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She is at the best of times a delicate little flower, and the closest friend (and possibly only person she loved) has died. The timing is obvious, the second her friend dies, she shut everything down and went edgy goth. She does not have the emotional fortitude to handle that and had a break down. She may or may not recover from this. 

The tone in her social media is different from the bright and cherry Agatha we've seen before. It shows a lot of cynicism and lack of optimism. Then you add these annoying "old fans" who follow her around and it just annoys her even more and feeds into her morose cynicism about the world.

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didn't find her new social media,suspended accounts,did she delete everything?

She reminds me of this beautiful girl with green eyes and ashblond hair that used to go to my highschool,she started as a feminist and evolved into a nonbinary turbodyke,  cut her long hair short like a boy and looks like you would expect her to look

pic related

we barely knew anything about her other than surface level stuff. she was very cute but she was definitely already not normal before her friend died. she probably wanted to dress like this for a long time


She was autistic and very sheltered. That meant she was childlike and had very limited life experience. The only person she was friends with was another sick girl she met through those sick girl meetup groups. With her death she had no way to handle that psychologically and had a break.

so now she has more emotional intelligence, lives away from her parents, can finally do anything she wants, and grew into her looks. this is all good. i'll never understand the spazzing over her simply growing up.


Uh, I don't think what she's doing is healthy and I don't think has the mental fortitude to handle anything like that. She was always childish and immature and she is still immature and flipping to the exact opposite with a mopey nihilistic cynicism. She needs serious therapy and guidance which I don't think she got.

> i'll never understand the spazzing over her simply growing up.
Because "growing up" somehow invariably translates to "get tattoos and piercings, drink and do drugs, and fuck 50 guys". It NEVER translates to actually developing as a person.

makeup isn't a sign of mental illness boomer

> fuck 50 guys
this is your own weird thought your projecting onto her. there's nothing indicating she's having sex. even if she is. it doesn't matter or make her a bad or mentally ill person

what the hell are you talking about? i'm not defending sluts. agatha isn't a slut even if she's having sex. that wouldn't make her a slut. being a slut is fucking 50 guys yeah but theres nothing showing agatha does that. is everyone who's ever had sex a slut to you? thats most people that have ever lived and died


That's possible. It's very trendy with progressives because they believe in Queer theory which states that male-female is a fake dichotomy. It's basically just modern day goths but with permanent changes.

Elle's death didn't even happen until months after she'd already shut everything down, so that wasn't the reason for it. The harassment was a big part of it, along with the fact that she felt she could not accurately express herself through youtube videos and had naturally outgrown her channel over time and wanted to move on to other things. She said all of this in her goodbye video.
She changed or deleted those accounts after they were posted on 8ch and a bunch of people all followed her at once.
I don't remember that. In the tumblr posts she mentions still living with her family and wanting to drop out of school and apply for government assistance. Of course, that was several years ago now.

Agatha was clearly deeply affected by Elle's suicide, as I'm sure you can imagine having your best friend kill themselves would not be an easy thing to deal with, and it seems as though she's taken on aspects of Elle's personality as a coping mechanism. I really don't think she's deserving of the vitriol some direct toward her for the way she chooses to present herself now, just because she is not the person they want her to be, a person that never really was. Yes, she is struggling with her mental health, but there is nothing "wrong" with that and she deserves sympathy and not scorn.

> Agatha was clearly deeply affected by Elle's suicide, 

Suicide? This is the first I've heard of this. Did Ellie off herself because of her long term condition? I just thought it was a natural death.

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yes, though they didn't say that publicly until later. when it first happened they said only that she had 'succumbed to her illness' or something. but there were rumors back then that she had OD'd on pills. apparently Elle's mother wrote a book about it. Agatha posted this on her tumblr last year.

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her instagram was posted back on 8ch iirc. it is private now and the pic posted from there is just from her pfp. it was said that there was an anon who had managed to follow it before it was private and maintain access by deactivating his account so he could not be removed as follower, periodically reactivating to see new posts. idk if that was really true, or if it still is, though. I won't post the name of her instagram since she does not accept follow requests anyway and i'm sure a bunch of lurkers here will spam her with them.

the only things she has on her facebook are a few pictures all of which have already been posted, so there's no point in sharing that either, though it is under the same name she uses on her other accounts.

At a certain point this becomes e-stalking and harassment. You have to accept that when someone wants to be a private citizen and you have to respect those wishes. She had a fledgling youtube career then stopped. She isn't coming back and her brain is probably broken.

different anon but this is pretty stupid. it's a private account that someone allegedly manipulated their way into being able to follow. this doesn't make the account public. i think that definitely counts as harassment too and as much as i like aggie i don't want her to be upset just so we can get more pics from her. i dont believe the story about the guy deactvating anyway though fwiw, seems like someone just wanting to scare her

only retards think they can relate to agatha or any of these girls lol. you aren't a cute girl diagnosed with autism with many talents and quirks. You're an ugly kissless loser with self diagnosed autism to cope with being a failure. We're all the same.

Correct. They're all just damaged women. They're only treated well by other people because they're women. If they were autistic retarded guys, everyone would be disgusted by them. But since they're autistic retarded women, they get large audiences just for existing.

Agatha, if you're reading this, your feet are extremely erotic. You could easily live off of selling feet pics alone.
Check this video out. This woman is only 23 and makes 5k a month just off of feet pics\vids. (She also has big sexy feet like yours)

Frankly I'm surprised people arent unironically working on meeting these egirls.
I mean, they live on the same planet, so its technically possible to one day meet them. There's not much stopping any of us from even dating them one day.

that is how jay bagged ciara, actually. he saw her nudes on /b/ and r9k, realized that they both lived in the same state, and then found out what target she worked at, and started frequenting it in hopes of asking her out. it worked. (then she died)

> why is it cute when a girl does it
It's not, outside of your own head. You think it'd be cute only because it's never happened to you and you want to feel desired. There's also the fact that women are inherently less violent than men, so if a woman stalks a man, he wouldn't feel as frightened in the first place.

First girl has a masochism fetish. Fetishes are inherently sexual so obviously only people she's attracted to could fulfill the fetish. It's the same with men. Second girl is just retroactively coping with a situation she wishes she hadn't been in. She was with an shitty bf despite him not even being super attractive and she stayed with him for longer than she should have. She'd be saying this no matter how attractive he was anyway. 

Neither have anything to do with stalking. If a man like being stalked just because a girl is doing it, that man is a fucking moron and a slave to his dick, and putting himself at risk for what he sees as an opportunity for pussy. No self respect or spine.

Stalking victims face disproportionate rates of assault, rape, and murder, regardless of sex. The likelihood of harm is higher with female victims because men are more violent than women, but there's still risk in being stalked as a man. Most men aren't desperate with low enough standards to have a fantasy about being stalked by women. Same with rape fantasies and masochism, most women don't have low enough self esteem to wanna feel raped in order to feel desirable. 
Male celebrities have body guards and protective forces too you know. Only the lowest of low want to be stalked.

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Nothing I say is gonna change your mind cause you just wanna rationalize and excuse this behavior. This shit has been around for decades. I could show you a thousand examples and you'd find any reason to discount them all.
Go ahead, let me know why these chicks outright SAYING it somehow "dont count". Really, let's see what you come up with. My bet is on you deflecting and changing topics now that I called you out.

Does anyone know what happened in the mod team for her discord server and twitch channel? She made some angry tweets about how they betrayed her before she went awol but I never heard what actually went down.

She trusted some individuals and they were leaking her information to others and being perverted toward her in other forums. Someone showed her the posts and she confronted them about it. They confessed their undying love for her and begged her not to leave. That's pretty much it. She put her trust in older guys that were protecting her to score points and she only ever saw them as friends. Think about it like this, one of your dad's friends is nice to you, so you think he's your friend only to find out he secretly faps to you and wants to rape you. There was one guy, whoollyshocks or something. I remember him the most. Dude was a prick and he kept banning anyone who talked to Agatha during her livestreams. When word finally got back to her, he acted like he was trying to protect her when he was just jealous that some random anon made her laugh a little too much. He sent me a message once like a week after I was banned from her twitch chat, while I was in another stream telling me why I was banned, so I told him he was full of shit and he went off trying to argue with me like an autist. Then weeks go by. I'm not even watching her livestreams anymore and he just randomly messages me accusing me of shit, lmao. Dude was totally a nutbar.

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Speaking of whoolly. I think I stumbled upon Whoollyshocks instagram some months ago. The reason I think this is because I saw some of Agatha's art on his insta. He's also one of the few people that is following Agatha on there. His profile said he's German, and whoolley was known to be a kraut.

He is the person I pictured him to be all these years, some balding 40 something year old man.

Bruh what are the chances this dude is just creepshotting her?
Glad to see her outfit is still very much like her, Although it is somewhat concerning that her chest appears to be flat now, but it could just be a shirt.
My guess is she's either working as a waitress or a hairdresser.

> giselle
> their
Hoo boy. I remember her insta description was "Giselle Claire and the Telomeres" or something, that might be relevant.
Also, why do trans individuals always pick the WORST names for themselves? Out of all the names, why pick Giselle. Not only is it also a womans name, but also Agatha is a great name.
Anyway, thank you for reporting back here with her new content.
> piercings
So it's possible our waitress guess was off. Perhaps she's working on some kind of piercing\tattoo store.
> aerial silks
My dude, you're telling me Agatha performs shit like that? I gotta get me a cheap flight to chicago real quick.

I think it could also be a Jewelry store. The mention of "white gold" without elaborating further on what that is makes me think so, there's also a mention of a gallery and jewelry stores have galleries to put their jewelry on display.

This business seems to have an online presence, hopefully someone could find this on yelp through process of elimination or something.

Good point, good point. That could tie in the piercings too, since they're considered jewelry. What about the aerial silks though? According to google, that's that gymnast dance thing.
Does anyone know where she lives now? I heard she's not in chicago anymore. I dont mind combing online through the businesses in the area.

I think it's an art museum/shop/gallery thing. Galleries are more for art than they are for jewelry. It is also known that she has actively posted art on her Instagram and tumblr, and this person  >>/9279/ has referred to her as an artist on his Instagram.

As for where she lives, well. Her parent's house has five bedrooms, and she has for sure moved in with them in mid 2018 when they bought the house. According to Facebook, With the exception of Sabina, all of her siblings still live in Northbrook. You can make of that what you will.

She's probably been depressed for over a decade, and Elle was just the last straw. Thankfully though it seems that spending time away from public social media has calmed her down a bit. I dont think she'll sudoku anytime soon, as getting to that point usually requires being in a very critical state, and she's not quite at that point.

Different anon here. At the risk of sounding like a faggot, just for one second try to empathize with Agatha. She doesn't want to be posted and she's taken extreme measures to try to ensure she doesn't get posted anymore. Now she's being posted despite all that. You can easily assume she's extremely distressed and paranoid, more than she very obviously already was. He is doing harm to her already without laying a finger on her. I like Agatha and seeing her, but obviously new content comes with the fact of her being hurt. I don't like that.

someone else being someone from r9k, they are writing to Agatha but she isn't the audience. They've given enough clues to find where she works/lives. As for the something, they want to hurt her but they don't want to do it themselves or it would have already been done.

It's only a theory, but if they gave out the address more than likely someone would call or get her fired before a dedicated schizo could get to her or maybe they're only trying to scare her so they can keep her from moving forward in her life. I wouldn't be surprised if whoolley is the one posting her pictures.

The most likely scenario is that she's sharing them with people she trusts, and they are being leaked through one way or another (see the Kennedi thread). You're effectively asking her to just never trust anyone ever again, to never share photos with friends again, to never have a social life, to be completely self-contained and shut off from literally everyone. Thinking that's "her choice" and she's just getting what she deserves because of that is fucking insane, and just not true.

I second that

> victim blaming
dude, wtf do you expect her to do, become a reclusive jewish nun or something? her social media are heavily guarded and she has a limited number of followers. she's already wary to the point of paranoia. given the circumstances, she's got the right to post whatever she wants without being harassed or stalked any further. it's not her fault if one of her followers is a schizo and a double-crossing piece of shit.

I was trying to suggest that she may be okay with it being posted. Because wherever she is posting it, to whoever, she must be comfortable with it.

How many of her close friends browse 4chan /r9k/ How many of her close friends know someone who browses 4chan /r9k She's probably sharing it to someone she barely or doesn't know.

Weird typo, I'll repost.

How many of her close friends browse 4chan r9k? How many of her close friends know someone who browses 4chan r9k? She's probably sharing it to someone she barely or doesn't know.

the only thing you can know for sure is that she's comfortable to share some pictures with a restricted and selected number of friends. that's it. everything else is just an assumption and ultimately a way to pass responsibility from those who harm to the one who's harmed. you cannot know if she's comfortable with her pics and infos being shared outside her circle of friends, although it's very unlikely given what happened to her in the past and how concerned she became about her privacy. in any case, without any explicit statement on her part, it's not for you to decide what she would or wouldn't be ok with.

> If she's sharing it with someone who browses 4chan
She had anyone who so much as referenced a meme that was popular on 4chan permanently banned from her stream chat and discord server. She isn't wittingly sharing it with any channer.

I think he has a disabled account that he re-enables to see her stuff and then he disables it again so she can’t remove him. He was following her account long before she got suspicious and started removing people.

Doubt thats the case since Instagram doesn't let you deactivate again until over a week after reactivation. It's more likely that there's a snake among people she's trusted for a long time. That's what has happened to some other girls here, sometimes years later.

Since December, I have seen her follower count go up and down again. Sometimes it would happen multiple times a week. I think she has been removing multiple people.

What I think happened is maybe he reactivated his account, saved all he could, got removed, and is now slowly releasing everything.

My question is why is he doing this? Taking pictures of her, posting them on 4chan, why? Is it to prove to people how dedicated he is while using r9k as his personal diary?  Two birds with one stone?

I seriously don't believe that theory that he's trying to lure someone to hurt her now, what is it then? What does he get out of this?

Also, I think I was right about her working at a jewelry store. There seems to be things on display by the register, typical of jewelry stores.

Oh fuck that really does look like a creepshot.
> You don't know me yet
> yet
Bruh this is going too far. I'm not a moralfag by any means, but this seems to be too much.
Dude, if you're reading this, you're going too far in your obsession. Stop before anything bad happens

Dude is just trying to troll and show off that he has pics and info that no one else does. He obviously found these pics on social media and didn't actually take them himself.

She isn't looking at the camera in any of these photos, they were clearly taken without her knowledge.

In the latest one the photo was clearly taken from a customers perspective. 

Do you think there is a friend of hers that she lets take pictures of her while she's working for some reason?

The pic in  >>/9768/ is exactly like the cropped pic of Sunny at work that someone got from instagram and posted here and made her think she was being stalked. Customers take photos in businesses all the time and post on social media, and these photos are most likely just cropped to make it look like she's the focus. If you can find out where she works I bet you will be able to find the full photos on social media.

awful. my guess is that it's not an irl stalker but someone who's been diligently stalking her work's social media pages along with her family's social media. he's gathered some important details about her everyday life and has figured out how to make her *think* she's being followed irl. 

IMO i think she works at a body piercing place and not just a regular jewelry store. these places try hard to be hip and trendy so it makes sense they'd film the establishment for social media. the pics of her at work all look like screenshots from a video.

i do think this guy is dangerous and probably making her freak out but i'm hoping it's just an obsessive guy who was able to get details and wants to feel powerful and connected to her by intimidating her like this. we've seen it before, with markyfan and tom, and ken's schizo nazi stalker 

agatha, if you lurk here, i'm sorry. i know i'm hurting by posting here too

Why do you think he's dangerous if that's the case? Why would he be posting it on 4chan where nobody has seen or replied to it five times in a row? does he think Agatha herself browses the 4chan archives? Or maybe he knows it's getting linked here? This site is even more obscure than 4chan though.

> Why do you think he's dangerous if that's the case? 
because he's clearly spying on her family and probably friends, and even if he can't/won't hurt her physically he is currently hurting her psychologically and is going to continue to. i think he assumes/knows agatha name searches on the archives, but he also probably lurks here. tbh wouldn't surprise me if he's the one linking his posts here

> This site is even more obscure than 4chan though.
and yet googling these women's names, endchan is on the front page for each one while 4chan archives aren't.

You guys are thinking too logically. These kinds of stalker guys will post publicly for the sole reason of bragging about it. You're thinking he'd only post it of she saw or something, but in reality he's likely just posting to talk about it.

If Agatha's work has an instagram account, he must have access to multiple social medias then because I doubt  >>/9657/
is work related, this looks like something that would belong on one of her private accounts.

I'm beginning to grow confident with what I said here  >>/9719/ I believe this had to do with Agatha removing him. He was probably one of the followers Agatha removed in her removing spree, he got emotional, and this is what he is doing in response.

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To further add to what I'm saying, this filename says Halloween. Last Halloween was around 4 months ago. That pic isn't brand new, that picture was something he was holding onto. Something happened that made him want to do this.

whatever his motives are, he's clearly unstable and potentially dangerous. I'm an old fag, and I remember that on the old board an anon was obsessed with her to the point that he had recreated a map of her house. I wonder if it's the same person.
do you think agatha might be aware of his existence? if not, is there any way to warn her?

> I know you claimed yourself to be a lesbian while watching your streams in 2017, I've been taking hormones for that Agatha. I'm turning myself into a girl 

lol, he is like the killer of the silence of the lambs

i'm not the anon leaking but you all suck at this so bad, she'll never remove me because my profile is organic to her interests and i can hide it from her as well. the leaks here are easily found on google because you idiots don't put spoilers on anything to hide the image. i fully expect her to just abandon social media altogether soon because the few of you who are complete retards at this are scaring the shit out of her just to impress a bunch of other retards here. this girl was already teetering on the edge and you just keep doing shit like this to give her anxiety and make her hate us. just leave her be. she would have never stopped with the asmr if it wasn't for this shit and she was planning on being more open with her interests in art so you wouldn't even have had to stalk her. if you're curious to know, she actually did get death threats and weird as fuck messages from stalkers who wanting to marry her. then you had all her new guy friends she made online pine over her after she found out they were posting nasty shit about her on threads just like this. just stop for real. she now knows about this board

Nobody on 4chan seemed to acknowledge the leaks, people are only talking about them here. I don't think they'll spread. /R9k/'s orbiting phase is over. now I heard. It's way more calmer now than say 3 years ago. I understand your aggravation though. 

Giselle, if you are reading this, the moderators on the board where you have been posted have been banning people for posting you and other girls. It is true, they call them "meetup", "camwhore", ect threads and say they aren't allowed. Any orbiter thread that gets traction will last a couple hours at most until getting deleted by the mods.

hi whoolly, you certainly sound like the most retarded of them all despite all your pontificating.

if she leaves social media for good, all the better for her, although it's sad that it had to come to this. at least now she probably knows about her stalker as well, and even if I can only barely imagine how scared and distressed she must feel, being aware of that creep she will hopefully be able to protect herself. that's what concerned me the most, if she leaves the internet that's nothing to me.

What? No, this is bad. Her knowing and shutting everything down means nobody will get to see new photos and videos of her. Over what? One person? How many obsessed people has she had to deal with? She needs to know that there aren't as many orbiters as there were, and it's safer now more than ever. I've been hoping for her to come back and do asmr again

while i do agree to some extent, i find it funny how you try to flaunt your position as a follower of hers at the same time.
"look at me, she will never find out who i am because, I am the mightiest of them all". talk about double standards

> it's safer now more than ever
he said, while agatha was being stalked by a schizo

> I've been hoping for her to come back and do asmr again
you must be very naive, never give up on your dreams *thumb up*

> nobody will get to see new photos and videos of her
tough luck, but I don't care

Are you the one who made those posts on r9k? Can you apologize to Agatha and say you were joking so she could start letting people follow her back? My friend had access to her account and they don't have access to it anymore because of you.

Giselle if you are reading this, could you please let my friend follow you? He doesn't mean no harm, he's just a fan.

It seems to me most stalkers are white incels. The only hispanic stalker I can think of is Ricardo Lopez who died 25 years ago. Is stalking really a thing with them or are you just trying to find a reason to be racist?

> living alone
> I would never hurt you
> EatingDinner
Is that pic taken through a window or a door?

Also, if the person who makes these threads is reading this, please stop. I understand you're passionate about Agatha, but you're going too far. There is a lone you shouldnt cross, and you're crossing it right now. This is legally stalking.
Please stop before anything bad happens to anyone. It's not worth it.

First thing that popped in my mind was sliding glass door. People usually have them as entrances to their backyards.

Everything about this is unfortunate. While this guy did posted some new content. I really wanted Agatha to come back and do ASMR videos,now I don't think that's going to happen any time soon.

This guy is actually insane, he should stop immediately. Btw I am 100 percent sure the other recent photos of her were creepshots and not from insta or some website. This new one doesn’t even look like a public place. He is going too far

I don't think that's him. I think that's a copycat. Agatha's stalker always posted new pictures along with his post. Nothing about that post is new. It also wouldn't make sense for Agatha's stalker to post the day after he said he was going to stop posting on 4chan.

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Does anyone know how to get this webm from archived r9k threads? It seems like a vid I've never seen before. Pic related is the thumbnail.

> markyfan and tom
Who are they, and is either or both one and the same as a 64 yr. old from NZ?

curious bc it feels I might be involved where I no longer want to be, was a little late to the party and naive to the idea of an egirl counter-obsessing over and counter-cyberstalking their longtime fan. I could be very wrong, but would just like to get to the point where I don't actually care.

Any info concerning my question so I can pls move on, ty.

i need more of these. ngl, i would throw so much money at quality agatha porn made using deepfake technology. just imagine hiring some young girl to do asmr porn dressed as agatha and deepfaking agatha onto her. the problem with these deepfakes is there is no innocence. agatha had this innocence about her in her videos and porn of her discovering herself and losing that innocence would be hot as fuck. all her videos would be like a first time trying something and we could build up to her getting railed in later videos

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There's this artist called Alef who makes really good Agatha art, and fairly regularly too. I really like his art style. He is likely one of the few people who makes fresh new Agatha content these days, so check him out.

No matter how many years go by, I still remember her as that pure beauty, which I could see from the beautiful shine of her eyes...
Where was that pure beauty agatha, now giselle...
Because most women lose that beautiful sheer glow just past 18?....

I can see pain and sadness in your eyes, but I also see you Corrupted in the innocence that you had for years...
I still remember you, I used to see you and be on the discord there, timidly silent because my English was deficient and I couldn't communicate fluently...
If only I had had more fluidity like now maybe and just maybe, you would have been my friend, a true friend agatha/Giselle..

Wherever she is now, I wish her the best and... For the love of God, that she stop mutilating herself by filling herself with perforations...
it's  not healthy for her mind and body,me in my fkn 30s i never had that horrible things and neither tattos..

Sending prayers for her,she really need it.

So, how was everyone's Christmas?
I got some nice gifts and some money. One person made a special cake as their gift. But what I really appreciate is all my family and friends spreading joy.
What about you guys?

Ideally, I'd raise my daughter to not be the type who attention whores online. And she'd be the type who'd act accordingly if she got any shit online.
Also, on this subject, I could be wrong, but IIRC Jessi got push back because she was openly provoking people online, though tbf she was like 10 at the time.
I also suspect that her parents had a hand in fucking her up mentally, which again leads me to my first point about raising my hypothetical daughter properly.
Honestly, if parents just gave a tiny shit about their kids' well being, none of this stuff would even happen. Agatha's parents are probably a bit out there mentally, too. We know her mom is for sure. (her dad doesn't attention whore online lol)

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had dream about Aggie. Her and her family were doing some quartet singing an I threw a grapping hook up the building to meet her and she told me to fuck off and I started singing Neutral Milk Hotel to myself.

i'm deleting my agatha image folder after 6 or 7 years. keeping my video folder tho, some really funny stuff in there.
anyway i'm pretty sure a lot of people don't know about this so i'm sharing it https://youtube.com/watch?v=I2S5QS7MFhE
you can spot 14yo aggie at
> 0:22-0:30 among the students
> waiting in line again at 21:46 and receives her diploma at 22:02-22:14
> then again among the students at 23:11-23:32

goodbye and i wish nothing but the worst to you all

Thank you very much for the share. She's gone back to her classic hairstyle and isn't overly preening her eyebrows anymore, so she's probably doing a lot better regarding her mental health. I'm very glad to see it.

The character she played in her vids, and 18+? I would drown her uterus with my thick seed. I would unload gallons upon gallons deep inside her. I would hold both of her hands and make out with her while madly pounding my hips, smashing our pelves together.
Neo Aggy? Probably not, especially considering her "fashion". Though I'd like to get a gauge on her overall new personality.
It seems a lot of egirls purposefully do their best to make themselves unappealing, often dropping in quality by like 3 points.

Lol can't believe this place still exists lmao. Why are you autists still so obssesed with this bitch? It's been over 7 fucking years, for fuck's sake, move on. She grew up and became a generic feminist roastie, she hates us and told us to fuck off. That girl from those videos is long dead and it's not coming back, get over it already. It's over.

Lol can't believe this place still exists lmao. Why are you autists still so obssesed with this bitch? It's been over 7 fucking years, for fuck's sake, move on. She grew up and became a generic feminist roastie just like all of them, she hates us and told us to fuck off. That girl from those videos is long dead and it's not coming back, get over it already. It's over.

I personally like the idea of a girl who is just a kind pleasant goofy idiot who I could enjoy spending time with. And the character she played in those vids kinda fits that. Seeing that type of girl warms my heart. That's why I personally follow her.
Also L for you posting twice.

I'm only "obsessed" because I haven't found a girl like that IRL. You see, the appeal of Agatha's character is that she provides the illusion of something that doesn't accessibly exist IRL. It's like single people watching romance media, it fills the hole.

Get the fuck out of here and back to reddit. I'm so fucking tired of you retards always saying the exact same kind of line.
> I do X to cope with being single
> Heh, doing X is WHY you're single
Okay retard, then why were they single in the first place, before doing X? Keep in mind that rapists, drug addicts, psychopaths, and guys who violently beat their partner, all have tons of gfs.
This faggot is really saying that autists going "I really wanna hold hands with Aggy and give her my affection" is what's making them single.
Next you'll tell people to work on their personality, take a shower, and touch grass. Go fuck yourself.

Nobody here actually has gfs (or healthy social relationships for that matter). And even considering telling a gf about this website suggests autism.
So no, you shouldn't tell her. You should be quiet about anything that'll make you look bad to her.

There's nothing to hide, it's just an autistic interest. It's like saying someone is "hiding" that they watch a youtube channel.
> Honey... I've been hiding this from you for years now... but the truth is that I watch fucking Vsauce and Jschlatt. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
Not to mention, how would she even find out (as if there's anything to "find").

Except you know that most people would be real disturbed if they learned of the extent of our obsessions. Not at all the same as simply not telling someone about a youtube channel you like. Having thousands of pics, vids, and hours spent talking and thinking about a teenage girl would frighten most people. It's a big part of our lives and there's a reason we don't go telling everyone about it, meanwhile normies have interests and obsessions they get to freely talk about because they're not stalking people. Idk.

I get what you're saying, but by the same logic, normies who follow celebrities are equally as "disturbed". And realistically, the only difference is perception. Celebrity obsession is considered normal because it's common, but it's basically the same shit.
> ZOMG! Mikayla Naveah Mae shat herself in the red gala and her ex Caleb Aurora Riley ated the poopoo out her asshole yum yum. Click here for full article
You gonna tell me this shit's normal? You gonna tell me the people who consume that content AREN'T the scum of the earth?
No, they're pieces of shit. Again, the only difference is how common it is.
Normies are braindead fucking herd animals, so they'll blindly accept anything the social group accepts, and will hate anything the group hates.
Look, as long as it isn't a problem and nobody is being harmed, don't stress about it.

> normies who follow celebrities are equally as "disturbed"
Really a false equivalent. These girls are not celebrities. Probably the biggest point to make here. Some of these girls never even posted themselves onto image boards and didn't want followings. Some of them have spent years trying to get us to stop caring about them. Meanwhile, celebrities profit off tabloid gossip, have entire security teams protecting them and their homes, and enjoy being in the public eye. 

Even so, yeah normies like gossip, and so do we, but normies who gossip about celebs and follow them on insta don't go to the lengths that most posters here do with posting every single day about specific celebs who they think of every single day, and their admiration for celebrities doesn't involve intentional invasions of privacy and compulsive hoarding of pics/vids. 

If you want to keep the comparison to celebrity fanom, a more accurate specifric comparison would be https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricardo_L%C3%B3pez_(stalker)
> He had poor self-esteem, was socially reclusive, and he eventually developed an obsession with Björk in 1993, hoping to be engaged with her; he was particularly angry over her brief relationship with the English musician Goldie. 
> He began gathering information about her life, followed her career, and wrote her numerous fan letters.[3] Initially, López cited her as his muse and said that his infatuation gave him a "euphoric feeling".[2] As time passed, his fixation became all-consuming and he grew more disconnected from reality.[2] In his diary, López wrote of longing to be accepted by Björk and to be a person who had "an effect on her life".[3] He fantasized about inventing a time machine to travel to the 1970s and befriending her as a child.[3] His fantasies about Björk were not sexual; in his diary, he wrote, "I couldn't have sex with Björk because I love her."
> López's diary grew to 803 pages, with passages about his thoughts on Björk and his feelings of inadequacy due to being overweight, his disgust and embarrassment about his gynecomastia, and his inability to get a girlfriend.

Hmm I'm not sure. They might claim to not want followings or attention, but they often make attention-fishing posts online, so I'm inclined to not believe them when they say that. They probably do enjoy being in the public eye.
You're right that many posters do go above how normies do with celebrities, but you gotta account for the unironic autism factor there.
And yes, I'll definitely agree that stalkers take things way too far. Though now I'm wondering, could stalking be eliminated if we just got these guys gfs? Something to think about.

> could stalking be eliminated if we just got these guys gfs? 
No. 99.99999999999% of lonely people don't end up like this. The obsession extends far beyond tfw no gf. It has more to do with escapism and idealism. The fantasy is better than reality for these people, which is why they tend to fixate on specific girls who they've never met. It's easier to idealiz them and project onto them. So even when they say "I want a girlfriend," usually what they really want is based on a completely skewed vision, and reality would leave them disappointed and bored and disillusioned. The idea of a gf is much more comforting than actually having to talk to people, go out, buy things, get dressed, take care of yourself, maintain a job, do stressful adult things. The standard case on this board and with similar people is usually that we're dissatisfied with reality and want to escape and daydream. 

Obviously I'm guilty of some of this, as someone posting here. So I'm not trying to talk down to you or anyone else. I've gotten better with some therapy though and I'm ashamed of things I've said and done in relation to this part of my life.

> they often make attention-fishing posts online
I understand thinking this way, but people who use social media are almost doing so without wanting to amass a following. Some people want to be influencers with power over people and be showered in attention, but most people just want to share parts of their life and post photos of themselves to keep memories, stay in touch with friends, and meet new people online to be friends with. Definitely not the case for a lot of the girls posted here yknow, but it is for some of them. And with Agatha in particular, since this is her thread, I think it's safe to say that she never wanted a cult of obsession surrounding her. She was a lonely shut-in and her tumblr followers encouraged her to start streaming, so she did, sharing hobbies and feeling less lonely while talking to the chat. Ultimately the cult following is exactly why she left for good.

This is a surprisingly insightful post, I agree with your points. I've never really thought about the concept of the idea of a gf in their head being better than a real situation. This seems related to when stalkers freak out when the woman they're stalking gets a boyfriend or something. Their idea of them is shattered, and thus they lose their source of comfort.
Still though, I'm still thinking that part of the reason why men like that "give up" on normal relationships is because women kinda make things harder than they have to be, when it comes to dating. Maybe those men wouldn't obsess if they just had a 3/10 from the start, who they could be happy with.
Yeah that's a fair post.

> Maybe those men wouldn't obsess if they just had a 3/10 from the start
I don't think so, otherwise getting a gf would cure them of this way of thinking. It's a sort of chicken-or-the-egg deal but everything I've seen points to it not actually having to do with tfw no gf at all. Long before puberty even starts, people like us tended to already feel totally alienated from our peers. Didn't matter what gender they were, what their interests were, or anything like that. We felt like we were different and didn't belong, and I think most of us probably had overactive imaginations. I can say with a high feeling of confidence that I bet you "escaped" into books, video games, comics, and eventually maybe porn, internet chatting/posting. Literally anything to distract ourselves is what we tend to value the most in the moment. Even these long posts are a way to detach ourselves from lived experience and real emotion for a moment, it's like mini dissociation where we get to treat ourselves and others like science projects under a microscope. Anyway. My point here is that "tfw no gf" is mostly a coping mechanism. We are dissatisfied with our lives. We crave affection and attention and care and love. We want to be saved, sometimes. We try to figure out where things went wrong and why, at what moment, where. The truth is that life is hard and complicated, and never are we miserable for one specific reason. But coming up with a reason and feeling like you can point at it and say "THAT'S why I'm miserable, that's why I'm this way!" definitely makes life more bearable. It feels amazing to shift the blame for your life turning out the way it has onto something else, or some void in your life, something you feel like you were deprived of, or anything else. Usually in the case of people like us, we blame it on no gf. Missing out on teen love. Women having too high standards and hating us. Stuff like that. In reality, even if we had gfs, we'd still be dealing with the low self esteem that repelled girls in the first place when we were younger. We'd still have the traumas from our youth that we've carried with us to this point, the traumas that make us so bitter and fucked up and angry not just with women but the world itself. We'd have a wall between a woman and ourselves which would make us feel unloved in most cases anyway, unless we try really hard to take a good long honest look at what actually led up to everything being this way. Not to blogpost or make too many assumptions here but I'd guess most of us were either neglected by parents or over protected by them which both lead to being unable to form healthy relationships without early intervetnion, lots of broken homes, poorly socialized which led us to be stunted, early onset depression, poor view of self, became more and more isolated as we got older. Both sexes can have some pretty fucked up standards, yeah, but even if we found a woman who we found beautiful and sweet, there'd be a creeping voice in a lot of our heads that said "Well, she probably wouldn't even look at me. She'd probably hate me. She's probably fucking some other guy much better than me," and then start to hate her, or rather the idea of her in our heads. A lot of who we love and hate, when living like this, is a product of our own minds. It's hard to truly see people as human beings when operating like this. I've had a lot of time to think about this and process things, and I'm quite frankly sickened by a lot of what I've thought about completely normal people because of my own bitterness from a lifetime of feeling alienated and rejected by the world before I even had a chance. And I now realize that a lot of my feeling rejected was just me having low self esteem and making assumptions about everyone around me that made me hate them. 

This turned out way longer and more personal than I meant it to be, sorry everyone. But I like you, essayposter, because you have moments of clarity and you remind me of myself.

ALSO, I know that you feel like you're being logical when you make conclusions off "empirical evidence" like things you see women say online, or hear in person, and stuff, but that toxic shit accounts for a very small part of humanity. Misery loves company and it's easy to get sucked into online spaces that become an echochamber of people posting bleak content every day to reinforce their view of the world. And then these awful people seem way more common than they actually are. It's like when moms watch too much true crime content and start telling everyone that they can't even feel safe stepping outside onto their front porch because the world is just that dangerous. It's a view based on real world events and facts and even logic, but it's still not an accurate view of the world at large. So my advice is to try to lay off that stuff, wherever it is. I know I used to eat that shit up on r9k. Remember woman hate threads?

> Long before puberty even starts, people like us tended to already feel totally alienated from our peers
One explanation for this could just be being born unattractive.
> "tfw no gf" is mostly a coping mechanism
I get what you're saying, but I'd say that applies for maybe for 10-15% of cases. For the others, having a woman who actually likes them would cure most of their problems.
> Women having too high standards and hating us.
They do do that, though. If women just dated men on their level instead of having stupidly high demands, 90% of lonely men would stop being lonely.
> traumas that make us so bitter and fucked up and angry not just with women but the world itself
What about the men who just see the shitty things in the world, and aren't traumatized? Things like women's unreasonable demands, for instance.
> Both sexes can have some pretty fucked up standards
Please. Let's not do this "They're both to blame" thing.
Men aren't doing shit like demanding women have G cups, the way women demand tall men.
> even if we found a woman who we found beautiful and sweet, there'd be a creeping voice in a lot of our heads that said "Well, she probably wouldn't even look at me. She'd probably hate me. She's probably fucking some other guy much better than me," and then start to hate her, or rather the idea of her in our heads.
Speaking for myself, I have healthy self esteem, a healthy ego, and am full of confidence.
> She's probably fucking some other guy much better than me
Ever think this thought in men's heads is there because women really do do this kind of thing?
> a lot of my feeling rejected was just me having low self esteem
What do you think about the criticisms against women and the world that are actually real, and unrelated to personal feelings/traumas men may have?
> But I like you, essayposter, because you have moments of clarity and you remind me of myself.
Thank you, friend.

You're absolutely right that going out of your way to visit websites where shitty things are concentrated can lead to a negative outlook. And I do indeed remember WHTs. However,
> but that toxic shit accounts for a very small part of humanity
If that's true, how do you explain personal experience? If I go outside, take a note of all the couples, and I detect Hypergamy, that's not a biased echochamber, that's just people IRL.
Very often, I'll interact with a woman, and within 30 seconds she'll behave retardedly. Is that my imagination?
Shit, I WISH women were actually good people, and I was just imagining things. You don't understand how sincerely I wish for women to just be Good. But that's a blue fantasy.

A khazar being dyke is very very good, less khazar reproduction is best for the world. 
Although i don't get why this ugly disgusting rat, who is not even an e-girl, got to be the board's name.

thumbnail of goy.jpg
thumbnail of goy.jpg
goy jpg
(678.84 KB, 832x979)
And meanwhile she was thinking "you will be enslaved like the rest of inferior goys."

Reminder: they hate goys so much they even view their own fathers and husbands as outsiders.
And yet the only reason she didn't have a huge crooked nose is because she stole goy genes.

Hahahahahha you’re all such terrible people. Giselle will probably kick my ass for finally looking into where you guys hangout and what you say about them. Either that or if they do find out I looked up this forum and commented they will just feel betrayed and be upset with me :(. I wanted to just see if anyone was still being creepy towards them and obsessive to gage what level of threat there would be in terms of their viability irl and online. Not that I didn’t believe them, my curiosity just got the better of me. It doesn’t matter if you even believe me I’d rather you didn’t. I wasn’t planning on making any kind of comment but it really pissed me off whoever said Giselle only pretended to be nice or whatever you said. In real life they are the sweetest most caring person. I mean sure they can get angry at assholes who deserve it but they are literally perfect, fuck you. Deeply deeply fuck you. I hope you all never never find peace

It rarely happens, and when it does, it's only for a few moments, since she's just accidentally letting it slip out, but you can tell when it happens because she changes voice and tone. Screenshots of her posts may also suggest she had some attitude issues.
For example, there's this one clip where she hits her head on something and uses her real voice for like 20 seconds. And one short clip where she gets annoyed and is banning someone, and she accidentally drops the persona.
It's worth noting that these things happened many years ago, and may not reflect the person she is today.

anyone care to tell? same person that recently posted Agathas graduation. Idk how to use this website i jus want to know whats happening now and some links that can help provide info like other chans

Does anybody know if people finding where she works is real? Because we have heard her full name before ,Agatha Martin Sullivan, and the job thing says “Giselle” maybe she legally switched her name since gender change.

What do you mean by "What do you mean"?!

In one of her mukbang videos she devours korean stuff with her friend Irene. That girl can be seen in the graduation video too. She's Agathas classmate.

There isn't anywhere else, this is it. She's a small time youtuber/streamer who quit 5 years ago and has no public internet presence, what kind of community or discussion are you imagining there would be at this point.
Her family's dox has been known forever, practically since the beginning.
There was a guy on discord a year or two ago who claimed to be a real life acquaintance of hers and posted cropped photos of her from her workplace's website/social media. (someone else reposted them on 4chan and pretended to be stalking her.)
Her full name was already known. She goes by Giselle in real life and has for years at this point but I doubt she's gotten a legal name change.

Maybe first learn what you are talking about, retard.

If you are implying current "jews" are a distinct race or ethnicity, they aren't. They are inbred descendants of khazar converts who have nothing to do with the original jews.

You mean still jewish by their own self-supremacist goy-hating standards? A half-"jew" will always identify as jew, because it allows them to feel special and superior to others.

> her dad is a goy who converted

And yet they still consider him an outsider goy cattle:

Jews (whether ashkenazi, sephardic, mizrahi or ethiopian) are different from whites, being ashkenazi (Agatha's mom)  the closest to europeans with around 50% of their ancestry traced back to europe. 


As for the khazar theory, there's no substantive evidence of a Khazar origin among Ashkenazi Jews.


Ashkenazis make up most of the "jew" population worldwide, sephardics are just ashkenazis from Spain, ethiopian "jews" are blacks and the "white" "jews" of Israel already tried to genocide them. Mizrahis are the only ones who have any chance of being related to the original jews.

> there's no substantive evidence of a Khazar origin

And even less evidence for non-khazar origin.
It's officially accepted that the ruling elite converted to Judaism, the debate is about the degree of conversion among it's other people, but Judaism is still listed as the top religion, and most of the article and resource notes are also about how Judaic it was. If Judaism was the official religion, you think they just disappeared later? Of course, just like with the supposed 666 gorillion myth, the "jews" are the biggest hinderers of such research, because it might prove their narratives wrong.

So you only like to be retarded when your retardation isn't contested.

OK, what does any of this has to do with my og comment anyway?

All I did was ask if a rumor I've once heard about Agatha being a mischlinge was true, which apparently is

I don't really care about the khazar theory and I don't care about the original jews nor the palestine/israel conflict

It has everything to do with your comment, which implied that "jewness" is based on genetics:
> I've heard only her mom is jewish while her dad is a white gentile

> I just wrote what the nazis argued

Which happens to be the same thing "jews" themselves argue, and yet you somehow felt the need to bring up "nazis", then act defensive when it's contested.

> that's what happens when single-minded autists target you

Yes i have a single-mind, maybe you are a schizo with split-personality, that might explain your attitude.

Well, it is, that's why we can tell them from gentiles though DNA testing, and that's how we can tell ashkenazi aren't White (besides the obvious phenotypic differences) even if they trace 47% of their ancestry back to Europe  

In this graph you can see how closely related they are (if you consider this common ancestor to be the khazars or the original israelites that's irrelevant) even ashkenazi and libyan jews are still closer to each other than greeks and sardinias for example

> dissatified with reality and want to escape and daydream
this pretty much sums it up... dont want to be a ventfag but through my life ive realized that i quickly ruin every relationship im in, and it keeps me stable to simply observe someone from afar..whether this is pure cope or not i dont really care, it keeps me emotionally at bay while i can focus on other parts of life without feeling lonely. it obviously takes a lot of fucked up shit for you to end up at this board, especially several years down the road. its 'strange' of course, but i dont think its a negative habit. everyone has a strange part of their life they keep away from people, its just skeletons in the closet.

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