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Our Cursed Unholy Maiden, Tsarina of Rhode Island, Queen of Judea, Grand Duchess of Newport Marky Jane Thompson
In previous episodes:  >>/32780/


Old picture collections
 >>/25646/ Marky.rar
 >>/25615/ Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip
 >>/30878/ Marky-secret-stash.7z

 >>/27484/ haiselnet +  >>/33243/  >>/33258/ full-res selfies

 >>/33103/ Marky Dolls & Figures.zip /  >>/33232/ with timestamps
 >>/33249/ purintain
 >>/34619/ mircolat
 >>/34556/ mirlodie
 >>/33232/ bash script to extract timestamp from Twitter filenames

Twitch clips
 >>/29337/ mirmeat
 >>/29342/ haisel

Youtube channels
 >>/29654/ +  >>/30101/ +  >>/29432/ mir / mirrr [UCj_UmWzyMhrNgs1Q3W-aOGA]

May 2023 Youtube streams
 >>/29663/ [2023-05-06] mir_read description.mp4 +  >>/33644/ chat screenshots
 >>/28090/ [2023-05-06] i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i [CMhVZ-aoq6s].mkv +  >>/28092/ chat log

 >>/29334/ Mitomo7/Dropofcandy [UCTJkRaslIJzlehqxrTpjZTw]

Oldest channel — mj [UCjvNbOC04iFZvNI7hVpiMMA]
 >>/24626/ [2015-05-27] autobio vid [HTyreb3_RUA] - only archived video

 IRL streams with Alice( >>/7552/) and some videos from deleted Mega:

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Another one begins on edge,
Another one is far too late.
Quick, crawl out of this soft warm cave —
Eject your daily filth.

Look at the wall —
Pristine white lime;
Look a the sky —
Diffused by clouds light.

Drink water, sip a bit —
There is no grass to touch.

A blind warm fiend politely crawls your neck —
Pray tell my dear friend, what time is it?

"It's time to go to bed."

She did private skype session too after the fact and it is verifiable. 
Btw she doesn't reflect on her past mistakes because she keeps shifting the blame externally. Her constant victimization will never allow her to grow up.

does anyone know the specifics of what happened between marky and alice? what caused their fallout? I wish someone had info. They were planning on living together at one point, then the next thing i know, alice was calling marky a fucking bitch in one of her streams.

Not really a fan of Marky but how were the Hovermale photoshoot pics found? I was sure they were AI until I read the last thread but never found out how they were found or where

Topper leaked the name of the photographer and we dug up the pictures of marky from his instagram.
The one with the blonde girl was posted by another anon who claimed to have the set but doesn't want to share.

dw about it. long story. theres a vicious power struggle going on among the highest ranks of marky orbiters trying to obtain the full set. ppl backstabbing each other , lieing, and other treachery to get their hands on the holy grail. its like game of thrones but worse. lives are at stake

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thumbnail of topper seymour discord chat log eric hovermale marky thompson nude set 2019.zip
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Someone posted discord conversation ( >>/32141/) of Topper (no idea who this is) talking to Sleepy Seymour (boomer lolcow from r9keddit) about Marky's photo set done in late 2019 with presumably her girl roommate at the time.
- Topper claims at least 3 other people beside him have copies and even offered to send it to anyone in that chatroom.
- Seymour reciprocates that he bought the only version from some Russian hacker known as "Andrei" or "Timur" for $700, and claims both copies were deleted as part of the deal between Seymour and seller, and Marky and Seymour
- This "Russian" dude was supposedly Marky's boyfriend/sugardaddy/sponsor at the time of photo shoot.
- You can see name "Andrei" mentioned in Kennedi threads, "Timur" is easily searchable on desuarchive, not Russian (ethnic or national) - Azerbaijani working in Belgium, a long-distance paypig ("orbiter" in r9knese) according to claims. Nothing substantial about both persons, only rumors.
- At least one non-public photo showing both girls' naked backs was posted censored  >>/32247/
- 4 photos are on Eric Hovermale's Instagram, all downloaded and posted in 1080x1080 resolution, most probably downloadable in higher resolution from signed in accounts:
* https://www.instagram.com/p/B7JXtFdBIa3/ The Shy One 
* https://www.instagram.com/p/CGY0-IgHhtX/ The Quiet One in the Coat
* https://www.instagram.com/p/CZp4R2MLBq_/ A Transformation in Drape
* https://www.instagram.com/p/CnFGwfrLasg/ Two Friends -- Looking for Answers
- One clothed pic  >>/32308/ was posted as .png, in 1476x1466 resolution, sourced from higher resolution original, you can tell from jpeg compression artifacts near letters seen on Instagram version.

I spliced all screenshots together in continuous scroll for easy reading, posting as zip since endchan doesn't like tall images. Beware: you may lose a few braincells after finishing it.

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I am incapable of saving even myself. Only rare pics, until my hard drives overflow. We live in hell. Strafplanet Erde, etc.

Anyways, while looking up this pic from MD5 hash recorded by Endchan, I had an idea how to deal with 4chan timestamp filenames in case original MD5 becomes inaccessible, e.g. when you save an image after it was posted here or elsewhere - filename remains original, but MD5 hash does not due to some server-side metadata stripping or compression or whatever.

Poking around I found that desuarchive (and most likely other Fuuka archives) understands time in ISO-8601 format with precision up to seconds, any of the following variants entered into Date start / Date end search fields are valid:
2019-10-13 14:05:31+04:00
2019-10-13 10:05:31
Offset can be anything:
2019-10-13 15:05:31+05:00
It's not evident from legend which only suggests YYYY-MM-DD with no indication that more precise times could be specified.

The following bash function:
for FILE_PATH in "$@";do
	FILENAME=$(basename "$FILE_PATH")
	POST_TIME="$(date --utc --date @"$UNIX_TS")"
	POST_TIME="$(date --utc --date "$POST_TIME 4 hours ago" +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')"
	echo "File: $FILENAME"
	echo "4chan time: $POST_TIME"
	echo "https://desuarchive.org/_/search/filter/text/start/"$POST_TIME"/end/"$POST_TIME"/order/asc"
Produces search query URL for posts with images in the exact second the target file was posted.
$ fourchan_time 1570975531526.jpg
File: 1570975531526.jpg
4chan time: 2019-10-13T10:05:31

It's too damn late in the night for me to understand timezones, where to add and where to subsctract, but guess I got it correctly, EST or whatever 4chan uses, 4 hours behind UTC in which archives show their posts. Good night.

that's only going to work on files posted during eastern daylight savings time, when UTC-0400 is the correct offset. you'll need to adjust to UTC-0500 for eastern standard time posts that occurred between march and november.

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Thanks. 4chan time falls 5 hours behind UTC in first days of November. TZ=US/Eastern also works. Here's a an updated short function.
for FILE_PATH in "$@";do
	FILENAME=$(basename "$FILE_PATH")
	CHAN4_TS="${CHAN4_TS%%s*}" # handles thumbnail names
	POST_TIME="$(TZ=America/New_York date --date @"$UNIX_TS" +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')"
	echo "File: $FILENAME"
	echo "https://desuarchive.org/_/search/filter/text/start/"$POST_TIME"/end/"$POST_TIME"/order/asc"
I added more archive addresses in the script.

They are 2 high ranked orbiters. One is probably Tom. They were talking about how marky had cheated on her brazilian bf with her best friend while drunk and then played it off as rape to be taken back by the huehue pedo.

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There has never been a real man who was made by a woman in the history of the planet. Boys you correspond with on message boards and wherever else, they project their love onto you, and lust after you, and think to themselves that your approval may be about to complete them as people, but this has never happened ever, ever; and they will either become men or non-men on their own, regardless of what you think. As you have a project like this, as you pour yourself into them, as they have to transform naturally into whatever it is they are destined to transform into, they will turn into a person that you barely recognize. Then they won't owe you anything, and you won't want anything from them, and there will just be a cold empty space where your sympathy for their sadness used to be.

> filename is hitori bocchi
> but image of Misaki
> text is formatted in italics
> content of the text is a schizophrenic interpretation of the idealization-devaluation cycle these BPD attention-whores constantly go through

Weirdest post of the day

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Fred Hyde png
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Interesting, a marriage announcement one'd expect to see in early 19th century paper, not in 1983. Is this a common thing in the US?

Delora Louise Gans and Dr. Frederick Herbert Hyde were married yesterday in the chapel of the Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest in New York by the Rev. Beatrice Blair.

The bride, daughter of Del Stone Gans of Seattle and the late Mrs. Gans, is a flight attendant for Trans World Airlines. Dr. Hyde, son of Edythe S. Hyde of New Haven and the late Frederick Herbert Hyde, is a consultant on hospital building to Stephens & Hyde of New York and Los Angeles.

He was formerly associated with the investment banking firm of Smith Barney, Harris Upham and Company, and served as director of the faculty practice plan for the Yale Medical School, vice president for planning at Yale-New Haven Hospital and general counsel of the Connecticut Hospital Association in Wallingford. A magna cum laude graduate of Yale, he received degrees from its Medical and Law Schools. His previous marriage ended in divorce.

Hmm, manager for medical cartel/corp. Peculiar coincidence, is it not?

do you think marky would start streaming again if she knew for a fact that incels were committng suicide over her? like if a bunch of ppl wrote 'marky plz stream' on their foreheads and then set themselves on fire.

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Now he's the saddest man in your country. Evil demoness took his soul.
Anyone has the right picture as separate file?
I managed to trace it back to /pol/, some Latvian decided to do a little trolling back in 2020

Also, what's up with pre-2019 instagram account (naikonu)? Most of what I encounter are just garbage phone screenshots. Could you fellow Brazilians ask around on your chans for this stuff? Someone must have archived it with timestamps, I see few pics dropped here and there, but never systematically.

Sams moms paternal grandfather is half Anglo half Dutch/German, and the Dutch/german could possibly contain some Jewish since that person’s grandmother is from a Jewish Nevada town, and he’s pretty brown looking, but i can’t confirm it. His moms paternal grandmother is a full wop so Sam is 12.5% wop

marriage announcements in the newspaper correspond to your social class. you will find them in local papers among the middle class and well-to-do. a marriage announcement in the new york times, however, signals being in the upper echelon of society.

what is peculiar about sam's dad being a hospital executive? he graduated from yale law and medical schools. those are the kind of people who run hospitals.

i think it's more peculiar than he married a flight attendant.

you like ella too? im subbed to most of her social media, and ive sort of gone down the rabbit hole and ended up on amazon japan where they have her 'uncensored' photo shoots or calendars or something. honestly im not sure what the hell it is. maybe its just a magazine. anyways i guess this whole post is a long way of asking, does ella have any naked patreon shit or anything shes put out in japan thats lewd?

> i think it's more peculiar than he married a flight attendant.

that's how it traditionally worked, men become elite and marry pretty women with unspectacular careers they run into at work. nurses, secretaries, flight attendants are all the pools men like fred have typically selected from. 

marrying a fellow post doc or doctor or whatever is a degenerate libtard city thing

This is not how things have traditionally worked lmao.

Men used to marry women of equal status so they’d have equal intelligence and equal other qualities too.

Fred Hyde married a lower class woman cause he’s a horny bastard so now his son is a degenerate wreck who’s lower IQ and inferior to him.

If a man had a kid with a woman who was below his class, usually it would have been out of wedlock and he would’ve not claimed the child

Didn't read this. You sound like a nonwhite or immigrant though. In the 20th century countless doctors married secretaries, nurses and flight attendants. The man brings the intelligence and accomplishment, the woman brings fertility and attractiveness.

Also, I bet you have an ugly dysgenic face. Peace bro

Sam's definitely "pretty smart IQ wise" given he's richer and more successful than you'd be if you had Harvey Weinstein at the peak of his influence co-signing your work. Thanks for the 92 IQ opinion though.

I never said Sam was low IQ, but his dad is like 150 or 160 IQ, and Sam is lower than that, maybe around 140 or lower. Sams dad Fred went to Yale, law school and medical school, and he’s got a ton of credentials. I don’t think Sam could do that.

Obviously having a high iq dad is going to make you high iq, but if your mom is substantially stupider than your dad, you are going to be as well.

I’m high IQ and from southern WASP plantation owners. And you clearly read my other message otherwise you wouldn’t be so pissed.

Parents have to have equal abilities for the child to acquire them. Its clear abilities get diluted if one parent is lacking.

Why do you think nobles used to demand that their members marry within the same class? It was because their offspring needed the traits necessary for ruling. Royalty wasn’t even allowed to marry lower or middle nobles, they had to marry upper nobles or other royals. A marriage below that was deemed “morganatic” and the child wouldn’t inherit the throne.

i wrote the original message questioning sam's dad marrying a flight attendant. you don't know what you're talking about. high society people might fool around with secretaries or flight attendants but they definitely marry within their class. they do so to preserve or increase their family wealth, have a stable marriage and well-bred kids (nobody says it but they all think it), and because that's who they will relate to as a life partner. if nothing else they'll do so to keep up appearances in their strata of society. this was especially true in the 20th century. you're either young, low IQ or nonwhite yourself if this isn't obvious to you.

Aawwwwwww what a qt gril.
Beware of pedophiles though. They come in all shapes and forms these days.
If someone with long hair, an orange baseball hat and grandma glasses gives you a candy, don't take it but run.

Star crossed lovers they are. Marky later tried to reunite with sam and he ghosted her, likely due to advice from his lawyer. Sam, it's your turn to make the first move. Don't be afraid to reach out if there is still love in your heart.

so she left sam for charlie, and sam was stilll hung up on her and was begging her to come back? sheesh, i know shes made a lot of bad choices in her life but this takes the cake.

She’s not homeless. 

Sam has kids with two or three women already and you want him to get with Marky? Where’s the beauty in that for either of them? Marky gets a man that is tied to other women at least financially via the children for life and Sam get a mentally ill woman unfit to ever have children of her own. Maybe before Sam knocked those girls up but its so over for them now.

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I never tried downloading archives myself and assumed no one had problems as no one complained.

1. Make sure you download everything without errors, Endchan servers are often slow and drop connection, try different domains, use some sort of download manager with resume and retries. I use wget for such situations. For Windows there's https://motrix.app - I heard it's good.

2. Use 7zip to unpack if possible.

3. Archive extractor (WinRar or 7zip) needs to see extensions it understands to extract multi-part archives, make sure files you downloaded are named in proper order: 
youtube_mirrr.7z.001 ... youtube_mirrr.7z.009

Web browser downloads them as raw binary blobs when you click on thumbnail, or copy link. This is how Endchan server stores them and how it generates markup for every thread; you need to click the filename link, which has a "download" attribute that gives each file it's original name instead of md5 string name.

4.I downloaded all parts just now, they extract without errors, so I assume problem is on your side. I should have provided hash sums originally for troubleshooting problems like this, but didn't. See list of SHA-256 hashes in the attached text file and compare to what you have. FYI, 7zip for Windows can compute SHA-256 and other hash functions as well.

Someone with a good upload speed should re-up everything on archive.org, so that we can save also the 2021 streams with alice and videos can be watched singularly without downloading the entire archives, which seems problematic for some of you.

yeah some of these latest threads were incredible. it was fun while it lasted. 
we dug almost every photo, video and piece of information from the internet to the point that there's nothing left to discuss.
we'll eventually have new glorious threads when she comes back.

i spent the whole weekend delving into this rabbit hole. Heard about some "Sam Hyde girl", looked her on this godforsaken board i didn't even knew about, now this has been the fourth night I dreamt about this girl.

WTF is happening to me bros?

Not Marky. Null confirms in the thread that the poster shared their ID with him in private messages and proved that they were a former associate of Sam's, and told stories that Null has personally heard in private from other former associates of Sam. So, as  >>/38494/ said, definitely Channing.

she is so scorned, unreliable and mentally unstable that the thread turned on her almost as soon they realized it was her posting. I wonder how Marky feels about Channing spamming pictures of her and Sam all over the internet while acting like such a looney that people take Sam's side or just stop caring?

One of Sam Hyde's multiple unhinged exes with BPD has "information" to ruin his career. A lot of it was just repeating stuff that was already in the thread, and allegedly info about CP on Sam's PC. Has been using one of the pictures of Sam with Marky as an avatar for at least seven months or so, it was suspected she was behind the account. After the kiwis traced back the exact title of one of her accusations, Marky doesn't seem to be involved direcly and seems to just be Channing Creager, one of the multiple girls on the list.

that's not a fact is it? All I've seen was that discord screenshot about what was going on after Brazil and those showing she watched some Fishtank clips. How is that an indicator she still has feelings for him? She got abused and was in a desperate situation when she got back home, get real dude

So she is going to be on null's show? That should be a hoot lol. Will marky try to keep her distance and her privacy or does she still want to get back at Sam badly enough she would get involved with this?

you drink wine with marky, and in the evening slide your cock in her mouth.
you go deep in her throat, her sloppy tongue gliding along the bottom of your shaft.
deeper and deeper, balls to her chin as you gently come to a rest, hold it in, and draw it back out.

she kisses it and looks up at you, her wine-stained lips smiling.
you grab markys hair through your hands, it's soft and it smells nice. bringing your hands to the back of her head, you slowly return her to your member, her eyes still looking up at you.
you just look in to her eyes, and bring her to your balls. she licks them and pretends to bite them a little, and kisses them, then runs her tongue from them to the tip of your shaft.
marky rests your member at her lips and slowly rubs it on her tongue, side to side, mouth open and looking up at you.

her amazon wishlist notification goes off, she pauses and opens her thinkpad.
markys playlist resumes playing.

this plays:

you jump up over the thinkpad, it below your foot.
you assert dominance over her, hold her throat with your hand tight, pucker her mouth open and force your dick down her throat fast and hard, and cum in her throat. you hold it in, pulsing and thrusting to the beat, her eyes watering and rolling back.

then you pull out and a thick stream of cum gets in her hair.
you finish by throwing ramen at her, flexing, and walking out.

the next day she DMs you asking for more.
you return and play this:
fucking her hard and strong for hours, fucking her in the shower with her face up against the wall, throbbing in her and finishing on her back.

she turns to you, with that look.
suddenly, ...you shape-shift in to her own father, eyes locked on hers, as she's still on her hands and knees, water running over her. her gaze goes cold. the coldest gaze a woman can ever show.
this plays and you leave:

you hear an ungodly scream followed by the sound of a glock firing.
after, just the shower still running.

congratulations, you've just defeated the right-hand adulteress demon of satan!
now your final mission, can you make sam hyde, satan himself, return to the depths of hell where it came from?


CONTINUE ? [ Y / N ]

I saw Marky at a local library in South Kingstown the other day. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued browsing around, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to the circulation desk up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen paperback romance novels in her hands without putting them on her library card.

The lady at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to lend those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear anything, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When the librarian took one of the books and started scanning it multiple times (they were all the same copies of one book), Marky stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After the lady scanned each book and put them in a bag and started to say the due date, Marky kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Imagine being marky trying to disappear and you have this channing schizo using an image of one of your most embarassing moments as an avatar and drumming up a bunch of extra attention in a thread on kiwifarms with a million views. Her potential upcoming appearance on MATI could deal a blow to sam, or she will continue to make a fool of herself and any claims against sam will be dismissed as ravings of crazy women like her. Not cool.

kiwifags are midwits and sam hyde, like jim, is a common e-daddy for them. they will never accept that sam fucked underage marky. they'll do the wikipedia bullshit where you need dozens of peer reviewed sources to sway them. meanwhile they'll run with the most ridiculous rumors for the lolcows they despise.

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It's official! marky your calendars

samhydepedo aka Channing the Challenger will be destroying the villainous Sam Hyde once and for all. LIVE December 9th, 6pm UTC. A revenge 10 years in the making. Don't miss it!

she obviously wants nothing to do with any of this shit and wants it all to go away forever. the fact that it wont is very distressing to her. its like she is not allowed to move on and forget the past because ppl continue to obsess over it. it must be maddening. its why when Soph did that video about her and sam, she went into hiding. she wants it all to be left alone and to be forgotten about.

I dont think she has any responsibility to 'come forward' and try to take sam down. Yes, I do think she could potentially save other underage girls from getting taken advantage of by Sam if she were to go public and make her voice heard, but, i dont think shes obligated to do that. The whole things is painful and emabarrassing for her. Imagine having to re-live it every few years when some autists think they have some new evidence and begin to re-hash everything over and over again. Shes obviously a private person and doesnt want to get dragged back into all this shit again.

yes, metokur. he's an oldfag that did a lot of gamergame videos as the internet aristocrat. he's also done a lot of videos lampooning lolcows. he doesn't stream as much anymore since he's got cancer. he's got a great voice and he's pretty funny. he has the old school internet mentality that nothing on the internet should be taken seriously. because he's able to deflect criticism so well, and because he's witty, he's got a lot of fans that try to imitate him or take his side just because they respect him. i think a lot of kiwifarmers fall into this category (at least in the threads i read). i mentioned him just because he's an example of how kiwifags play favorites and aren't always impartial or evidence based as they claim. even though many of them say "i'm just laughing at people on the internet", it's often dishonest because they too become wrapped up in the drama and personally invested.

retarded kiwifag niggers like you think a retarded 40 year old woman who has admitted to having severe mental illness is going to deliver some killing blow to a man that publicly funds Neo Nazis. whatever psychobabble she embarrasses herself by sperging with, will probably make Sam Hyde uncancellable for eternity.

she should be paying Sam for keeping her name relevant tbh. her confirming that she's been spamming MDE threads on /tv/ with thousands of anti-Sam posts for years is on par with Lee. quite possibly the ultimate crazy bitch. when other Millennial women end up in her position, 40 and unwanted with no children, we will probably see more of it.
Channing Creager, the Chris Chan of eggless roasties.

i was just looking up the age of consent in Massachusetts (they fucked in MA right?) and found this loophole: *However, Chapter 272, Section 4 sets another age of consent at 18 when the victim is "of chaste life" and the perpetrator induces them to have "unlawful" sexual intercourse.*

marky claimed to be a virgin, so what sam did to her would not have been legal.

I like how Sam has money but he respects you so little he makes you wash his shit stained underwear like a slave. He won’t hire a maid for you and let you kick your feet up and chill with your hideous SEAmonkey/kike child

Listen I aint reading all this bullshit you fucking losers. This is the magic of being famous is people seethe about sam hyde just because hes well known now, nobody is seething about jerry or whoever else fucked marky and ruined her.

Marky please check instagram dm

keeping house and raising a child isn't being a slave or employee. when her and sammy look into that baby's eyes and hear that adorable little giggle all the stress melts away. that's the power of love and family.

This guy hides you away because he’s ashamed of you. He won’t acknowledge you or his kid and he won’t marry you. He resents your existence sm you were worried when you got knocked up that he would kill you

Channing you fucking retard bitch, rub those 2 brain cells together for a second.
If his PAID employees are advertising his work on the internet, that's not an OWN.
i must suspect you have also received some form of compensation for your undying autistic seething. it's frankly not even believable and i don't think i will believe it until i get some solid proof ala Null conducting an interview.
what could the motivation be? the tranny Evan nuking his comfortable employment for a total nothingburger, later found to be in contact with Channing.
It surely is not at all admirable to have multiple illegitimate children if such claims are true. They may be reiterated with more evidence at a later date.
But who had the great idea to package this information to a big screed by a seething tranny who was malding for not having his girlcock sucked hard enough by drug addict wigger zoomers?
Absolutely and completely invalidated everything right out of the gate.
In any case, this is probably the most interesting seeth going at the moment, so I will continue to observe.

Real. If you saw her personality on her streams she is a very docile type. This makes it more creepy about what Sam (allegedly) did while she was so young. She was not one of those loudmouth bitch types who pursues older guys. Sam is a predator

I think it's pretty creepy you post a picture of her being exploited as a child everywhere you can and use it as your avatar on kiwifarms. It's creepy you remind the internet of her trauma every day of your life when she wants to be left alone just because you want to get back at Sam. What a hero you are Channing Creager!

Not really, other than some guy in thread getting verified by null as having worked with sam in the past. maybe they could get someone to pick up the story if it was treated more seriously and not this Channing lady spamming image collages, calling Sam a gay jew diaper pedophile and focusing on minor things he's done to literal whos that have worked with him.

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yw. Too bad I only have these low-res screenshots, I assumed at the time that someone else would have saved the full-res images, but I think some of these were just never re-posted again at all.
If anyone has higher resolution versions of these please post them.

I think the only one I've seen posted before is the second image in  >>/39983/
There's a higher-res version of that image that was posted often and isn't hard to find, so it's weird that none of the other images were ever posted.

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It seems that Marky already had short hair and a Thinkpad as early as April 2018 according to some file names posted on 4chan:

This offsets my previous estimates by a whole year back. What else, did she post her very last photos with blonde hair under haiselnet? Did she have 2 accounts at the same time, another slightly older one naikonu? I ask this in case some of you actually have all pics neatly organized, and I'm currently engaged in monkey business of sorting very small portion. My last resort is dating them by difference in camera quality and deepness of Marky's eyebags. She looks slightly different in most photos from Brasil, could be the diet, acclimatisation or tan - her freckles became darker, something between acne, moles and being sprayed with mud.

In excuse of wasting your time, have a couple rares.

> It seems that Marky already had short hair and a Thinkpad as early as April 2018 according to some file names posted on 4chan:
> https://desuarchive.org/_/search/image/gr3ZqQHZPfBVe9tv-b2rkA/order/asc
I see the first post has a 4chan-style filename that indicates the image was saved from a post made 12 Apr 2018 16:21:29 GMT. (I'm aware some other sites use this same filenaming, but it's unlikely it would have been saved from any of those.) However, as far as I can tell, this post made in April 2019 is the first instance of this image appearing in any of the archives. Considering this, I suspect that this image was posted using 4chanx's randomize filename feature and the indicated date is not legitimate.

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> did she post her very last photos with blonde hair under haiselnet?
You mean when from when she dyed her hair blonde? Those were all posted under mirlodie.
> Did she have 2 accounts at the same time, another slightly older one naikonu?
If I'm remembering correctly naikonu and haiselnet were the same account, just changed username. Maybe I'm misremembering, though. I don't have any kind of archive of these, maybe someone else does, but I'll post the few other screenshots I have from these accounts, timestamps in filename.

crazy how many selfies and pictures she takes. i wonder if she knows how life changing it would be for some of us if we were to wake up one morning and receive a simple selfie from her. i would probably be euphoric and happy for the next 6 months.

well, think carefully about how are you going to differentiate yourself from 50 other thirsty nerds? how are you going to be different? i wouldnt message her myself without putting a lot of thought and careful planning into it. only the most noble among us will be chosen

You are retarded. The way to differentiate yourself from the other fifty dudes is being famous or semi-famous in certain circles. Marky is a notorious clout chaser. 
She isn't going to read all 50 people no matter what message you send her. Sending a well thought out long message is how you get instantly filtered actually.

> she still is holding out for "the perfect guy"
I don't think that's the case. I don't think she's ever had a "perfect guy" in her head to begin with.
I doubt that she's even aware of what she likes/wants.

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Here are some pics from restaurant kitchen she used to work at, posted on twitter. Did she post her actual home cooking somewhere else? I hope you saved some to show us. Sardines are from November 2019.
Restaurant kitchen is a semi-industrial environment and not every recipe is reproducible at home/small scale at reasonable expenditure. It's almost as comparing automobile factory assembly line worker with small custom shop - completely different scopes and skill sets despite superfluous similarity. The only upside of working at an industrial kitchen is that you can take leftovers (you see what's good and what's not), and eat them instead of cooking, that if the bossman allows of course.

My mistake, it's a false positive. I took it from twitter_haiselnet.7z archive. Second picture is Marky's reply.

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Marky does not, what about her parents? Mars was at opposition in 1997. It does so every 2 years, not a particularly rare occurrence, but still. Also, Mars was in Virgo both on exact day of opposition (March 16) and on her birth day.


she has to be relieved. now null and the kiwifags think every single screenshot about marky's relationship with sam was shopped in a conspiracy by ex-MDE employees and Sam's crazy ex's. it's as if the teenage marky and a mucher older sam were never together. she's out of the spotlight and it can all be forgotten.

null is a fag for banning channing. her posts were hilarious and entertaining. kiwifags are so clueless. they were so dumbfounded when she brought up that marky is a pedo

Ok you autists have had your fun with some extracurricular nothingburger

Lets get back to the topic at hand, and that topic is the brilliant shining divine Goddess Marky

Marky check insta

He was concerned about it but he was still willing to have Channing on to say whatever she wanted. instead she got so fucked up she could barely speak and all her evidence was ancient screenshots everyone has seen
Do you think she has tried to extort Sam like Channing has?

Pretty sure Sam is going to die soon from the cocktails he takes. One of his employees is saying he’s been seriously sick and it’s abnormal for him. Some of Sam’s fans are so obsessed with him I bet they will kill themselves in solidarity afterwards

Go fuck yourself you havent earned the right to speak to the Goddess. Humble yourself before even asking.

She isn't active on insta rn. I will concession to her to allow you the right to worship if you stay devoted to her eminence.

Pray to her and continue to save tribute for when she returns, we must show her how much we missed her.

Marky check insta

Sam really fell off his game all the underage girls he supposedly abused are 30 now.

you can tell he is virile when he still lives rent free in their heads two decades later

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Anyone in Massachusetts willing to visit a museum?
Eric Hovermale is exhibiting some of his works in Attleboro Arts Museum. I've seen pics of the blonde girl. There might be also Marky.

We already had this discussion once. It's him. Multiple people can confirm it, including his friend, the russian and marky's hapa friend. 
That pic was posted on /mu/ like a decade ago and other people there can also confirm that this faggot likes to roleplay as a little girl.

That was mostly due to the speed the threads were moving at the time, meaning they wouldn't stay off the first page for a long period even with going to 1k posts. This thread has now not bumped in a week and still has nearly 400 posts to go before it hits the post limit. Considering that, I think it's fine to make a new thread at this point, if any of the thread makers want to.

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Our Cursed Unholy Maiden, Tsarina of Rhode Island, Queen of Judea, Grand Duchess of Newport Marky Jane Thompson
In previous episodes:  >>/34632/



Old picture collections
 >>/25646/ Marky.rar
 >>/25615/ Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip
 >>/30878/ Marky-secret-stash.7z

 >>/27484/ haiselnet +  >>/33243/  >>/33258/ full-res selfies
 >>/34653/ mirh

 >>/33249/ purintain   >>/34653/ haiselnet
 >>/34619/ mircolat   >>/34727/ mirinoru/mirpng/tain_pudding
 >>/34556/ mirlodie   >>/33232/ Marky Dolls & Figures.zip
 >>/33232/ bash script to extract timestamp from Twitter filenames

Twitch clips
 >>/29337/ mirmeat
 >>/29342/ haisel

Youtube channels
 >>/29654/ +  >>/30101/ +  >>/29432/ mir / mirrr [UCj_UmWzyMhrNgs1Q3W-aOGA]

May 2023 Youtube streams
 >>/29663/ [2023-05-06] mir_read description.mp4 +  >>/33644/ chat screenshots
 >>/28090/ [2023-05-06] i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i [CMhVZ-aoq6s].mkv +  >>/28092/ chat log

 >>/29334/ Mitomo7/Dropofcandy [UCTJkRaslIJzlehqxrTpjZTw]

Oldest channel — mj [UCjvNbOC04iFZvNI7hVpiMMA]
 >>/24626/ [2015-05-27] autobio vid [HTyreb3_RUA] - only archived video

IRL streams with Alice @( >>/7552/) and some videos from deleted Mega/@

Anyone has a better pic of Christmas edition Marky? Also, does it make sense making a Christmas themed thread even if it will likely last until February  unless something unexpected happens  ?

lol i was checking out that fishtank 2 trash and sam was trying to hit on that weeb summer girl and called her a "little" and she said thats pedophiles.. then i saw on tv that she posted on discord screencaps of tv threads of fishtank so she def knows about the sam pedo rumours hahahha.. i can't be assed to watch this shit but i want to be updated if hell breaks loose and sam gets called out or anything funny (like the show failing and people leaving)

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Our Cursed Unholy Maiden, Tsarina of Rhode Island, Queen of Judea, Grand Duchess of Newport Marky Jane Thompson
In previous episodes:  >>/34632/



Old picture collections
 >>/25646/ Marky.rar
 >>/25615/ Album pa2i7 - Imgur.zip
 >>/30878/ Marky-secret-stash.7z

 >>/27484/ haiselnet +  >>/33243/  >>/33258/ full-res selfies
 >>/34653/ mirh

 >>/33249/ purintain    >>/34653/ haiselnet
 >>/34619/ mircolat    >>/34727/ mirinoru/mirpng/tain_pudding
 >>/34556/ mirlodie    >>/33232/ Marky Dolls & Figures.zip
 >>/33232/ bash script to extract timestamp from Twitter filenames

Twitch clips
 >>/29337/ mirmeat
 >>/29342/ haisel

Youtube channels
 >>/29654/ +  >>/30101/ +  >>/29432/ mir / mirrr [UCj_UmWzyMhrNgs1Q3W-aOGA]

May 2023 Youtube streams
 >>/29663/ [2023-05-06] mir_read description.mp4 +  >>/33644/ chat screenshots
 >>/28090/ [2023-05-06] i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i [CMhVZ-aoq6s].mkv +  >>/28092/ chat log

 >>/29334/ Mitomo7/Dropofcandy [UCTJkRaslIJzlehqxrTpjZTw]

Oldest channel — mj [UCjvNbOC04iFZvNI7hVpiMMA]
 >>/24626/ [2015-05-27] autobio vid [HTyreb3_RUA] - only archived video

IRL streams with Alice ( >>/7552/) and some videos from deleted Mega

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