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they really did a number on her she was a mess in her streams it was sad to see but i wonder what made her come back from hiding recently to post a bunch of selfies here and do the insult streams?
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I love this vodka elf aesthetic. Reminds me of my neighbor's wife when she was younger. Same dark almost black-eye circles like she was beaten by drunk husband.
t. east slav
> nudes would be nice but I doubt even she is stupid enough to put legal nudes out there
Well, the last time she came here she posted pictures of her ass. I wouldn't be surprised if in a manic episode of hers she started posting nudes just to humiliate herself and feel bad afterwards.
I have no idea how people fall for that. It has to be some bait pushed by one guy, his logic is completely failed. Either it's bait or he's 63 IQ.
is it possible she fell in love with Alice? isnt summer of last year around the time alice visited her and stayed a few days and they streamed together?
Alice isnt THAT bad, stop exaggerating. before she got fat, and when she fixes herself up, showers, and puts on make up, she can be somewhat attractive. also i remember a quote from marky saying something like "i hope i work my way into Alice's heart <3" or something similar to that.
yeah yeah we all wanna see her legal nudes and all but i still think that what actually happened is like lightning striking twice the same place and, given her recent history, her posting those pics on discord first was more probable
NTA, but in case you guys are talking about this Alice:
Then I have to throw the question right back at you; Are you joking?
The other Anon's assessment of her looking like utter gutter trash is pretty accurate.
That's a mentally ill midget that looks like trailer trash without a ton of makeup AND filters on.
will marky ever leave her mom's basement on her own accord or will she always need a guy to give her a place to stay or pay her rent?
her parents were probably expecting grandchildren at this point but they got a 26 YO deadbeat that wastes her life doing drugs and watching japanese cartoons in her parents basement
and imagine if she had just settled down with some normie chad and lived life on easy mode instead of dating brazilians and russians she met on the internet you have to wonder why she does it to herself
well because shes not a normie herself. she cant live that life. she can only relate to weird discord men, lolicons, pedos, and abusers. and I for one am GLAD
i would say hope she sees this but we know she will lol

it's funny to think about a middle aged marky still living in her elderly mother's basement doing the same thing
Happy 4th, Marky *hugs*. Try to enjoy yourself tonight and forget the stresses of life. Always remember that no matter how bad it gets, there IS a light at the end of the tunnel.




I'll bang her vaginal walls.
Hard. I'll even provide for her.

I can literally will people to give me money for free. Just given. This even works on Sam.
I ate numerous times because of Sam. Dood doesn't even know me. And no kind person speaks about "smearing shit in their hair until someone notices". Yal think I don't know Sam is the devil? It hurt.

The holy spirit gave me more than I've ever earned, by this.
Thinking of trying for millions, next. Just need to channel the spirit harder.

I just channel my inner fatherless baby me, and they light up bright and gleeming, eyes glowing like a carribean blue beach....I can see the holy spirit flowing from me and in to them, their complexion becomes so bright I can count the number of hairs on their head.

Rich guys, anyone.

None are able to stop the holy spirit. It can literally reprogram them from physical proximity, to hand out money.

None are able to resist a spirit that, in the body of a grown man, is still the same as a newborn baby on day 1. The holy spirit makes them think they're helping a newborn baby.

I entered a house and my spirit had them rushing to confess their sins to me. Little baby me, within me, don't know what I oughta do when that happens lol. I'm still the same as when I use to play with toys, using my bed as a mountain movie set. Each pillow a valley. The fancy thing hanging along the floor, looking like part of a mountain.

And I never used the toys for their official purpose. Always my own characters.

Hockey ninja turtle was just a brawler type dood. And I liked the texture the plastic had in it's form of a hockey gettup. Use to run my fingers along it just to feel that.

Btw, you can summon an angel by crying in your heart. It's kinda hard af to do, but I've done it. They gave me $100 while the land was deserted. As in, actually deserted.

Squeezing money from the heart is just a thing God has to experience, like when the devil fakes a worldwide virus, deserting all the streets, hoping you'll die.

But failing :).
Jokes on you, now you just look like a silly Dr Mario cosplay.
I can't die.
I was ready to fork over big money to help marky and buy her channel after the suicide thing but I thought she was in some real trouble not crying and depressed over a boy smh
about what? theres nothing here that is new or that we did not already know. nothing in this message should be shocking or surprising to anyone. im sure its true, or at least what her mind believes is the truth. the thing is, i feel like the narrative with her frequently changes , based on what her current state of mind is. like for example, i used to chat with her about art at the time she was living in  brazil, and she would alway tell me and others that she was very happy, very much in love, and she enjoyed living there. once she moved back home, however, the story changed dramatically. apparently she was abused, she was miserable, and she hated living there. so its hard to know whats real and what isnt.
this. we will give you all our spare/disposable income. we will reduce your amazon wishlist to nothing. we will get elo, brian wilson, and king crimson to come play in your moms garage.
i wish i had 7 million dollars
not even to be rich
just to logout irl

i cant bare existence
i lack the water of life, to
i dont have with which to pay, the cost to drink from the water of life

i was born without this
im blameless please save me and have mercy :(
it's not sam I think i know who and didn't have to go that far back looking at her stuff for the answer, it was right there under our noses the whole time
yeah markys takes are unreliable. she gets into relationships with questionable people because she relates to them and their unique interests but then when it doesn't work out she acts like a victim who was tricked or forced into it.
> and then he got advice from his lawyer about dealing with the guy who raped me as a kid
so it wasn't a family member, but just a random pedophile?
she'd be the most wonderful mother, and i truly mean that. if she doesnt have a child in the next 5 years then i do not want to live in this world.
no sir. marky has a very caring heart. yes i know she has issues of her own, but i dont think that disqualifies someone as being a potential good parent. the two things i hold up as evidence are: shes very loving and caring towards animals. (yes i do know that kids are much more difficult than animals to take care of) . and number two, shes very caring toward elderly people. she took care of her grandmother whom shes close to, and if you recall , she also had a job where she was a caretaker to an elderly woman. So if shes good at taking care of animals and the elderly, then i also beleive it follows that she would do well and taking care of children.
>  >I was raised religious
Marky you are already perfect.
Your perfection began before you even began in a womb.

Your parents just love lying.

God made man in His image and glory.
He already gave us being like Him.
The parents blasphemy His work, they blasphemy your perfection.
I wanna know if she still talks to Sam. Someone said it somewhere else. Why would they say that
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sure, sounds like a great idea giving a child to this "woman". what could possibly go wrong

and "woman" is in quotes because its evident that her mental development stopped when she got raped. 
one child cannot raise another
You've got a horrible diagnosis.  "Trauma" does not cause this stuff, her mom having an insanely small skull and looking mental causes it.
The parents are dumb.
Her name looks like they tried to carve a woman's name, from a man's name.



When there's already the perfect version of it for that woman first name.


I bet the parents wished for a son, and because they were unclean in God's kingdom within them, they screwed up the name.

It's not very loving to give children bad names. Says something about the parents.

Why not go all the way with that, just name your daughter "penis".
Cars are coffins on wheels.
A slip of the hand and a semi ends you.

Even the idea of turning them by hand is coarse. And that some little spec of a mirror is suppose to help you drive, how dumb.
marky doesn't care about anything other than getting attention and sympathy from and control over orbiters. she is incapable of caring about others like a normal person or forming normal relationships, could not even begin to understand what that means. This is why she has no friends, ghosts everyone and why she seeks out and dates creeps she meets on the internet and then pretends later they exploited her. it is all performance and an endless perpetuation of the drama cycle with her to further the idea of the great so called tragedy that is her life.
her reaction to wrecking two cars in a month is very revealing. is that how she views all the brilliant things she has done to ruin her own life, as something awesome to brag about? no wonder she's in the state she's in.
I would have to thoroughly inspect her vagina before I give my medical opinion,to see if there were any rips/tears in the vaginal walls to determine if there was forced entry.
The orbiters themselves are the ones theorizing and spinning these so called tragedies and drama cycles through hearsay and snippets of leaked chats, while she has tried to avoid orbiters and drama by repeatedly changing usernames, deleting accounts, and retreating offline for months and years at a time.
showing her tits on 4chan, sam hyde, her time in brazil and all the other trouble she has gotten herself into is most of her identity since these dramatic affairs have consumed her entire adult life. she loves to talk about it to anyone that will listen. she doesn't avoid orbiters she befriends them and accepts gifts from them and has put herself in the spotlight over and over. even when she "disappears" for a while she keeps accounts she knows we are aware of, comes here to read and post and still messages with certain orbiters. she's not like ken or some other girls that want to want to escape it and live their lives, she might even be addicted to it.
so let me get this right... sam was so bad when they were together that she reached out to him years later in need and was happy to accept his help but then after he ghosts her he is a pedophile abuser and she would have come to her senses anyway? woo boy
She kept relatively private and didn't talk about those topics in her discord or livestreams. I'd say, online at least, she centeted her identity around drawing and her discord servers and friend groups reflected that. Not 4chan or dramas like you let on. You must have been very close to her in order to understand her at this level and make all these claims.
don't fret she will be with sam again it is the natural ending to this story, the only happy ending.
She is the one who dumped him, t. her own claims and the torn up letter Sam wrote her. Not sure how I am coping when I am just pointing out she has never called him a pedophile, as far as I have seen.
i think we all know it could never work out. she was just a underage fuck toy, thats all sam ever considered her to be. like all the other underage groupies hes fucked. she wasnt special, guys. if she was, he wouldnt have got her to have 3somes and made her watch as he fucked other girls and made her cry. i cant imagine shed be an easy gf to have. she seems like shed require constant reassurance and coddling. sam is a very busy guy, and he has alt right girls on his dick constantly. shes too insecure and wouldnt be able to handle that. she would self destruct and end up in the psych ward again. simply put, shes a dime a dozen pretty girl that got used by someone famous. im sure he wishes he never met her
it wasn't sam. sam was helping her asking his lawyer how to deal with the guy who raped her as a kid. it must have been a family friend or something because it is implied that she had never reported him to the police for all these years.
it doesn't really matter if she directly called him a pedo or not, she has still pushed the idea he is an abuser and predator that treated her horribly and took advantage of her when in reality it seems she was just upset he cut her off from his love and assistance. they will still end up together sam hyde is a core part of markys personality I doubt a day goes by she doesn't think of him.
why don’t you fuck sham hyde if you’re so enamoured with the idea of someone needy and weak being with him, you repressed ass projecting faggot
Each time you post you seem more and more like a jealous femoid. Stop preaching about realities when at the end of the day you just don't know and need somewhere to point your hate.
NTA but what he says is kind of true. I have proof that Marky followed the Fishtank live show and watched clips on youtube where Sam showed up. I'm quite sure that  contributed a lot to the mental breakdown amd humiliation show she put on earlier this year.
i don't hate anyone I have just pointed out that marky did a 180 on sam hyde only after he dropped her and that her account of things isn't reliable much like a lot of what she says. if that upsets you for some reason or you feel you need to defend her honor go ahead lmao
If you knew Marky's music taste, you would know that's obviously her.
> Coaltar of the deepers
> 12 rods ("I wish you were a girl")
> depeche mode 
> ....
too bad for marky but i just can't be with her knowing sam could come steal her away any time he wanted
yeah, but there's no proof it's connected to her. how would someone have even found that? possible someone from here made it just to troll with
no, i knew it was her that posted them here from the first. i'll believe the last.fm account is hers if the anon can explain how he found it
oh my god, its true isnt it? shes still obsessed with sam. he could come back and take her anytime he wants. even if we got to date marky, shed still be thinking of sam. all hed have to do is call her, and tell her to come see him, and shed fuck him. she could never love us in her heart, Sam will always own all the real estate there. I feel sick. I dont think i can go on living knowing this fact.
in light of this news here's a pro tip: if your girl won't shut up about how much she hates a guy or how awful he is watch out for that guy
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> I feel sick. I dont think i can go on living knowing this fact.

I feel the same way, anon. It's so sick and revolting. She is still in love with the pedophile who groomed, abused, cucked and publicly humiliate her making fun of her dirty anus on youtube for thousands of people to watch. 
I know that she can't help herself but still, it's disgusting. How are we supposed to care about someone who only wants to be degraded and ill-used? I don't understand /Agatha/bros, I really don't understand, why everything is so fucked up
Why are you cucks projecting your sickness? Her watching fishtank videos does not mean she is in love with Sam. Fishtank was big at the time and her name came up a lot in the generals, it is no wonder she heard of it and probably searched on youtube to learn more.
Then tell us Sherlock, who is the guy she has fallen for? And what did she mean with "please come back"?
As things stand, the most plausible option is Sam Hyde. If you have a better explanation, go ahead.
if you scroll up she made multiple tweets this summer begging for someone to come back, looking at the stars thinking of them, how she wishes she had made it to therapy in time and how some depression post about not leaving her basement or something.
if you want to read all of them, look here

although the most relevant ones have already been posted.
we might need to look farther back at her social media sounds like knew this person and spent time with them for at least a year https://web.archive.org/web/20220828201541/https://twitter.com/purintain/status/1563982913837977608
> please come back
> love you and miss you
> wish I could have seen the stars with you tonight
sure sounds like it
given the narrow timeframe of these tweets they all sound to be about the same person, missing them and being depressed, in pain and can't sleep because they're gone.
it could be either the shed guy or the russian guy, unless there's a new relationship she managed to hide for the first time in her life
and if it were about swimming with friends and family why wouldn't she be able to do it again? safe assumption it is about the person she is saying please come back to
do we know anything about either of them? has the Russian guy ever spoken out about marky or is all info about him from Ken and marky? gonna look for the shed guy screenshot in old thread I think it had more info about him
> why wouldn't she be abled to do it again?
Where did you read this? She was just  recalling a good memory.
> safe assumption it is about the person she is saying please come back to
Not necessarily, you are just assuming things.
> narrow timeframe
That's likely because she had her twitter public only during that week or so. She has more than 1k tweets on that account but only 1 hundred have been saved in the wayback machine (probably a bot).
everything i know is just from watching past threads on here. she seems to have had a longterm involvement with the russian, so that's why i'd guess it's him. if not then it would be the last guy aka shed guy. who knows, all the leaks are larpy and nobody involved ever comments
> I was really looking forward to doing it again
implying it's not happening even though she was looking forward to it. given the context of the other tweets at that time seems like it's all about the same person but if you don't want to believe that it's ok anon
which cock do you think marky enjoyed the most: hyde cock, chink cock, brazilian cock, russian cock, chad cock, or shed cock?
You are assuming things again, anon. She just said that she liked swimming so much that as soon as the experience had ended, she wanted to do it again and she looked forward it. It wasn't implied that she can't do it again because she went with a lover, which is now gone. That's just a supposition, which is as possible as many others.
As I said, she could have been with friends or family or even alone lmao, and many reasons could have prevented that from happening again that summer. It's not necessarily a lover. This is all I am saying. 

The love messages are like 4 among a hundred of tweets where she talks about the most random things that comes to her mind. Not everything is connected. Don't force connection where they don't necessarily exist.
why is that one poster trying to shut down marky discussion in the marky thread it's like they don't want us to know who broke sweet markys heart. This is one of the only marky developments in quite a while I need answers
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clear signs of PTSD from abuse
so they dated at least three months if what he's saying is true and we don't know how that one ended up but summer 2022 would be pretty far away
kek i remember everyone thought that schizos screenshots were BS but it looks like everything he said about both Marky and Kennedi turned out to be true
Most of the stuff richtr8 says in those screenshots isn't true. What that moron didn't realize (and probably still doesn't) is that his friend 'Justin' doesn't actually exist. It was another larp by the russian, feeding him bullshit about Marky with the hope that some of it would get back to Kennedi. This is obvious if you have absolutely any critical thinking skills.
so was she raped or not? is she an actual broken person or someone with neglectful parents (or both)?
that's how it seemed in the stream. i think he might've even said that he'd never talked to her before. the whole time he was just going on about how he'd had a friend who'd told him things about her and that he'd been trying for years to find out if the things this friend had told him were true
Her mom has mental genetics and her dad does a bit too.  Trauma didn’t cause shit for her.  She needs to reflect on her actions and learn self control.
when those tweets were posted here, nekoshelf deleted most of his accounts. i hope that guy is doing good.
the truest friend marky has ever had.
> mike all up in those replies hopefully his efforts paid off for him if you know what im saying
What? Did he fuck her? I thought they were just friends.
The tweets from last summer? Which accounts? Could be a coincidence but maybe he's shed guy or someone else marky has been with since that guy
schizo argie is markyposting on /int/ and /pol/ again lmao 
even richtr8 himself said in the stream that he had no clue if any of it was true, which you can see in the imgur of caps that was posted
justin does exist and is more commonly knows as shed guy. it's a /mu/tard ken also knows with richtr8 as a mutual friend. russian guy was earlier and probably has nothing to do with this marky arc
knowing old drama, either marky cheated on him with a new internet ethnic, or he's a paranoid who is scared of more logs being leaked about him
lol now I know for fact that you're bullshitting. The shit with the Russian guy was in late 2019-early 2020. This is when we know for a fact that the Russian guy was going around larping and lying both about and to Marky and kennedi. The events that richtr8 relates from 'justin' were also late 2019, as he said that 'justin' told him that he and Marky were going to visit him in Australia around Christmas 2019, before supposedly having to change plans because she broke up with her rich boyfriend. The Russian guy is the rich boyfriend that Marky supposedly cheats on with 'justin'. The Russian guy was not 'earlier' as this would not even have been possible. Marky moved back to America from Brazil in early-mid 2019 (when she cut her hair short). She was dating the blonde Brad guy in late summer 2019.
> it's a /mu/tard ken also knows with richtr8 as a mutual friend
You obviously just completely made this up. richtr8 himself doesn't even really know this guy, he apparently hasn't spoken to him in years. He doesn't exactly seem like the /mu/ type either.

Here's a tip for you: if you're going to larp, it helps if you have any clue what the fuck you're talking about.
if this isn't marky or shed guy i hope you're being compensated. over here putting his name in quotes like he isn't real, hasn't been in markys orbit and people don't know him
you can search desuarchive and even find a pic of justin, just search pics on /mu/ for "katelynn" and scroll back long enough through the list spam. damage control harder retard
imagine being that guy and being hand selected by marky out of all the orbiters to take acid with her and fuck, even be her boyfriend. good for him I say
it's the same person, i'm sure ken and richtr8 and marky can confirm. afaik he lived near marky, others who actually know him can probably tell more
This is the shittiest bait I've ever seen and it's obvious that there's a ton of samefagging going on on this thread

look here and click on the youtube channel
he is not justin though. if you check out the fb attched to the youtube channel, you can see his real name. i doubt he ever fucked marky. he was the one who bought her channel, they used to say.
do you think that has anything to do with how boyish she's been trying to make herself appear when she used to be a bit more elegant?
It seems the whole nekoshelf/justin/katelynn thing appeared out of thin air without proof, but it's all adding up. So I assume it's being pushed by someone from the inside who has a vendetta against this guy for some reason and doesn't realize they're just gonna hurt Marky in the process too. Looking up this guy's monikers on desuarchive makes it obvious he has a ton of enemies and ended up a lolcow type figure so it's unsurprising someone who knows him would catch wind of this thread
I was looking thru the archives and came to ask who this applecat person is that's ranting about Katelynn being a pedo enabler and stuff
Ken is the most innocuous part of those screencaps. Literally just going "oh wow haha uh" repeatedly. They made up a long time ago once they realized the manipulation web they were caught in at the Russian's hands. I wonder who leaked these caps and how, especially considering these are coming out what, literally 4 years later? What I think probably happened is, since the Russian guy and his buddy ekat were always trying to turn Marky and Kennedi against each other, the Russian was getting Ken to send screencaps like this to him and he used them as a way to "prove" to Ken how she should stay away from Marky and she can't be trusted (since Marky knew by then that the Russian wasn't to be trusted?). Then the Russian shared these and they spread around between a few more people.
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ok so interesting this person is saying he's friends with spacegiko who groomed and harassed this applecat chick. They claim picrel is katelynn's account shilling for the pedo as far as I understand. https://desuarchive.org/mu/thread/76286741/#q76289330
Never heard of applecat, but after looking up the name on desuarchive it looks like she's still on RYM and used to know Kennedi and some of Ken's friends. The posts are filled with drama and shows a lot of repetitive accusations against random people being pedos to her. Also some of the posts mention Ken/bratty as being a chaturbate star which is obviously not true, so was it applecat posting all of these herself?
looking in archives I see some claims that katelynn is also iloveyou who is also tukat but im not interested enough in this rabbit hole to dig further on those usernames
Whatever their motive I appreciate the knowledge marky had sex with and apparently dated some weird looking terminally online crossdresser lolcow she met on 4chan. Never change marky lol
where does marky get her taste in looks?

sam - looks like a redneck permanently straining to take a fat shit
charlie - pig faced chink
brazilian - literal fat 3rd worlder 
chad - manlet shorter than marky, even if normal looking
russian - no idea, but probably sminem tier if history holds
shed guy - so bad he looks like a emo tranny caricature
also worth noting you have an internet celebrity, admin of masterchan, russian 4chan mod and a prolific /mu/ poster. Is it over for the average orbiter?
also interesting people are accusing him and his /mu/ rym clique of being pedo creeps to other anons. could be baseless but yet another guy marky has been with thats had that association.
There’s someone posting who obviously personally knows him. Katelynn is a pseudonym he probably chose because it’s a girls name

Looks like katelynn was also in contact with ken during her drama with marky so he was part of that whole crew and in position to be the guy marky cheated on the russian with
correction followed her private Twitter account (knew her from /mu/?) and was in contact with kens exboyfriend supposedly. Not sure if the implication was that contact with her ex was nefarious and on behalf of marky when they were pitted against eachother. anyone have any more info on all this?
it's hard to figure out the 20 layers of faggotry these /mu/tants operate on but I think there's something to katelynn being mentioned alongside marky's name in a post from 2 years ago talking about the ken vs marky drama
why in the fuck would people even want to make or get involved in this mess? relationships can be so simple and yet these people want to overcomplicate things for the sake of it
thank god i'm just an orbiter (and not even that obsessed)
this thread's getting constantly raided by discord kids anyway, where do you think all the hyde fans and the shit throwers come from
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why is this picture in particular so painful to look at and cause me such heartbreak? i think its because of how absurdly happy she looks, the way shes carrying herself, her assured, confident posture. shes literally glowing with joy. perhaps she was on a manic high or got creampied like 5 mins before the photo was taken. regardless, I doubt I could ever make her feel such dizzying heights of joy and pleasure like she was likely feeling here.
She’s not actually happy there she’s faking being happy.  She’s selling her body for a guy she’s not truly in love with just for a temporary amount of fun.
She told herself she was happy there cause he’s a “normal guy” whose not too bad looking, athletic, and prob social.  Marky is a non-normie so that stuff does not make her happy, she needs Sam.
The heartbreaking thing is that marky will never be as happy as she appears to be in that picture. It doesn't matter if she is with sam, brad or helmet head.
not even a big deal on the internet or a sexual deviant truly an anomaly in the marky lore
Insanely old photos on there. Some of them dating back to 2013. A third of the people on there are dead. Not really a rabbithole worth diving into because it’s basically just nerds arguing.
rip at least they spent their time clicking stars on their rym profiles to impress the other gays trannies and pedophiles they spent their time arguing with instead of actually listening to good music
i like how marky actually posted  a few times in the last thread when people were acting borderline non-borderline and then hundreds of schizoposts later
this has been the most informative marky thread in a while after that retard stop trying to push the mullato model disinfo
they say that katelynn's real name is colin
Marky acknowledging Richtr8 in the youtube comments is proof enough imo, she was validating things he said which means the rest of what he said is likely true too. If he was spewing nonsense about someone who didn’t exist she wouldn’t nod her head and talk to him
There was no direct acknowledgement, and the fact that he wasn't outright banned is proof enough there was no weight to his claims.
but where did he say that katelynn is shed guy? i haven't read it in the chat or in the screenshots. someone itt is claiming he's justin without showing any kind of proof.
I think I have a picture of marky with a guy that looks like that guy from her blonde era if memory serves correct I'll check my marky folder when I can get to my laptop
His name is Lennox this was proven via the facebook account linked to his youtube channel. Colin is just misdirection and his name is 100% NOT Justin. There was no one named Justin that had sex with marky in a shed, stole marky away from the russian and helped marky harass kennedi. Katelynn is completely unrelated to all of this mess and all that has been proven is that he was active on /mu/ at the same time as marky and ken. Use your brains for gods sake
Nekoshelf is not Justin, he is just a friend of marky and they have been mutuals on various social media.
But a "Justin" must exist. If he didn't, then who would be the person richtr8 is friends with? It can't be a made up person by him because he publicly apoligized to marky on stream, so he's 100% convinced of what he's saying.
that guy is not shed guy aka justin aka katelynn I didn't see him in chat that night. given marky's track record I wouldn't be surprised if they're on bad terms by now and don't speak but I can't say for sure
Well I've found something weird about him. Someone put his youtube channel in the wayback machine on february and may 2023, AND then there is one snapshot way older from december 2019. Marky historians, when did the acid story exactly take place, supposing that it's true?
shed was towards the end of 2019 since he was talking to the rich guy about coming with marky Xmas 2019 supposedly.

Why were people saying nekoshelf bought her channel? Because she posted videos with nekos or were they actually videos from nekoshelfs channel?
> shed was towards the end of 2019
what a coincidence, uh?
maybe just a coincidence, maybe not? who knows...

So I've found something weird about this guy. Apparently he pitches for the Cubs. Do any Marky historians know if she's ever been to Chicago?
If you search for marky in the /mu/ archives you'll see a bulk of the shit talking was late 2019/early 2020 even though it doesn't seem anyone knew she was mihr. probably the Russian guy and there's a post in I think early 2020 saying something like "I know no one will believe me but I had sex with marky in 2019". Anyone could say that but still interesting it might have been that andrei guy
I don't think it's that Justin because that Justin Steele guy didn't react at all when the other guy was talking about the leaks just talking about random stuff and didn't stand out as someone that knew marky personally. I doubt shed guy makes many appearances unless he's shitting up /mu/ with his pedo buddies or posting here trying to throw people off his trail
the 2019 snapshot was captured by a web crawler. so was the one from February, though it got a 302 error crawl time so it's not even actually archived. one from May was via an outlink from a different archived page. the only snapshot of his page that was added by the 'save page now' feature is the one from today, which I assume was you.
this, he's just a regular, he started posting in her yt streams some years ago (in the deadly premonition period) or maybe earlier, dunno his nick on twitch
Katelynn's Bandcamp https://nekoshelf.bandcamp.com/

Katelynn's other Bandcamp

User following both and a supporter of debichan with musical taste suspiciously similar to marky
I'm worried Markybros, she isn't showing any kind of activity on her social media for more than a month now and the last thing she watched is literally "FAPPABLE WOMEN REKT THREAD" on /gif/.
I think that she is either dead or homeless. The odds that she just switched off the internet are very low, if you ask me.

> User following both and a supporter of debichan with musical taste suspiciously similar to marky
> https://bandcamp.com/catcatcatcatcatcatcat

I looked past sam, cuckberto and the rest and tried to understand how she could have been taken in by them but a /mu/ tranny? I don't know if I can do this anymore
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I think that she was going manic again. Before disappearing she deleted her secret youtube account with 1 follower where she continued uploading music after selling the main one. 
On twitter she kept posting tweets even though it was private and had ZERO followers.
Her last.fm had a pro subscription, which is now expired and she abandoned it entirely. It sometimes logged non-music stuff like youtube videos or gifs from 4chan, which she used to remove from her history a few hours later, but she never did the last time.

She likes HOMO GAY SEX and she is not a lesbo.

What was her previous last.fm account? One person scrobbled both of katelynn's albums on April 5th of this year, the only listens in a 6 month span. Other albums on that catcatcatcatcatcat bandcamp wishlist correspond with her last fm listens and general taste too much to be coincidence so I think if he was not listening to those albums himself it could have been her.
> What was her previous last.fm account?
mitomo7 (Deleted after baiting her).

tomomi7 is the same account as dropofcandy. She changed the username with last.fm PRO for no specific reason.
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definitely onto something here... I found the cached version of nekoshelfs deleted album "Mona". It has two supporters, one of them being a deleted Bandcamp account "wedytwo". Google that username and it leads to a deviantart account made 3 months ago. Check the birthday.

Yes, I know. She supported both of his albums. I think that they are music friends or something. She followed him on his last.fm with her previous account too, but I don't have a snapshot.
So he lives close enough to marky to be shed guy, looks exactly like the kind of person richtr8 described as being shed guy, marky still follows him on new accounts she makes (made a new Bandcamp and he is 2/14 of her followed artists), someone that seems to know him irl told us katelynn was shed guy and it just so happens all this drama with marky cheating on the russian, beefing with ken and the shed guy/justin incident all took place when she was heavily active in /mu/. That nigga is shed guy
this anon is wrong, the shed guy is from the part of massachussets near rhode island. probably something like fall river, bedford, or so on
A few /mu/fags pointed out that katelynn had on his youtube channel videos of him singing irl with members of his anime club (timmy reeby and another guy), who are also tagged in the bio of his old twitter (droolgirl).
I checked out their twitter pages in the wayback machine and they both have as location Farfield, CT.



Well, that makes sense. You may be right, but why the names don't match up? Does his fb have a fake name?

You are retarded.
if marky didn't meet shed guy through /mu/ where did she meet him online? How did his friend richtr8 come to be talking to ken about his and markys shed sex and relationship? Too many things line up
his fb has a fake name and isn't even the only one he has. this paranoid nigga uses many diversionary fake names. protip if you see any post arguing names, it's likely him doing damage control
You think someone is retarded for wanting proof beyond an anonymous word? Someone could have easily made a mirror account to smear her, and this thread is full of speculation and misinfo.
Yes I know nekoshelf personally. No I won't say anymore than he is not shed guy and everything that says otherwise is a lie. His name is Colin he lives in connecticut and him and marky are just good music friends.
i know this will sound ridiculous but I think Marky used to share porn on discord. She admitted to watching porn a lot when she was in Brazil since her BF wasn't home. It's kinda hot knowing she's a  confirmed gooner now kek
>  Sexual abuse as a child often results in hypersexuality.
I thought this only applied to children who face sexual abuse multiple times? she was only touched once right? or am i wrong here?
yeah bro it's just some random guy being posted for no reason, one who just happens to have coincidental connections to marky

marky orbiters can't face the reality that she fucked yet another ogre with fake e-status
Being raped is extremely traumatizing. More traumatizing than being “touched several times.” Having any kind of adult sexuality imparted onto you by force as a kid will do damage to the psyche.
This. Being molested as a child is traumatic and greatly distorts their idea of sex in a twisted and sick manner. 
It doesn't come as a suprise that Marky posted her tits on /b/ at 16 and fucked men ten years older than her even prior to that.
yeah I am really him I have no idea if anything "justin" told me is true or if "justin" is even a real person. I may have just been baited into doing that russian guys dirty work
just knowing how many losers she’s fucked makes me hope she’ll find peace someday and actually have a nice life and relationship outside of this torrent of unhealthy attention and pointless speculation
so, ill add my 5 cents to this which may or may not be true, im just going by memory. you guys seem to know a lot more about this shit than me, even tho ive been following marky drama for years. I vaguely remember threads where ppl said that shed guy was also known as 'piano boy' . i always assumed it was the same guy she spoke of on her social media years ago after she moves back fromn brazil. again im just going from memory but i recall she met him in real life somehow, at a music store or thrift shop or something? some place where he was working and she would go to see him on occasion. i vivdly remember she had a few posts like "i saw piano boy again today when i was out with my mom" . does anyone else remember this or am i just imagining shit?
Richtr8 shows his face in every of his youtube videos/streams. 
this guys will never post a timestamped pic because he's just a disgusting larper.
How does markys last fm scrobble shit from 4chan and youtube etc?? i thought it only scrobbles shit from like itunes or ur music player
the russian does play piano, but i think piano boy refers to shed guy. like you said, she met russian guy almost a decade ago, and i’ve never seen the term piano boy until the shed guy era
lol. Sorry you and Kennedi got roped into this mess. And I feel bad for Marky for having that insane Russian guy and his friend try to make her feel insane too. Unfortunate overall.
but why would the russian push the narrative that he was cheated on by Marky and a literal tranny? it doesn't make much sense to me.
kek its just shed guys friend called in to do damage control to further absolve himself of betraying his friends trust to impress ken. kicking back enjoying all this scrambling frfr
yeah i think the same. 
why would his friend bait him? i also checked out this richtr8 guy and he's Australian, that's why in the screenies he mentiones that his friend Justin was going to visit him with the russian's money, but then he couldn't anymore when the paypig left marky.
the story is also coherent with the other leak from a different source. so there must be some truth to it.
no smoking gun was posted but the amount of coincidences and this aggressive denial every time new info has been posted is enough for me for now. the desperation is a little sus you didn't see that with the black model story and none of that added up like this does.
wtf is going on who the fuck is this ironic weeb zoomer
i just want marky to be active again and her legal nudes jfc
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which is worse?

1) being fucked, punched and cucked by a 30 yo obese kike when you are only 15
2) living as a sex slave in some thirld world  shithole for a fat pedo Brazilian
3) fucking on acid a mutt crossdresser faggot with pedophilic tendencies and a creepy haircut
the frantic denial from the obvious samefags in this thread and then someone being willing to timestamp is only making me believe this more

maybe it's possible richtr8 didn't know who his friend was irl, but i strongly doubt the russian was somehow pulling 9D chess just to fake himself being cucked by a random /mu/ tranny with already coincidental connections to marky
the only real way to confirm is to talk to the people actually involved. ken, ekat, the russian, marky, or shed guy himself somehow. out of these, i think only ken and ekat would respond, if that
Ekat would try to fuck with you. I mean, reminder that Ekat is the one who pushed Bianca into cheating on the guy that killed her. Ken would ignore it out of fear or send an essay about it that wouldn’t lead us anywhere further anyway.
you wouldn't be able to get a straight answer from any of them
the russian boogeyman and his mind control powers over egirls. please teach me your secrets master comrade!
FYI, the Russian and Ekat are currently on Reddit trying to manipulate the narrative on the war in Ukraine. I googled desuwa san and found this, along with an account ran by Ekat that Desu/Andrei/Russian shills, along with many of their sockpuppet accounts they use to try to make themselves seem more legit. 

Andrei’s reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/desuwa&#95;san

Ekat’s twitter where she claims to be a Russian insider working behind the scenes of the war in Ukraine (she used to say she worked for Cloudflare and then Tesla, compulsive liar like the Russian obviously): https://twitter.com/ekat&#95;kittycat

Andrei’s second Reddit account which he uses to back himself up in arguments and further shill Ekat’s twitter:  https://www.reddit.com/user/gary&#95;oldman&#95;sachs/

Ekat’s reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/ekat&#95;kittycat
the ekat account seems pro-ukraine, and is followed by some large ukrainian accounts and a few journalists too. i don't see anything about being a russian insider
She’s Russian, and Andrei claims on Reddit that she “seems to be” directly involved with the war efforts. They’re obviously against the war and see Ukraine as a victim though, yeah.
I could see that being the case if they weren’t posting constantly at very different rates and seemingly different timezones. I think they’re just both deeply fucked up people, and Ekat is likely male or just a very mentally ill woman
she/he seems to be on the ukrainian side, scroll through their replies on twitter, it's extensive and leans strongly towards being in ukraine. their followers also include mainstream BBC and CNN journalists, and i doubt they would follow a russian
trying to divert by talking about the russian's reddit account with some boring war posts? c'mon now
ekat and andrei are very likely different people, they both have held convos simultaneously in chats and talk completely differently iirc. best guess is that andrei is russian, and ekat is ukrainian that knew him. i also strongly doubt "ekat" is a woman, i don't remember them ever proving it
fair enough but focusing on them and claiming they made up shed guy or blaming them for shed guys friend leaking stuff is just lol retrocope
I still don't grasp why the russian would try so hard to prove that he had been cucked by a troon mutt? What would he gain from this, if not appearing as a cuck? We already know that marky fucked 2/10 looking ogres in her life. So none of this comes as a surprise to any Marky orbiter.
yet somehow she magically keeps showing up in all the logs involved, so either she is sharing more than known, or is just the unluckiest person in the world to constantly get her logs leaked across multiple people and years
are we supposed to believe he planned out katelynn is shed guy from the moment he "made up" the story and just dropped it now years later or did he notice all the strange coincidences and came up with that angle recently thinking katelynn was a good person to pin it on?
Andrei and Ekat worked for nearly two years to earn her trust, using Marky's word to seal the deal. Also, all these leaked logs are from the same time period of several months in 2020 where Marky and Ken were both trying to figure out what the fuck was going on, aren't they?
It's extremely obvious it was entirely Ekat leaking logs Ken shared with her in confidence as Ekat and Andrei had her convinced Marky was in danger and against her and all that other bullshit. Ken is socially stupid and easy to manipulate, so it was a piece of cake to get all that out there. Ekat/Andrei also leaked those old emails that Ken's ex had writte
Still, what would he gain from trying to prove that he is a cuck? makes no sense. And we already know that marky is a cheating whore, so her public image was already tarnished a long time ago. He would make a fool of himself without gaining anything.
so could richtr8 be ekat? or is ekat shed guy potentially? i'm pretty confused by the motives. 

i don't think the russian is anonymously playing chess 4 years later to convince everyone he was cucked by a specific tranny, so what's the play here?
No. Richtr8 is clearly just some autistic aussie who personally knew shed guy for years, and shed guy started confiding all kinds of insane sounding stories about Marky to him. Richtr8 can't make sense of it and isn't sure if it's real or not, gets desperate because he's not sure if his friend is losing his mind or actually in a weird situation, so he contacts Ken since he knew that Ken knows both shed guy and Marky and the Russian guy. Ken doesn't really know what's going on either, so Richtr8 tells Ken everything he knows about the situation as told by shed guy, then Ken asks Ekat or Andrei about it. 100% likely that Ekat/Andrei asked for screenshots of what she was asking about, she gave them because she's a naive moron, and they leaked them. I doubt they are the ones spreading this stuff years later, though. My guess is that they gave the screenshots to people years ago and for some reason some random anon they knew got bored and wanted to start posting it all now.
Also, Richtr8 hasn't been in contact with shed guy since this whole situation went up in flames, so I'm guessing Marky did her hot and cold thing, shed guy had a mental breakdown, then cut everyone off including richtr8.
so you’re suggesting the russian created 8+ alts/characters across multiple platforms, consistent over many years… just to shill 4 years later that he got cucked by a tranny from /mu/?
it’s clear from the panicked flurry of messages that someone is flustered at being discovered and is trying to divert everything on some omniscient masterplan by the russian (who conveniently is the only person not around anymore to be able to dispute it)
richtr8 definitely exists and is an autist obsessed with retro games and weeb shit.
another autist, friends with him, who goes by "justin" necessarily exists too. look up the screens, they bonded over n64 zelda games. there is no way desuwa have enough knowledge about nerd and weeb stuff to trick an actual autist.
I don't think that specific thing was true, because nothing else in those posts made by that anon was true. There was/is a guy who comes to post every so often to create a narrative that every single person Ken has ever been confirmed to speak to is in cahoots working against her in private. No one has ever actually been in contact with Ken's ex except her extremely close friends who she is still close to.
the way he describes him makes it sound like he knows him pretty well did the russian fake an entire captain sad faggot personality?  >>/27090/
pretty big coincidence it was a "girl" named katelynn getting involved in the drama with marky why would some /mu/ sperglord be named in this stuff back then if it was just the russian or someone else shitslinging?
which of these am i supposed to believe:

- marky fucked yet another 4chan weirdo who panicked at being discovered 

- the omnipresent russian super spy re-emerged from his slumber to drop his latest  masterpiece: convincing the people in “marky thread #12” that he got cucked by a tranny
Yeah, it's obvious it's the first one, not sure why anyone could cope by imagining it's made up by the Russian who somehow spent 3-4 years weaving this story with no truth to it.
I hope you are all either women or homosexuals because those are the only excuses for this sort of behavior.
Who cares about this stupid uneventful gossip about absolute nobodies?  All that matters is that Marky streams again, and if she doesn’t do that then there’s nothing to talk about.
The only thing people should be talking about is how to get Marky back, not this shit that is so repetitive, painfully boring and uninteresting.
I barely even know much about Marky and I don’t give a shit about any of this.  You have to be a serious loser to find this stimulating.
I would like to see Marky acknowledge the Jewish effects of her genome on her personality, instead of cowering about it.
she had sex with the russian super spy in 2019 too but shed guy already spilled the beans once and he looks like they kind of guy that would have to tell everyone that would listen he had sex with an actual female so its hard to say
she’s known the super spy on-off for a really long time, so i’d be surprised if 2019 was the first time they had sex. shed guy seems a bit more likely in that case
even girls aren't impervious to being groomed by discord trannies it seems cant believe they got marky
i would wanna hear his version of things i don't doubt he manipulated marky and ken and lurks still but it sounds like a lot of details have been left out or changed to make the egirls appear better
there IS a version of what happened from the russian guy himself. am i the only on whose been around for many years and remembers seeing it? I know for a fact that a screen shot has been posted before from the russian guy where he explains at length on social media everything that went down. its a few paragraphs if i recall. he addresses everything that occurred and talks about his master manipulator plan and how he weaved a web of lies to travel to U.S, and fuck marky, and then hopefully to fuck kennedi after (although the second part failed). from the beginning his goal was to manipulate and play both girls . he seemed like a really scummy and manipulative person.
accusations of grooming and of messing with kennedi via her ex... What exactly is the beef between applecat and katelynn if applecat is lying about this stuff?
I live in Connecticut about 90 miles from Marky's house. What do you think, should I drive there and ring the doorbell? Do I risk getting shot? (I know they have guns)
i’ve never seen anything like that, and it’s unlikely he ever would post anything. you’re probably confusing it with kennedi’s long posts on 4chan detailing everything
yeah, i don't really buy the whole celestial brain 4D master manipulator story tbh

most likely they were just drawn to his looks/money/efame/whatever, he pumped and dumped them without revealing much about himself, and they concocted some jealousy-tinged exaggeration of whatever lies he dropped. i wouldn't be too surprised if they secretly still interact with him
He caught all the blame for the marky vs Kennedi thing yet this applecat girl that has known katelynn for many years accused marky and Katelynn of harassing ken. sounds like she has some insight on all that drama and the connection between katelynn and marky
sounds like the ekat character could just be applecat, the motives certainly line up, and the speech style also seems similar. not sure though, most speculation seem to end up wrong
This applecat is a real known person not the 10th sock puppet of the russian mastermind. what was their problem with katelynn and marky years ago and if they're lying why? katelynn and marky together of all people?
besides there being pictures of her and her real name being known she was a regular user of /mu/ and rym for quite a while too much to fake and looking in the archives I don't see her spinning all kinds of lies about people or starting problems just this same accusation of grooming and hating katelynn and his friends.
idk, this is old and was just part of a series of things kennedi dumped on 4chan to try to prove she didn't fuck him. still it's the only actual text from the russian i've seen, yet it's pretty out of context compared to the other leaks
with the information available my take away is the girls are mad they got played, united over it and exaggerated this guys manipulation skills into being some genius secret agent when they were just too careless and catty enough to be pitted against one another.

These old accusations from applecat against marky and katelynn don't appear to be related to this russian guy in any way and implies they may have been up to some bad things during this time themselves
pretty funny everyone is suddenly samefagging about the russian boogeyman instead of digging into the katelynn thing at all
if we assume katelynn is shed guy the story is that marky cheated on the russian with him so she was in contact with shed guy and the russian at the same time during this period. if applecat is to believed perhaps marky and katelynn did things against ken based on the russians lies like  >>/4052/ says
the russian had nothing to do with katelynn's long lolcow history on /mu/, katelynn's paranoia against kennedi, or with marky's threats, which were made on his behalf based on that paranoia
ken knows all the details about his drama, including with applecat. like all his cringey diversions in this thread, he was paranoid at being discovered

scared of marky finding out his past, scared of being doxxed, i don't know. but this is what happened

> "she(Ken) is (a shitty person), she literally led someone on who flew out to see her. She then made up lies about them and has cheated on her ex too"
24 Nov 2020

was this katelynn?
his poor attempts at hiding the truth about his past only further instigated discussion of it and anyone with a functioning brain could see this stuff adds up
it's very obvious the entire russian puppetmaster story is a gross exaggeration being used to offload other people's blame and drama. from what i know, he doesn't even seem to be part of the /mu/ circle. goes back to this...  >>/27099/
I wonder why marky has always been such a shitty friend to every girl thats ever befriended her. she backstabbed ciara multiple times, maxie, kennedi, alice, and other girls in her art servers. its like she feels threatened by other girls.
> katelynn or his autistic lackey trying to divert again
this lad must have a few skeletons in his closet he doesn't want to be discovered. continue digging boys.
not sure what to believe when someone else from /mu/ at that time and seemingly unconnected to ekat or the russian was saying marky WAS against ken and that katelynn contacted ken's ex. did marky and shed guy do some bad stuff to ken and later blame it all on the russian and his lies about his identity?
sometimes I cant beleive we are actually trying to piece together some really old, pointless drama in the life of some random internet characters that once interacted with an aging, failed 20 something egirl that a small group of us are obsessed with for no reason. its starting to feel really pathetic guys.
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katelynn's friend he posted about here  >>/26794/ is a well known pedo apparently. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/lucas-bedroom

This is same guy applecat says katelynn introduced her to that groomed her at age 14 and that katelynn was aware it was happening
why the fuck do people keep coming here to talk about these literal whos? can't you keep your shitty drama to your containment board/server?
just make a thread for her exs if you care so much about them
what are you gonna do next, talk about their dick sizes? it's all you're missing
ooops nvm sorry i see now  >>/27213/
what came out of this? i saw ghetto smosh is doing streams with josie etc but did he ever call uot sam on the stream or is just friends with them now for the clout and forgetting he posted that

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