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> vulnerable people
Funny how in one hand she targets vulnerable people but on the other, for some mysterious reason, it's THEM who always end up being abusive and / or psychos. She's just a poor unlucky victim all the time wtf :(((
You are delusional. She merely used you as a way to kill boredom.
You were never a persistent thought in her mind and audrey is too narcissistic to really love anyone.
Might as well be. When you picture her in your mind (and I know you're reading this, you fucking skank), know that she was looking at whatever guy she was sucking off, be him off /soc/ or elsewhere, just like that. Imagine being her boyfriend and knowing she's looked at some other guy like that lmao, and even pegged. Ultimate cuckoldry.
because when i left discussion around her was totally dead. it was 1 person spam posting obsessive thoughts about her in an unbumpable thread. now i come back and ya'll are on thead number 4, her YT is nuked, and there are a bunch of new stories and links. photos and screenshots.  

kinda fun to try and piece together what is true and false. cause there is this picture of audrey as a cute innocent autistic girl, then stories about her chain fucking guys while having 72 mental disorders and being irreparably broken.
lol and buckle up for what's coming, son. Pretty much everyone thought of her exactly as what you said, a cute, innocent, autistic girl with cool hobbies and interests, until some aboslute fucking bombshell of a turd hit the fan and exposed her for who she really was all along. As much as I wanna hate her ex boyfriend, truth is he did nothing but expose her degenerate and deviant ways in a way nobod could have imagined. She sought it all herself, she actually did all the shit she is accused of doing which have reduced her into nothing more than a degenerate slut, she is not free of blame... and that's what hurts and fucks up the brain the most I think. Because I also was someone who thought she was different and somebody worth looking up to. I guess the smoking gun to this whole situation is her reaction to it all and how much dirt and shit she knows is in her hands to the point that she cant possibly deny it. It is all so fucked up it's unreal. SO I guess I undrstand what you say about how wild all of this shit is.
eh idk, thats just some dude typing paragraphs on here. who knows how much of it is true. i wouldnt take it as gospel since you just have his word to go off of. although it is in line with stuff ive heard before, years ago at this point.
Yeah years ago and even the recent past lines up exactly to what he said, hence why his word has so much weight to it. Not only the shit he said is undeniable on the basis of ehow accurate it is, but he also delivered details and more damning of all photos of her obody had seen before which she apparently sent him and him alone and which he posted as proof that he wasn't lying.
I also have to add the following: in her callout posts to twitter she never denied the shit he accused her of doing at all, she only shifted the blame by calling him abusive in an effort to try and get her simps to side with her against him and provide her with the validation she needed to feel as if she wasn't in the wrong. 

In any case, it's the shit he described about her in detail what fucks me up the most, like how good she was at giving blowjobs or how she would just meet guys off /soc/ and fuck them even if they were literal incels and also younger than her. It messes up with the image I had of Audrey so much it actually makes me upset.
> he did nothing but expose her degenerate and deviant ways in a way nobod could have imagined

kek audrey's exposé is the most pathetic in the entire board. Literally zero proof. You are the only retard who believes it blindly because you have a weird love-hate obsession with audrey and probably a closeted pegging fetish, considering how much you like to bring that up.
Why does Audrey seethe so much when she's reminded that she literally pegged a guy? Fucking worthless whore
You are either her ex or the obsessed retard because it's always the same pegging and abuse talking points. Go find her on soc and get pegged yourself faggot, and stop shitting up the thread.
> it's always the same pegging and abuse talking points
So you'd rather bitch about people discussing the most significant set of events regarding Audrey simply because it annoys you for some reason? Go back to simping and stop bitching, faggot

And I know I use the term "discussing" very loosely since most of those posts are either making fun of her for having done that or to express disgust but it's still valid regardless. What no one wants to see is people crying about others posting shit about their favorite egirl on the egirl board.
I don't think she's reading the threads anymore guys. But if she is I have something to say . There have been some men in your life who truly cared about you. But you are completely unwilling to realize they are also human and have issues and that you can work through them together. instead you push them away looking to find the perfect man that you will never find. you don't think any of the things you've done in the past are your fault or are wrong in any way. I'm not saying that everything was your fault. But somethings were and deep down you know that. You are a cold and uncaring person. You need help. This isn't an attack on you this is what you need to hear. Be kinder be quicker to forgive and be understanding of other people's shortcomings. Maybe you'll read this and mock it or maybe you'll read this and finally realize it's time to fix yourself.
Knowing her she'll read this and feel called out but also think to herself that fixing herself is exactly what she's doing right now. But that's not true. She always falls back to her true nature even after having these big but false self realizations. It's all bullshit. She can never feel true and actual empathy. For someone who calls herself a victim she's also incredibly stupid and selectively blind but I think that's fueled by her own narcissism.
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she could've became christian, married me, lived in my off grid alaskan homestead and lifted in my private home gym while america collapsed instead she chose to get vaxxed and lift for millions of normies..
If only she was ever honest about this but no, she chooses to give out a fake image for the sake of keeping her simps every time

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