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Don't know about that but she needs to cut out the bf from the stream, I mean majority of girl streamers do.

That and she needs to play different games.  It's one thing if she was good at league but she isn't.  Granted I only saw her play for a hour but she isn't good.  Not being good at the game your playing and having your bf constantly talk to you and yeah I can see why she has no viewers.
I watched a few of her recent streams.
She had a canadian boyfriend who hates the US and has said it many times.
Maybe shes just going along with him because he is her bf and she is being a typical submissive slut.  But also she seems to have a lot of gay/trans friends.  I don't know her last ex was some minority as well so most likely was a liberal back then too.

I haven't watched any recent stuff, she is just too annoying and really boring.
I just thing she becomes whatever her bf at the time is.  Last 2 guys she has dated have been liberal so she's been liberal.

She also had a trump hat when she was in highschool.

If her current bf cheated on her and she started dating a conservative or whatever she would become his ideology.
While she living a boring life idk about the stable relationship

They haven't lived together and he apparently is from Canada so who knows if he will move to the US or her to Canada.

Her last bf they were all happy when they were long distance but once she moved in it was over in a year.
> Young Erica was very awkward looking, in a bad way.
She had a niche appeal with nice chubby cheeks and big eyes, it was cute imo.
Now those features are far less prominent and shes kinda just the average white girl

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