mod to take it down cuz its all legal, so the harm will always be there. at least with girls like marky or ciara , most of the time their shit gets deleted on sight cuz its cp. not so with ki.

Why is the attention going away from Ki's towards someone unrelated to Ki's whorish behaviour? I mean, look at this: 
> i did this because id heard really scary things about him and he asked me to do tbis and he messaged on another account so i jjsy did it because i didnt want him to be angry at me because im scared of being hurt by angry online people.
We did get pissed, but:
She did worse.
Nothing will change, Kiki is a whore now. I am not the person to ignore her but I think it's better to ignore and still interact with other anons, leave her talking alone as if she's a ghost.

OK now, don't bullshit us. Ya got nothin'.

in terms of how i feel about ki now, i will defer to a famous quote from our queen on high (marky) ,in the words she so rightly spoke to ciara:  "this is the bed youve made for yourself. now you have to lay in it"

She's a minor, it will get nuked and I don't think admins (not board mods) want a thread of her anywhere in this website given she's a minor, was extorted and leaked...
If anything this smells of Kiki's revenge or asking her Discord cuck to do something here, or it's that faggot "haus" as one source claimed, also a paedophile and extorter.

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