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> Knowing what I know about Sam Hyde, I fear for these kids.
We all know he's going to abuse them in some form, that isn't some kind of insider info.

I only glanced over that site, but I really fucking hate how those subhuman low-IQ idiots write. They're truly on the same level as inbred rednecks and I'm not even surprised.

“Shinobazooka” Google search yields an account with the name Christine Shinozuka attached 

“Christine Shinozuka” yields her baby photos? 
The image results have a self portrait?

by leak I meant her pregnancy test insta story and insta/twitter handle. it was originally censored when posted on the trannys sh1teamcancel site. someone recently (over a year later) posted the pic uncensored. thats an even weirder coincidence that you follow her on twitter and didnt even know

She’s mutuals with Danny J Bauer (frequent paypig on Sam’s streams) on twitter and instagram. You think he’s seen Sam’s asian lovechild? Smart move showing off your sidepiece and baby to one of your most recognizable paypigs

Her name is Hannah. She was doxxed by Channing like 5 years ago on lolcow and 8chan. The threads are probably still there. She deleted all her social media, the only reason her pregnancy leaked is bc that tranny worked in the office with her

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So, I was scrolling through 4chan laughing at these pali v. Jew threads when all of a sudden I see this girl brought up and a screen cap from her IG posted. I followed Sam back in the day but haven't kept up and certainly didn't know any of this shit was happening. 

Long story short, I know this girl. I used to be friends with her younger sister. Her family is good at InfoSec and finding stuff online about them is hard if if you don't know where to look.  


Father - Rei Shinozuka: from what I know this guy is kinda fucked up and has a bad temper. Possibly did some fucked shit to his family, though I'm unsure of the exact specifics.  Works on Wall Street and has a giant ego. Registered republican, but I think he has neocon tendencies. Japanese. 

Mother - Mary Jane Shinozuka nee. Ronan: don't know much about the mom, but she's wheelchair bound. I think it's due to disease rather than an accident. Feel bad for her tbh. White. 

Older brother - Theodore "Teddy" Shinozuka: wants to be loved by his dad so badly, and has pretty much tried to emulate him from highschool on. Was a dweeb. Also neocon like his papa. 

This girl - Christine "Kitty" Shinozuka: doesn't post to any social media much anymore. Literally 0 pics of the kid have ever been posted. Follows Sam, but Sam's main doesn't follow her. Possibly follows via alt, but haven't had time to do too much autistic research yet. 

Younger Sister - Greta Shinozuka: secretly a rebellious problem child. I think her dad's anger issues and mom's disability fucked her up. Studies neuroscience/biology or some shit at a school in Manhattan now. Girl's a ghost online at the moment. 

Place of residence - Ridgewood, NJ: a shithole house in a real nice NJ town. picrel

She's a normie... just a wannabe autist. She's leaned heavily into the weeb identity because she always wanted to stand out and hates that she's a hapa. Her entire family, minus her mom, are just contrarian assholes to be honest.

/pol/ of all places


Like I said, I just happened to see her photo on /pol/. One of the weirdest wtf moments of my life. I didn't even know this chan existed. 

Here's the thread I was in. Some back and forth with the guy who posted and he pointed me here. 


I wonder if she only posts stories to close friends? How is a throwback the only story she’s posted. Or the guy that follows her doesn’t care to keep tabs? Idk but I’m so curious about the baby momma saga …

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checks out, she seems to project heavily with the "i'm different!! look at me!!" type vibe. 

i think onlyfans is just a little less shameful than pandering to a chronically unfaithful diaperfag pedophile tranny fucker while you raise his kid knowing he won't marry you because he's too comfortable with knocking up and fucking women half his age. embarassing.

I bet he's a great dad... And boy is he a lucky guy because she is HOT.

Hot as the desert sun. Beautiful as the rising sun.

Now, I'm not typically one for the Asians. Don't even eat their food. But this is one meal I would NOT pass up! Finna eat that ass with chopsticks.

Lol wow he is actually still with her. I wonder if it will last... This is insane for him. Hasn't he been on tour for two months and as soon as he got back went to the woods to film fishtank 2.5? Theoretically doesn't he have a 2 year old child? I wonder if he has a new gf or is talking to other girls behind the scenes lol, it wouldn't surprise me.

the hapas sam can pull have been drastically decreasing in quality. 10 years ago he was able to pull diaperchan who was a 12/10 and now the best he can do is this mid gook

there are no simps or anyone that really cares about this girl. the thread was made by channing and james price as an attack on sam hyde and they'll occasionally come back and bump it. they've posted some of the same seethe about her in sam's kf thread

I just read this whole thread and there is no evidence that there is "multiple baby mamas" wtf? There's just one kid.

I would keep all my kids hidden from freaks like skull out there.

what types of girls is Sam even into now? Is it still just skinny twigs/trannies or is it just everything now? Asians, blacks fat chicks, brick house chicks like Pearl. Is it because he has a better selection now and can get any girl he wants? seems like he will fuck anything that moves including that Asian whore that has his ogre child

it's funny that she thinks sam will give her olympian children when sam's athletic genetics are complete shit.
he's blasted grams of T and still looks like shit even with the enhanced lean gains of HGH

Was her baby born male or female? If it's a boy he is going to be a hapa whose dad is an internet pedro comedian and an e-girl half his age almost sounds like a r9k meme comic it's kinda disturbing

do you guys think sam is aware that blasting TRT more or less guarantees you have daughters? it's kind of funny that the king of chuds himself is doomed to have daughters and no male offspring unless he fixes his hormones

I don't know where else to post this but I need to come clean. I'm a former Sam Hyde fangirl, we almost fucked but I pussied out at the last minute. The stuff about him fucking fangirls is true though. I was really obsessed with him and checking this thread a lot last year. Seeing Christine's tweets made me genuinely suicidal out of bpd jealousy.

I didn't ever meet him irl but I was obsessed with him (as his mentally ill fangirls are). I'm very embarrassed about the whole ordeal :(

Lol why would you be jealous of his delusional gook baby mama. She's convinced herself she's a trad waifu but her bastard kid but I guarantee Sam is not a real father or boyfriend to either of them. What kind of retard thinks it's a perfect life to procreate with a known pedrophile serial cheater. There's no way he doesn't have aids by now so christine might want to get her and her future Eliot rodger checked out.

Nooooo I stopped contacting him shortly after he asked me to send nudes. He did a show in my city so presumably wed fuck when he was there. He's fucked many fangirls but I am not one of them

considering he's never been married, has at least TWO babymamas and fucks his fangirls and is still seeking them for sex - no, she's not getting a ring and she never will. 

I'm sure he's probably helping raise his bastard children but with touring and fishtank and all that shit, there's no way he's a fully present father. 

he's completely incapable of being monogamous or even holding a stable relationship that hasn't been a complete shitfest and/or is entirely built on him being a predator. 

Charls and Nick have wives and children of their own and Sam fucking seethes at that, he genuinely acts like a nigger and a teenager. 

He's coming up to 40, dude's never gonna change and that's a fact.

that's funny I've heard the opposite from my associates within his circle. They say he's become quite the family man and softened up a bit in his older age. Hes been going home at every opportunity or bringing them along with him when possible. you really shouldn't speak on things you don't know about just because you're jealous or wish him to fail.

she is cuter than a lot of the girls posted (or posting themselves) on this board but it's sam hyde so you'll always have some seething roastoid weighing in. idk if I'd want asian babies but he's lucky to have been hitting that

sam hyde is retarded for leaving and abusing marky but if he leaves this asian girl who birthed his babies he is even dumber and won't be happy in the future. Imagine having the power of having a cute wife and throwing it away for a fuckboy lifestyle at the age of 40

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ok I know marky is a slut and became uglier at the age of 25 (grandma glasses aesthic bad) but she was the prettiest e-girl from this era. Idk if he ever tried to get with ciara, sunny, agatha or the other 4chan OG e-girls but ur right he could have had prime 20 yo marky by his side and wasted it away
she didn't break up with him she was in love with sam and he used her for sex and then she went living with a brazilian pedrofag as a cope

she was in her peak form when she returned from Brazil too. it must have been so hard for him to pass that ass up but id guess he sensed the mania or found out who she was with for 3 years and what she was doing then noped out

not even, I genuinely feel bad for this girl because she seems like a sweet person who absolutely loves her child, she's deserving of a GOOD father of her child/husband and not a retarded predator with a sordid past. Sam is a piece of shit and history very much confirms this. 

She deserves children, Sam absolutely doesn't.

validating for an insecure teenage fangirl or a chimpbrained clout chasing foid, probably. 

Money and status is one thing, being a retarded pedrophile cheater who probably has some form of manic disorder and apparently smells like BO is another thing.

looks exactly like some other hafus i know. a lot of half japanese are strangely much darker than SEA hapas, especially if their dad is japanese.
christine seems like a mostly sweet girl, roastie seething aside, so i hope things work out for her. seems unlikely/impossible tho. 
sam is clearly obsessed with this dollar tree art slut and likely has her cheating on him like his exes (showed her pussy to ppl visiting sam's office). I speculate this is because she isn't fully mindbroken like christine and this makes her more interesting to sam. 
He's a piece of shit subhuman still begging Z list twitter egirls for sex so nothing has changed about him at all.

what i hope is happening is that he's just using hannah for her design shit for MDE2 and dumps her to commit and play house with christine but that obviously will never happen

all Sam does is fuck fangirls, I can't see why he'd stop now, even with his new level of clout (which will inevitably implode just like Icarus). the dude definitely has herpes or HIV.

this board featured on this guy's expose, it's very thorough.there are some deep cuts that I have never seen before, but nothing that this board doesnt already know about Christine. However, he claims that he has more videos coming out that have information about Sam that isn't pertinent to Marky. Moreover, those Marky t-shirt zoomers have been working with Channing to release another expose. It's worth the watch if you can get past his voice and ridiculous get-up https://youtube.com/watch?v=ui9pjFNkues

Literally Sam's MO. I wonder when a male child victim will surface. Undoubtedly he will molest his own kids which is why these retarded  babymamas thinking people are jealous of them is insane. Who wouldn't want a hideously ugly abusive self admitted serial cheater and pedrophile to procreate with!?!

at this point I think you could make a good argument channing has done as much if not more damage to marky than sam did. She has spent years spamming marky's smiling bloody face from some cropped CP photo everywhere she can on the internet and even irl, misrepresented ages and facts of the relationship and even labeled Marky a pedrophile in a post she made on kiwifarms. Channing and her deranged simp lapdog that follows her around the internet (James or some faggot like that) don't give a shit about justice. she's just doing whatever she can to get at sam because she can't get over him pumping and dumping her like 50 years ago when her ovaries still produced good eggs.

channing supported and denied marky accusations all through 2015-2018. the people who originally made those posts were her arwenchan r9k orbiters trying to cancel her for being a whore for fucking sam dumbass newfag.

he won't. he didn't do anything illegal and he can't be cancelled much more than he already is. maybe some people would refuse to work with him based on the decade old claims of a severely mentally ill exgirlfriend and his obsessed stalker channing but the people around Sam and his fans don't really care and already see that all as a joke. the haters are running on pure delusion, obsession and seethe. and I don't even like that unfunny jew, before ketsmine channing comes in ranting about e-daddies and homo sex again.

I sincerely do not think that Sam is dating Christine anymore. If he is, he is 100% cheating on her. There is no way he can be touring the country, hanging out with parasocial zoomers, and being invited on bigger platforms/going to big parties and being faithful to her. Just my thought.

yeah idk, just seems like there is no actual proof that he has a kid. there's no way he has toddlers and is letting the baby mommas just live alone while he yells are wiggers, sleeps overnight at the fishtank house, works at megabitz/com98 buildings, zooms the /ftl/ threads and xwitter, and tours the country. if this is the case (and he has 1-3 kids) then he seriously disturbed and evil. I know he is cranky a lot but I like to believe that it's because he has fallen off once again and is a lolcow yet again on 4chan.

i'd also like to say that Sam is a supposed Christian, so what the hell? if I were to judge a tree by its fruit then he would not be a good tree. the stuff that comes out of this guys mouth is the total opposite of what someone Godly would say. It seems like he isn't following what he believes to the core. Hoping he finds himself like Nick is trying to (at least) and get to a level like Charls; instead of trying to make some bs game as his last ditch effort for his legacy on Earth. if he wants to change things start by being a good person and not a massive hypocrite, be a real man and stand by the women you knock up, be honest about being a borderline pedrophile instead of projecting it on your reality show, and stop being a hedonistic polygamous hollow freak. hope you are reading this Sam.

Channing must be happy to see how badly they fucked up fishtank season 3. It has been an embarrassing mess and they basically cancelled the show and turned it into a painfully boring irl stream on a whim. 

The jap is still cute though.

It's an early Christmas present for Channing this year. Why did she not sue for rag dolling her in Texas? 

I see that there are more Markyposters than usual and with that expose from the Tenacious Turnip and him saying there is more where that came from (along with almost 15k views and damning evidence) it makes me wonder if the heat is about to be severely turned up in Sam's life. Can't imagine what he would do with no money again, though he claims to be a "millionaire".

Channing lay off the jap she's a cutie and instead of trying to prove Sam did something illegal or talking about crossing state lines and shit just focus on mocking and embarrassing him

positive pregnancy test, baby registry that had at least one item purchased, pictures with her stroller behind her and in her garage, many tweets about babies. what evidence would be convincing? a birth certificate or pics? im against doxxing babies so no one do that.

Well how about a nice pedro that will give you great sexo, not come inside you if you don't wanna get preg, and have hot threesomes with you and some hiskewler?

Kids don't need their dads and are usually better off without them. My dad is a worthless cuck who won't leave his stupid stinky condo.

> angels seething because they haven't had sex with any1 since they were 14

Anyone with a huge following will inevitably have to fuck some fans, they literally mob these celebs everywhere they go.

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