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yeah i did basement dweller i came up with ukrainian vampire because i knew you faggots have a boner for slavic women and i edited my own photos to make myself look exactly like the girls you guys post because my friends like muffy was getting posted here and it just so happened that “franz” has a boner for ukrainians, took my pics and posted them on here, and i literally just went on discord and made friends with him and got him to take the board down. we even video chatted each other. and then your faggot little board got taken down after you all tried to guess information about me which was mostly not even accurate. you’re all a bunch of fags it’s great to come back on here and see how dead the board is, makes me feel well achieved

yes i am an american girl, i am beautiful and have had many boyfriends so i don’t have any need to edit my pictures but i didn’t want you guys to be sharing real photos of my face. you don’t deserve it, so that shit was comically edited. i’m not even ukrainian you fucking retards. whenever you faggots were looking for my address i actually had gone on a trip abroad while you were all sitting on your computers looking for my “info” as raaaages said, he didn’t have any real shit on me either. i’m so glad franz deleted your retarded board which btw he told me he only made it because you agatha faggots wouldn’t stop posting her on 8ch pol and other boards he would frequent. and now as a result this place is dead as long as all the old people that used it, assuming most of them have gotten lives aside from whoever’s leftover on here. i’m laughing at all you fags

maybe i’ll post franz face as long as none of you makes another retarded reply to this post. one a retarded reply is made you’re not getting it. but i have photos of him :)

I'm laughing at the state of your life and how pathetic you are to think anyone gives a shit about any of this. You didn't accomplish anything. Franz didn't take the board down, and when Dejiff wiped the first board everyone just moved to /agatha2/ anyway which became more active than ever. And that board was never taken down, 8chan went down. This board is also more active than the first that Franz created, so like I said you didn't accomplish anything. Also, you didn't edit your pics as part of some kind of brilliant scheme you did it because you're fucking ugly, nice attempt at retconning though. You can go back to crying about this board on lolcow now.

Greetings. I am a Russian Occupant. This is my profession. It occurred historically. I occupied Siberia. Now it produces oil, gas, aluminium and all kinds of useful goods. It has cities with tall buildings now. No one sells women for sack of mink hides there, as they used to before Russians.

I occupied Baltics. I raised factories and power stations. In place of their funny little huts. Baltics started making quality electronics and automobiles. They asked me to leave. Now they only produce sprats and launder capitals, whilst most of their workforce cleans British toilets.

I occupied Ukraine. And built factories with power stations there too. Ukraine made aircraft engines, ships, tanks, and cars. They asked me to leave. Now they manufacture political unrest in grandiose proportions. They stopped producing everything else.

You know what? I'm tired of apologizing for being an occupant. Yes, I am an occupant - this is my birthright. I know insides of a Kalashnikov better than a baby knows his mother's teat. I am an aggressor and bloodthirsty deviant. You better beware.

It was me who lived there hundred years under Mongol yoke. But where are those Mongols now? It was me who burned Moscow just not to surrender it to Napoleon - and how did your Bonaparte end? It was me who sat in trenches near Volokolamsk, holding off Germans on my last breath, knowing that they shall not step an inch further - where are your Nazis now, a where is their damned Hitler?

Everyone who dared, entered to my home. Turks, English, Poles, Germans, the French. Had enough land for everyone - 6 feet under, each. I do not desire your double-faced freedom, I have no need for your rotten democracy, every last of your so-called "Western values" is alien to me, I have a stake of my own. This is my last polite warning - try not to tempt me. I build peace, oh I love peace! But I wage war better than anyone else.

Best regards, Russian occupant.

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You have some weird obsession with this board despite the fact that no one here cares about you, nor have they ever.
These posts have the same typing style and say similar things to these lolcow posts so it's probably her rather than a larp. Things she says also comport with some stuff I recall Franz talking about and the way he was acting at the time, along with 'Fritz' own behavior and actions back then as I remember it. She's clearly distorting events to make herself look better though. She's been obsessively posting about this board for years.

Seems like a completely different person from Fritz. All the recent pics look like the “candids” posted with no editing at all. Why is someone larping as an egirl no one has cared about in like 7 years?

You've gotta be a woman or a teenager with how you're posting. Vendetta or something? She's a completely normal healthy weight, and calling someone your brother indicates the exact opposite of race mixing, not that you should give a fuck about that anyway.

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Franz if you're actually on this thread I want you to know I love you I'm not Fritz and I really hope you could guess who I am
I'm really sorry like I said in the other thread, I don't want you to think about me anymore but just know I'm ok and I really hope you're ok too even if you have a gf or anything I really do just want you to be safe and happy thats how much I love you
I'm drinking again and I know that I said I wouldn't anymore but I can't stop thinking about you, I don't smoke weed anymore I even know thats stupid but I can't escape bottles
I want you to know Im still ok though and I'm just being an idiot even after all this time I still love you and want to kiss you on this motuh again and fee; you against me

I love you Franzy and I know I"ll never get to be with you again but I still love you and I really hope you're safe. Could you please just respoind to me on discord or here or send me a letter please just let me know you're safe and still ok. I thought about killing ymself but I never did, I remember what you told me about that and I'll still stay strong I wont hurt myself anymore just like I promissed
I love your Franzy and im going to send you a pic that I hope youll understand who its sent from
I posted this on another thread Im sorry I hope you see this

And who are you then. I don't even care if he still loves me or not but I don't to know if hes ok
IDK if you know but theres a freaking war over in Ukraine and I want to know hes ok and safe you dont know what it is to be loved to to love any one on this whole panet of earth so I DONT FUCKING CARE
I want to know if my franzy is ok and safe and nothing else I even said fucking many times I dont even care if he has a FUCKING GF YOU FUCKING STUPID ASSHOLE I just want to know that hes ok

Im not a foggot I actually love him and we had somethiing real 
I know he was taliing to alot of guys and girls and I know he would talk to girls especially cus hes was that way but I said to him then and Ill say it again now I dont care about other girls I just want him
If your Franz I thought yod get my picture so Ill give more more, ill always be your funny valentine

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No I'm no one youd ever know and Im super sorry everyone when I was on here last I got drunk and super depressed
Its just that no one has contact with him anymore or they keep telling them to not give out his info and I really really miss him a lot Like as I said that night I get it if he has a gf now I dont even care I just want to talk again they were super fun times

I’ve never even posted before on any of the boards even at the height of getting harassed so what’s your basis on saying that You fucking retard. Still no messages. Someone won’t give up their anonymity. That’s ok. Get your sperm count checked. Knowing how to use imageboard for pedrophilic stalkers is no standard for intelligence btw

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I'm glad everything that happened, happened
I would have never have gotten to the place I'm at now, I would have just been some goof screwing around on the net
I'm real happy with where I am in life, just hope people here from the old days can say the same, even you

To everyone who knows what's up, hope you're doing good my friends, hate me or love me, either way I still care for all of you and wish you all the best
Let's hope you've all started to love yourselves more than the e-girls you've decided to orbit

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