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Asteria had more depth than most other e thots but then eventually had big mental breakdowns while one of her only friends fed her cutting addiction and isolated her. She's smart enough to continually isolate away from idiot pervs on here though which is why most of the pics u tards post are old. almost none of u actually understood anything about this yet act as if you are not loser fagzzz trollzolol

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asteria was obsessed with kennedi and basically tried to copy her entire aesthetic and all of her interests. she would also post on discord about wanting to rape and murder her. she talks about it in pic but she was doing it even after this

not trying to whiteknight but she has a specific schizo stalker who has been trying to spam r9k off and on about her and i think hed turn any thread into her into a shitfest. he tried making fake nudes of her and tried contacting her abusive ex and was contacting her irl friends or something. idk if i trust there being any thread on her here

did you know her or something? based on what i know she used 4chan off and on for music but never posted herself then she befriended people who were old /mu/ tripfags when she was like 14. i knew some of her friends on facebook back in the day

i think its a different situation. i know i must sound pathetic, but im not even personally attracted to ken. she has actual autism and never intentionally involved herself in drama and after reading her old blog from when she was in high school i cant help but genuinely want to keep her away from this stuff because she has enough shit going on and she never did anything that tahlia did. i dont want to go into detail out of respect for her privacy but shes a very good person

> Tahlia and a few others try to keep to themselves and don't want to be posted
Those sluts you've mentioned live off of /r9k/ drama and always attempt to incentivize /r9k/ orbiting by posting updates of themselves on social media, while hanging around with /r9k/ people on discord. Kennedi doesn't do this /r9k/ attention-whoring and even closed her instagram account because of orbiters. Give credit where credit is due.

im partial to her because she stands out among all these girls as someone who actually never wanted any part of this. shes more like crispy if you remember her, but even crispy wanted to be famous and ken doesnt. but like i said i think ken is really smart and fragile but above this

idk i feel bad for her too and i dont even want to say much on her because she has the law involved and theres cp of her. but even though she wasnt involved with r9k she posted herself onto pedo chans like m*sterchan. that doesnt make her deserving of anything but my point is ken never did ANYTHING like others did

katie stop lol go talk to your family and stop trying to get orbiters to comfort you. seriously. this sort of risky internet shit is why youre in this position in this thread in the first place. stop coming here.

She's not a bad person, nobody who's bad would be that honest. Most of these girls are vulnerable people who don't entirely know what they're doing or why they're doing it. Some of them may have done awful things, but I don't think they're awful in most cases. They certainly didn't deserve all the harassment they had to go through and I hope they can finally be in a better place.

Ann didn't fake her death,she attempted suicide at 15 and someone took the opportunity to doxx her with a fake obituary while she was trying to stay private after her suicide attempt. She was really sad.. Kennedy wasn't mad at her but they are not friends

I'm the anon who wrote  >>/1076/
You think you know these girls because you've been reading the same rumors for years until they've become your definitive truth. In fact, I believe most of you have barely ever talked to these girls, and all you've ever known are facades and personas at best. I'm not attacking you by saying this, I'm just stating what appears to be obvious to anyone who has an external perspective and is not stuck in an echo chamber. You can keep running in circles and believing some teenage girl to be evil if that's your choice and it makes your life easier. Again, I don't mean to sound harsh, but I don't really care what you think, because your opinion has no importance but to yourselves. I'd rather wish these girls to thrive and explore the possibilities they've been denied for a long time, including by places like this. That's all that matters to me and all I have to say about it.

Kennedi reads Marx and all kinds of obscure authors. She's a communist into philosophy. Out of all lies I've read about her this is the weirdest because it's so obviously untrue. It's like saying she's half black

Well when I was talking to her she wasn't going to college, being a stay at home mentally ill neet, and said she wasn't able to read all the books she had in a long time. Plus she can't do math due to her problems. I don't get where people think she's smart from other than reading it repeaten by people that don't talk to her.
I forgot about that. I don't think she did anything more than that though.

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Not going to college, being mentally ill, and not reading as much as she used to... means she can't read? Lol. And math has nothing to do with reading either. Sounds like you're an Asteria orbiter with a grudge against Ken. She goes in depth about books she reads like here.
You're pretty full of shit. Or she was downplaying how much she reads. She does that with art too

Wasn't downplaying, it was more of complaining and showing me the books she stopped reading. Not sure if she did that with her art since she shared it with me. I still don't get where people think she's smart from. Never got that from her messages.

because shes obviously smart, idk what to tell you. the girl writing huge essays on shit most people cant understand in them is very smart even though shes not going to college. tbh good for her. college scammed the shit out of me

shes interesting enough to follow

If you've read and tried to understand  >>/1025/ you can easily see that, because of her identity issues, Asteria would do pretty much anything to fit in any social group she was hanging out with at the time. Unfortunately, that social group happened to be very unhealthy and she was too young and unaware to realize the consequences. As she states in her reply, this doesn't justify her actions, but maybe if you try to undestand the conditions that underlie many of these people's actions, you'll be less of a judgemental prick and have a deeper, more complex and compassionate vision of other human beings. But I guess I'm demanding too much, am I not?
As for Kennedi, I don't know much about her but I guess she's fine, especially compared to her orbiters and haters.
However, my two cents is that you should stop being so obsessed with what other people do and focus on yourself.

hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper hesper

what is that photo supposed to prove (beside you being a stalker)? I'm not going to write her name here, although it's no mystery, but I remember a pic of an official document on her old ig with her name written on it, and it wasn't hesper

it's her real name and it's easy to doxx her, michael did it and told people all about her father. im not going to post her surname but it stards with a Q. whatever document you saw wasnt legit or maybe you are her trying to divert attention

How did you find her dox? Without saying something vague like it was told to a lot of people by Michael. Never saw it posted until now so wondering why someone is choosing to post it to possibly scare her.

you think a supposed stalker (not really) wouldn't know what her name is???
talk about people pretending to know more than they do lol, you don't even know her real name. it's been posted before it's not like it's some huge secret

I do know what I saw and there's no way that document could be forged. even supposing it was, why should anyone go to such pains just to throw some people off? furthermore, there is not one instance of her being called by that name on any board she used to hang out at.
you've been providing nothing but sophistry so far and not even one concrete evidence. you've been vague, evading questions by making other questions, and you've been blatantly lying and attempting to discredit others to conceal your bluff.
what I think is that you want to hurt her for some reason, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of those anons that have a beef with her just because they're obsessed with kennedy and feel compelled to take sides. I don't really care what your motives are, tbh, all I know is that petty people like you make me sick.
I believe you're full of shit and I encourage you again to kys.

lel you type exactly like asteriaa. "theres no way a document can be forged!"
anyway apparently your old buddy michael has loose lips. its just the first name that was leaked tho. youre still in the clear so far bb

> why should anyone go to such pains just to throw some people off?
im samefagging but its because she was stalked and hung around sheep village pedos and she was a compulsive liar. what kind of question is that? she had every reason to use a fake name even with certain people who thought she trusted them. i would have done the same if i was her. im not obsessed with ken and i havent lied at all, idk what i posted could even seem like a lie. all i said is michael doxxed her. i could give concrete evidence but i dont want to doxx anyone on here lol especially since shes moved on for the most part

Not that anon btw. She faked her personality and identity multiple times, as evident itt. Michael had her dox when she was involved with Sheep and has her nudes. You can dig up him boasting about her nudes and describing her nipples on desu

> What did she do to you? Not suck your e-dick like you think she did for other guys?

Are you talking to me, (who you initially replied to?) She lives locally to me. That's not the point. I want tit pics in June when she turns 18

this applies to every thread on this site. it's obvious it's hesper herself reporting it. it's not libel and it's not copyright infringement, the op doesn't even have an image and it doesn't use her name. and it's not stalking or doxxing to say someones first name. must suck to get a taste of her own medicine after years of stalking girls and contributing to their suffering. can't handle the heat herself lmaoo

> according to these posts I made I'm stalking people to accuse them of stalking and be a pathetic white knight, drawing conclusions based on lame assumptions, while I hope the girl I'm obsessing over will finally acknowledge my existence through my overprotective and unrequested intrusion in her life

fuck off and get a life, seriously

On a side note, these people you're talking shit about have all one thing in common, that is autism. You clearly don't know anything about how autistic people behave and why. Educate yourself and stop being a lousy excuse for a human being that causes further trouble for people who are already troubled enough. Or take the shortest path and off yourself.

hesper how does it feel to know the girl youre obsessed with has autism and isnt a pathetic hollow shell of a human being who has to copy others to feel like she has an identity? find a different excuse lmao autism isnt why you stalk people. kennedi has autism and she has a life and has never done a fraction of the depraved things you've done. sad

It is her. Look closer. And remember that most pics of her are 3+ years old. Look particularly at her eyes and lips/mouth. Try picturing her with her old hairstyle. The camera/lighting/framing are another reason she looks so different in these new pics.

But the most obvious way to tell it is her is if you look at  >>/1525/ you can see that little mole under her left eye. You can see it in all of her pics. It's on the opposite side in most of them because they're mirrored, but you can see it on the correct side in  >>/1198/

> look at the mole that's not there in this much clear close-up of her  >>/2059/

you're right, that's her, biden stole the election and we're all remotely controlled by alien midgets. remember to wear your tin foil hat before jerking off.
some people will do anything for some fucking drama

Found this https://www.reddit.com/r/asteriaa/

The only mod and the author of the only post are different accounts but they are the same person and the post histories shows he knows Asteriaa in real life. You can find her reddit in his post history because he replied to her. 
She's vegan now, replies to women on onlyfans subreddits then deletes her comments, likes perfume, became a socialist, likes history, and is now a feminist. This guy seems to be her IRL boyfriend and he likes chess a lot.

it looks like everything about her is fake. she's constantly shape-shifting, changing her looks and attitudes according to the particular circumstances she finds herself in, so that she can blend with the environment and present what she considers to be a successful image of herself. she appears to not have any personality, morals or direction of her own, and everything to her is just a prop for her act, including people. she must be very empty.

It's not funny and it's not her fault if she feels like that. Autism causes mind-blindness from early childhood and this can have a deep impact on one's sense of self. It's quite similar to BDP in this respect.

it's funny because she is obsessed with copying an autistic girl who actually has a personality and soul. autism isnt an excuse, kennedi is autistic and isnt empty, and gets copied by asteria who is empty

> its not her fault
lmao why does she get a pass for being an insane empty sociopath because "autism" but all the other girls here dont get a pass for being BPD? autism doesnt make you an empty sociopath, as seen with ken. and no one makes excuses for her for being autistic anyway. stop making excuses

I didn't talk about getting a pass or making excuses, nor did I say that one condition is better than the other. I stated the facts, and I can even attach a banality to that: not all autistic people are the same, just like anybody else. But if you want to turn it into a moral crusade, go ahead and have a blast, moralfag.

Bonus fact: you know nothing about either Asteria's or Kennedi's personality, all you know are actually rumors and online personas. You want to believe that you know them, though, because you're delusional, and you're projecting a fantasy onto these girls to compensate for your weakness and hopeless virginity. You owe me 50 bucks for this counseling session, thank you.

> all you know are actually rumors and online personas.
i was in sheep village, where she posted about wanting to kill things she found cute, being attracted to her child cousins, said she doesn't have autism, openly talked about her obsessive crushes on girls, and cut names into her arm for attention. i wasnt her buddy but anyone from sheep knows more than enough to have a clear image of her. 

you expect me to believe you aren't one of these girls yourself, or a fellow permavirgin, and you just so happened to stumble across this thread at random? toppest of keks.

> I was in SHEEP VILLAGE, the mother of all shitholes
Excuse me, sir, I didn't realize you were in possession of the scepter of Truth, which gives you the almighty power to reveal extraordinarily filthy things I already knew. Please, I beg you to forgive me... lel

> you expect me to believe you aren't one of these girls yourself
Setting aside you still being absolutely sure that I'm defending her, for whatever reason... God, you *are* nuts, son. You're obsessive and paranoid as fuck, let me tell you that. Your head is so deeply up your ass that a fart could snap your neck. Well... at least you will never know how pathetic you are, so keep it up!

> I was in a place full of pedos and edgy kids bragging about edgy stuff, so I know everything about everyone, plus I have a folder with every pic of Kennedi that ever existed and I know by heart all her tumblr posts, so this proves that I know her more than she knows herself

God, you're so fucking dumb.

> where she posted about wanting to kill things she found cute, being attracted to her child cousins, said she doesn't have autism, openly talked about her obsessive crushes on girls, and cut names into her arm for attention.
one of us
one of us
one of us

Clearly not her, Asteriaa doesn't have beady small eyes or room temp iq ear gauges. She had better tastes in clothes too and didn't dress like a basic bitch. I think the only way someone could downgrade that hard is if they had several strokes.

I swear you guys must be gay or something. Instead of posting Asteria rares you're busy gossiping about her like women or posting some random girl who looks nothing like her.

I don't know who you are or how you got that picture, but I wish you guys would just leave it.
inb4 >you're her or a friend of hers
I'm neither, but she doesn't deserve any attention and should be forgotten. Just let her go, that's my two cents.

Why? Agatha and Ken both left most places just like Asteria did but you're not sperging about leaving them alone even though Asteria spread forbidden and was much worse than most people posted here.

You misunderstand me, it's exactly because she's who she is that I think she should be forgotten, what's the point of giving her importance?
To me it sounds like it's always the same guy attacking her every few months, nobody else seems to care. Are you that guy? Do you hold a grudge against her for some reason? I'm just curious.

I can personally assure you that she did neither of those things. many orbiters seem to believe that their girl of choice is lurking or even posting here, every thread has plenty of these delusional assumptions. as soon as someone sounds slightly different from your typical orbiter, then they must be the x or y girl. that's what they want to believe, because they're dying to get some attention from the person they're obsessing over, they need to think that they're at the center of that girl's thoughts, but they're not. you're not different. if anything, the fact that you hate her makes you want to get a reaction from her even more. the reality is that most of these girls have moved on and don't care about this shit anymore, and rightly so, everyone has a life to think about. if you still had some sense you'd realize that you're consuming yourself with hatred for a person who was never that important, who's never really belonged in your life, and whom you used to know for a brief period of time... how long ago? three or four years? you're stuck in the past, and I bet it's not even a pleasant place to be in, so insisting on staying there makes no sense. I don't know what terrible things she did to you, I'd be happy to hear about them you if that helps and makes you feel better, but really, I think at this point your hatred is just a useless way of torturing yourself and preventing you from putting things into perspective and moving forward. no one is worth something like that.

I also want to give you some kind of proof that I'm not her. I know what it means to be dumped, to be lied to, to be cheated on, to be treated with contempt and indifference, to be fooled. I know the humiliation, the frustration, the resentment, the rage and the desire for vengeance. I know all of that, in fact I've been through it quite a few times. it's also what stopped me for a long time from not depending so much on other people's behavior towards me, from all the nasty shit they did to me, and being responsible for my own situation. but you can believe me when I say that I can understand how you feel, and if you know anything about asteria, you know she wouldn't be able to say that.

> writes the longest posts on this board so far on why posting about hesper is so wrong but no one else
> im not her or her friend i swear
you're making this much worse

does anyone remember how soulless she was even in the early days? all she would do was spam. is anyone down for a nostalgia thread? about old r9k and sheep village memories

I just thought that your post was sweet (no homo kek), although I'm not sure if she would still be interested in those things. her interests seemed to change depending on the people she was talking to and seeing as role models, so she might be into other stuff nowadays or just grown out of it, who knows.
I was also thinking that quite a few people seem infatuated, I wonder how many fell for her. to this day, I haven't been able to understand her as a person, my opinions keep moving from one extreme to another. sometimes I think that she might have had no real identity of her own, yet I can't help but think she had something unique to her that I will never be able to grasp. whatever it was, that's what will always make me miss her and remember her.

she dressed up for that pic, I believe it must have been some special occasion. regardless of that, I just hope that she eventually finds her own purpose in life, whatever is good and fulfilling for her will be good enough. maybe she's already found it. I could be resentful towards her for quite a few reasons, but there's no point in keeping being miserable and hoping for someone else to be as miserable as you are. in the end, I'd still want her to be happy. that's what matter the most to me, the rest is all petty bs. that's all I have to say about it.

> it must have been some special occasion
thats how most women look every single day at minimum. nice clothes and makeup. its not formal. very casual style. youre still clinging to the past just by posting here at all and defending someone youve apparently not spoken to in years, who wants nothing to do with you kek. just kidding we all know it's you

No, I'm actually the anon and my home was recently burglarized on Christmas eve so I lost my phone with the pictures. I guess it's just meant to be? I did find a dead cat. Looks like a dog got it. I thought it was my cat, but it's not. I want to give it a viking funeral but I'm all out of boats

All these bitches look the same. I'm convinced there's a boyish face that these dorky anons are attracted to. They likely match their mothers, or possibly themselves. Nerds do tend to be narcissistic so they see these girls as female versions of themselves to love.

No, I got a friend request from Asteria on discord. I got my hopes up but when I clicked on it, there was no message and it says it's a bot. I can't reply since we don't have any servers in common. Is this an omen or a cruel joke?

I'm the anon who asked you about your findings in the countryside, I'm sorry that happened to you, both for the burglars and the friend request. if it's a joke I'm not involved in it, I don't even know who you are. I don't know who would do something like that, it's unnecessarily cruel, but I think you'd better just forget about it.

Asteria, what happened to your mom? I admit I looked at your dox and I was not expecting what I found. Your dad seems like a nice guy, but really odd. He looks like a walrus goo goo g'jewb!

I think Asteria's real mom died because her dad remarried a african muslim immigrant. What he sees in her, I have no idea because she ain't the most attractive black girl and she brought her family with her. I can't imagine how Asteria and her brothers feel. Hopefully they aren't cucked like her dad and are pissed. Asteria's dad is literally one of those people who hold up banners saying refugees welcome, not even lying.

That is sad. No wonder Asteria is sad all the time. Asteria, I will take you from all that. I can be your little gay dude on the peter pan peanut butter, whatever his name is, he looks like a faggot but he can fly though, so yeah, there is that.

if she weren't one of those people that invariably ravage the lives of those who have the misfortune of coming across them, and then simply move on like nothing happened, i would almost pity her. being devoid of personality, she's just the mirror image of everything that's gone wrong with people in this miserable world.

only someone who's either very immature, very ignorant or very cynical would find that funny. most of these girls are narcissists and have bpd, and she's not different. stop enabling them and their destructive behavior, there's nothing cool about it.

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