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> Lily will be a better e-girl than Tahlia ever was, but an even worse person and bigger attention whore.
By the time she's an adult I'll be old as fuck.
I hope by then I don't check these threads out anymore even just out of morbid curiosity like now.
No ones denying she has sex, if that's the part that stands out to you then you're a kissless virgin. People don't go from being a 19 year old who posts videos of themselves crying and cutting for chan orbiters to becoming a mother the next year. If the baby was born already, this wouldve happened all very quickly and there's no proof at all. whenever an egirl has a picture with a young family member or a photo of them babysitting the rumors start pouring in.
Tahlia admitted to being a sex haver, even when she was "with" Brendio. Ignore her histrionic LARPing for attention, she's always been a whore, and she's attractive enough to where most dudes would fuck her raw, damn the ramifications.
Tahlia was truly /ourgirl/, she loved /agatha2/ and posted there constantly, kind miss her even if she was super annoying at times, wish we had more girls like her 
too bad she turned out to be a hypocritical whore, though
She seems to be one of the few that actually quit and for the most part stopped talking to orbiters.

All these other girls have discords, instagram, or twitter where they still talk to orbiters.  Marky, Ciara, Erica, Bianca, Sunny, frenchchan, all these girls kept online in some way, some of them literaly had to die to finally stop, but for the most part it seems like Tahlia has quit unless there is a discord I dont know about.
I'm sure she's still attention seeking online somewhere, just away from the 4chan and other types she catered to before. There's no way she'd be able to stop completely, once an attention whore always an attention whore.
lol how retards fell for her schtick years ago, and still pine for more. she used beta retards to boost her status to be located by Chad and then left all those beta retards in the dust. i can appreciate that she'll never come back, in a positive way. i don't need to wish death on her because whores like Ciara and Bianca already paid the price, shed that blood for all the fame hungry whores.
the other egirls are probably happy those girls died because they're jealous and spiteful when attention isn't focused on them. that won't stop them for using it to look for sympathy like "omg it's so scary being an egirl I might get bianca'd if I continue to provoke schizo autists I meet on the internet like she did!"
Of course. These feelings will be compounded even more when they become 26 onward. There will be other "it" girls to come along. I wonder if the older e-girls will fall into deeper depression and possibly start offing themselves.
if you're in the right circles (because you were in the right ones to begin with 10-12 years ago) you can see some OG 4chan egirls hitting 30 right about now (first round trying to tie social media to their chan identity instead of following TITS OR GTFO)
Even the ones I have seen get into relationships, self-sabotage because they know what kind of filth they are. Being that age, wrinkly and filtering themselves to an alien smoothness. Spazzing out for attention to an audience of less than 50, the last of the last orbiters realizing they truly cannot be saved as they rope over a wasted life simping for roasties.
> to be located by Chad
I don't think anybody has an concrete evidence how the father of her child is.

> defend these demons who used them.
If you gave her money or some shit that's entirely your fault.
Never trust mentally ill people.

> Sucks about the nudes
Fuck off, that was the best and most interesting thing to have happened with Tahlia.
I'm not that anon but I'm new to Tahlia so I don't know all the lore. Initially she seems like she'd be great but the nudes and then like you said, her mental breakdowns, that would just cause too many problems. Also past relationship drama.
The nudes wouldn't cause any problems.
She's such an ultra niche "e-celeb" and they got released years after her biggest popularity (if you can even call it that) that nobody who knows about them will ever encounter her or her family IRL.
> released years after her popularity 

there are rumours that this girl had nudes and vids since she was like 13. even though they never surfaced for obvious reasons, im pretty sure they are all true. thankfully based brendio put an end to her trad larp when she got overage.
The thing about Tahlia, besides the tight body and decently pretty face is that she'd definitely be really submissive.
She'd let you fuck her hard and deep. No protection of course and she wouldn't dare to say "no" to her asshole getting railed either.
Anything to serve her man and make him cum, like the good little fucktoy that ahe is.

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