/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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yea guys its totally fine to spam threads about this girl, distribute her nudes and encourage her behavior in every way possible but ummm YOU'RE A PIECE OF SHIT IF YOU DOX HER! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!
the reason this girl is at danger is because of people like us who collectively her attention instead of ignoring her bullshit.
but you are too much of a subhuman to realize that (0 mental capacity for forethought) so you freak out when someone acts maliciously towards her.
now stop replying to me, ive had enough of your fake morality
She put her nudes out for everyone to see, what she didn't do is put out her address you fucking retard, stfu.
That's like saying "oh were sharing porn stars nudes so it must be ok to share her address and threaten to harm her durrrr" bro you're fucking retarded jesus christ.
Yes. Doxxing welcomes and encourages harm, psychologically and physically. There is a good reason it's not allowed on most websites and is considered illegal in certain respects. Are you complicit or not? Are you glad she's being doxxed or are you here to chasticize random people who didn't doxx her as the reason she's being doxxed, instead of blaming the doxxer?

> the reason this girl is at danger is because of people like us who collectively her attention instead of ignoring her bullshit.
Then don't participate in giving her attention, and take responsibility for the harm you've done by doing so without doxxing her/defending doxxing her. You're doing some hardcore mental gymnastics to blame her for being doxxed as if most people who do stupid stuff online get doxxed, when they don't. You're treating her being doxxed as a good thing and somehow blaming everyone here and yourself for her being doxxed, acknowledging that it's harmful, but also saying it's a good thing because she deserves it? No consistency or reason here. You go back and forth between saying "us" and "you" as if you're not even sure where you stand as a poster.
> Yes. Doxxing welcomes and encourages harm, psychologically and physically.
yes, so does posting here. Can you stop now?
> Are you complicit or not? Are you glad she's being doxxed?
I am complicit, I just recognise the harm I do and dont arbitrarily cast judgment on the harm others are doing. im not glad about anything, I just dont moralfag on one of the most degenerate websites online
> chasticize random people who didn't doxx her as the reason she's being doxxed, instead of blaming the doxxer?
im chastising you for your moral grandstanding, has nothing to do with her being doxxed or the guy whos actually doxxing her. I pointed out the harm of posting here in general because it probably doesnt even register to you that youre doing something wrong just being here. not sure if you are gonna be able to understand that
> Then don't participate in giving her attention, and take responsibility for the harm you've done by doing so without doxxing her/defending doxxing her. 
my initial posts itt >>/24711/
 >>/24718/ already explained how i dont care about any harm done through this website, and neither should you.
> You're doing some hardcore mental gymnastics to blame her for being doxxed
> but also saying it's a good thing because she deserves it? 
I did neither of those things, you imagined it in your head because youre just sooo mentally ill
> You go back and forth between saying "us" and "you" as if you're not even sure where you stand as a poster.
i used "us" a total of one time to refer to posters as a collective and "you" when responding to the person i replied to.
That's all, try not to have another psychotic break when you read this and make up a bunch of shit i didnt say, otherwise you wont elicit a response.
> 1684363252570.jpg
Oh, that's her?
I'm the Anon who suggested she tried those anti-biting nail polish and then she said I reminded her of her dad, who's a cool guy.

She got really damn nice tits.

It's pointless, this happens nearly every time.

That's quite a mansion.
The bath is incredibly ugly though.
tbh, she knows what orbiting is, she knows what r9k is, and she knows what agatha2 is, and yet still continued to post on r9k just like any other e-girl. She played into the role, and now she's seeing the consequences.
I see no reason to.
I have a big tub, a shower, a toilet and a big mirror. Nothing I see in that picture would be of any use to me that I can't already use in my bathroom.
My bathroom is just 11 years old and while smaller, doesn't look like schlock, but actually modern.

And if you mean because of how much money it cost, that'd only be relevant if I could somehow sell the bathroom seperately.

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