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she was old enough to shave her vegana apparently. i'm working with the paint on the walls and placement of the mirror to guestimate the progression of time
i think we can all agree she is not ugly. amanda, if you're reading this, you're not ugly so no need for that makeup. it's bad for your skin
i used to have the opinion that it's all bad but i have changed my views to "the best makup is the one you can't see"
anyway, it's objectively bad for your skin and you sometimes end up in a positive feedback loop. that's why freckles are based, you literally need facepaint to hide those so it's for the best you don't
thirdies and their idea of what blonde is. maybe this is considered """blonde""" in apezillia. jesus christ, do i really need to upload pics of what a natural blonde woman actually looks like? i've spent 6 years in class with one and her personality was a total abomination. she had a bunch of hair on her arms and face but it was really light so it went under the radar, mostly
new wordlers, man. total waste of time trying to argue with these "people". fyi i live in north-western europe, so this mongrel rethoric i'm not used to it
fuck me, you really don't know what blonde actually looks like. see OP where i presume she doesn't have dyed hair and then tell me with a straight face that is blonde
glad i don't share a continent with you mongrels where you can just make shit up
if this  >>/28008/ is blonde then i'm an albino
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There are few shades of blonde you know that? Not every blonde person looks like a fucking albino as yourself, and she's Brazilian, she is blonde in Brazil as she is everywhere else, maybe europeans are bunch of bastards who thinks only platinum hair is considered blonde, but the fact is, she not brunette or redhead, she's blonde
ok, you really are a mongrel. this i would call light brown at best. anyway, the discussion was about her pubes, or lack thereoff. with that hair colour, no, it's not super light, 100% razor blades
i think we can all agree she's not ugly, but honesly, if you think that is blonde, ffs. i almost want to upload my childhood pics
eating disorder? who even has called her fat, if anything everyone here is praising her beauty and some saying she's actually nice. having your nudes shared isn't ideal but there is a reason they are getting shared, and having a thread dedicated to you i'd think it's a massive ego boost. i suppose being pretty is both a blessing and a curse, i'd start to question everything if half the people were after my face and face only
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I really-really loove the way freckles encircle on her lips, slowly diffusing in. Never seen such IRL. She's the cutest chick among living on this board right now. Can't tell what sort of sick minds enable ugly brown bitches that always float on the top of catalog. Shouldn't beauty be celebrated in this place?
> who knows the best angles for selfies
just like every woman. still looks alright even in your cherrypicked pictures where she is supposed to be ugly. i'm aware these are old but judging by pic 2, how did she grow a nose?
luv strong noses me

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