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i wonder why she’d lie instead of flaunting her new appearance, guess she wants to keep irl and online totally separate now? probably for the best. i think she’s super autistic and was acting out online for attention because being a shut in made her crazy and lonely. if she has a job or irl life now she’s probably a lot more stable. who knows

Could be that she's turned a new leaf and has some actual meds. She looks drowsy and depressed in the new pics, but also more stable. She would be embarassed that she was posting her pussy online and wants to move past that.

Makes me lol that she tried denying these are her (according to one anon here) but still makes the same goofy faces and lives in the same apartment. Oh rozelli.  I wonder where the money for lip injections and a nose job came from.

She was posting herself (or somebody LARPing as her) yesterday on /r9k/.
Two threads about drugs and wanting to have a bf, but being completely unable to have a healthy relationship.

That kind of skin is “in” right now. Girls are all trying to get skin that looks like that because they think it looks healthy and youthful. It’s why some ugly egirls put those bright dots on their noses that make them look like they’re covered in Crisco.

Literally psychotic and I guess now she’s into plastic surgery. Used to be extremely ugly and would post herself naked all the time on /soc/ and some greek chan. She made a lot of batshit insane porn of herself including one where she masturbated with an urn containing her grandmas ashes. Or maybe just beside it idk. I didn’t wanna watch that shit obviously.

> Literally psychotic and I guess now she’s into plastic surgery. 

No plastic surgery, she's just using hair dye, and a lot of makeup. Her biggest flaw is her eyebags and if she hides them she looks sane. Also she's probably on some kind of anti-psychotics or depression meds so she looks half asleep all the time.

Not the guy you’re replying to, and I don’t really like her labia, but it still looks a lot better than a Simpson mouth pussy to me. Women with barely any visible labia find it really hard to orgasm and it’s nearly impossible to even enjoy giving them head. Look at anorgasmia communities on like reddit and you’ll see women mention on a regular basis that they all have little to no visible labia and can’t enjoy sex, can’t orgasm.

Rozelli looked better before the surgery. Her biggest flaw was internal and it's why she made faces and acted like a faggot, in order to deflect legitimate criticism not realising her behaviour became the vector by which to criticise her. What a shame, she went from oddly attractive to just another dead eyed everygirl

I always have found her beautiful. She's not the loli type that r9k goes crazy for, but she looks like a Mediterranean movie star. A classical, elegant face. Muse worthy, if she had just been a bit more sane and taken care of herself. She never needed to go under the knife and change her face.

Apparently it's from a thread from last week on /adv/ (and was posted somewhere on 4chan before that too)


She already had so much plastic surgeries and she wants more still, what the fuck

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it seems that being called ugly all the time affected her in a certain way. 
Apparently she now cares too much about the opinion/acceptance of normalfags and doesn't give a damn what anons say. 
She says she wants to have movie star features because she doesn't want to look "normal"... what the fuck? 
Well, I guess at least their ideals aren't the Kardashians.  
In short it's over

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idk but I hope not.
I also wonder how she makes the money to have her surgeries. 
It would be kinda "cool" if she had a secret onlyfans account that someone could discover one day. 
She no longer seems interested in talking about her life with the "incels", she just wants Chad as they say. 
I don't think she's going to be very happy, it's very depressing

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idk if it's the real Roz, Larp Roz or if it's Sunny. Also people don't usually say what they really want to say (they get too subtle) but apparently Roz thinks I'm a troll who hates her and wants to hurt her and she wants me to stop.
Unlike the Kencucks, I do respect her wish. If this makes her happier... well ok I'll stop but fuck you all.
She doesn't look better now, you guys are real idiots. 
By saying that you're just inciting her to hurt herself more (thoughever maybe that's just Roz sammefaging and coping), stop with that niggers.
Hey! I'm not a troll, nor do I hate you Roz. I think you are the cutest and I love you.
I was never joking and I want that to be clear to you, bye-bye Roz, maybe you'll see me there in one of your threads.

She’s more conventionally attractive in a tiktok insta y2k influencer way but I always found her beautiful back in the day. But most of why she looks strange in the newer pic there is because the makeup tbf.

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hey dude that's very true! This isn't Roz, it's like literally another person. Why should I respect her wish? 
i'm just kidding fuuuuh don't worry Roz, I will never post again 'cause I not only appreciate your perfect beauty but I also respect your person. This is le real love. I love you Rozelli! You looked better before though!
I am no longer a "Rozbro", bros as such nor a Markyfag; they have abandoned me and it's time for me to let them go
from now on I'm just an honorable KStewfag and I hate everyone, no one cares goodbye. 
This is my favorite pic of Roz by the way

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Listen rozbro: the rope is calling. Heed its siren song.

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hallo Rozfellas, there have been a lot of Roz threads this day! 
But hey this isn't Roz, now I'm absolutely sure Roz died. 
Whoever this bitch is unironically needs to kill herself. 
That angel is just trying to make me stop loving Roz but I won't allow it!

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Roz would be very disappointed in you nu-Roz!
Roz would probably say: yaaaaaas nu-Roz ur a normie piss die
Although I would almost agree, I would say: no Roz, noooo, I know that nu-Roz deep down but deep down is still you. Something of you lives in her and that is why although I don't like her as much as I should, I also love her very much cuz she is still the cutest
And you nu-Roz of course would say: please leave me alone
it's sad

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