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i remember when she first got into vaping back in december of 2022. she posted this pic of her new vape she'd just gotten. she said she just wanted to try it to be cool like all her friends. but that was it, she was hooked. within a few months she was talking about how she couldn't even get out of bed in the morning without having a dab. it's all been downhill for her ever since.
he's genuinely so fucking hideous i dont understand what she sees in him. he looks like an ugly fat pig with a TERRIBLE haircut and she looks like a model compared to him. and dont tell me his personality is good because i can already tell this man is an average 4channer gooner. i hope he's paying her thousands of dollars a month just so she can be in the same vicinity as this ugly turd and his ugly 4chan friends who are likely retarded misogynists. another example of asian women falling for the ugliest white men. even that indian/arabic dude in her class is more fuckable than this.
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In this pic specifically you can see how much of a tub of lard he is. She’s dating the most objectively unattractive man out of the 5 of them. He looks like he smells bad and I bet his lardy pasty white fat belly peeks out when they fuck
you’re all losers that do nothing but harass and stalk girls trying to live their lives because you’re too pathetic to try and build something of your own lives. seriously seek God

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