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> Who is Ember?

A cutie from australia that used to be friends with bianca.
> How old is she?

> What is she like?

Autistic (retard)
> What does she like?

weed, BWC (big white cock), making bread, her mum and her brother.
> Any achivements?

Used to prey underage men with bianca, nuked the server and got groomed by sam hyde.
> woah she is so cool, bet she doesn't have a song

wrong https://youtube.com/shorts/80WorSPgVbE?feature=share
> ok is she active?

yes, you can dm her on instagram or any other social media she's in. i promise you she wont ignore you, unless you are really shit.
> links

dont have her discord anymore since i nuked my acc to stop being a degen
> thanks for this thread op can i give you something?

yes, i never bothered to save all her pics. if you have that one where she is using a red dress showing her big breasts post it. also every old pic of her (before fully dying her hair) is welcomed, in my opinion that was her prime (im an architect).

if you're already thick/chubby/fat, there's like at least have huge tits. there's nothing worse than some fat chick with a pathetic pair of tits, that fourth picture of her stomach and chest is fuckin disgusting. to be fair, she looks kinda decent on her knees in the other photos, but damn, the truth can rly be seen in that photo with her lying on her back showing her thighs/stomach/tits, what a shame. definitely a lower than mid type figure, but at the end of the day, a hole's a hole.

btw, for some of you pussy blackpillers, just remember every chick you talk to (you're not going to meet a nice normal girl because you're on this site and cursed already) is going to have a whole collection of nudes she's already sent other dudes, let alone all the dude's she's already fucked and sucked. lol. gg

This makes me laugh because it's like oh no my E girl had a life before me. Like dude, I sent my dick so many times why would I care? Acting like most people haven't had sex or sent nudes before. Okay dude lmao

Unironically you've made yourself look like a woman by saying that. Ember is overweight. I know you Americans have different standards for what "fat" is, but she is literally overweight. You might find that attractive but she's still overweight. And the vast majority of people outside the US prefer slender women with firm, tight flesh that can be easily lifted. 
What's more feminine, a heifer that shakes the walls as she walks through the house, or a petite girl with the grace of a fairy? I know which one I want, and it's not the one whose impulsive overeating shows through her body. Fatty cope is the worst.

It's not body dysmorphia, it's having standards. I know a lot of mutts/americans have rotted dorito brains so can't understand stuff like this though. It's also funny to see anyone trying to contest this when the fatties they defend wish themselves to be dainty. body dysmorphia/eating disorders aren't attractive, women that are naturally skinny, keep in shape healthily are attractive. These women were more common up until the 80s, lots of naturally stick thin women. most women now are high on the hormones and chemicals in the food, the rest starving themselves into addled sickly creatures. There's still lots of normally skinny women though, you just have to find them, and again, have standards. have fun with your cow worship though.

Lmao what. You can barely see any collarbones from her and they’re being pushed out by her when barely visible. But in any case collarbones don’t mean skinny. I’ve seen extremely underweight girls who still didn’t have their collarbones show, and I’ve seen clinically obese women whose collarbones showed a bit. It’s genetic.

Yes, and those absurdly high standards are part of why they don't have sex. You on the other hand have the opposite problem but at least it lets you have sex: absurdly low standards. What do I know, maybe she's your looksmatch lmao.

I think ember is a sweet girl but she's overweight, nothing wrong with that her shape and boobs make up for it, I remember a candid leaked of her and a ton of e-girls were laughing about it, she was quite large. They make a youtube video singing like "im fat and my name is ember, when I walk it sounds like thunder" I think she's lost weight since then though

It’s obvious that you’ve found random 10 year old images and are posting them to the internet. Not everyone looks good in photos like that all the time, get a life we can see that you’re jealous your thread putting down a nice girl didn’t go as planned

That’s not her post weight loss, pics above are her and she’s even more skinny now. I follow her and she got sick and almost died because of people like you , also retard - she experienced a loss and people’s bodies change a lot depending on financial positions and stresses in life. At least she isn’t hyper focused on putting others down on the internet out of insecurity and jealousy. Just because no one wants your used up haggard bone sack doesn’t mean you can make fun of someone who is sweet and gets more positive attention

I liked her so much it's sad to see her go to such retarded lengths to get attention, or she's just a flat out whore (doesn't bother me either, I don't really care). If she is desperate for attention though and ever reads this: ember, you're an adorable woman with great feminine hobbies, music taste, and sweet features. You don't have to sell yourself out like this. GL

She still is, two years later.

I wonder if she realises the consequences of of her pussy and ass being on the internet forever but honestly it's her fault if that affects her future in any way because she literally posted them to public 4chan boards along with her face on purpose.

Good luck Ember, I hope you're at least doing something worthwhile with your life

Isn't she what, 25 years old now? That's a grown ass woman. Should have outgrown this shit by now. I was watching one of her Instagram lives last year and she pretty much just took bong hits the entire time and she acts like she's still a teenager

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