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would suck that forehead all day.

i just realized what i like about her, she has this old school sweet wholesome but probably loves to fuck vibe.

most women like her in US, same age range, are fuckin nasty. covered in weird shitty tattoos, all over arms and legs, over board on piercings, weird crap with their hair, weird colors, shaved sides, or boy cuts, act like literal fuckin street hookers,  and will deny it but its to impress some Chad dumb fuck someplace whos in a biker gang or some equally retarded nonsense
> she disappear, anyone has the new ig?

i looked at one someone recently posted, its got like 4 subscribers, i doubt she s accepting anyone.

Also, serious, someone try to send her here. does she know she has a fan club. A Russian lady us usually flattered by such things
Informations about     : rb.chk
userID                 : 8444280217
Full Name              : 
Verified               : False | Is buisness Account : False
Is private Account     : False
Follower               : 235 | Following : 240
Number of posts        : 15
Number of tag in posts : 0
IGTV posts             : 0
Biography              : 
Obfuscated email       : *@m*.ru
Obfuscated phone       : +* * *--85
Profile Picture        : https://scontent-ams2-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-19/44884218_345707102882519_2446069589734326272_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-ams2-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=1&_nc_ohc=z3tT3v3c1z4AX9CMCmP&edm=AAAAAAABAAAA&ccb=7-5&ig_cache_key=YW5vbnltb3VzX3Byb2ZpbGVfcGlj.2-ccb7-5&oh=00_AfA6Hoqwl6vVER-rbDDXFLR2QhvjHXpfWzmtuOcdH24bow&oe=64DED40F
thumbnail of finnish girl on finnish cottage.mp4
thumbnail of finnish girl on finnish cottage.mp4
finnish... mp4
(10.24 MB, 406x720 h264)
Shower and attic bedroom videos are obviously from summer house (dacha). Typical Russian dacha is roughly equivalent to North American mobile home in quality and climate adaptation: stick frame, sometimes logs + little insulation, sometimes pre-fabricated. There is no need to over-engineer a house which is to be used 2 months at most each year. Besides, wrongly laid interior tile would fall off in first winter in an unheated building, so what's the point? Plastic cladding does the job equally well. $700k houses with bolted-on shower spigot and acrylic wall on top of acrylic bath tub are a common sight in the States, but that's different, amirite?

Train interiors look like Ivolga train car, it's an exurban commuter, she isn't dressed up, that means she's taking a train to/from dacha, not school. Also, her regular city apartment looks normal, not run-down or outdated. You firsties are full of shit.
> weird crap with their hair, weird colors, shaved sides, or boy cuts, act like literal fuckin street hookers, and will deny it but its to impress some Chad dumb fuck someplace whos in a biker gang or some equally retarded nonsense
Thanks for the boner

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