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Single mom ewhore that is known on R9K for hating on other egirls. She was exposed for having a fansly and selling nude pics there. She used to have a server called "Chanlets" but left it to start her new career as a online prostitute.

Disc thugratz

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The reason that she started whoring out was out of desperation since she is always crying about how poor she is because she can't get a job and is afraid of ending up homeless. Seems like her only way of income was ended. Another proof that the account exposed on R9K is vores is that she deleted it right after it was exposed on 4Chan and the servers that shes in.

I thought she lived in a nice house with her parents. I remember her bragging about that, saying like she didn't have to whore herself online like other girls because her parents loved her and theirs didn't.

Vore is a Jew single mother who had a kid at age 19 with a deadbeat who trashed her familys property. They used to rob people she lured on tinder but now she just wagies and smokes weed. She hates niggers despite living exactly like one.

remeber that she has admitted to being a "borderline pedophile" specifically for tween boys, has multiple teenage male friends who she sends gifts to, and laughs at 15 year old girls being killed just because they were "whores" (in her words).

Vore been around discord for a long long time I think her pussy would be leaked if its our there by now even her server been around for 5 years and nothing so get proof or fuck off normie

I knew.
I absolutely fucking knew it.
It's always the same with sociopaths like her, doesn't matter what sex they are.

I was calling her out on her bullshit back when all she did was post in vocaroo threads in 2022. She claimed sooo much to be all uwu, humble and such a spectacularly great soul that loves everybody... except she pretty fast went into utterly idiotic rants about blacks and women. She felt so superior to them for no logical reason, yet she is lower than any of them.
Every single person who acts like this is truly depraved and a complete hypocrite.
At some point she even claimed welfare isn't good, for no discernable reason mind you. The very thing that could help her out currently. Well, I guess you at least can say she works her ass off now, after being a lazy piece of shit and non-existent mother for such a long time. Complete brainrot.

Wish I had some screencaps.
Gotta search the archive.

Are there leaks of her fansly on fapello or websites like these?
I want to spam her fisting videos everywhere on the internet and send them to her parents whom she still leeches off.

You know I actually feel kind of bad for being mean to vore but she really deserves it for being such a bitch to all the other girls. However reading about her fucked up life makes me feel bad, but she really needs to stop being so bitter and jealous toward younger girls.

> 41900 Vore has had girls in her server for years. She bans whores and idiots. You have no idea what you are talking about. She has some good relationships with many girls from different servers. Maybe it’s just you

Alright vore, I'm sure you do, I'm sure you have so many friends whom you totally will not pick fights with the moment they get the slightest hint of attention. So long as they stay beneath you and aren't "whores" (popular) I guess they're "friends" or whatever.

> Alright vore, I'm sure you do, I'm sure you have so many friends whom you totally will not pick fights with the moment they get the slightest hint of attention. So long as they stay beneath you and aren't "whores" (popular) I guess they're "friends" or whatever.

Not vore. Just a witness to the antics. If you think every foid cares about some popularity competition on the internet you are wrong she has been around since 2016 and many people dont have problems with her

I dont think Vore hates women out of jealousy, I think she just never grew out of her 16 year old not like other girls phase. which is getting a bit old since shes almost 24.

Nah it's jealously, she is old and irrelevant now and no one loves her anymore all she can do is lash out at the young and pretty girls and age regress back to the "good old days" when she was still getting attention and larp as an edgy 16 year old.

> She deleted it right after that it had been posted on r9k.

Nobody ever grabbed screenshots? Where is a single picture of her naked?

> Beyond this fact and the ring, same bed sheets, same hands, same tits as the other leaks and same moles.
It's 100% her.

There’s no moles on her skin and show a side by side comparison of full nudes with her tattoos rings and sheets

I just think its ironic that nobody saved a picture of it, nobody saw it, there’s no existing link even in archives or leak pages, and nobody has a pic of her pussy, I expected more. It came from that namefag katatonica who is been impersonating vore for a long time how do we verify?

> the hands are way too big
Imagine my shock

Like clockwork. Everytime these pics get posted on r9k, either vore or her close circle of discord pals always dive right in to do damage control. 

Haven't you wondered why she never posts her pussy? Why she has such a flat chest? Tits don't just fucking disappear after having 1 kid in your early 20s. I don't give a fuck how crazy you are.

Give it up. It's a man. It was always a man. you fapped over a man. It's over for you simpy.

These girls have to gain the attention of their audience somehow. So they lie about who they are because that's who their orbiters are. 
These girls will say they hate black people, then end up on a black dick.

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There are so many things wrong with the existence of this thread that I don’t even know where to begin. 

1. How the FUCK did any discussion happen after that clearly, terribly executed makeup filter? Bros? Come on. That’s MS Paint-tier. 

2. This isn’t an e-girl, or even an e-boy, this is just run of the mill internet trash 

You guys are going to have a hell of a time getting scammed if those makeup pictures didn’t put the breaks on any thoughts that occurred after seeing them. Picrel. One is a comparison to the shitty horrendous makeup filter. Two is what you can do in less than 20 minutes in a phone app if you’re not completely retarded. 

That’s a man. Be smarter than this.

not a single other e-girl used filters so poorly as this insecure sow 

like jesus fucking christ lady how old are you? what are you hiding under there? 

you’ll see other girls with pimples or moles or whatever and they post anyways there must be something rancid u see these filters

Vore is the ultimate PickMe
She'll bully younger (usually underage) girls for having their nudes leaked while in the same breath post pictures of her tits and ass all over Discord 
"All women are whores" sure, but you are no exception no matter how much you try to be One Of The Good Ones™

Vore can show off  her tits and ass anywhere she wants because she is over 18 and it’s legal. Also everyone on the board is still waiting for the nude leaks we never received. I would make fun of underage girls for being dumb sluts too if I were in the position to. Vore is based ngl

It’s not based to be an utter hypocrite. Don’t walk the walk you insult others for. Age has nothing to do with that unless you think she thinks it’s okay for them to be whores past 18 (she obviously doesn’t by all her public attitudes).

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Reminder this bitch is a pedro. She fell in love with a 16 year old boy when she was 22 and says it's okay because the age of consent is 16 in most states, but she also has said she's from NY. Age of consent in NY is 17.

Vore has been attempting to doxx a 4chan troon for pehdohfeelya, but has admitted SEVERAL times to being in love with a minor.. who is younger than the minor the troon was involved in. 
Vore is petty. Vore thinks she has control over everyone, when in reality, most people don't really like her. 
She went as far as to get a discord server nuked, just because she couldn't get an invite to it. 

She is a grown woman. With a child. She needs to act like it, and stop acting like a vigilante for discordia. It's retarded.

That tranny has already been doxxed on 4chan months ago reeetard her name is Triston Cuza and she sends her penis to minors. You can like whoever you want minor or not but you still need to follow laws and not send them explicit content so nobody cares if vore liked a 16 year old 4 years ago unless it was inappropriate and cudos for nuking the server vore if that is the one pukara was in

Its as if nobody knows Vore has been kicked out of her house and swatted before and has impersonators like ENTJ Void and some other grown creep named Friday stalking lying and framing all the e girls for things they haven’t done. Nothing comes of things like this because its just internet drama and hearsay over petty things. Why don’t you actually talk to people that know her or just her herself if you want to know how things really are?

This is true that schizophrenic guy makes threads on r9k almost every week and his latest larp is that vore flew across country and somehow found where he lives, broke into his house, and injected him with aids. Cant believe everything you read and hear from people especially where everyone is a bit mentally unstable

Her son will hate her when he's an adult, not only did she mutilate his penis at birth because she is a dirty kike but she also uses him for sympathy points online while posting her tits on discord and befriending pedrophiles.

he will hate her even more when I leak her nudes to all his classmates and they bully him for life. literal son of a whore. of course, I'll spare him, if vore kills herself. little man will get to grow up with a better, wealthier family. I have beef with vore, not him

You're wrong and insane. I spent like a year and a half just trying to get you to leave me alone and out of your bullshit. You did everything in your power to make me hate you, and I do, but I just wish you left me the fuck alone. You keep making up fucking stories about me and I get to hear it from other people all the wacko rumors you spread, NONE of which are true.
I just want you to LEAVE ME ALONE LMAO! I tried to be nice to you and even be your friend after your 2 year long fucking meltdown and all you ever do is take every single opportunity to shit on me, so you can get it right back. By the way this is only my second comment on this shithole of a website, so if someone really is impersonating me like you claim (even though I've told you DIRECTLY that I never doxxed you or impersonated anyone and you told your entire server that I was fine)
You have a weird fucking fixation on me okay? If you had just stopped making me your scapegoat for an enemy every single time you and I would have never had a problem and even still been friends. But you went out of your way from the very beginning to make me hate you and I still don't understand why

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